Vinod Narang
Advanced Micro Devices
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Featured researches published by Vinod Narang.
Microelectronics Reliability | 2011
J.M. Chin; Vinod Narang; Xiaole Zhao; M.Y. Tay; Angeline Phoa; Venkat Krishnan Ravikumar; Lwin Hnin Ei; Soon Huat Lim; Chea Wei Teo; Syahirah Zulkifli; Mei Chyn Ong; Ming Chuan Tan
Abstract Failure analysis plays a major role in all areas of the semiconductor company especially during product development cycle, 1st silicon stage, or in wafer processes and fabrication as well as assembly and package development. Different companies have different FA flows but all FA steps will need to start with fault isolation. Fault isolation is the step to narrow down the focus area of a failing component or product to a manageable area that will allow us to (a) improve success of finding the defect that is causing the failure and, (b) significant speed up turn-around time for analysis. This paper provides an overview of all the available failure analysis on fault isolation methodologies and tools, for device/product level and expanding to package/assembly and PFA level isolation. The aim of the paper is to provide sufficient depth to each topic including some case studies to emphasize the key points related to each methodology. The tutorial will also cover some future directions/roadmaps.
international symposium on the physical and failure analysis of integrated circuits | 2010
Venkat Krishnan Ravikumar; Mun Yee Ho; Rr Goruganthu; S.L. Phoa; Vinod Narang; J.M. Chin
This paper uses an interesting case study to highlight High Resolution Pulsed TIVA with Solid Immersion Lens (SIL) as a technique to isolate a temperature sensitive failure in a mixed signal circuitry followed by circuit analysis and Nanoprobing to confirm a drive strength issue caused by a process change.
international symposium on the physical and failure analysis of integrated circuits | 2008
Lim Soon-Huat; Zheng Xinhua; T. Chea-Wei; Vinod Narang; T. Beng Hock; J.M. Chin
A FIB shorting technique to create a conducting path across the buried oxide to connect active silicon to silicon substrate is demonstrated to allow conductive atomic force microscopy (CAFM) failure analysis on SOI devices. CAFM is carried out at via and contact levels to provide current images that helped to localize the faulty node and also determine current-voltage characteristics at an area of interest.
international symposium on the physical and failure analysis of integrated circuits | 2014
Dnyan Khatri; Soon Huat Lim; Mun Yee Ho; Vinod Narang; Dakshina-Murthy Srikanteswara; Keith Kasprak
With rapid developments in semiconductor manufacturing technologies, new and more complicated challenges emerge in the Failure Analysis space. It has been a challenge to perform failure analysis for voltage-sensitive soft failures, especially those occurring in SRAM circuitries. However, fault localization in sub-micron devices is successful if existing FA techniques are innovatively and extensively leveraged during physical fault isolation. This paper emphasizes the use of SEM-based nano-probing followed by advanced TEM techniques to successfully identify the root cause of failure, thus enabling the wafer fab to take appropriate corrective measures to mitigate such failures. A successful case study involving these techniques will also be discussed.
international symposium on the physical and failure analysis of integrated circuits | 2012
H.B. Chong; Brandon Van Leer; Vinod Narang; Mun Yee Ho
Conventional TEM sample preparation for full-stack BEOL construction analysis (CA) has several issues such as the difficulty of achieving full metal layers intact in a single lamella, and also a curtaining effect that adversely impacts TEM analysis. This paper presents and successfully demonstrates an alternative sample preparation technique for preparing CA samples with full-BEOL metal stack. The procedure involves changing the orientation of the lamella by rotating the sample during in situ FIB attachment and milling it sideways to achieve lamella thickness of 100 nm, with uniform thickness at the area of interest. With this new method, full metal layers can be preserved while minimizing the curtaining effect often observed in heterogeneous TEM sample preparation.
