Vlad Isakov
United States Environmental Protection Agency
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Featured researches published by Vlad Isakov.
Journal of The Air & Waste Management Association | 2008
Richard Baldauf; Eben D. Thoma; Michael D. Hays; Richard C. Shores; John S. Kinsey; Brian K. Gullett; Sue Kimbrough; Vlad Isakov; Thomas Joel Long; Richard Snow; Andrey Khlystov; Jason Weinstein; Fu-Lin Chen; Robert L. Seila; David A. Olson; Ian Gilmour; Seung Hyun Cho; Nealson Watkins; Patricia Rowley; John J. Bang
Abstract A growing number of epidemiological studies conducted worldwide suggest an increase in the occurrence of adverse health effects in populations living, working, or going to school near major roadways. A study was designed to assess traffic emissions impacts on air quality and particle toxicity near a heavily traveled highway. In an attempt to describe the complex mixture of pollutants and atmospheric transport mechanisms affecting pollutant dispersion in this near-highway environment, several real-time and time-integrated sampling devices measured air quality concentrations at multiple distances and heights from the road. Pollutants analyzed included U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-regulated gases, particulate matter (coarse, fine, and ultrafine), and air toxics. Pollutant measurements were synchronized with real-time traffic and meteorological monitoring devices to provide continuous and integrated assessments of the variation of near-road air pollutant concentrations and particle toxicity with changing traffic and environmental conditions, as well as distance from the road. Measurement results demonstrated the temporal and spatial impact of traffic emissions on near-road air quality. The distribution of mobile source emitted gas and particulate pollutants under all wind and traffic conditions indicated a higher proportion of elevated concentrations near the road, suggesting elevated exposures for populations spending significant amounts of time in this microenvironment. Diurnal variations in pollutant concentrations also demonstrated the impact of traffic activity and meteorology on near-road air quality. Time-resolved measurements of multiple pollutants demonstrated that traffic emissions produced a complex mixture of criteria and air toxic pollutants in this microenvironment. These results provide a foundation for future assessments of these data to identify the relationship of traffic activity and meteorology on air quality concentrations and population exposures.
Science of The Total Environment | 2012
Gayle S. W. Hagler; Ming Yeng Lin; Andrey Khlystov; Richard Baldauf; Vlad Isakov; James Faircloth; Laura E. Jackson
Roadside barriers, such as tree stands or noise barriers, are prevalent in many populated areas and have been shown to affect the dispersion of traffic emissions. If roadside noise barriers or tree stands are found to consistently lower ground-level air pollution concentrations in the near-road environment, this may be a practical strategy for reducing exposures to air contaminants along populated traffic corridors. This study measured ultrafine particle (UFP) concentrations using an instrumented mobile measurement approach, collecting data on major roadways and in near-road locations for more than forty sampling sessions at three locations in central North Carolina, USA. Two of the sampling sites had relatively thin tree stands, one evergreen and one deciduous, along a portion of the roadway. The third sampling site had a brick noise wall along a portion of the road. At 10 m from the road, UFPs measured using a mobile sampling platform were lower by approximately 50% behind the brick noise wall relative to a nearby location without a barrier for multiple meteorological conditions. The UFP trends at the vegetative barrier sites were variable and the barrier effect is uncertain. In some cases, higher concentrations were observed behind the vegetative barrier, with respect to the clearing, which may be due to gaps in the thin tree stands allowing the transport of traffic-related air pollution to near-road areas behind the vegetation. On-road sampling revealed no consistent difference in UFP levels in on-road portions of the road with or without a roadside barrier present. These findings support the notion that solid roadside barriers may mitigate near-road impact. Given the co-benefits of vegetative barriers in the urban landscape, research regarding the mitigation potential of vegetative barriers of other configurations (e.g., greater density, wider buffer) is encouraged.
