William N. Herkelrath
United States Geological Survey
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Featured researches published by William N. Herkelrath.
Water Resources Research | 1991
William N. Herkelrath; Steven P. Hamburg; Fred Murphy
A multiplexing time domain reflectoinetry (TDR) system for real-time monitoring of volumetric soil moisture content was developed. The system was tested at a remote field site in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire. The average value of soil moisture content in the top 500 mm of soil was measured every 4 hours for 1 year at 12 locations within a 12- by 18-m plot. The system functioned well except when the air temperature dropped below −15°C, which caused the data logger tape recorder to stop. Calibrations run on undisturbed soil cores did not compare well with published curves developed for mineral soils, probably because of high soil organic matter content. The standard error of estimate of soil moisture content, indicated by the calibrations, was 0.02 cm3/cm3. The standard deviation of repeated moisture content measurements made in the field was 0.003 cm3/cm3. The effect of cable length on the TDR signal was investigated. It was found that long cables tend to attenuate the signal, ultimately making the measurement impractical. However, cable length had little effect on the calibration up to a length of 27 m. The coefficient of variation of the moisture content measurements taken at any given time ranged from 0.12 to 0.21 during the test period. As predicted by a stochastic analysis of soil moisture flow in heterogeneous soil, the spatial variability of the measurements decreased as average soil moisture increased.
Water Resources Research | 1993
Hedeff I. Essaid; William N. Herkelrath; Kathryn M. Hess
Subsurface oil, water, and air saturation distributions were determined using 146 samples collected from seven boreholes along a 120-m transect at a crude oil spill site near Bemidji, Minnesota. The field data, collected 10 years after the spill, show a clearly defined oil body that has an oil saturation distribution that appears to be influenced by sediment heterogeneities and water table fluctuations. The center of the oil body has depressed the water-saturated zone boundary and the oil appears to have migrated laterally within the capillary fringe. A multiphase cross-sectional flow model was developed and used to simulate the movement of oil and water at the spill site. Comparisons between observed and simulated oil saturation distributions serve as an indicator of the appropriateness of using such models to predict the actual spread of organic immiscible liquids at spill sites. Sediment hydraulic properties used in the model were estimated from particle size data. The general large-scale features of the observed oil body were reproduced only when hysteresis with oil entrapment and representations of observed spatial variability of hydraulic properties were incorporated into the model. The small-scale details of the observed subsurface oil distribution were not reproduced in the simulations. The discrepancy between observed and simulated oil distributions reflects the considerable uncertainty in model parameter estimates and boundary conditions, three-phase capillary pressure-saturation-relative permeability functions, representations of spatial variability of hydraulic properties, and hydrodynamics of the groundwater flow system at the study site.
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology | 2003
Hedeff I. Essaid; Isabelle M. Cozzarelli; Robert P. Eganhouse; William N. Herkelrath; Barbara A. Bekins; Geoffrey N. Delin
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) solute transport and biodegradation code BIOMOC was used in conjunction with the USGS universal inverse modeling code UCODE to quantify field-scale hydrocarbon dissolution and biodegradation at the USGS Toxic Substances Hydrology Program crude-oil spill research site located near Bemidji, MN. This inverse modeling effort used the extensive historical data compiled at the Bemidji site from 1986 to 1997 and incorporated a multicomponent transport and biodegradation model. Inverse modeling was successful when coupled transport and degradation processes were incorporated into the model and a single dissolution rate coefficient was used for all BTEX components. Assuming a stationary oil body, we simulated benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, m,p-xylene, and o-xylene (BTEX) concentrations in the oil and ground water, respectively, as well as dissolved oxygen. Dissolution from the oil phase and aerobic and anaerobic degradation processes were represented. The parameters estimated were the recharge rate, hydraulic conductivity, dissolution rate coefficient, individual first-order BTEX anaerobic degradation rates, and transverse dispersivity. Results were similar for simulations obtained using several alternative conceptual models of the hydrologic system and biodegradation processes. The dissolved BTEX concentration data were not sufficient to discriminate between these conceptual models. The calibrated simulations reproduced the general large-scale evolution of the plume, but did not reproduce the observed small-scale spatial and temporal variability in concentrations. The estimated anaerobic biodegradation rates for toluene and o-xylene were greater than the dissolution rate coefficient. However, the estimated anaerobic biodegradation rates for benzene, ethylbenzene, and m,p-xylene were less than the dissolution rate coefficient. The calibrated model was used to determine the BTEX mass balance in the oil body and groundwater plume. Dissolution from the oil body was greatest for compounds with large effective solubilities (benzene) and with large degradation rates (toluene and o-xylene). Anaerobic degradation removed 77% of the BTEX that dissolved into the water phase and aerobic degradation removed 17%. Although goodness-of-fit measures for the alternative conceptual models were not significantly different, predictions made with the models were quite variable.
