Ulrich K. Schliewen
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
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Featured researches published by Ulrich K. Schliewen.
Molecular Ecology | 2001
Ulrich K. Schliewen; Kornelia Rassmann; Melanie Markmann; Jeff Markert; Thomas Kocher; Diethard Tautz
Although there is mounting evidence that speciation can occur under sympatric conditions, unambiguous examples from nature are rare and it is almost always possible to propose alternative allopatric or parapatric scenarios. To identify an unequivocal case of sympatric speciation it is, therefore, necessary to analyse natural settings where recent monophyletic species flocks have evolved within a small and confined spatial range. We have studied such a case with a cichlid species flock that comprises five Tilapia forms endemic to a tiny lake (Lake Ejagham with a surface area of approximately 0.49 km2) in Western Cameroon. Analysis of mitochondrial D‐Loop sequences shows that the flock is very young (approximately 104 years) and has originated from an adjacent riverine founder population. We have focused our study on a particular pair of forms within the lake that currently appears to be in the process of speciation. This pair is characterized by an unique breeding colouration and specific morphological aspects, which can serve as synapomorphic characters to prove monophyly. It has differentiated into a large inshore and a small pelagic form, apparently as a response to differential utilization of food resources. Still, breeding and brood care occurs in overlapping areas, both in time and space. Analysis of nuclear gene flow on the basis of microsatellite polymorphisms shows a highly restricted gene flow between the forms, suggesting reproductive isolation between them. This reproductive isolation is apparently achieved by size assortative mating, although occasional mixed pairs can be observed. Our findings are congruent with recent theoretical models for sympatric speciation, which show that differential ecological adaptations in combination with assortative mating could easily lead to speciation in sympatry.
Molecular Ecology | 2000
Claudia Englbrecht; Jörg Freyhof; Arne W. Nolte; Kornelia Rassmann; Ulrich K. Schliewen; Diethard Tautz
The bullhead Cottus gobio is a small, bottom‐dwelling fish consisting of populations that have not been subject to transplantations or artificial stocking. It is therefore an ideal model species for studying the colonization history of central European freshwater systems, in particular with respect to the possible influences of the Pleistocene glaciation cycles. We sampled Cottus populations across most of its distribution range, with a special emphasis on southern Germany where the major European drainage systems are in closest contact. Mitochondrial d‐loop sequencing of more than 400 specimens and phylogenetic network analysis allowed us to draw a detailed picture of the colonization of Europe by C. gobio. Moreover, the molecular distances between the haplotypes enabled us to infer an approximate time frame for the origin of the various populations. The founder population of C. gobio stems apparently from the Paratethys and invaded Europe in the Pliocene. From there, the first colonization into central Europe occurred via the ancient lower Danube, with a separate colonization of the eastern European territories. During the late Pliocene, one of the central European populations must have reached the North Sea in a second step after which it then started to colonize the Atlantic drainages via coastal lines. Accordingly, we found very distinct populations in the upper and lower Rhine, which can be explained by the fact that the lower Rhine was disconnected from the upper Rhine until ≈ 1 million years ago (Ma). More closely related, but still distinct, populations were found in the Elbe, the Main and the upper Danube, all presumably of Pleistocene origin. Intriguingly, they have largely maintained their population identity, despite the strong disturbance caused by the glaciation cycles in these areas. On the other hand, a mixing of populations during postglacial recolonization could be detected in the lower Rhine and its tributaries. However, the general pattern that emerges from our analysis suggests that the glaciation cycles did not have a major impact on the general population structure of C. gobio in central Europe.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences | 2006
Fabian Herder; Arne W. Nolte; Jobst Pfaender; Julia Schwarzer; Renny K. Hadiaty; Ulrich K. Schliewen
Adaptive radiations are extremely useful to understand factors driving speciation. A challenge in speciation research is to distinguish forces creating novelties and those relevant to divergence and adaptation. Recently, hybridization has regained major interest as a potential force leading to functional novelty and to the genesis of new species. Here, we show that introgressive hybridization is a prominent phenomenon in the radiation of sailfin silversides (Teleostei: Atheriniformes: Telmatherinidae) inhabiting the ancient Malili Lakes of Sulawesi, correlating conspicuously with patterns of increased diversity. We found the most diverse lacustrine species-group of the radiation to be heavily introgressed by genotypes originating from streams of the lake system, an effect that has masked the primary phylogenetic pattern of the flock. We conclude that hybridization could have acted as a key factor in the generation of the flocks spectacular diversity. To our knowledge, this is the first empirical evidence for massive reticulate evolution within a complex animal radiation.
