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Featured researches published by Tarciso Cabral da Silva.

Engenharia Sanitaria E Ambiental | 2006

O modelo ISA/JP - indicador de performance para diagnóstico do saneamento ambiental urbano

Marie Eugénie Malzac Batista; Tarciso Cabral da Silva

This work deals with the ISA/JP model - Indicator of Environmental Health for intra-urban analysis, according to the census sector and suburb, as a contribution to the urban management, with a focus on the area of environmental sanitation. It is an adaptation of ISA developed by Sao Paulos State Council of Sanitation, in 1999. One more sub-indicator, that of urban drainage, was incorporated to the ISA model. The use of ISA/JP in a System of Geographic Information - SIG - permitted the exploration of the potentiality of distributing the results in the urban area. It also made possible the representation and modeling of knowledge, thus making up a System of Support to Space Decision - SSSD. A case study in the coastal suburbs of Joao Pessoa City, Brazil, was presented. The viability of the proposed model as well as the advance in the description of environmental health were demonstrated, thus showing the variability of relevant information in the urban space.

Revista Tecnologia | 2009

Elaboração de Mapa de Vulnerabilidade dos Aqüíferos Superiores no Município de João Pessoa - PB, Através de Técnicas de Geoprocessamento

Tarciso Cabral da Silva; Carmem Lúcia Moreira Gadelha; Elaine Cristina Teixeira Pedrosa de Figueiredo

