Vera Lúcia Antunes de Lima
Federal University of Campina Grande
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Featured researches published by Vera Lúcia Antunes de Lima.
Sociedade & Natureza (online) | 2011
Isabelle de Fátima Silva Pinheiro; Vera Lúcia Antunes de Lima; Eliza Maria Xavier Freire; Antônio Antunes Melo
Tourism is now an important economic alternative for different cities, regions and countries around the world. Due to high-income levels this activity generates, tourism has been encouraged by governments in many countries, growing haphazardly and without the participation of the local community. As a consequence, it has caused damage to local communities and natural environment in various destinations tours. Based on this, this research concerns to the implementation of a social participation strategy on tourism planning. To this end, we carried out and analysis of environmental perception in the community of Laurentino Cruz/RN by considering that the views, opinions and expectations of the people living in the locality are characterized as subsidies in proposing relevant actions and organization policies for local tourism. The applied methodology consists of a documentary and bibliographical research as well as the observation and questionnaires appliance to residents of Laurentino Cruzs urban and rural areas. These activities were performed from May to June of 2010. In short, the work brings environmental awareness as a strategy for community participation in tourism planning, contributing to the construction of a more participatory and less damaging tourism practice focused on the local community development.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental | 2003
Cláudia Germana da Fonseca Santos; Vera Lúcia Antunes de Lima; José de A. de Matos; Adrianus van Haandel; Carlos A. V. de Azevedo
The study was conducted with the objective of evaluating the hydraulic characteristics of microsprinklers after use with wastewater treated by an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB anaerobic reactor) and a polishing pond during a period equivalent to two years. The hydraulic characteristics determined for the new and used emitters were the following: manufacturing coefficient of variation, coefficient of use and the discharge-pressure head equation. The results indicated no appreciable variations after using wastewater. The value of the mean discharge for nominal pressure was reduced by 4.97% in relation to the new. The flow regime did not change and the variation coefficient increased but continued being of excellent category as per ASAE classification.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental | 2003
José G. de V. Baracuhy; Silvia Margareti de Juli Morais Kurtz; Fabio Charão Kurtz; Simone M. A. Duarte; Vera Lúcia Antunes de Lima; José Sales Mariano da Rocha; José Dantas Neto
The objective of the present study consisted in the diagnosis of the physical conservationist deterioration of the microbasin of the Paus Brancos Stream, Campina Grande, PB, in the semi-arid region of Paraiba state. The microbasin was divided in 11 minibasin. The methodology consisted in determination of the rugosity coefficient (Ruggdeness Number - RN), using the physical characteristics of the minibasins and the distribution of land use classes using the rugosity coefficient. In the studied area the physical conservationist deterioration is high (34.91%), contributing to this the small vegetable covering 232.15 ha (10.05%). There is availability of many areas for the agriculture but their utilization depends on auxiliary diagnosis. Although there are only 172.37 ha (7.48%) in conflicts, for the perfect environmental equilibrium of the microbasin, 1,286.14 ha (55.68%) need to be worked out. No class A minibasin presented excess of agricultural area. The deteriorated area in the studied microbasin is 507.35 ha (21.97%).
Ciência e Natura | 2017
Viviane Farias Silva; Wanessa Regina Geraldo Lima; Carlos Bezerra; Vera Lúcia Antunes de Lima; José G. de V. Baracuhy
To provide goods and services to human’s ecosystems need water like fish, timber, food, grains, among others. Similarly, are responsible for important services for the preservation of the quality and quantity of water available, such as the supply and maintenance of water flows and smoothing of natural disasters related to water, such as floods and droughts. This work was carried out to explain why the existence of this type of payment services in the pursuit of environmental protection exercised in several countries including environmental Brazil, based on the location of cases of payment for environmental services. Some countries have already practiced the payment for environmental services and the majority of services is related to water. Environmental service providers whose main goal that the business is profitable and remains. Payment for environmental service exists as an incentive to conserve the environment so profitable to the owner of rural land or forests ale smallholders and farmers.
