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Tetrahedron Letters | 1980

New guanosine derivatives: facile O6-phosphorylation, thiophosphinylation sulfonylation and silylation of guanosine derivatives by 4-dimethylaminopyridine catalized reaction

Hristo Petrov Daskalov; Mitsuo Sekine; Tsujiaki Hata

Abstract Appropriately protected guanosine derivatives were successfully converted to the corresponding O 6 -substituted guanosine derivatives by treatment with dialkyl- or diaryl-phosphoryl halides, dialkyl- or diaryl-phosphinothioyl halides, arenesulfonyl chlorides, and trialkylsilyl chlorides.

Journal of The Chemical Society-perkin Transactions 1 | 1980

One-step synthesis of 5′-azido-nucleosides

Isamu Yamamoto; Mitsuo Sekine; Tsujiaki Hata

Regioselective azidation of unprotected or appropriately protected nucleosides was conducted by means of the reagent triphenylphosphine–carbon tetrabromide–lithium azide. By use of this reagent, 5′-azido-5′-deoxynucleosides were prepared conveniently in one step from nucleosides in high yields. Secondary hydroxy-groups of appropriately 5′-protected nucleosides were also converted by the reagent to azido-functions with complete inversion.

Tetrahedron Letters | 1983

Diphenylcarbamoyl and propionyl groups: a new combination of protecting groups for the guanine residue

Takashi Kamimura; Masahiko Tsuchiya; Kohji Koura; Mitsuo Sekine; Tsujiaki Hata

Abstract Protection of the guanine residue with the O 5 -diphenylcarbamoyl and N 2 -propionyl groups is described. These protecting groups could be readily introduced and removed simultaneously. They were used to demonstrate the synthesis of the deoxyguanylate dimer in high yield.

Tetrahedron Letters | 1982

Phthaloyl group : a new amino protecting group of deoxyadenosine in oligonucleotide synthesis

Akiko Kume; Mitsuo Sekine; Tsujiaki Hata

Abstract A phthaloyl group has been introduced into the N 6 -amino group of deoxyadenosine via silylation followed by acylation. The phthaloyl group resulted in remarkable retarding effects on depurination, while it could be removed under milder conditions than the benzoyl group. Thus, a tetradeoxyadenylate has been successfully synthesized in high yield.

Tetrahedron Letters | 1981

Phosphotriester approach to oligothymidylate synthesis utilizing a simple thymidine unit and a new type of condensing agents

Mitsuo Sekine; Jun-ichi Matsuzaki; Tsujiaki Hata

Abstract DMTrTp(SPh) 2 was proposed as a simplest “nucleotide unit” for the synthesis of olygothymidylates. One phenylthio group was removed selectively and rapidly from dithiol-esters by 1 M pyridinium hypophosphonate. Two kinds of arenedisulfonyl chlorides were newly prepared and utilized as promising condensing agents.

Journal of The Chemical Society-perkin Transactions 1 | 1983

Synthesis of 5′-alkylthio-5′-deoxynucleosides from nucleosides in a one-pot reaction

Iwao Nakagawa; Koichi Aki; Tsujiaki Hata

5′-Alkyl (aryl) thio-5′-deoxynucleosides [alkyl (aryl) nucleoside sulphides] were prepared in high yields by the reaction of nucleosides with dialkyl or diaryl disulphides in the presence of tri-n-butylphosphine. The method is widely applicable to the synthesis of unsymmetrical sulphides.

Tetrahedron Letters | 1982

A new type of protection mode for the Guanine residue by using 1,2-diisobutyryloxyethylene group

Mitsuo Sekine; Jun-ichi Matsuzaki; Tsujiaki Hata

Abstract A new protecting group, 1,2-diisobutyryloxyethylene group, has successfully been used for protection of the guanine residue in the synthesis of oligodeoxyguanylates.

Tetrahedron | 1987

Acylphosphonates : A new method for Stereospecific and Stereoselective Generation of Dideoxyribonucleoside Phosphorothioates via the Acylphosphonate Intermediates

Mitsuo Fujii; Kouji Ozaki; Mitsuo Sekine; Tsujiaki Hata

Abstract Dideoxyribonucleoside phosphorothioates were synthesized by a new method via dideoxyribonucleoside 2,2,2-trichloroethoxycarbonylphosphonates and aroylphosphonates. The conversion of dideoxyribonucleoside 2,2,2-trichloroethoxycarbonylphosphonates to dideoxyribonucleoside trimethylsilyl phosphites by treatment with Me3SiCl-Zn-acetylacetone proceeded with retention configuration at phosphorus. The silyl phosphite intermediates were converted to the phosphorothioates by in situ treatment with sulfur. The aroyl groups were easily removed from 8 – 11 by the action of n-BuNH2 and in situ converted to only one diastereomer (Rp-configuration) of dideoxyribonucleoside phosphorothioates by treatment with elemental sulfur.

Tetrahedron Letters | 1986

Acylphosphonates. 5. 1A new method for stereospecific generation of phosphorothioate via aroylphosphonate intermediate

Mitsuo Fujii; Kouji Ozaki; Akiko Kume; Mitsuo Sekine; Tsujiaki Hata

Dideoxynucleoside phosphorothioates were synthesized by a new method via dideoxynucleoside aroylphosphonates. The aroyl groups were easily removed from and 2 by the action of n-BuNH2 and in situ converted to only one diastereomer (Rp-configuration) of dideoxynucleoside phosphorothioates by treatment with elemental sulfur.

Tetrahedron | 1985

Introduction of the 4,4′4′-tris(benzoyloxy)trityl group into the exo amino groups of deoxyribonucleosides and its properties

Mitsuo Sekine; Narihiro Masuda; Tsujiaki Hata

Abstract The 4,4′,4′-tris(benzoyloxy)trityl (TBTr) group was introduced into the amino groups of the common deoxyribonucleosides by means of the transient protection using the trimethylsilyl group. The TBTr group introduced onto the N6 -amino group of deoxyadenosine was found to have considerable retarding effects on the depurination when treated with acids.


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Mitsuo Sekine

Tokyo Institute of Technology

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Hiroshi Takaku

Chiba Institute of Technology

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Iwao Nakagawa

Tokyo Institute of Technology

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Teruaki Mukaiyama

Tokyo Institute of Technology

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Masashi Nakajima

Tokyo Institute of Technology

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Takashi Kamimura

Tokyo Institute of Technology

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Akiko Kume

Tokyo Institute of Technology

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Hitoshi Hotoda

Tokyo Institute of Technology

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Jun-ichi Matsuzaki

Tokyo Institute of Technology

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