Os sistemas de gestao empresarial estao cada vez mais sendo inseridos no mercado e, a cada dia, sua importância tem sido reconhecida. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo identificar as vantagens de um software de gestao ERP (Entrerprise Resoursing Planinng) ao ser incorporado em empresas de segmentos distintos. Por meio de um estudo de caso realizado atraves da implantacao de um sistema ERP em uma empresa, analisar-se-a as vantagens e sua importância para tomada de decisoes em seus departamentos e, tambem, propor recomendacoes para o aperfeicoamento de processos nos departamentos de uma organizacao.This paper presents important and relevant characteristics of the modeling of the unsaturated soils using the Finite Elements Method (FEM). In FEM, the consideation of the effect of the suction is executed using initial deformation technique, as seen in ZIENCKIEWCZ, 1985. The use of this technique allows obtaining quite solid results in comparison with the results obtained in laborathory, as for instance, during the saturation of the sample soil in edometric double test. Also implementating the technique of initial deformation in finite elements program is possible to acquire results of collapse occurrence and moderate expansion at the same time, as in the case of elevation of water level in underground with superficial foundation. In this work it was also presented numeric analysis of earth dam filling, with and without hidro-mechanic coupled analysis, natural slopes, soft soils with dried superficial layer and irrigation channel agrees on collapsible natural soil.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um sistema de controle para um Veiculo Aereo nao tripulado (VANT) na plataforma de dirigivel, com intuito de acrescentar capacidade autonoma de voo pairado em missoes de monitoramento aereo, mantendo a plataforma quase-estacionaria independente da condicao atmosferica. Todo o desenvolvimento tem como base o Dirigivel DORA com 7.6m de comprimento e 2.6m de largura, composto da gondola e envelope. O Sistema eletronico e dividido em parte embarca e estacao de solo dando ao dirigivel capacidade de executar missoes autonomas. Sao apresentados neste trabalho os seguintes aspectos do projeto: modelo matematico, controle baseado em observador (LQG) e modelo de sensores. O controle proposto foi testado atraves de simulacao, e mostrou-se capaz de manter o dirigivel proximo da posicao inicial com perturbacoes de vento.This paper presents a critical states oil model used for the analysis of variations in water content associated with footing load. It is essentially a modified version of the Wheeler & Sivakumar( 1995)s model. An experimental validation of the model based on tests by Sivakumar(1993) is discussed here and studies a surface foundation lying on unsaturated soil subjected to water level fluctuations. Two hypothetical cases have been studied: a rise in the groundwater and a drop in suction from the ground surface, as in the case of rainfall or surface seepage from leaks in water pipes.This paper presents a case study about the change of conventional fabrication metods for manufacture cellular lay-out in pressure cooker plante with aplication in production and assembly operations.Abstract A vision of the effects and the concentrations of methane in the atmosphere is presented in this study, focusing on its sources and sinks, and on direct and indirect impacts on climate. Methane is an important greenhouse gas and its atmospheric concentration has increased due to anthropogenic sources since the pre-industrial era. The addition of methane to the atmosphere is more effective for the greenhouse effect than the addition of the same mass or number of molecules of carbon dioxide. Methane has a significant impact on atmospheric levels of other atmospheric compounds, as ozone, water vapour and the hydroxyl radical, and the reaction with the latter is the main mechanism for methane removal. Balance between sources and sinks and interactions with other gases are crucial to determine the total radiative effect of methane.O objetivo do presente artigo e mensurar o custo medio ponderado de capital de cooperativas agropecuarias. A fundamentacao teorica do estudo contemplou os aspectos relacionados ao esgotamento do sistema nacional de credito rural e os modelos para mensuracao do custo de capital. Os resultados foram obtidos a partir dos demonstrativos financeiros de uma amostra de 44 cooperativas agropecuarias, localizadas em oito estados brasileiros para o exercicio fiscal de 2008. A taxa media apurada para o custo de capital foi de 14,28% ao ano, cuja mediana situou-se em 14,16%. A discussao dos resultados permitiu apontar que 60% das cooperativas em estudo geraram um retorno sobre o capital investido inferior ao seu respectivo custo.Most of the oil refinery existing in Brazil and in the wolrd has been working whith high technology due to prevention on fire and environment matters. But, recent history shows that one of the greatest problems getting care whith fire, it is the fact that when a tank explodes, happens that the tanks cover fellsover one of the, or the only one, foam chamber, damaging it. Then, the foam chamber system will not work properly, provoking a delay on fire combat. Another point that has been occurring, it is the fact that the mixture of water and FGL(Foam Generator Liquid), for example, takes an extensive period of time to reach those foam chambers, allowing with this, enough time to accelerate the temperatures rise, making worse the effort of taking of the fire propagation. Finally, another safe easy way to add to the prevention system it is to leave the fire water line system pre-pressured. It allows a faster answer to the fire combat needing. When a tank gets under fire, besides human and material losses, happens a massive chock on the environment due to a high pollution level of contaminants discharged by the incomplete combustion reaction that occurs during the time of the incident. This pollution charge happens to be intensive and with continuos feeding for a long period of time. The neighborhood, their population, villages, forest, rivers etc, will receive a huge amount of polluted matter, and health and environment problems can last