international symposium on the physical and failure analysis of integrated circuits | 2017
Lim Soon Huat; Wei Samuel; Teo Cheawei; Vinod Narang; Andreas Rummel; Matthias Kemmler; Andrew Smith; Stephan Kleindiek
Electron beam absorbed current (EBAC) has been used to isolate defects in BEOL metal stacks. With the increasing layout complexity, metal signal lines often run over 100um area and over multiple metal stacks. This makes SEM inspections during polishing tedious, time consuming and easy to overlook the defect. With the EBAC technique, it often shows the entire routing of the signal line with additional or absence that can pinpoint or narrow the location of the defects. In this paper, we will show how the Kleindiek system is used to perform the EBAC technique and locate the BEOL defect.
international symposium on the physical and failure analysis of integrated circuits | 2013
J.M. Chin; Vinod Narang; M.Y. Tay; Shei Lay Phoa; Ravikumar Venkat; Lwin Hnin Ei; Soon Huat Lim; Chea Wei Teo; Syahirah Zulkifli; Wen Qiu; Joseph Tan; Gopi Ranganathan; Zi Ying Oh; Fang Jie Foo
In semiconductor companies, failure analysis (FA) activities play a major role in all many areas. FA is deeply involved in new process technology development, 1st Silicon bring-up, wafer sort and backend yield improvement, product qualification and customer return analysis. RegardLeSS Of area that FA SUPPOrtS, there IS aLWaYS a need fOr faULt ISOLatIOn PrIOr tO the PhYSICaL Or deStrUCtIVe faILUre anaLYSIS. FaULt ISOLatIOn IS the SteP Where We narrOW dOWn the area Of a faILIng Part Or PrOdUCt tO a manageabLe area. ThIS aLLOWS FA engIneer tO ImPrOVe the SUCCeSS Of PhYSICaLLY fIndIng rOOt CaUSe Of the faILUre and SPeedS UP the TUrn-arOUnd tIme fOr the anaLYSIS. ThIS InVIted taLK WILL COVer reCent adVanCeS In faULt ISOLatIOn teChnIqUeS and tOOLS In deVICe/SILICOn and PaCKagIng. CaSe StUdIeS fOr thOSe teChnIqUeS WILL be COVered tO PrOVIde greater UnderStandIng fOr the teChnIqUeS tO the aUdIenCe.
international symposium on the physical and failure analysis of integrated circuits | 2009
Lim Soon Huat; Sun Wanxin; Vinod Narang; J.M. Chin
This paper demonstrates the Veeco heating stage for high temperature Conductive-AFM analysis which is very useful for revealing leaky contacts associated with soft failures. CAFM at 80°C is performed on SOI transistors to isolate leaky polysilicon gate contacts. Nanoprobing at high temperature is performed and it shows strong correlation with the high temperature CAFM data. High temperature CAFM helped to isolate higher gate oxide leakage current in the failing transistor in SRAM memory cell.
international symposium on the physical and failure analysis of integrated circuits | 2009
H.E. Lwin; Vinod Narang; J.M. Chin
It has been a challenge for failure analysts to isolate non-visible defects due to the limitations of failure analysis (FA) tools and techniques. Sub-nano defects are often difficult to detect, particularly in highly complex integrated circuit devices. This paper emphasizes the growing importance of nano-probing and its capability to detect subtle defects like nano-sized stringer shorts, which previously went undetected. Successful case studies involving the use of nano-probing techniques to help isolate subtle defects (i.e., those that cause device failure) will be discussed.
international symposium on the physical and failure analysis of integrated circuits | 2008
Chea Wei Teo; H.E. Lwin; Vinod Narang; J.M. Chin
This article describes how a scanning SQUID microscope (SSM) enhances the capability of device-level fault isolation on advanced 90 nm and 65 nm flip-chip microprocessor devices. SSM has proved to be very useful in isolating bump shorts and shorts in copper interconnects. For improved resolution and analyzing bumped dies, a front-side SSM technique is developed that has greatly increased success rates and analysis turn-around time. In this paper, we focus on die-level fault isolation on advanced microprocessor devices with numerous metal layers.