Tarık Gedik
Istanbul University
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Featured researches published by Tarık Gedik.
Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty | 2016
Tarık Gedik; halil ibrahim şahin; Muhammet Çil
Ulkemizde Orman Endustri Muhendisligi egitim-ogretim programi ilk defa 1971 yilinda KTU Orman Fakultesi Orman Endustri Muhendisligi Bolumunde uygulanmaya baslamistir. Ilk kuruldugu yildan itibaren gecen yaklasik 44 yillik periyotta, hem egitim-ogretim programinda hem de ulkemiz orman urunleri endustrisinde onemli gelismeler ve ilerlemeler olmustur. Bu gelismelere uyum saglamak zorunda kalan universitelerde egitim-ogretim programlarini yeniden yapilandirmak zorundadirlar. Bu zorundaligi yerine getiremeyen bolumlerin gerek yurtici gerekse de yurtdisi gelismelere uyum saglayamayacagi asikârdir. Bu calismada, Ulkemizde Orman Fakultesi bunyesinde faaliyet gosteren Orman Endustri Muhendisligi (OEM) bolumlerinin mevcut durumlarinin, egitim ogretim icin temel yapitasi olan ogrenci sayilarinin OSYM kayitlarina gore nasil degistiginin ortaya cikarilmasi amaclanmistir. Bu amac dogrultusunda (OEM) bolumlerinin yillar itibariyle bulundugu universitelerdeki kontenjan sayilari, tercih edilme oranlari ve universite bazinda genel dagilimlari tespit edilmistir. Tespit edilen bu verilerle bolum kontenjanlarinin yillar itibariyle ne tur degisimler gosterdigi ve bu degisimlerin neden kaynaklandigina dair tespitlerde bulunulmustur. Bunun sonucunda elde edilen sonuclar degerlendirilmis, gelecege yonelik egilimler ve yapilmasi gerekenler yorumlanmistir.
Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty | 2013
Ahmet Ilhan; Gökşen Koşar; Aykut Karapinar; Tarık Gedik
A review of the studies on the Turkish forest products industry revealed that there are many factors affecting negatively the occupational health and safety. Abundant cutter, piercer, other hazardous machines and tools around the working place combined with the lacking precautions result in occupational accidents. This study investigates the underlying causes of the occupational accidents and diseases in furniture manufacturing in Sakarya province. The study employed a survey composed of 12 questions and 26 judgments. Study population is the 1075 furniture manufacturing workers registered to the Sakarya Chamber of Industry in June 2011. Minimum sampling size is determined as 217 with 5% margin of error and 90% confidence level. We collected data from 227 surveys. 60.8% of the workers have been employed in this sector for 1-5 years. 19.8% of the workers has received no education on the occupational safety. Workers perceive the lack of the educational program for recruits on the occupational safety and health and the heavy workload as the foremost underlying causes of occupational accidents and diseases
Turkish Journal of Forestry | 2007
Kadri Cemil Akyüz; Tarık Gedik; İbrahim Yildirim; Yasin Balaban
Isletmelerin belirli bir tarihteki finansal durumlarinin gostergesi sayilan bilanco verilerinden secilen 19 adet bilanco degeri yardimiyla imalat sanayi icerisinde yer alan orman urunleri sanayi sektorunun diger sektorlere karsin nasil bir finansal durumda oldugunun tespiti calismanin temel amaci olarak belirlenmistir. Bu amacla Merkez Bankasi sektor bilanco verileri kullanilarak 1999–2005 yillari arasinda imalat sanayi bunyesindeki 14 sektore ait toplam 25.147 firmanin bilanco degeri cok boyutlu istatistiksel yontemler yardimiyla incelenmis ve homojen sektor gruplarinin olusturulmasina calisilmistir. Yapilan istatistiksel analizler sonucunda imalat sektorlerin 3 gruba ayrildigi gorulmustur. Agac ve agac urunleri sanayi ve mobilya sanayi sektorleri 3. grup icerisinde kendilerine yer bulmuslardir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Imalat Sanayi, Orman Urunleri Sanayi, Bilanco, Kumeleme Analizi, Ayirma Analizi.
Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi | 2005
Tarık Gedik; Canberk Batu
: In this study, forest industry firms in Duzce city centre were researched. The aim of this study is to investigate the quality assurance systems, standards and quality perceptions of forest industry firms. We used a questionnaire that includes 21 questions. First section of the questionnaire covered general features of the firm. Other sections queried quality perceptions of the firms and staff and quality control process in firms. 30 firms were included in this study and data were analyzed with SPSS statistical program. Evaluation of data revealed that most of the firms have been undertaken revision. Firms are actively seeking new quality approaches and considering the views of their customers in planning phase.
African Journal of Biotechnology | 2010
Kadri Cemil Akyüz; İbrahim Yildirim; Yasin Balaban; Tarık Gedik; Süleyman Korkut
Archive | 2010
Derya Sevim Korkut; Tarık Gedik
International Journal of Physical Sciences | 2011
Tarık Gedik; Derya Sevim Korkut
Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty | 2009
Tarık Gedik; Kadri Cemil Akyüz; Canberk Batu
Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty | 2012
Tarık Gedik; Gökşen Koşar
Turkish Journal of Forestry | 2018
Tarık Gedik; Muhammet Çil; Derya Sevim Korkut; Melek Yükselen Kaya; Bircan Şimşek