Ground Water | 2011
Hedeff I. Essaid; Barbara A. Bekins; William N. Herkelrath; Geoffrey N. Delin
The fate of hydrocarbons in the subsurface near Bemidji, Minnesota, has been investigated by a multidisciplinary group of scientists for over a quarter century. Research at Bemidji has involved extensive investigations of multiphase flow and transport, volatilization, dissolution, geochemical interactions, microbial populations, and biodegradation with the goal of providing an improved understanding of the natural processes limiting the extent of hydrocarbon contamination. A considerable volume of oil remains in the subsurface today despite 30 years of natural attenuation and 5 years of pump-and-skim remediation. Studies at Bemidji were among the first to document the importance of anaerobic biodegradation processes for hydrocarbon removal and remediation by natural attenuation. Spatial variability of hydraulic properties was observed to influence subsurface oil and water flow, vapor diffusion, and the progression of biodegradation. Pore-scale capillary pressure-saturation hysteresis and the presence of fine-grained sediments impeded oil flow, causing entrapment and relatively large residual oil saturations. Hydrocarbon attenuation and plume extent was a function of groundwater flow, compound-specific volatilization, dissolution and biodegradation rates, and availability of electron acceptors. Simulation of hydrocarbon fate and transport affirmed concepts developed from field observations, and provided estimates of field-scale reaction rates and hydrocarbon mass balance. Long-term field studies at Bemidji have illustrated that the fate of hydrocarbons evolves with time, and a snap-shot study of a hydrocarbon plume may not provide information that is of relevance to the long-term behavior of the plume during natural attenuation.
Water Resources Research | 1997
Leslie A. Dillard; Hedeff I. Essaid; William N. Herkelrath
Fluid saturation, particle-size distribution, and porosity measurements were obtained from 269 core samples collected from six boreholes along a 90-m transect at a subregion of a crude-oil spill site, the north pool, near Bemidji, Minnesota. The oil saturation data, collected 11 years after the spill, showed an irregularly shaped oil body that appeared to be affected by sediment spatial variability. The particle-size distribution data were used to estimate the permeability (k) and retention curves for each sample. An additional 344 k estimates were obtained from samples previously collected at the north pool. The 613 k estimates were distributed bimodal lognormally with the two population distributions corresponding to the two predominant lithologies: a coarse glacial outwash deposit and fine-grained interbedded lenses. A two-step geostatistical approach was used to generate a conditioned realization of k representing the bimodal heterogeneity. A cross-sectional multiphase flow model was used to simulate the flow of oil and water in the presence of air along the north pool transect for an 11-year period. The inclusion of a representation of the bimodal aquifer heterogeneity was crucial for reproduction of general features of the observed oil body. If the bimodal heterogeneity was characterized, hysteresis did not have to be incorporated into the model because a hysteretic effect was produced by the sediment spatial variability. By revising the relative permeability functional relation, an improved reproduction of the observed oil saturation distribution was achieved. The inclusion of water table fluctuations in the model did not significantly affect the simulated oil saturation distribution.
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology | 1992
Kathryn M. Hess; William N. Herkelrath; Hedeff I. Essaid
Hess, K.M., Herkelrath, W.N. and Essaid, H.I., 1992. Determination of subsurface fluid contents at a crude-oil spill site. J. Contam. Hydrol., 10: 75-96. Measurement of the fluid-content distribution at sites contaminated by immiscible fluids, including crude oil, is needed to better understand the movement of these fluids in the subsurface and to provide data to calibrate and verify numerical models and geophysical methods. A laboratory method was used to quantify the fluid contents of 146 core sections retrieved from boreholes aligned along a 120-m longitudinal transect at a crude-oil spill site near Bemidji, Minnesota, U.S.A. The 47-mm-diameter, minimally disturbed cores spanned a 4-m vertical interval contaminated by oil. Cores were frozen on site in a dry ice-alcohol bath to prevent redistribution and loss of fluids while sectioning the cores. We gravimetrically determined oil and water contents using a two-step method: (1) samples were slurried and the oil was removed by absorption onto strips of hydrophobic porous polyethylene (PPE); and (2) the samples were oven-dried to remove the water. The resulting data show sharp vertical gradients in the water and oil contents and a clearly defined oil body. The subsurface distribution is complex and appears to be influenced by sediment heterogeneities and water-table fluctuations. The center of the oil body has depressed the water-saturated zone boundary, and the oil is migrating laterally within the capillary fringe. The oil contents are as high as 0.3 cm 3 cm 3, which indicates that oil is probably still mobile 10 years after the spill occurred. The thickness of oil measured in wells suggests that accumulated thickness in wells is a poor indicator of the actual distribution of oil in the subsurface. Several possible sources of error are identified with the field and laboratory methods. An error analysis indicates that adsorption of water and sediment into the PPE adds as much as 4% to the measured oil masses and that uncertainties in the calculated sample volume and the assumed oil density introduce an additional___ 3% error when the masses are converted to fluid contents.