Journal of The Air & Waste Management Association | 2009
Vlad Isakov; Jawad S. Touma; Janet Burke; Danelle T. Lobdell; Ted Palma; Arlene Rosenbaum; Halûk Özkaynak
Abstract Population-based human exposure models predict the distribution of personal exposures to pollutants of outdoor origin using a variety of inputs, including air pollution concentrations; human activity patterns, such as the amount of time spent outdoors versus indoors, commuting, walking, and indoors at home; microenvironmental infiltration rates; and pollutant removal rates in indoor environments. Typically, exposure models rely upon ambient air concentration inputs from a sparse network of monitoring stations. Here we present a unique methodology for combining multiple types of air quality models (the Community Multi-Scale Air Quality [CMAQ] chemical transport model added to the AERMOD dispersion model) and linking the resulting hourly concentrations to population exposure models (the Hazardous Air Pollutant Exposure Model [HAPEM] or the Stochastic Human Exposure and Dose Simulation [SHEDS] model) to enhance estimates of air pollution exposures that vary temporally (annual and seasonal) and spatially (at census-block-group resolution) in an urban area. The results indicate that there is a strong spatial gradient in the predicted mean exposure concentrations near roadways and industrial facilities that can vary by almost a factor of 2 across the urban area studied. At the high end of the exposure distribution (95th percentile), exposures are higher in the central district than in the suburbs. This is mostly due to the importance of personal mobility factors whereby individuals living in the central area often move between microenvironments with high concentrations, as opposed to individuals residing at the outskirts of the city. Also, our results indicate 20–30% differences due to commuting patterns and almost a factor of 2 difference because of near-roadway effects. These differences are smaller for the median exposures, indicating the highly variable nature of the reflected ambient concentrations. In conjunction with local data on emission sources, microenvironmental factors, and behavioral and socioeconomic characteristics, the combined source-to-exposure modeling methodology presented in this paper can improve the assessment of exposures in future community air pollution health studies.
Journal of The Air & Waste Management Association | 2008
Rich Cook; Vlad Isakov; Jawad S. Touma; William Benjey; James Thurman; Ellen Kinnee; Darrell Ensley
Abstract A large body of literature published in recent years suggests increased health risk due to exposure of people to air pollution in close proximity to roadways. As a result, there is a need to more accurately represent the spatial concentration gradients near roadways to develop mitigation strategies. In this paper, we present a practical, readily adaptable methodology, using a “bottom-up” approach to develop a detailed highway vehicle emission inventory that includes emissions for individual road links. This methodology also takes advantage of geographic information system (GIS) software to improve the spatial accuracy of the activity information obtained from a Travel Demand Model. In addition, we present an air quality modeling application of this methodology in New Haven, CT. This application uses a hybrid modeling approach, in which a regional grid-based model is used to characterize average local ambient concentrations, and a Gaussian dispersion model is used to provide texture within the modeling domain because of spatial gradients associated with highway vehicle emissions and other local sources. Modeling results show substantial heterogeneity of pollutant concentrations within the modeling domain and strong spatial gradients associated with roadways, particularly for pollutants dominated by direct emissions.
Atmospheric Environment | 2003
Todd Sax; Vlad Isakov
In this paper, we expand upon established uncertainty analysis techniques to demonstrate a general method for assessing variability and uncertainty in Gaussian air pollutant dispersion modeling systems. To illustrate this method, we estimated variability and uncertainty in predicted hexavalent chromium concentrations generated by welding operations at a shipbuilding and repair facility in California. Using Monte Carlo statistical techniques, we propagated uncertainty across both ISCST3 and AERMOD, and estimated the contribution of variability and uncertainty from four model components: emissions, spatial and temporal allocation of emissions, model parameters, and meteorology. Our results indicated the 95% confidence interval uncertainty at each receptor spanned an order of magnitude. From a practical perspective uncertainty is most important at receptors with highest predicted concentrations. In this case study, emissions were the primary source of uncertainty. However, Gaussian models are also sensitive to location of emission releases, meteorology, and model parameters. Simplified modeling approaches may lead to errors in pollutant concentration estimates, especially in close proximity to emissions sources where predicted concentrations are highest.
Science of The Total Environment | 2016
Zheming Tong; Richard Baldauf; Vlad Isakov; Parikshit Deshmukh; K. Max Zhang
With increasing evidence that exposures to air pollution near large roadways increases risks of a number of adverse human health effects, identifying methods to reduce these exposures has become a public health priority. Roadside vegetation barriers have shown the potential to reduce near-road air pollution concentrations; however, the characteristics of these barriers needed to ensure pollution reductions are not well understood. Designing vegetation barriers to mitigate near-road air pollution requires a mechanistic understanding of how barrier configurations affect the transport of traffic-related air pollutants. We first evaluated the performance of the Comprehensive Turbulent Aerosol Dynamics and Gas Chemistry (CTAG) model with Large Eddy Simulation (LES) to capture the effects of vegetation barriers on near-road air quality, compared against field data. Next, CTAG with LES was employed to explore the effects of six conceptual roadside vegetation/solid barrier configurations on near-road size-resolved particle concentrations, governed by dispersion and deposition. Two potentially viable design options are revealed: a) a wide vegetation barrier with high Leaf Area Density (LAD), and b) vegetation-solid barrier combinations, i.e., planting trees next to a solid barrier. Both designs reduce downwind particle concentrations significantly. The findings presented in the study will assist urban planning and forestry organizations with evaluating different green infrastructure design options.