for a long period of time. The main idea of this work it is to add those excellent prevention systems that already exist, some few and simple procedures thet will make then more active to held with fire and environment matters on the Petroleum Industry.This article shows the problem of defining the source of energy in an autonomous underwater vehicle - AUV. This can be systematically extended to other autonomous systems. It presented a literature review of the technologies used and the hydrodynamic flow influence on autonomy. A process design of the power system is proposed to correlate the factors that influence the determination of the system.There is a considerable gap between the promises that the new computing technologies hold, and the expectations that they cause in the medical area, particularly, in the simulation and training of cirurgical procedures even less invasives in which medical professionals may interact with simulated organs. This paper describes realistic deformable models of the behaviour of the upper airways during a cirurgical procedure called laryngoscopy. In this procedure, the anaesthetist uses a rigid blade (laryngoscope) to compress the tongue of the patient, and then inserts a tube into the larynx to allow controlled ventilation of the lungs. This procedure can be difficult and even life threatening, and thus needs regular training. Currently, plastic models are used for this purpose, and these have many disadvantages. Computer simulation is an attractive alternative.In particular, we constructed a deformable model that can realistically simulate the behaviour of the tongue as it is compressed by the blade. We start from medical images, extract the details that characterise the subject, and then incorporate these in a finite element model to investigate how the tongue tissue behaves in response to the insertion of the blade, when it is subjected to a variety of loading conditions. The results show that, within a specific set of tongue material parameters, the simulated outcome can be successfully related to the experimental laryngoscopic studies. Further research is underway to apply these results in a interactive and distributed virtual reality environment. One main problem to be solved is computing the deformations in real time.As industrias de exploracao de petroleo tem crescido substancialmente diante da economia atual e, com isso, ha o aumento de equipamentos e instalacoes. Na mesma proporcao, ha a necessidade de efetuar a manutencao de elementos. No entanto, para que tal operacao seja executada, existem certas dificuldades na realizacao de reparos de trincas e defeitos em dutos e tubulacoes. Isso ocorre, devido a operacao em area classificada, em ambiente molhado e em ambiente contendo residuos de hidrocarbonetos. Tambem pode-se citar a necessidade de parada e limpeza de um longo trecho de um duto para a troca de segmentos, no caso de trincas passantes. Tais fatos fomentaram o desenvolvimento de um processo de soldagem denominado Friction Hydro Pillar Processing (FHPP) ou Processamento de Pinos por Atrito (PPA). Esse consiste em fazer um furo na regiao da trinca e posteriormente preenche-lo com um pino, o qual e submetido a altas rotacoes e forcas axiais. A fim de aplicar o processo mencionado, foi proposta a construcao de um equipamento portatil, capaz de efetuar a furacao em dutos e tubulacoes e executar reparos atraves do movimento relativo entre o substrato e pinos, o que e produzido por meio de rotacao e forcas de compressao ou de tracao. Com a insercao desse equipamento no processamento de pinos por atrito, surge a necessidade da automacao do mesmo. Dessa forma, foi desenvolvido, atraves do software LabView®, versao 8.5, um programa de controle e monitoramento das operacoes realizadas pelo equipamento e das variaveis do processo, as quais sao: velocidade de rotacao, forca axial, torque e “comprimento de queima”. Alem disso, por meio da instrumentacao adequada e de uma placa de aquisicao de dados instalada em um computador, pode-se adquirir os dados provenientes de sensores de pressao, posicao e rotacao, possibilitando aquisicao e controle em tempo real dos parâmetros durante a execucao de testes.Para vencer os desafios na area de engenharia mecânica que sao submetidos, cotidianamente, os estagiarios e futuros profissionais gestores necessitam agir com rapidez, competitividade, qualidade e propostas de bens e servicos com valor agregado de inovacao. Nesse novo contexto de gestao da inovacao nas areas e atividades da engenharia mecânica a equipe de trabalho tem que ser envolvida totalmente na busca de um posicionamento de sucesso no cenario interno e externo a empresa. A proposta de um Programa Executivo integrando estudantes com a realidade dos profissionais das empresas poderia ser ofertada como atividade complementar nos cursos de tecnologia e de engenharia mecânica. O artigo descreve um programa que integra conceitos de inteligencia empresarial (conhecimento, inovacao e empreendedorismo) e inteligencia competitiva (comunicacao, flexibilidade e inovacao) com uma visao sistemica e atual de gestao fornecendo bases para sustentar a criatividade e inovacao na solucao dos problemas de posicionamento estrategico frente a concorrencia.This article presents a low complexity dual tone multiple frequency (DTMF) signal detectort hat meets they ternation a Telecommunication Union (ITU) Q.24 DTMF standard while implemented on a general purpose Digital Signal Processor(DSP). The proposed DTMF detectoris based on the Goertzel algorithms and is well suited for a multichannel implementation. Our solution offers increased accuracy and noise margins, while preserving the inherited advantages of the Goertzel algorithm (less memory requirements and computational complexity).A seguranca da informacao e cada vez mais necessaria nas organizacoes e exige sempre inovacoes e um acompanhamento dos gestores de TI, mostrando a importância que a informacao traz ao negocio. Possibilita, ainda, estar sempre um passo a frente das ameacas e vulnerabilidades que possam comprometer o caminho dos gestores, os quais passam a ter em maos uma politica de seguranca bem elaborada, firmando o compromisso com a confidencialidade, integridade, disponibilidade, autenticidade e