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Featured researches published by Yasemin Benderli.
Balkan Journal of Dental Medicine | 2014
Kağan Gökçe; Yasemin Benderli; Mağrur Kazak
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate by SEM morphological changes of dentin surfaces under the use of 5% NaOCl before applying different acids for etching. In the study, dentin surfaces were prepared from the middle third of 20 non-carious human third molars. Samples were divided into 2 groups with 3 subgroups each. In the first group, no application was performed on dentin surfaces. In the second group, 5% NaOCl was applied for 60 seconds on the dentin surfaces then rinsed with distilled water for 5 seconds. In all of the subgroups, dentin surfaces were etched by different conditioning agents for 15 seconds then rinsed for 30 seconds. After surface applications, all of the specimens were placed in distilled water. Morphological changes of dentin surfaces were determined by SEM. The results were evaluated by the scoring system based on Brannström et al. In the NaOCl treated groups, scores were as follows: The score of dentin without NaOCl treatment was 0, while it was 4 after phosphoric acid application, 3 after only citric acid-ferric chloride, and 1 after only maleic acid application. In the group where only NaOCl was applied, the score was not exactly 1 but slightly less. The score for NaOCl with phosphoric acid was 4, NaOCl with citric acid-ferric chloride was 3, and NaOCl with maleic acid was 2. Weak acid was found more effective on NaOCl treated dentin surfaces when compared with non-treated dentin surfaces.
Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry | 1994
Yasemin Benderli
OZET Kullanim alanlari ve ureticilerine bagli olarak, bazi farkliliklar tasimakla beraber, genel olarak cam iyonomer si-manlarinin yapisi, kalsiyum floro-alumino slikiat cam tozlari ve poliakrilik asidin akici solusyonu, itakonik asit, tartarik asit Iceren kopolimer bilesiminden ibarettir. Yapisal ozellikleri nedeniyle dis doku kayiplarini en iyi sekilde karsilayabilecek nitelikte materyaller olduklari cesitli calismalarla ortaya konmustur. Materyalin yapisina katilan, kuresel gumus alasim tozlan ve sinterlenmis cam-metal tozlan dolayisiyla asinmaya direncinin onemli olcude arttigi bildirilmistir. Cam iyonomer simanlari sekonder curukleri onlemek acisindan diger dolgu maddelerine gore daha ustun ozelliklere sahiptir. Bunun baslica nedeni, yapilarinda fluorur iyonu bulunmasi ve bunu serbestleyebilme yeteneginde olmalaridir. Ayrica dis dokularina kimyasal olarak, mine ve dentin dokusunun hidroksiapatitine kalsiyum iyonlari ile selasyon reaksiyonu sonucu baglanmasi bu dolgu maddesinin diste fazla madde kaybi olmaksizin kullanilmasini saglayan ustun bir ozelligidir. Canli dokuya etkisine iliskin ozelliklerinin bilinmesi, birakilacak saglikli dentin kalinligini, yuzey ozelliklerine iliskin karakterinin anlasilmasi, klinik uygulamasinin basarisini belirlemek acisindan son derece onemlidir. Anahtar sozcukler: Cam iyonomer simani, yapisal ozellikler, biyolojik uygunluk. ABSTRACT Although glass ionomer cements have got some differences according to their manufacturers and usage, they generally contain calcium floro-alumino silicat glass powder andpolyacrylic acid, itaconic acid and tartaric acid. Studies showed that these materials can compansate the loss tissues of the tooth very well due to structural properties. Cermet cements containing silver-glass particules are more resistable to pressure. Using glass ionomers prevent seconder caries due to releasing offlourur ions. These materials produce chemical bonding with tooth tissues. So dentists can treat the teeth very conservatively. In addition to this, the remaning dentin thickness onto the pulp is very important for the reaction of pulp to glass ionomer cements Surface characteristics and usage procedures of the glass ionomer cements affect the clinical success. Key words: Glass ionomer cement, structural properties, biocompatibility.
Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry | 1992
Yasemin Benderli; Sami Büyükgökçesu
OZET Son yillarda, dislerde farkli nedenlerle olusan doku kayiplarinin, mumkun olabildigince az madde kaldirilarak restorasyonu cok onem tasimakladir. Ayrica ozellikle arka bolgede, okluzal basinclara dayanikli dolgu maddelerinin, ustunluklerini korumalari nedeniyle, amaigam alasimlari tercih edilmektedir. Her iki unsuru da iceren amaigam inley restorasyonlarinin basarisi icin, geleneksel ve y 2 fazi tasimayan amaigam alasimlari ile yapistirici camiyonomer si-manlari arasindaki baglanma siddetlerinin degerlendirilmesi, calismamizin amacini olusturmaktadir. Invilro kosullarda gerceklestirilen arastirmada, Anahtar sozcukler: Camiyonomer simanlari, amaigam, baglanma kuvveti. ABSTRACT It is of primary significance that tissue losses in teeth due to various etiological factors are restored causing minimal amount of hard tissue removal. Amalgam alloys are preferred especially in posterior regions, since they still possess the superior advantages of restorative materials resistant to occlusal stresses. For the success of amalgam inlay restorations which fulfill both of these requirements, we aimed to evaluate the bonding stresses between non y-2 amalgam alloys and luting glass ionomer cements. In this study performed under invitro conditions, it was determined that one of the non-y-2 amalgams gave the highest bonding strength values with all the glassionomer cements examined. Key words: Glassionomer cements, amalgam, bonding strength y 2 f azi icermeyen amalgamlardan birinin, tum Incelenen cam iyonomer si-manlari ile en yuksek baglanma siddet degerleri ortaya koydugu saptanmistir.
Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry | 1990
Mübin Soyman; Yegane Güven; Yasemin Benderli
Anahtar sozcukler : Kok yuzeyi curukleri,florurler, sement cozunurlugu Fluorurlerin mine cozunurlugunu azalttigi klinik ve laboratuvar calismalari ile gosterilmistir. Bu arastirmada fluorurlerin sement yuzeyi cozunurlugunu degistirip degistirmedigi saptanmaya calisildi. 20-35 yaslari arasindaki bireylerden cekilen 3. buyuk azi dislerinin kok yuzeyleri uzerinde arastirma yurutuldu. Dort ayri deney grubuna 3 veya 5 dakikalik NaF veya APF Jelleri uygulandi. Acikta kalan sement yuzeyleri 60 saniye HCI04 ile cozuldu ve cozeltide fosfor tayini yapildi. Elde edilen bulgulara gore 3 veya 5 dakikalik APF uygulamasinin kontrol grubuna oranla sement yuzeyi cozunurlugunu ileri derecede anlamli (P<0.001) olarak azalttigi goruldu. Key words : Root surface caries, fluorides, solubility of cementum In clinical and laboratory researches, it was shown that fluorides decrease the enamel solubility. In this study, whether or not the solubility of cementum can be changed by exporuse to fluorides. The laboratory work was performed on root surfaces of third molars extracted from individuals aged between 20-35 years. 3 or 5 minutes application of NaF or APF gels were used. Solubility of cementum was determined by detecting the phosphorus content of the etching solution of perchloric acid applied on the root surfaces. According to the findings obtained, it was observed that 3 or 5 minute application of APF decreased the solubility of cementum significantly (P<0.001) when compared with the control group.
Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry | 1999
Haşmet Ulukapı; Yasemin Benderli; Mağrur Kazak; Işın Ulukapı
Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry | 1999
Yasemin Benderli; Paul V. Hatton
Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry | 1995
Yasemin Benderli; Taner Yucel
Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry | 1995
Yasemin Benderli
Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry | 1994
Yasemin Benderli; Taner Yucel
Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry | 1992
Yasemin Benderli