BMC Evolutionary Biology | 2009
Julia Schwarzer; Bernhard Misof; Diethard Tautz; Ulrich K. Schliewen
BackgroundFor decades cichlid fishes (Perciformes: Cichlidae) of the East African cichlid radiations (Teleostei: Cichlidae) have served as natural experimental subjects for the study of speciation processes and the search for potential speciation key factors. Despite numerous phylogenetic studies dealing with their intragroup relationships, surprisingly little is known about the phylogenetic placement and time of origin of this enigmatic group. We used multilocus DNA-sequence data from five nuclear and four mitochondrial genes and refined divergence time estimates to fill this knowledge gap.ResultsIn concordance with previous studies, the root of the East African cichlid radiations is nested within the so called Tilapias, which is a paraphyletic assemblage. For the first time, we clarified tilapiine intragroup relationships and established three new monophyletic groups:Oreochromini, Boreotilapiini and a group with a distribution center in East/Central Africa, the Austrotilapiini. The latter is the founder lineage of the East African radiations and emerged at the Miocene/Oligocene boundary at about 14 to 26 mya.ConclusionOur results provide the first resolved hypothesis for the phylogenetic placement of the megadiverse East African cichlid radiations as well as for the worlds second most important aquaculture species, the Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Our analyses constitute not only a robust basis for African cichlid phylogenetics and systematics, but provide a valid and necessary framework for upcoming comparative phylogenomic studies in evolutionary biology and aquaculture.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences | 2012
Julia Schwarzer; Ernst R. Swartz; E Vreven; Jos Snoeks; Fenton P.D. Cotterill; Bernhard Misof; Ulrich K. Schliewen
The megadiverse haplochromine cichlid radiations of the East African lakes, famous examples of explosive speciation and adaptive radiation, are according to recent studies, introgressed by different riverine lineages. This study is based on the first comprehensive mitochondrial and nuclear DNA dataset from extensive sampling of riverine haplochromine cichlids. It includes species from the lower River Congo and Angolan (River Kwanza) drainages. Reconstruction of phylogenetic hypotheses revealed the paradox of clearly discordant phylogenetic signals. Closely related mtDNA haplotypes are distributed thousands of kilometres apart and across major African watersheds, whereas some neighbouring species carry drastically divergent mtDNA haplotypes. At shallow and deep phylogenetic layers, strong signals of hybridization are attributed to the complex Late Miocene/Early Pliocene palaeohistory of African rivers. Hybridization of multiple lineages across changing watersheds shaped each of the major haplochromine radiations in lakes Tanganyika, Victoria, Malawi and the Kalahari Palaeolakes, as well as a miniature species flock in the Congo basin (River Fwa). On the basis of our results, introgression occurred not only on a spatially restricted scale, but massively over almost the whole range of the haplochromine distribution. This provides an alternative view on the origin and exceptional high diversity of this enigmatic vertebrate group.