legalidade.Este artigo tem como objetivo descrever a abordagem metodologica empregada no reprojeto de um equipamento para ensaios de escovacao dentaria. O modelo de referencia aplicado no redesenho e baseado nos conceitos introduzidos por Pahl & Beitz, e foi utilizado com o intento de sistematizar as atividades envolvidas no projeto evolutivo da maquina citada. A realizacao das tarefas demandadas no processo foi orientada em diversas fases, de acordo com a sequencia estabelecida pela metodologia adotada. O sequenciamento dessas etapas levou ao desenvolvimento progressivo do produto, partindo-se do conceito original ate a definicao completa das especificacoes para a nova concepcao gerada e a determinacao desta. Tendo em vista a configuracao de equipamento obtido, conclui-se que a utilizacao da metodologia de projeto contribuiu significativamente no desenvolvimento deste, permitindo a execucao do trabalho dentro do prazo pre-estabelecido e obtendo-se um produto que atende as necessidades requeridas pelos usuarios.In recenty ears, universal access has attracted considerable attention by the research communities, mainly from the perspective of system development. It comes from the fact that the design of user interfaces for all must cover design issues in multiple contexts fact that the design of user interfaces for all must cover design issues in multiple contexts domains of interest. E xistingd esign methods do not necessarily support designing such user interfaces. A new design method is presented for this purpose which allows a developer derives multiple user interfaces from models represented by an ontology of concepts, relationships, and attributes of the domain of discourse.Modelos numericos que possam simular o fenomeno de solidificacao sao importantes, visto que a solidificacao esta presente em quase todo o processo de fabricacao de materiais. Entre estes modelos o Campo de Fase ficou conhecido como sendo uma tecnica capaz de simular interfaces complexas, num sistema super-resfriado. Este trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo do Modelo do Campo de Fase, pois este tem se tornado uma ferramenta popular para a simulacao e modelagem de estruturas dendriticas. As estruturas dendriticas influenciam fortemente as propriedades dos produtos obtidos pelo processo de solidificacao. Para uma substância pura o modelo utiliza duas equacoes de estado: equacao de fase e energia, que sao acopladas pelos seus termos fontes. Neste trabalho, serao apresentadas diversas simulacoes do crescimento dendritico, objetivando uma relacao qualitativa entre as formas das dendritas apresentadas e os parâmetros fisicos do Modelo do Campo de Fase. Entre estes estudos devemos citar a importância da fonte de ruidos para as ramificacoes laterais das dendritas em algumas simulacoes.O processo de desenvolvimento de produto (PDP) e composto por etapas que evolucionam no tempo e que integram ferramentas, metodos e tecnologias capazes de auxiliar na reducao do tempo e dos custos de desenvolvimento. O design for manufacture and assembly (DFMA), o quality function deployment (QFD) sao exemplos de ferramentas utilizadas no PDP. O computer aided design (CAD), o computer aided manufacture (CAM), a prototipagem virtual (PV) e a prototipagem fisica (PF) tambem podem ser citados como exemplos de tecnologias utilizadas no PDP. O objetivo deste trabalho e determinar a forma com que a prototipagem fisica esta integrada no processo de desenvolvimento do produto. Para realizar este objetivo um modelo de referencia do PDP e utilizado como apoio para identificacao das etapas do PDP que utilizam prototipos fisicos. Apos a identificacao no PDP, um estudo de caso e realizado, fundamentado em um modelo de PDP de uma montadora de automoveis europeia. Os resultados do estudo de caso sao apresentados por meio de um comparativo entre o modelo de referencia de apoio e o modelo de PDP utilizado pela montadora. Ulterior aos resultados apresentados se tem a conclusao e a finalizacao do trabalho.Presently, the concept of joint ownwership, where people live and work is increasing as an alternative for living in urban settlements. Thus, effective maintenance (including costs) is mandatory. Building maintenance must provide safety, reability and conservation. Essential tools for reaching these targets are the Total Productive Maintenance and the Outsourcing. However, they must be in accordance with JIT/TQC.Hoje em dia, existe uma grande quantidade de dados sendo produzidos atraves da utilizacao de sistemas de informacao. Todos os dias, muitas informacoes sao armazenadas em diversos bancos de dados, principalmente corporativos. Assim sendo, o processo de mineracao de dados vem sendo amplamente difundido e utilizado, seja na academia ou na industria, como um metodo de auxilio a tomada de decisao em areas como medicina, meteorologia, areas financeiras, entre outras. O uso de mineracao de dados mostra-se eficiente quando se deseja obter informacoes que, a principio, nao sao perceptiveis, no entanto, atraves de combinacoes promovidas nos dados, podem ser descobertas e usadas como fontes estrategicas para o apoio na tomada de decisoes. Todavia, esse processo nao e viavel se nao for realizado de maneira automatizada, e para isso, existem ferramentas que utilizam a mineracao de dados para gerar resultados, tornando o processo de descoberta de conhecimento e mineracao de dados mais rapido e eficiente. O trabalho aqui proposto descreve um estudo comparativo entre tres ferramentas de mineracao de dados, as quais foram escolhidas apos uma pesquisa de uso na academia e na industria da cidade do Recife-PE. Essas ferramentas foram analisadas sob duas perspectivas: desempenho, medido a partir do tempo necessario para o processamento dos dados de cada uma das ferramentas; e precisao, estudada a partir do percentual de acertos e erros gerados nos dados de saida das ferramentas.Dutos sao amplamente utilizados no transporte de derivados do petroleo. A avaliacao de tensoes em paredes de dutos e de extrema importância por fornecer informacoes para determinar a integridade da estrutura e possibilitar um melhor aproveitamento do duto com seguranca. Este trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir na avaliacao de tensao por ultrassom