Bioscience Journal | 2017
José Raimundo de Sousa Júnior; Geovani Soares de Lima; Vera Lúcia Antunes de Lima; Hans Raj Gheyi; Jônatas Raulino Marques de Sousa; Elysson Marcks Gonçalves Andrade; Lauriane Almeida dos Anjos Soares
In the Brazilian semi-arid region, it is common to find water with high concentration of salts and with variation in its cationic nature. Thus, we aimed to evaluate the growth and production components of sunflower, cv. BRS 324, as a function of irrigation water of different salinity levels and cationic nature associated with doses of nitrogen (N). The experiment was conducted in pots, under open field conditions, in the municipality of Campina Grande-PB, Brazil, in a randomized block design in 5 x 5 factorial scheme, with three replicates, based on five treatments of salinity and cationic nature of the water S (S1 Control; S2 NaCl; S3 CaCl2; S4 KCl and S5 – NaCl+CaCl2+MgCl2) combined with five N doses (50; 75; 100; 125 and 150 mg of N kg of soil). Irrigation was performed using water with electrical conductivity ECw of 0.5 dS m for the control and 5.0 dS m for the other treatments. The growth and production of sunflower cv. BRS 324 were reduced when the crop was irrigated with water of electrical conductivity of 5.0 dS m, independent of the cationic nature of water; nitrogen fertilization did not attenuate the deleterious effects of salt stress caused by irrigation waters of 5.0 dS m on sunflower cv. BRS 324; The methods of comparison of means through contrasts and Tukeys test were efficient and can be used together to evaluate the growth and the production of sunflower.
international conference on natural computation | 2015
Fabiana Costa de Araujo Schtz; Vera Lúcia Antunes de Lima; Eduardo Eyng; Adriano de Andrade Bresolin; Fernando Schtz
The present study was to develop a model on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in order to estimate the oxygen dissolved in the water of the river Alegria, located in Medianeira in the state of Paran. The model was developed based on data from the river water quality over the study interval. For training and validation of the model were generated 132 data groups: with 22 collections in 6 seasons. The input variables in the network were the water quality parameters except the (OD), which set as output. Given the results of the simulations carried out in order to predict the concentration of oxygen dissolved in the river water, depending on the number of variables involved, with an average error of 11, 42% can be concluded that a neural network can be used to predict the available oxygen in the waters of a river.
Revista Monografias Ambientais | 2015
Pedro José Aleixo dos Santos; Claudeam Martins da Gama; Lívia Poliana Santana Cavalcante; Vera Lúcia Antunes de Lima
E inegavel a importância do cemiterio para a sociedade, seja do ponto de vista cultural, espiritual, sanitario, entretanto, por se tratar de um empreendimento que oferece alto risco de poluicao ao meio ambiente e impacto psicologico a populacao e motivo de polemica e preocupacao por parte de varios setores da sociedade. Diante deste contexto, este estudo tem como objetivo descrever e avaliar os impactos ambientais provenientes das atividades sepultamento realizados no cemiterio publico no municipio de Queimadas – PB. Adotou-se como instrumentos de pesquisa: visitas in loco, atraves da qual foi realizada a observacao direta e registro fotografico do cemiterio em estudo, bem como conversas informais com moradores residentes proximos ao empreendimento. Os resultados foram quantificados atraves de uma Matriz de Leopold adaptada, na qual foram consideradas as dimensoes fisicas, quimicas, biologicas e antropologicas da localidade estudada. Considerando as atividades sepulcrais no cemiterio publico municipal da cidade de Queimadas, e possivel apontar que, mesmo em condicoes adversas no âmbito fisico, como por exemplo, quando se trata do relevo do terreno, a implementacao de suas atividades e considerada viavel, visto que no contexto historico da urbanizacao da cidade em que esta localizado, suas atividades precederam a construcao de residencias e pavimentacao de seu entorno, no entanto, neste quesito, considera-se como relevante a adocao de estrategias para a drenagem e pre-tratamento do necrochorume gerado a partir da decomposicao dos finados sepultados.