Water Resources Research | 2015
Gene Hua Crystal Ng; Barbara A. Bekins; Isabelle M. Cozzarelli; Mary Jo Baedecker; Philip C. Bennett; Richard T. Amos; William N. Herkelrath
Anaerobic biodegradation of organic amendments and contaminants in aquifers can trigger secondary water quality impacts that impair groundwater resources. Reactive transport models help elucidate how diverse geochemical reactions control the spatiotemporal evolution of these impacts. Using extensive monitoring data from a crude oil spill site near Bemidji, Minnesota (USA), we implemented a comprehensive model that simulates secondary plumes of depleted dissolved O2 and elevated concentrations of Mn2+, Fe2+, CH4, and Ca2+ over a two-dimensional cross section for 30 years following the spill. The model produces observed changes by representing multiple oil constituents and coupled carbonate and hydroxide chemistry. The model includes reactions with carbonates and Fe and Mn mineral phases, outgassing of CH4 and CO2 gas phases, and sorption of Fe, Mn, and H+. Model results demonstrate that most of the carbon loss from the oil (70%) occurs through direct outgassing from the oil source zone, greatly limiting the amount of CH4 cycled down-gradient. The vast majority of reduced Fe is strongly attenuated on sediments, with most (91%) in the sorbed form in the model. Ferrous carbonates constitute a small fraction of the reduced Fe in simulations, but may be important for furthering the reduction of ferric oxides. The combined effect of concomitant redox reactions, sorption, and dissolved CO2 inputs from source-zone degradation successfully reproduced observed pH. The model demonstrates that secondary water quality impacts may depend strongly on organic carbon properties, and impacts may decrease due to sorption and direct outgassing from the source zone.
Environmental Forensics | 2008
Frances D. Hostettler; Barbara A. Bekins; Colleen E. Rostad; William N. Herkelrath
The commentary by Galperin and Kaplan (2008) challenges the petroleum hydrocarbon biodegradation progression that we observed in two independent field studies and a laboratory microcosm study, all under long-term methanogenic conditions (Hostettler and Kvenvolden, 2002, Bekins et al., 2005, Hostettler et al., 2007). This pattern of biodegradation is characterized by preferential loss of high-end n-alkane and n-alkylated ring homologs and a relative (sometimes absolute) enhancement of low-end homologs. Figure 1 illustrates results from a newly completed 15-month microcosm study on Bemidji oil incubated under methanogenic conditions where we again see the same pattern of n-alkane loss and the beginning of relative enhancement of specific low-end n-alkanes (C9 to C12). The objections in the commentary are summarized by: 1) lack of preexisting research that would establish a precedent for our interpretation of the observed weathering progression; 2) contradicting interpretation by other investigators of the degradation progression for a diesel fuel spill on and near a large railroad yard in Mandan, North Dakota; and 3) questioning whether unrecognized environmental alteration could have impacted the spilled crude oil site at Bemidji, Minnesota. We address these objections in the following discussion.
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology | 2017
Geoffrey N. Delin; William N. Herkelrath
A tracer test was conducted to aid in the investigation of water movement and solute transport at a crude-oil spill site near Bemidji, Minnesota. Time of travel was measured using breakthrough curves for rhodamine WT and bromide tracers moving from the soil surface through oil-contaminated and oil-free unsaturated zones to the saturated zone. Results indicate that the rates of tracer movement were similar in the oil-free unsaturated and saturated zones compared to the oily zones. These results are somewhat surprising given the oil contamination in the unsaturated and saturated zones. Rhodamine tracer breakthrough in the unsaturated and saturated zones in general was delayed in comparison to bromide tracer breakthrough. Peak tracer concentrations for the lysimeters and wells in the oily zone were much greater than at the corresponding depths in the oil-free zone. Water and tracer movement in the oily zone was complicated by soil hydrophobicity and decreased oil saturations toward the periphery of the oil. Preferential flow resulted in reduced tracer interaction with the soil, adsorption, and dispersion and faster tracer movement in the oily zone than expected. Tracers were freely transported through the oily zone to the water table. Recharge calculations support the idea that the oil does not substantially affect recharge in the oily zone. This is an important result indicating that previous model-based assumptions of decreased recharge beneath the oil were incorrect. Results have important implications for modeling the fate and transport of dissolved contaminants at hydrocarbon spill sites.
Environmental Earth Sciences | 2010
Yousif K. Kharaka; James J. Thordsen; Evangelos Kakouros; Gil Ambats; William N. Herkelrath; Sarah R. Beers; Jens T. Birkholzer; John A. Apps; Nicholas Spycher; Liange Zheng; Robert C. Trautz; Henry W. Rauch; Kadie Gullickson