V. Iordanidou
University of Paris
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Featured researches published by V. Iordanidou.
Journal Francais D Ophtalmologie | 2007
Antoine Labbé; P. Hamard; V. Iordanidou; S. Dupont-Monod; Christophe Baudouin
PURPOSE To evaluate the utility of the Visante OCT in the follow-up of filtering surgery. MATERIAL and methods: In this study, we evaluated 38 filtering blebs in 31 patients following trabeculectomy (4) and nonpenetrating deep sclerectomy (NPDS). In 11 cases, mitomycin C was used during surgery. In patients who underwent NPDS, a collagen implant was placed within the scleral site in eight eyes and seven eyes had goniopuncture during follow-up. All patients had complete ophthalmologic examination with morphological evaluation of the bleb and intraocular pressure measurement as well as Visante OCT evaluation. RESULTS The trabeculectomy site as well as the trabeculodescemetic membrane (in NPDS), the scleral flap, the conjunctival flap, the iris, and the relationship between these structures were analyzed. Functioning blebs had a hyporeflective and irregular conjunctival tissue associated with a route for aqueous humor under the scleral flap from the anterior chamber toward the subconjunctival space. This filtration route was also observed within nonfunctioning encapsulated blebs. Flat and encapsulated nonfunctioning blebs had dense and hyperreflective conjunctival tissue. In the particular case of nonfunctioning flat blebs, there was no route for aqueous humor filtration under the scleral flap. CONCLUSION The Visante OCT is a simple and noninvasive imaging technique with good resolution, allowing the analysis of morphologic changes occurring in eyes after filtering surgery.
Journal of Glaucoma | 2009
V. Iordanidou; P. Hamard; G. Gendron; Antoine Labbé; Mathilde Raphaël; Christophe Baudouin
PurposeTo compare preoperative and postoperative measurements of corneal biomechanical properties and intraocular pressure (IOP) using Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT) and the ocular response analyzer (ORA) in eyes undergoing deep sclerectomy with collagen implant (DSCI). Patients and MethodsThirty eyes of 30 glaucomatous patients undergoing deep sclerectomy with collagen implant and 30 eyes of 30 normal subjects were included. Goldmann applanation IOP, central corneal thickness (CCT), and ORA measurements [corneal compensated IOP (IOPcc), Goldmann-correlated IOP (IOPg), corneal resistance factor (CRF), and corneal hysteresis (CH)] were taken the day before deep sclerectomy with collagen implant and on days 1, 8, and 30 after surgery. Preoperative CH values were correlated to the number of preoperative medications and to the CCT. Also, the ORA measurements of normal subjects were compared with the preoperative measurements of the glaucomatous patients. ResultsThe 30 glaucomatous eyes showed a statistically significant difference between preoperative and day 1 postoperative GAT IOP, ORA IOPcc, IOPg, CRF, and CH measurements. No statistically significant difference was noted when comparing the GAT IOP, ORA IOPcc, IOPg, and CRF measurements between days 1, 8, and 30 after DSCI.On the contrary, CH values were statistically different when comparing days 1, 8, and 30 after DSCI. The 30 normal eyes showed no statistical difference when compared with the preoperative IOPg parameter in the 30 glaucomatous eyes; the mean CRF and the mean CH values were statistically significantly higher than the preoperative values of the glaucomatous group. ConclusionsCH statistically increased between preoperative and postoperative day 1 DSCI. On days 8 and 30, the change in CH values was statistically significant.
