Winarti Andayani
Nuclear Energy Agency
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Featured researches published by Winarti Andayani.
Radiation Physics and Chemistry | 2002
Winarti Andayani; Agustin N.M. Bagyo
Abstract Humic acid extracted from peat was irradiated using 60Co gamma irradiation. From the changes in UV absorption and a decrease in COD it appears that the humic substances were mineralized. These results suggest that radiation may hold promise as a treatment process for highly colored waters.
Jurnal Ilmiah Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi | 2016
Ermin Katrin; Winarti Andayani; Susanto Susanto; Hendig Winarno
Jahe merah banyak digunakan dalam pengobatan tradisional untuk mengobati berbagai jenis penyakit. Evaluasi sifat toksik jahe merah sangat penting untuk mengetahui dampak negatif (yang membahayakan) terhadap kesehatan pasien. Oleh karena itu, sebelum dikonsumsi oleh manusia, perlu dilakukan penelitian toksisitas akut oral jahe merah pada mencit. Rimpang tipis jahe merah dalam kemasan plastik poli etilen diiradiasi dengan sinar gamma pada dosis 10 kGy dengan laju dosis 10 kGy/jam. Ekstrak etanol dari jahe merah yang tidak diiradiasi maupun yang diiradiasi lalu diuji toksisitas akut oral menggunakan metode OECD Guideline test. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa sepanjang 14 hari perlakuan terdapat perubahan pola perilaku, gejala klinis dan berat badan mencit kontrol dan perlakuan kelompok. Pemeriksaan histopatologi sampai dosis kurang dari 1250 mg/kg berat badan (bb) menunjukkan normal dan tidak ada efek samping yang signifikan diamati pada ginjal, jantung, hati, paru-paru dan limpa. Kerusakan vena central dan berkurangnya jumlah sel hepatosit pada mencit jantan terjadi pada kelompok dosis uji > 2000 mg/kg bb, sedangkan pada mencit betina terjadi pada kelompok uji dosis > 1250 mg/kg bb. Berdasarkan histologi ginjal mencit jantan dan betina pada dosis > 1250 mg/kg bb terjadi kerusakan pada kapsul bowman, glomerulus, pembuluh proksimal dan pembuluh distal. LD50 ekstrak etanol jahe merah yang tidak diiradiasi adalah 1887 mg/kg bb dan yang diiradiasi 10 kGy adalah 2639 mg/kg bb mencit dan dapat dikategorikan toksik sedang. Pemberian oral ekstrak etanol jahe merah dosis 1250 mg/kb bb pada mencit menunjukkan efek pada organ mencit. Dari hasil yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian oral ekstrak etanol jahe merah yang tidak diradiasi (0 kGy) maupun yang diiradiasi 10 kGy dapat dinyatakan aman pada pemberian dosis kurang dari 1250 mg/kg bb. Kata kunci: iradiasi gamma, toksisitas akut oral, jahe merah (Zingiber officinale) ABSTRACT Effect of Gamma Irradiation on Acute Oral Toxicity of Ethanolic Extract of Red Ginger (Zingiber officinale). Red ginger is widely used in traditional medicine to treat various types of diseases. Evaluation of the toxic properties of red ginger is very important to know the negative harmful impact to human health. Therefore, before it is consumed by humans, it is needed to conduct acute oral toxicity of red ginger extract in mice. Thin rhizome of red ginger in poly ethylene plastic packaging was irradiated by gamma rays at a dose of 10 kGy with a dose rate of 10 kGy/h. The ethanol extract of unirradiated as well as irradiated red ginger was then tested for the acute oral toxicity using OECD Guideline test method. The results showed that throughout the 14 days of treatment there was a change in behavior pattern, clinical symptoms and body weight of control mice and treatment groups. Histopathological examination of kidneys, heart, liver, lungs and spleen of the dose less than 1250 mg/kg body weight showed normal condition and no significant side effects observation. While central venous damage and a reduced number of hepatocyte cells in male mice occurred in the test dose higher than 2000 mg/kg body weight, whereas in female mice it occurred in the test group dose higher than 1250 mg/kg bw. Based on renal histology of male and female mice at doses higher than 1250 mg/kg body weight, there were damage to Bowmans capsule, glomerulus, proximal vessel and distal vessels. LD50 of unirradiated and irradiated with 10 kGy of ethanol extract of red ginger were 1887 mg/kg body weight and 2639 mg/kg body weight, respectively, and it can be categorized as moderately toxic. Oral administration of ethanol extract of red ginger with dose of 1250 mg/kg body weight gave an effect in mice organs. From these results it can be concluded that oral administration of both unirradiated and irradiated with a dose 10 kGy of ethanol extract consider safe at a dose less than 1250 mg/kg body weight. Keywords : gamma irradiation, acute oral toxicity, red ginger, Zingiber officinale
Atom Indonesia | 2004
Agustin N.M. Bagyo; Winarti Andayani; Hendig Winarno; Ermin Katrin; Yanti S. Soebianto
Radiation Physics and Chemistry | 2004
Agustin N.M. Bagyo; Winarti Andayani; Christina Tri Suhani
Jurnal Ilmiah Aplikasi Isotop Radiasi | 2014
Ermin Katrin; Winarti Andayani; Susanto Susanto; Hendig Winarno
Jurnal Ilmiah Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi | 2013
Winarti Andayani; Agustin Sumartono; Muhammad Lindu
Journal of Coastal Zone Management | 2013
Agustin Sumartono; Winarti Andayani; Ermin Katrin Winarno
Journal of Coastal Zone Management | 2012
Winarti Andayani; Agustin Sumartono
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry | 2011
Winarti Andayani; Agustin N.M. Bagyo
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry | 2010
Winarti Andayani; Agustin Sumartono