Molecular Ecology | 2002
Claudia Englbrecht; Ulrich K. Schliewen; Diethard Tautz
There is a long tradition of artificially stocking lakes and rivers with fish in the hope to increase the quality and amount of fish that can be harvested. The animals used for stocking often originate in distant hatcheries or hatcheries that breed fish from remote regions. This stocking practice could have effects on the genetic integrity of resident populations. We have analysed here a case of the influence of stocking on Alpine populations of the Arctic charr (usually included into Salvelinus alpinus, but revised to Salvelinus umbla Kottelat 1997 ) within a unique geographical and historical setting. The Königssee in the Bavarian Alps (Berchtesgaden) was heavily stocked several times during the last century. However, a sample of the ancestral Königssee population still exists in the Grünsee, which lies close to Königssee, but 1000 m higher. To trace the influence of stocking in Königssee we have analysed more than 300 individuals from 10 lake populations, including the source populations of the fish used for stocking. From these we have sequenced a part of the mitochodrial control region and have typed them at six microsatellite loci. The differential distribution of haplotypes, as well as assignment tests, show that the influence of stocking on the genetic integrity of the Königssee population has been negligible. However, our data reveal that in another lake included in our study (Starnberger See), the ancestral population was apparently replaced completely by the populations used for stocking. The major difference between the lakes is the relative preservation of ecological integrity. Königssee was ecologically stable in the past, whereas Starnberger See was heavily polluted at one point, with charr approaching extinction. Interestingly, in a lake neighbouring Starnberger See, the Ammersee, which was also subject to strong pollution but not stocked, the ancestral population has recovered. Our data suggest that the practice of artificial stocking should be reconsidered, or at least monitored for effectiveness.
PLOS ONE | 2011
Julia Schwarzer; Bernhard Misof; Seraphin N. Ifuta; Ulrich K. Schliewen
Most freshwater diversity is arguably located in networks of rivers and streams, but, in contrast to lacustrine systems riverine radiations, are largely understudied. The extensive rapids of the lower Congo River is one of the few river stretches inhabited by a locally endemic cichlid species flock as well as several species pairs, for which we provide evidence that they have radiated in situ. We use more that 2,000 AFLP markers as well as multilocus sequence datasets to reconstruct their origin, phylogenetic history, as well as the timing of colonization and speciation of two Lower Congo cichlid genera, Steatocranus and Nanochromis. Based on a representative taxon sampling and well resolved phylogenetic hypotheses we demonstrate that a high level of riverine diversity originated in the lower Congo within about 5 mya, which is concordant with age estimates for the hydrological origin of the modern lower Congo River. A spatial genetic structure is present in all widely distributed lineages corresponding to a trisection of the lower Congo River into major biogeographic areas, each with locally endemic species assemblages. With the present study, we provide a phylogenetic framework for a complex system that may serve as a link between African riverine cichlid diversity and the megadiverse cichlid radiations of the East African lakes. Beyond this we give for the first time a biologically estimated age for the origin of the lower Congo River rapids, one of the most extreme freshwater habitats on earth.
Nature | 2006
Ulrich K. Schliewen; Thomas Kocher; K. R. McKaye; Ole Seehausen; Diethard Tautz
Arising from: M. Barluenga, K. N. Stölting, W. Salzburger, M. Muschick & A. Meyer 439, 719–723 (2006); Barluenga et al. replySympatric speciation is difficult to demonstrate in nature and remains a hotly debated issue. Barluenga et al. present a case of putative sympatric speciation for two cichlid species in the Nicaraguan crater lake Apoyo, but they overlook or reinterpret some key published information on the system. Although sympatric speciation is possible in theory, we show here that, when this information is taken into account, the results of Barluenga et al. do not provide conclusive evidence for sympatric speciation: this is because the null hypothesis of multiple invasion with introgression cannot be rejected.