ao estudar e avaliar o efeito da temperatura na velocidade de propagacao e no tempo de percurso da onda Lcr de maneira a minimizar erros de medidas de tensao por ultrassom, decorrentes da variacao da velocidade originadas pela temperatura. O processo de medicao de tensoes mecânicas por ultrassom faz uso da teoria acustoelastica. Neste trabalho avaliou-se a influencia da temperatura na velocidade de propagacao da onda ultrassonica no aco API 5L X70, utilizado na fabricacao de dutos, e na sapata de acrilico utilizada como base para os transdutores. Para realizar as medidas de tempo de percurso da onda Lcr foram utilizados transdutores ultrassonicos e para analise das ondas uma aplicacao desenvolvida no LabViewTM em um sistema portatil. Os resultados mostraram que ha uma influencia significativa da temperatura sobre a velocidade de propagacao.Testes de Software sao tecnicas importantes para aumentar a quantidade de falhas encontradas antes que o produto seja entregue. Porem, grande parte dos profissionais de TI ainda nao consegue ver a real importância dos testes para incrementar a qualidade do produto. O objetivo deste trabalho e analisar a importância de testes sistemicos para a qualidade do software atraves de estudo realizado em uma fabrica de software cearense. Uma pesquisa quanti-qualitativa foi desenvolvida em um projeto de software para pesagem rodoviaria e ferroviaria. O artigo apresenta informacoes quantitativas, observacoes e a percepcao dos profissionais envolvidos no projeto.In this paper the thermal behavior of a pyranometer under transient operation is analysed through the use of the technique of Green’s functions. The transient solution for the fi eld of temperature was obtained as a function of experimental data took from the instrument operating under real conditions. The results showed the feasibility of the method of Green’s functions when it is necessary to have solution of transient conduction problems associated to boundary conditions that evolves with time.Um dos maiores consumo dos recursos naturais e na geracao de energia. Embora praticamente todos os tipos de geracao de energia, de alguma forma, tragam impactos negativos ao meio ambiente, a energia precisa continuar sendo gerada. Um dos poucos combustiveis que atualmente apresentam resultados encorajadores para sua oxidacao em eletrodos e o metanol. Porem, o metodo de preparacao, a relacao atomica, o custo e o beneficio sao fatores importantes. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo e preparar eletrocatalisadores de Pt:Ni suportados em carbono utilizando o metodo de reducao do borohidreto para aplicacao em celulas a combustivel que operam diretamente com metanol. As caracterizacoes de raios X e EDX confirmaram os picos caracteristicos da forma CFC e as composicoes nominais dos metais. Os eletrocatalisadores foram analisados por voltametria ciclica e curva de polarizacao de estado estacionario. Os resultados mostraram que o eletrocatalisador binario Pt:Ni e promissor para utilizacao na oxidacao do metanol para a geracao de energia limpa.Certain concepts in the area technique are purely mathematical and servants with the purpose of allowing an analysis in simple way of a physical phenomenon. That happens in the potency greatness it activates, potency reactivates andpotenq factol: An analysis of these phenomenons will be accomplished in situations senoidais and no-senoidais.A Rede de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Turbinas a Gas (RTG) surgiu como inspiracao para a busca de uma alavancagem tecnologica frente as diversas incertezas no ano de 2001, com uso nas areas de geracao eletrica em termeletricas e na area offshore, buscando-se a construcao de uma base nacional de servicos e reparos a frota de turbinas existente atraves do Programa Nacional de Mobilizacao da Industria Nacional de Petroleo e Gas Natural (PROMINP). O artigo busca o status atual desses dois vetores de desenvolvimento a tecnologia, sua aplicacao ao campo e se existiria alguma conexao entre eles. A RTG pouco avancou e o PROMINP apontou empresas com potencial de suporte em oficinas, o que tambem nao se concretizou. As empresas indicadas como baixo potencial pelo programa foram as que mais se desenvolveram e nao indicam conexao com a RTG. A atividade de suporte as turbinas a gas permanece sob gestao dos fabricantes, tendo seus laboratorios e oficinas concentrados na regiao Sudeste.This work deals with the main parameters of two types of aerodynamic flame holders, presently employed in industrial plants: swirler of axial and radial types. In the aerodynamics of combustion one of the fundamental problems is the holding and anchoring of flame. The increase in the efficiency of combustion points that the flames must be turbulent and the more the turbulence the better the efficiency since the turbulence promotes a better mixture of oxydizer and fuel. However on the other hand the increase at the level of turbulence of a flame might cause its lifting due to the excessive velocity and eventually its blow out of the burner causing consequently its extintion. In order to avoid this kind of undesirable phenomenon it is a common practice to use bluff bodies as flame holding devices which usually are conical or circular disk and frequently have holes and slots in its surface permitting by this way the direct flow of air for preventing overheating and the formation of scars on the front surface. By this way, in order to avoid overheating and surface scars and also due to the fact that the admission of air close to the base of the flame contributes to the increase in the efficiency of the combustion. All this aspects led to the development of aerodynamic flame anchoring device of vortical type (swirlers). These devices are usually employed in the design of modern burners.Esse trabalho tem como objetivo mostrar de forma clara e precisa que o uso do Programa de Analise de Redes – ANAREDE nao e aconselhavel para o calculo de queda de tensao em redes de distribuicao 13.8kV com cargas desequilibradas, para isto foram feitos calculos usando o metodo momentos de carga para determinar a queda de tensao existente entre o barramento de 13,8kV na SE PAP ate o barramento de 13,8kV da SE do shopping Iguatemi que e atendido pelo