Journal Francais D Ophtalmologie | 2012
N. Bouhéraoua; P. Hamard; V. Iordanidou; E. Brasnu; S. Dupond-Monod; Christophe Baudouin; Antoine Labbé
PURPOSE Thanks to recent progress in imaging techniques, the anatomy of the anterior segment can be measured accurately and noninvasively. The objective of this study was to assess early postoperative changes induced by non penetrating deep sclerectomy (NPDS) on anterior chamber depth, anterior chamber angle and central corneal thickness. PATIENTS AND METHODS Twenty eyes of 20 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) that underwent NPDS were studied. All patients underwent ophthalmologic examination including non invasive analysis of the anterior segment architecture. Visante(®) OCT was used to determine anterior chamber depth, central corneal thickness, scleral spur angle (SSA), angle opening distance at 500μm (AOD 500), and trabecular-iris space area at 500 μm (TISA 500) in the nasal and temporal quadrants. These evaluations were performed at 1 day preop, then day 1, day 7 and day 30 after surgery. RESULTS Preoperatively, SSA, AOD 500 and TISA 500 were 37.24 ± 12.67°, 0.42 ± 0.25 mm and 0.15 ± 0.1 mm(2), respectively, in the nasal quadrant, and 39.62 ± 12.41°, 0.46 ± 0.25 mm and 0.16 ± 0.08 mm(2), respectively, in the temporal quadrant. Mean anterior chamber depth, central corneal thickness and intraocular pressure (IOP) were 3.09 ± 0.54 mm, 530 ± 34.3 μm and 20.43± 7.25 mmHg respectively. After NPDS, aside from IOP being significantly decreased on day 1 (5.57 ± 2.78 mmHg, P<0.0001), day 7 (8.2 ± 3.12 mmHg, P<0.0001) and day 30 (13.4 ± 3.47 mmHg, P=0.001), none of the other study parameters was significantly modified. CONCLUSION No relationship was found between IOP and anterior chamber architecture after NPDS. NPDS appears to significantly reduce IOP while maintaining the architecture of the anterior chamber, and in particular, the anterior chamber angle.
Retinal Cases & Brief Reports | 2010
V. Iordanidou; G. Gendron; C. Khammari; T. Rodallec; Christophe Baudouin
PURPOSE To report a case of choroidal ischemia in a professional diver after a decompression sickness accident. METHODS A 31-year-old man presented a decompression sickness accident without any systemic manifestation. The symptoms were exclusively ophthalmic with sudden decrease of vision and presence of scotoma predominantly on the left eye immediately after a dive. The patient had a complete clinical ophthalmologic examination as well as fluorescein angiography, optical coherence tomography, central visual field, visual-evoked potentials, and electroretinogram examinations that were repeated during the follow-up over a period of 18 months. RESULTS The examinations performed 1 week after the decompression sickness accident and the hyperbaric oxygen therapy showed diminution of foveal reflectivity associated with retinal pigment epithelium modifications, deficit of choroidal perfusion in the macular region, and important central scotoma in both eyes. During the follow-up, the central scotoma disappeared after 6 months. The retinal pigment epithelium presented pigmentary migrations without subretinal fluid accumulation. CONCLUSION This case report describes choroidal ischemia resulting from decompression-induced intravascular gaseous microemboli caused by a decompression sickness diving accident.
Journal Francais D Ophtalmologie | 2008
V. Iordanidou; T. Rodallec; C. Khammari; J. Westerman; Christophe Baudouin
Introduction Nous rapportons un cas d’atteinte choroidienne bilaterale chez un plongeur professionnel se plaignant de baisse brutale d’acuite visuelle de son œil gauche suite a une activite de plongee intense et repetee. Materiels et Methodes Cas Clinique - Observation : Prise en charge en urgence : Examen clinique : Acuite visuelle : œil droit : 10/10, œil gauche : 4/10, fond d’œil (2 yeux) : œdeme blanc du pole posterieur. Examens complementaires : Angiographie : Atteinte choroidienne bilaterale. Champ Visuel : Scotome central aux 2 yeux. Evolution : Remontee de l’acuite visuelle a 10/10 en 1 mois. Diminution et disparition du deficit campimetrique central des 2 yeux. Au fond d’œil : Apparition d’alterations de l’epithelium pigmentaire et de migrations pigmentaires au pole posterieur des 2 yeux. Discussion L’incidence des atteintes oculaires chez les patients victimes d’accidents de decompression est estimee entre 7 % et 12 %. Concernant les atteintes vasculaires oculaires celles-ci peuvent etre choroidiennes ou retiniennes. La plupart du temps seul un de ces deux compartiments vasculaires est atteint. Le mecanisme de cette selectivite n’est pas explique a ce jour. Conclusion Le patient presente a eu une ischemie qui serait due a des microembols vasculaires au niveau de la circulation choroidienne surtout au niveau de la choriocapillaire.