BMC Evolutionary Biology | 2013
Estelle Lerceteau-Köhler; Ulrich K. Schliewen; Theodora Kopun; Steven Weiss
BackgroundBrown trout Salmo trutta have been described in terms of five major mtDNA lineages, four of which correspond to major ocean basins, and one, according to some authors, to a distinct taxon, marbled trout Salmo marmoratus. The Atlantic and Danubian lineages of brown trout meet in a poorly documented contact zone in Central Europe. The natural versus human mediated origin of the Atlantic lineage in the upper Danube is a question of both theoretical and practical importance with respect to conservation management. We provide a comprehensive population genetic analysis of brown trout in the region with the aim of evaluating the geographic distribution and genetic integrity of these two lineages in and around their contact zone.ResultsGenetic screening of 114 populations of brown trout across the Danube/Rhine/Elbe catchments revealed a counter-intuitive phylogeographic structure with near fixation of the Atlantic lineage in the sampled portions of the Bavarian Danube. Along the Austrian Danube, phylogeographic informative markers revealed increasing percentages of Danube-specific alleles with downstream distance. Pure Danube lineage populations were restricted to peri-alpine isolates within previously glaciated regions. Both empirical data and simulated hybrid comparisons support that trout in non-glaciated regions north and northeast of the Alps have an admixed origin largely based on natural colonization. In contrast, the presence of Atlantic basin alleles south and southeast of the Alps stems from hatchery introductions and subsequent introgression. Despite extensive stocking of the Atlantic lineage, little evidence of first generation stocked fish or F1 hybrids were found implying that admixture has been established over time.ConclusionsA purely phylogeographic paradigm fails to describe the distribution of genetic lineages of Salmo in Central Europe. The distribution pattern of the Atlantic and Danube lineages is extremely difficult to explain without invoking very strong biological mechanisms.The peri-alpine distribution of relict populations of pure Danubian lineage brown trout implies that they colonized headwater river courses post-glacially ahead of the expansion of the Atlantic lineage. The recognition of natural as opposed to anthropogenic introgression of the Atlantic lineage into Danubian gene pools is of fundamental importance to management strategies.
PLOS ONE | 2015
Juliane D. Weiss; Fenton P.D. Cotterill; Ulrich K. Schliewen
A long history of research focused on the East Africa cichlid radiations (EAR) revealed discrepancies between mtDNA and nuclear phylogenies, suggesting that interspecific hybridisation may have been significant during the radiation of these fishes. The approximately 250 cichlid species of Lake Tanganyika have their roots in a monophyletic African cichlid assemblage, but controversies remain about the precise phylogenetic origin and placement of different lineages and consequently about L. Tanganyika colonization scenarios. 3312 AFLP loci and the mitochondrial ND2 gene were genotyped for 91 species representing almost all major lacustrine and riverine haplotilapiine east African cichlid lineages with a focus on L. Tanganyika endemics. Explicitly testing for the possibility of ancient hybridisation events, a comprehensive phylogenetic network hypothesis is proposed for the origin and diversification of L. Tanganyika cichlids. Inference of discordant phylogenetic signal strongly suggests that the genomes of two endemic L. Tanganyika tribes, Eretmodini and Tropheini, are composed of an ancient mixture of riverine and lacustrine lineages. For the first time a strong monophyly signal of all non-haplochromine mouthbrooding species endemic to L. Tanganyika (“ancient mouthbrooders”) was detected. Further, in the genomes of early diverging L. Tanganyika endemics Trematocarini, Bathybatini, Hemibatini and Boulengerochromis genetic components of other lineages belonging to the East African Radiation appear to be present. In combination with recent palaeo-geological results showing that tectonic activity in the L. Tanganyika region resulted in highly dynamic and heterogeneous landscape evolution over the Neogene and Pleistocene, the novel phylogenetic data render a single lacustrine basin as the geographical cradle of the endemic L. Tanganyika cichlid lineages unlikely. Instead a scenario of a pre-rift origin of several independent L. Tanganyika precursor lineages which diversified in ancient rivers and precursor lakes and then amalgamated in the extant L. Tanganyika basin is put forward as an alternative: the melting pot Tanganyika hypothesis.
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Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
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