alimentador 01F2-PAP e comparado com o uso do ANAREDE que neste caso utiliza o metodo de Newton-Rapson, onde foi constatado que o Programa deThe quality costs so small and diffuse, even so significant on civil construction organizations expenses composition, are able to be reduced from the conception of especific programs destinaded to its prevention. This study presents rhe precedings for development of this program wich can make be possible to managment to vizualize, control and reduce those costs.O conhecimento preciso das propriedades termofisicas, condutividade termica e capacidade de calor volumetrica, e muito importante, por exemplo, na otimizacao de projetos em engenharia e no desenvolvimento de novos materiais. Entao, apresenta-se neste trabalho um metodo para a estimativa simultânea destas propriedades em amostras de Aco Inox AISI 316 e de Titânio ASTM B265 Grau 2. Neste metodo estas propriedades sao determinadas simultaneamente atraves do mesmo transiente termico experimental. Neste modelo, e empregado um fluxo de calor constante na superficie superior da amostra e condicao de isolamento na outra superficie. As temperaturas sao medidas na face oposta ao aquecimento empregando-se um termopar tipo K. Para determinar estas propriedades utiliza-se a tecnica sequencial de otimizacao BFGS na minimizacao de uma funcao erro. Com o objetivo de determinar a melhor regiao para estimar estas propriedades sao feitas analises dos coeficientes de sensibilidade. As propriedades termicas estimadas apresentaram boa concordância com a literatura.This paper approached the potential impact of anaerobic pond sludge disposed on soil. Major concerns considered the fact that the reactor was for industrial wastewater treaiment. Solids accumulated into the pond was low but with very irregular distribution. The sludge was well stabilised (CODBOD = 8.2) und N e P content would enhance trophic condition of the soil in which sludge was disposed on. However: immediate soil use for plant growth would be limited by high concentrations of ammonia and sulphide. Metal concentrations were high but did not show to be hazardous when considering the soil-sludge matrix. Soil salinization and pollutants migration should be considered in future studies.This paper presents a numerical model for analysis of concrete-filled steel tubular columns. The columns are constituted by rectangular cross-section steel tubes filled by normal and high strength concrete and are subjected to combined axial load and bending about two axes. The model is based on the finite alement method, using a total Lagrangean kinematics formulation and nonlinear constitutive relations for the materials, allowing the description of the behavior of the columns in pre and post critical stages. The model adopts the following basic assumptions: a) Sections which are plane before bending remain plane after bending; b) There is perfect bond between the tube and the concrete core; c) The steel is a perfectly elastoplastic material; d) compressed concrete has a hypoplastic orthotropic behavior. The formulation takes into account the tensile strrength of the concrete. In the analysis, the cross sections of the columns are divided into rectangular elements with sides , respectively, parallel to the edges of the tube. Results of several columns with distinct mechanics and geometric characteristics are presented. Such results are given as critical losd – lateral displacement diagrams. To validate the model, the results are compared with experimental values.Natural convection heat transfer inside a hemispherical enclosure with discrete heat source at the center of its base was studied experimentally. A nickel thermoresistive film was used as heat source. Such utilization was advantageous because it allowed to simultaneously determine temperature and heat transfer. Correlation between Nusselt number and Rayleigh number over the range of 2.5 x 10 4 ? Ra ? 5 x 10 5 was obtained. Results and the obtained correlation were within ± 10% of similar cases in the current literature.As transformacoes que a arquitetura vem apresentando nas ultimas decadas tem relacao direta com as dimensoes de tempo e espaco resultantes das tecnologias avancadas utilizadas na industria, nos sistemas de transportes e nas comunicacoes. Percebe-se a sensacao de rapidez do tempo e de achatamento do espaco. A arquitetura resultante desse processo nao e somente efeito material e concreto das estruturas construidas, da permanencia de elementos e marcas arquitetonicas, mas, tambem, da incessante profusao de efeitos especiais, que produzem um espaco acidental, fracionado e desintegrado. Ha quem considere o desenho arquitetonico tradicional um sistema redutivo para representar e conceber essa nova arquitetura. Os arquitetos contemporâneos discutem incessantemente as possibilidades de criacao no campo da arquitetura, em seu cruzamento com as linguagens digitais. Novos mundos projetuais sao criados para traduzir o espaco dinâmico da contemporaneidade. A boa arquitetura, no âmbito desses processos, parece estar na exploracao das possibilidades das tecnologias de computacao grafica de criar superficies envoltorias maleaveis, fluidas e envolventes, que nao sejam configuradas por geometrias ortogonais estaticas e que, supostamente, levem a outros modos de fruicao estetica.Theoretical results from an engineering study concerning the application of evaporative cooling systems for small-scale power generation and ambient thermal comfort are presented in this paper. A first case study considers an analysis on the potential of a direct evaporative media coupled to an existing gas microtubine cycle. A parametric study of the effects of the air combustion evaporative cooling about variables as cycle efficiency and output power, is investigated, so the microturbine performace along the test reference year (TRY) in Brasilia. The second case study is realted to the application of an evaporative cooling system for space conditioning of the Community Center of the University of Brasilia. The determination of the evaporative cooling system was realized based in the maxim thermal load calculated for a day summer in the Test Reference Year in Brasilia. Results are presented concerning thet two case studies.

Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental | 2004

Escoamento uniforme em canais circulares lisos. Parte I: adaptação e validação do método de Kazemipour

Maurício C. Goldfarb; Tarciso Cabral da Silva; Carlos A. V. de Azevedo

Considering the von Karman Prandtl equation for pressurized tubes, Kazemipour & Apelt (1980) developed a methodology for flow calculation in smooth circular channels, denominated as method of Kazemipour. Inspite of good results, the Kazemipour method needs graphic tools in its application, which makes its solution through computational methods and comparison to other existing methodologies difficult. In this research, the results of the analytic investigation that provides the validation of the Kazemipour method are shown, as well as the adjustments according to procedure proposed by Silva & Figueiredo (1993), performed in such a way to make the procedure independent of graphic tools. The result obtained is satisfactory and its use is presented in an example of practical application.

Journal of Engineering and Technology for Industrial Applications | 2017


Sara Almeida de Figueiredo; Tarciso Cabral da Silva; Taysa Tamara Viana Machado; Jobson Targino Dias; Thiago Pires Bezerra

Copyright ©2016 by authors and Institute of Technology Galileo of Amazon (ITEGAM). This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0). enses/b y/4.0 / ABSTRACT: Populations inhabiting semiarid regions face many challenges of access to good quality water. This alarming situation, belonging to the everyday of Brazilian semiarid (SAB), It has been mitigated by government programs of cisterns installation for storing rainwater. Among the water tanks spread in the semiarid, the concrete plate cistern of 16,000 liters, for domestic use, enables efficient access to good quality water for use in the dry season. This type of collection system composed of harvesting structures on the roof, water conduction structures in gutters and pipes, and of tanks for storage needs, however, some care related to their maintenance. The existence of disposal structures to the first rainwater and of hydraulic pumps to remove the water from the cistern influences directly in the water quality. This work deals with the evaluation of these structures, based on expert opinion and state classification system ranging from poorly to great. 30 water supply systems, in the rural areas of the cities of Cabaceiras and São Sebastião de Lagoa de Roça, in the state of Paraiba, were evaluated. The results showed the best situation for the conducting tube with 51% of the reviews calling it good, and the worst result was for the use or not of a pump to remove water from the cistern, with 63% of the assessments indicating it as very poor.

Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos | 2013

Cálculo do Escoamento Uniforme a Partir do Coeficiente de Atrito Modificado: Novas Aplicações a Dados Experimentais de Canais Triangulares Lisos

Tarciso Cabral da Silva; Iara Melo; Samara Costa

The representation of the shape effect of the channel in uniform flow calculation, performed by Kazemipour and Apelt (1979, 1980), based on experimental studies, has generated a procedure named method of Kazemipour. This method, through the adaptation of the friction factor, facilitates the adaptation of the friction factor, the calculation of the uniform flow in smooth channels by the use of the equations for pressurized tubes. Later, Goldfarb and Cabral da Silva (2007) modified this method to the explicit format. This new explicit method was confronted by these authors with the use of Manning’s equation for the calculation of flow in smooth circular channels and it proved more efficient. Once more, Cabral da Silva and Abreu (2010) and Costa et al. (2011) used the new method for smooth rectangular channel data and again it was successful. This work shows the application to smooth triangular channels with data from Powell and Posey (1959) and Pimenta (1966). As in the other applications mentioned, the results were better than those obtained using Manning’s equation. Key—words: uniform flow in triangular channels, resistance to flow, shape effects on uniform flow.

Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos | 2013

Cálculo do Escoamento Uniforme em Canais Retangulares Lisos a Partir da Formulação Universal de Perdas de Carga: Aplicação a Dados Experimentais

Tarciso Cabral da Silva; Márcia Abreu

Based on experimental studies and analysis of the representation of the shape effect of the channel in the uniform flow calculation, Kazemipour and Apelt (1979, 1980) developed a procedure named Kazemipour method. This method by adapting the friction factor, enables the calculation of the uniform flow in smooth rectangular channels by the use of the equations for pressurized tubes. Later, Goldfarb and Cabral da Silva (2007) modified this method to the explicit format. This new modified method was confronted by these authors with the use of Manning’s equation for the calculation of the flow in smooth circular channels and it proved more efficient. This paper shows the application made with three sets of experimental data from different laboratories and authors. The results once again showed the superiority of the modified method when compared with the Manning equation.

Engenharia Sanitaria E Ambiental | 2013

Metodologia para priorização de ações em aglomerados subnormais considerando os riscos de deslizamentos e inundações e as condições de moradia

Maria Odete Teixeira do Nascimento; Hamilcar José Almeida Filgueira; Tarciso Cabral da Silva

The problems regarding disaster risk areas in Brazilian cities, mainly hydrometeorological ones, such as flooding, as well as geological, like landslides, are typically related to socioeconomic and environmental determinants. Therefore, the search for methodologies aiming at understanding the vicissitudes of the dynamics in urban environment is essential in order to develop actions that may minimize these issues. This article proposed a novel integrated multiobjective methodology with the purpose of prioritizing actions for housing improvements or relocation of slums settlements in risk-prone areas. In addition, a brief analysis of three areas in the city of Joao Pessoa, state of Paraiba, Brazil, was presented. The results indicated that the best option is housing relocation for 4.5% of the total dwellings surveyed, and for 14.1% of them, housing improvement was proposed.

Gaia Scientia | 2012

Uma síntese analítica sobre legislação de proteção das águas subterrâneas

Germana Leite Gonzalez Toscano; Tarciso Cabral da Silva

AN ANALYTICAL SUMMARY OF LEGISLATION TO PROTECT GROUNDWATER. Despite the importance of groundwater in relation to socioeconomic and environmental aspects, the Brazilian legal texts do not deal with the detail needed regarding your protection. Otherwise, the countries of the European Community and the United States have laws that deal with the protection of groundwater, in which are defined guidelines and criteria for delimitation of perimeter protection, with the establishment of restrictions and control of land use. It is reported briefly in this article an analysis of legislation concerning the protection of groundwater, with focus to the laws of the Brazilian states. Among the main findings, it was found that only six states have specific laws on this issue while five others regard only in their water policies.

Engenharia Sanitaria E Ambiental | 2012

Uso do solo em zonas de proteção de poços para abastecimento público na cidade de João Pessoa (PB)

Germana Leite Gonzalez Toscano; Tarciso Cabral da Silva

The aquifers, especially those that occur in urban areas, are very susceptible to contamination or pollution due to the concentration of incompatible activities with the areas that should receive restriction on land use. The objective of this work was to analyze land use in the protected groundwater caption perimeter for the public supply in Joao Pessoa city (Brazil). From protection perimeters already defined, a study was made of the land use of internal areas through field visits, and observation of satellite image. The exercise of activities prohibited or constrained in the areas that should be protected was noted. The research demonstrated the need to regulate activities that potentially pollute the groundwater and contributes as a useful tool for building policies for the planning of activities on urban land.

Engenharia Sanitaria E Ambiental | 2008

Diagnóstico e hierarquização de problemas de drenagem urbana da zona costeira sul do estado da Paraíba

Tarciso Cabral da Silva; Maria Betania Matos de Carvalho; Carmem Lúcia Moreira Gadelha; Wamberto Raimundo da Silva Júnior

The coastal zone of the south coastline of Paraiba State is shaped by diversified landscapes and characterized by the presence of natural and artificial elements that provide this space with great fragility and notable scenic beauty. In this scenery, integrated urban zones, areas of environmental protection, sea cliffs, estuaries of rivers, among others, coexist. The anthropic interventions that do not take into account the complexity of environmental elements cause negative impacts on the landscape of the urbanized maritime edges, as well as associated problems of urban drainage. In this work, a diagnosis searching for a hierarchization of the problems related to the pluvial drainage in these areas is presented. The results allow to the decision taker the choice of better solutions aiming at reducing or eliminating the identified problems.


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Maurício C. Goldfarb

Federal University of Paraíba

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Alain Silans

Federal University of Paraíba

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Carlos A. V. de Azevedo

Federal University of Campina Grande

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