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology | 2007
Vlad Isakov; John S. Irwin; Jason Ching
Abstract Atmospheric processes and the associated transport and dispersion of atmospheric pollutants are known to be highly variable in time and space. Current air-quality models that characterize atmospheric chemistry effects, for example, the Community Multiscale Air Quality model (CMAQ), provide volume-averaged concentration values for each grid cell in the modeling domain given the stated conditions. Given the assumptions made and the limited set of processes included in any model’s implementation, there are many sources of “unresolved” subgrid variability. This raises the question of the importance of the unresolved subgrid variations on exposure assessment results if such models were to be used to assess air toxics exposure. In this study, the Hazardous Air Pollutant Exposure Model (HAPEM) is applied to estimate benzene and formaldehyde inhalation exposure using ambient annually averaged concentrations predicted by CMAQ to investigate how within-grid variability can affect exposure estimates. An urb...
Journal of The Air & Waste Management Association | 2006
Jawad S. Touma; Vlad Isakov; Jason Ching; Christian Seigneur
Abstract The current requirements and status of air quality modeling of hazardous pollutants are reviewed. Many applications require the ability to predict the local impacts from industrial sources or large roadways as needed for community health characterization and evaluating environmental justice concerns. Such local-scale modeling assessments can be performed by using Gaussian dispersion models. However, these models have a limited ability to handle chemical transformations. A new generation of Eulerian grid-based models is now capable of comprehensively treating transport and chemical transformations of air toxics. However, they typically have coarse spatial resolution, and their computational requirements increase dramatically with finer spatial resolution. The authors present and discuss possible advanced approaches that can combine the grid-based models with local-scale information.
Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology | 2013
Stefanie Ebelt Sarnat; Jeremy A. Sarnat; James A. Mulholland; Vlad Isakov; Halûk Özkaynak; Howard H. Chang; Mitchel Klein; Paige E. Tolbert
Exposure error in studies of ambient air pollution and health that use city-wide measures of exposure may be substantial for pollutants that exhibit spatiotemporal variability. Alternative spatiotemporal metrics of exposure for traffic-related and regional pollutants were applied in a time-series study of ambient air pollution and cardiorespiratory emergency department visits in Atlanta, GA, USA. Exposure metrics included daily central site monitoring for particles and gases; daily spatially refined ambient concentrations obtained from regional background monitors, local-scale dispersion, and hybrid air quality models; and spatially refined ambient exposures from population exposure models. Health risk estimates from Poisson models using the different exposure metrics were compared. We observed stronger associations, particularly for traffic-related pollutants, when using spatially refined ambient concentrations compared with a conventional central site exposure assignment approach. For some relationships, estimates of spatially refined ambient population exposures showed slightly stronger associations than corresponding spatially refined ambient concentrations. Using spatially refined pollutant metrics, we identified socioeconomic disparities in concentration–response functions that were not observed when using central site data. In some cases, spatially refined pollutant metrics identified associations with health that were not observed using measurements from the central site. Complexity and challenges in incorporating modeled pollutant estimates in time-series studies are discussed.
Journal of The Air & Waste Management Association | 2008
Eben D. Thoma; Richard C. Shores; Vlad Isakov; Richard Baldauf
Abstract Understanding motor vehicle emissions, near-roadway pollutant dispersion, and their potential impact to near-roadway populations is an area of growing environmental interest. As part of ongoing U.S. Environmental Protection Agency research in this area, a field study was conducted near Interstate 440 (I-440) in Raleigh, NC, in July and August of 2006. This paper presents a subset of measurements from the study focusing on nitric oxide (NO) concentrations near the roadway. Measurements of NO in this study were facilitated by the use of a novel path-integrated optical remote sensing technique called deep ultraviolet differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DUV-DOAS). This paper reviews the development and application of this measurement system. Time-resolved near-road NO concentrations are analyzed in conjunction with wind and traffic data to provide a picture of emissions and near-road dispersion for the study. Results show peak NO concentrations in the 150 ppb range during weekday morning rush hours with winds from the road accompanied by significantly lower afternoon and weekend concentrations. Traffic volume and wind direction are shown to be primary determinants of NO concentrations with turbulent diffusion and meandering accounting for significant near-road concentrations in off-wind conditions. The enhanced source capture performance of the open-path configuration allowed for robust comparisons of measured concentrations with a composite variable of traffic intensity coupled with wind transport (R2 = 0.84) as well as investigations on the influence of wind direction on NO dilution near the roadway. The benefits of path-integrated measurements for assessing line source impacts and evaluating models is presented. The advantages of NO as a tracer compound, compared with nitrogen dioxide, for investigations of mobile source emissions and initial dispersion under crosswind conditions are also discussed.