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Featured researches published by Teresa Martins.
Revista de Enfermagem Referência | 2014
Maria José Martins da Costa Dias; Teresa Martins; Fátima Araújo
Theoretical framework: The Morse Fall Scale (MFS) is a scalefor assessing fall risk. It is designed for adults and widely usedin Portugal. The scale should b...
Revista de Enfermagem Referência | 2015
Maria Rui Sousa; Teresa Martins; Filipe Miguel Soares Pereira
Theoretical framework: The changes that have been seen inhealth, namely the increase in chronic illness, have resulted inchallenges to health professionals.O...
Health Promotion International | 2015
Paula Encarnação; Clara Costa Oliveira; Teresa Martins
Based on Aaron Antonovskys salutogenic model, the authors of this article aim to analyze the term Faith as a Generalized Resistance Resource (GRR) of peoples health and to delve the relevance of this construct to clinical practice in Nursing. The authors consider that, in order for nurses to intervene in the promotion of faith so as to bring health benefits to people, a solid educational training in this subject area is required by nursing students.
International Journal of Nursing Knowledge | 2018
Francisco Sampaio; Odete Araújo; Carlos Sequeira; María Teresa Lluch Canut; Teresa Martins
PURPOSE To adopt the language and to evaluate the psychometric properties of “Anxiety level” and “Anxiety self-control” NOC outcomes in Portuguese adult patients. METHODS Methodological design. FINDINGS The final European Portuguese version of the NOC outcome “Anxiety level,” composed by 16 indicators, proved excellent internal consistency. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was forced to three factors. The NOC outcome “Anxiety self-control,” composed of nine indicators, demonstrated a questionable internal consistency. EFA was forced to two factors. CONCLUSIONS European Portuguese versions of the studied NOC outcomes proved to be tools with acceptable psychometric properties for evaluating anxiety in Portuguese patients. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE This study contributed to the development of NOC language and to the enrichment of nursings body of knowledge. OBJETIVO Adaptar a linguagem e avaliar as propriedades psicometricas dos resultados NOC “Nivel de ansiedade” e “Autocontrolo da ansiedade” em utentes portugueses adultos. METODOS Estudo metodologico. RESULTADOS A versao portuguesa do resultado NOC “Nivel de ansiedade”, composta por 16 indicadores, apresentou uma excelente consistencia interna. A analise fatorial exploratoria (AFE) foi forcada a tres dimensoes. O resultado NOC “Autocontrolo da ansiedade”, composto por nove indicadores, apresentou uma consistencia interna questionavel. A AFE foi forcada a duas dimensoes. CONCLUSOES As versoes portuguesas dos resultados NOC estudados sao instrumentos com propriedades psicometricas aceitaveis para avaliar a ansiedade em utentes portugueses. IMPLICACOES PARA A PRATICA DE ENFERMAGEM Este estudo contribuiu para o desenvolvimento da linguagem NOC e para enriquecer o corpo de conhecimento de Enfermagem.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2016
Rosa Maria de Albuquerque Freire; Maria José Lumini Landeiro; Maria Manuela Ferreira Pereira da Silva Martins; Teresa Martins; Heloisa Helena Ciqueto Peres
Objetivos: conhecer e comparar as praticas de promocao da saude e prevencao de complicacoes de enfermeiros que exercem em contexto hospitalar e em cuidados de atencao basica a saude. Metodo: estudo descritivo, exploratorio e transversal desenvolvido com 474 enfermeiros, selecionados por meio de amostragem por conveniencia. Foi utilizado questionario que integrou duas categorias de enunciados descritivos de qualidade do exercicio profissional dos enfermeiros. O estudo foi aprovado em comite de etica. Resultados: a maioria dos enfermeiros era do sexo feminino (87,3%), com idade media de 35,5 anos. Houve mais praticas dos enfermeiros dos cuidados basicos a saude relativamente a promocao de estilos de vida saudavel (<0.001) e encaminhamento de situacoes problematicas identificadas, para outros profissionais (p=0.039). Houve mais praticas dos enfermeiros do hospital relativamente a identificacao dos problemas potenciais do paciente (p=0.001) e supervisao das atividades que concretizam as intervencoes de enfermagem e as atividades que delegam (p=0.003). Conclusao: os enfermeiros realizam atividades de promocao da saude e prevencao de complicacoes, porem, nao de forma sistematica e as praticas profissionais diferem com relacao ao contexto. Este estudo e relevante na medida em que pode promover a conscientizacao dos enfermeiros para a necessidade de reforcar praticas de qualidade.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2015
Maria José Lumini Landeiro; Rosa Maria de Albuquerque Freire; Maria Manuela Ferreira Pereira da Silva Martins; Teresa Martins; Heloisa Helena Ciqueto Peres
Objective To identify the technological profile of nurses in Portuguese hospitals. Method A quantitative exploratory study conducted in two hospitals in the northern region and one in the central region of Portugal. The sample was randomly selected and included 960 nurses. Results Of the participants, 420 (46.1%) used computers, 196 (23.4%) reported having knowledge about using computers for teaching, 174 (21.1%) used computers to teach, 112 (15.1%) recognized that using computers can be a technological means to supplement classroom training, 477 (61.6%) would like to receive training on using computers, and 382 (40.9%) reported self-learning of information technology. In relation to distance education, 706 (74.9%) reported they were familiar with it and 752 (76.4%) indicated an interest in participating in training using this modality. Conclusion Organizations should be mindful of the technological profile shown by this group of nurses and look for ways to introduce educational technologies in the management of care.Objetivo Identificar o perfil tecnologico de enfermeiros de hospitais portugueses. Metodo Estudo exploratorio quantitativo, realizado em dois hospitais da regiao norte e um da regiao central de Portugal. A amostra foi aleatoria e contou com960 enfermeiros. Resultados Dos participes 420 (46,1%) utilizavam ocomputador, 196 (23,4%) referiram que tem conhecimento da utilizacao do computador para o ensino, 174 (21,1%)utilizaram o computador para ensino, 112 (15,1%) reconhecem que a utilizacao do computador pode ser um meio tecnologico para completar a formacao presencial, 477 (61,6%) gostariam de receber formacao sobre a utilizacao do computador e 382 (40,9%) referiram autoaprendizagem em informatica. Em relacao ao ensino a distância 706 (74,9%) relataram que nao estao familiarizados e 752 (76,4%) referiram interesseem participar em formacoesnesta modalidade. Conclusao As organizacoes devem estar atentas ao perfil tecnologico que se desenha neste grupo de enfermeiros e procurar formas de introduzir as tecnologias educacionais na gestao de cuidados.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2015