Journal Francais D Ophtalmologie | 2008
G. Gendron; V. Iordanidou; Marc Labetoulle; Michel Paques; José-Alain Sahel
Introduction Nous presentons le cas d’un homme jeune, immunocompetent, presentant un trou maculaire geant au decours d’une endophtalmie endogene unilaterale a staphylocoque multi resistant de point de depart cutane. Materiels et Methodes Cas Clinique. En plus d’un examen ophtalmologique complet et repete, le patient beneficia des examens para-cliniques suivants : echographie, retinophotographies, angiographie fluoresceinique, tomographies par coherence optique et champs visuels Goldmann. Les resultats des prelevements bacteriologiques cutanes et oculaires ont ete compares. Observation Un patient de 31 ans consulta aux urgences generales pour abces cutane frontal. Une antibiotherapie orale fut instauree, puis, 48 heures plus tard, un drainage de l’abces realise. Une semaine apres, il se presenta en ophtalmologie pour baisse d’acuite visuelle rapide de son œil droit. Un tableau unilateral de panuveite avec suspicion d’endophtalmie endogene, de point de depart cutane fut diagnostique. Le bilan bacteriologique revela au niveau des differents prelevements la presence de staphylocoques epidermidis et aureus β-lactamase positifs multi resistants. Une bi antibiotherapie intravitreenne initiale puis intraveineuse rapidement associee a des bolus de corticoides permit un lent eclaircissement vitreen. Deux mois plus tard, apres diminution de la hyalite un trou maculaire volumineux d’environ deux diametres papillaires de largeur fut mis en evidence, ainsi qu’un decollement maculaire. Le patient a ete opere par vitrectomie, dissection hyaloidienne, pelage et tamponnement par huile de silicone. Quatre mois plus tard l’ablation du silicone fut realisee. L’OCT a sept mois de l’operation a confirme la reapplication maculaire et la fermeture du trou. Discussion La majorite des trous maculaires sont d’origine idiopathique. Des trous maculaires secondaires ont egalement ete decrits. Le cas ci-dessus fait suite a une endophtalmie endogene. Le mecanisme physiopathologique pourrait etre secondaire a l’association deletere de tractions vitreo-retiniennes (en rapport avec un vitre tres inflammatoire) et d’une necrose retinienne. Conclusion La survenue d’un trou maculaire apres endophtalmie endogene n’a a notre connaissance, jamais ete decrit auparavant. La fermeture du trou apres dissection et tamponnement par huile de silicone a ete possible malgre les dimensions importantes du trou. Par contre la fonctionnalite maculaire a ete fortement compromise.
Journal Francais D Ophtalmologie | 2007
V. Iordanidou; P. Hamard; Antoine Labbé; S. Dupont-Monod; Christophe Baudouin
Introduction Evaluation de la morphologie des bulles de filtration apres sclerectomie profonde non perforante avec implant de collagene, par tomographie par coherence optique (OCT) du segment anterieur. Materiels et Methodes Quatorze yeux de quatorze patients ayant un glaucome primitif a angle ouvert ont ete operes de sclerectomie profonde non perforante avec mitomycine C et implant de collagene. Un OCT du segment anterieur a ete effectue en periode postoperatoire. La morphologie de la bulle de filtration, la chambre de decompression et la presence de l’implant de collagene ont ete ainsi evaluees. Resultats Aux jours 1 et 8 post operatoires (pression intra-oculaire moyenne PIO 6.1 et 7.9mmHg respectivement) les bulles de filtration apparaissaient diffuses avec une collection bien visible de liquide sous conjonctival. Dans tous les cas, la chambre de decompression etait largement ouverte et l’implant bien visualise avec son aspect cylindrique. Quatre mois apres la chirurgie, (PIO moyenne de 11,7mmHg) les bulles de filtration avaient un aspect plus volumineux avec une chambre de decompression toujours largement ouverte. L’implant n’etait plus visible. Apres huit mois, la bulle de filtration etait diffuse et la chambre de decompression restait ouverte. Discussion L’OCT est un examen qui permet d’analyser precisement, et de maniere non invasive, le segment anterieur. Conclusion Dans la chirurgie par sclerectomie profonde non perforante avec implant de collagene, l’analyse du site de filtration par OCT confirme la persistance d’une chambre de decompression ouverte, au moins 8 mois apres la chirurgie. Cette technique d’imagerie optique pourrait donc etre interessante pour analyser in vivo le site chirurgical, et notamment la relation entre morphologie et le fonctionnement de la bulle de filtration.
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science | 2006
Bertrand Sonigo; V. Iordanidou; Didier Chong-Sit; F. Auclin; Jean Marc Ancel; Antoine Labbé; Christophe Baudouin
Journal Francais D Ophtalmologie | 2008
V. Iordanidou; T. Rodallec; C. Khammari; Jan H. Westerman; Christophe Baudouin
Journal Francais D Ophtalmologie | 2008
G. Gendron; V. Iordanidou; Marc Labetoulle; Michel Paques; José Sahel