Ciência e Natura | 2015
Silvana Fernandes Neto; Geórgia Karênia R. M. Marsicano de Melo; Vera Lúcia Antunes de Lima; José Dantas Neto
The new environmental legislation refers in relation to the Permanent Preservation Areas (APP’s) equally for the entire national territory, not taking into account the specific environmental characteristics of each ecosystem, which has physiographic aspects, hydrological regime of the courses of water and dynamics of different land use. Thus, we sought to study to analyze the applicability of the New Forest Code about the Permanent Preservation Areas facing the problem, especially water resources of the Brazilian semiarid. Forward, there is the watershed Riacho Fundo located in the state of Paraiba, in the semiarid region that suffers from climatological issues, it has the lowest rainfall in the country, as well as environmental problems and use / disordered occupation. With the implementation of the new Law 12651/12, specified areas of APP’s have been reduced by 14.99% (Law 4771/65 old) to 5.31% of the total area of the watershed that is of 3757.89 hectares. However, it is essential that there is a proper establishment of rules for the APP’s, especially considering the Caatinga biome and their specific since, in the semiarid region, the rivers that make up ecosystems are mostly intermittent and ephemeral and where the areas protected by the legislation are commonly used to ebb cultivation, responsible for the livelihood of many families in the dry season.
Revista Monografias Ambientais | 2014
Viviane Farias Silva; Kalyne Sonale Arruda de Brito; Elka Costa Santos Nascimento; Vera Lúcia Antunes de Lima; José G. de V. Baracuhy
The use of solid wastes as substrates can provide components for cost reduction in the production of seedlings . In this context , the research was conducted in a greenhouse at the Federal University of Campina Grande UFCG , aiming to assess the cultivation of sunflower in different substrate compositions derived from agribusinesses . The treatments were : T1 ) Coconut Fiber ( 100 % ) ; T2 ) Coconut Fiber ( 50 % ) + sand ( 50 % ), T3 ) bagasse cane sugar ( 100 % ) and T4 ) Sand ( 100 % ) . A variety of sunflower used for the survey was 262 AG . ‘s Growth parameters were stem diameter ( DC ) , plant height ( PH) and the number of leaves (NL ) . It was found that the first review by the number of leaves, plant height and stem diameter were significant at 2.5 , 19.2 and 0.1 , respectively. The largest diameters of treatment 1 were all then reviews the T2 . In third evaluation in treatment 4 had higher values at the variables NF ALP than in T3. Coir had great results and the use of substrates from agribusiness is becoming viable sustainable production. these , the effectiveness of ME in Brazil and different scenarios that may benefit the environment.
Revista Monografias Ambientais | 2014
Viviane Farias Silva; Elka Costa Santos Nascimento; Leandro Oliveira de Andrade; José G. de V. Baracuhy; Vera Lúcia Antunes de Lima
The Brazilian semiarid region characterized by prolonged drought and poor rainfall distributed, reducing the quality and quantity of water available. In this context, the present study performed in a protected environment at the Federal University of Campina Grande aiming to analyze the germination of pepper pout with bovine substrate irrigated with different levels of wastewater treated.The treatments consisted on 5 water levels (N) using the water supply and wastewater derived from an upflow anaerobic (UASB) based on plant water requirement (NH), as follows: 100% of NH (N5) 80% of NH (N4), 60% of NH (N3), 40% of NH (N2) and 20% of NH (N1). Germination percentage (PG) the germination speed index (GSI ), mean velocity (MV) and the average time (Tm) of germination were evaluated, on biquinho pepper (BRS Moema). The germination percentage for water supply averaged 42.3% and 46.5% for wastewater. For water levels applied the average germination rate of biquinho pepper ranged from 0.086 to 0.089. The germination of pepper had better results with the use of water residuaria. O reuse of water in semi-arid regions is a viable alternative reducing costs and providing nutrients culture.