Teresa Martins; Maria José Peixoto; Fátima Araújo; Marta Rodrigues; Fátima Pires
OBJETIVO Crear una version reducida del Cuestionario de Evaluacion de la Sobrecarga del Cuidador Informal (CESCI) que sea estructuralmente equivalente y que reuna criterios de fidelidad y validez. METODO Mediante datos secundarios a estudios anteriores se constituyeron dos muestras, la primera para el desarrollo de la version reducida y la segunda para estudiar la validez factorial. Los participantes respondieron al CESCI, el SF 36, la HAD y a preguntas sociodemograficas. RESULTADOS La version reducida de 14 items demostro adecuadas propiedades psicometricas de validez y consistencia interna adaptadas a una estructura heptadimensional que evalua los aspectos negativos y positivos del cuidar. CONCLUSION El analisis factorial confirmatorio revelo un buen ajuste al modelo teorico preconizado.OBJETIVE to create a reduced version of the QASCI, which is structurally equivalent to the long one and meets the criteria of reliability and validity. METHOD Through secondary data from previous studies, the participants were divided into two samples, one for the development of reduced version and the second for study of the factorial validity. Participants responded to QASCI, the SF 36, the ADHS and demographic questions. RESULTS A reduced version of 14 items showed adequate psychometric properties of validity and internal consistency, adapted to a heptadimensional structure that assesses positive and negative aspects of care. CONCLUSION Confirmatory factor analysis revealed a good fit with the advocated theoretical model.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2015
Teresa Martins; Maria José Peixoto; Fátima Araújo; Marta Rodrigues; Fátima Pires
OBJETIVO Crear una version reducida del Cuestionario de Evaluacion de la Sobrecarga del Cuidador Informal (CESCI) que sea estructuralmente equivalente y que reuna criterios de fidelidad y validez. METODO Mediante datos secundarios a estudios anteriores se constituyeron dos muestras, la primera para el desarrollo de la version reducida y la segunda para estudiar la validez factorial. Los participantes respondieron al CESCI, el SF 36, la HAD y a preguntas sociodemograficas. RESULTADOS La version reducida de 14 items demostro adecuadas propiedades psicometricas de validez y consistencia interna adaptadas a una estructura heptadimensional que evalua los aspectos negativos y positivos del cuidar. CONCLUSION El analisis factorial confirmatorio revelo un buen ajuste al modelo teorico preconizado.OBJETIVE to create a reduced version of the QASCI, which is structurally equivalent to the long one and meets the criteria of reliability and validity. METHOD Through secondary data from previous studies, the participants were divided into two samples, one for the development of reduced version and the second for study of the factorial validity. Participants responded to QASCI, the SF 36, the ADHS and demographic questions. RESULTS A reduced version of 14 items showed adequate psychometric properties of validity and internal consistency, adapted to a heptadimensional structure that assesses positive and negative aspects of care. CONCLUSION Confirmatory factor analysis revealed a good fit with the advocated theoretical model.
Revista de Enfermagem Referência | 2013
Maria José Martins da Costa-Dias; Alexandre Santos Oliveira; Cristina Nogueira Moreira Nogueira Moreira; Ana Sofia Santos; Teresa Martins; Fátima Araújo
The causes of falls are multifactorial and medications make a significant contribution. The objective of this study is to explore the association between med...
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences | 2018
Paula Encarnação; Clara Costa Oliveira; Teresa Martins
BACKGROUND Suffering has been considered by many authors to be a difficult concept to assess and measure, as it is subjective and unique. However, to guide the diagnosis and decision-making of healthcare professionals, it is important to develop an instrument that differentiates the different suffering dimensions, namely, intra- and interpersonal suffering, awareness of suffering and spiritual suffering. AIM The aim of this study was thus to design and validate an instrument for the assessment of the dimensions of suffering in adult patients with chronic diseases or life-threatening illnesses. METHOD A methodological study was developed. The data were collected from two self-help organisations and a palliative care unit. The theoretical model was tested using confirmatory factor analysis. The study sample consisted of 251 patients with chronic diseases or life-threatening illnesses. The Sense of Coherence Scale, the Spiritual Assessment Scale and the Suffering Assessment Questionnaire in Adults with Chronic Diseases or Life-Threatening Illness (SAQ) were applied to each participant and were later returned for analysis. RESULTS An SAQ version with 12 items showed adequate psychometric characteristics of validity and internal consistency after being adapted to a four-dimensional structure that assesses the four dimensions of suffering. CONCLUSION The results of confirmatory analysis indicated a good model fit that suggested that the advocated theoretical model is plausible.