Ylva Østby
University of Oslo
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Featured researches published by Ylva Østby.
Cerebral Cortex | 2010
Christian K. Tamnes; Ylva Østby; Anders M. Fjell; Lars T. Westlye; Paulina Due-Tønnessen; Kristine B. Walhovd
The development of cortical gray matter, white matter (WM) volume, and WM microstructure in adolescence is beginning to be fairly well characterized by structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies. However, these aspects of brain development have rarely been investigated concurrently in the same sample and hence the relations between them are not understood. We delineated the age-related changes in cortical thickness, regional WM volume, and diffusion characteristics and investigated the relationships between these properties of brain development. One hundred and sixty-eight healthy participants aged 8-30 years underwent sMRI and DTI. The results showed regional age-related cortical thinning, WM volume increases, and changes in diffusion parameters. Cortical thickness was the most strongly age-related parameter. All classes of measures showed unique associations with age. The results indicate that cortical thinning in adolescence cannot be explained by WM maturation in underlying regions as measured by volumetry or DTI. Moderate associations between cortical thickness and both volume and diffusion parameters in underlying WM regions were also found, although the relationships were not strong. It is concluded that none of the measures are redundant and that the integration of the 3 will yield a more complete understanding of brain maturation.
Cerebral Cortex | 2010
Lars T. Westlye; Kristine B. Walhovd; Anders M. Dale; Atle Bjørnerud; Paulina Due-Tønnessen; Andreas Engvig; Håkon Grydeland; Christian K. Tamnes; Ylva Østby; Anders M. Fjell
Magnetic resonance imaging volumetry studies report inverted U-patterns with increasing white-matter (WM) volume into middle age suggesting protracted WM maturation compared with the cortical gray matter. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is sensitive to degree and direction of water permeability in biological tissues, providing in vivo indices of WM microstructure. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to delineate age trajectories of WM volume and DTI indices in 430 healthy subjects ranging 8-85 years of age. We used automated regional brain volume segmentation and tract-based statistics of fractional anisotropy, mean, and radial diffusivity as markers of WM integrity. Nonparametric regressions were used to fit the age trajectories and to estimate the timing of maximum development and deterioration in aging. Although the volumetric data supported protracted growth into the sixth decade, DTI indices plateaued early in the fourth decade across all tested regions and then declined slowly into late adulthood followed by an accelerating decrease in senescence. Tractwise and voxel-based analyses yielded regional differences in development and aging but did not provide ample evidence in support of a simple last-in-first-out hypothesis of life-span changes.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2009
Ylva Østby; Christian K. Tamnes; Anders M. Fjell; Lars T. Westlye; Paulina Due-Tønnessen; Kristine B. Walhovd
Brain development during late childhood and adolescence is characterized by decreases in gray matter (GM) and increases in white matter (WM) and ventricular volume. The dynamic nature of development across different structures is, however, not well understood, and the present magnetic resonance imaging study took advantage of a whole-brain segmentation approach to describe the developmental trajectories of 16 neuroanatomical volumes in the same sample of children, adolescents, and young adults (n = 171; range, 8–30 years). The cerebral cortex, cerebral WM, caudate, putamen, pallidum, accumbens area, hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus, brainstem, cerebellar GM, cerebellar WM, lateral ventricles, inferior lateral ventricles, third ventricle, and fourth ventricle were studied. The cerebral cortex was further analyzed in terms of lobar thickness and surface area. The results revealed substantial heterogeneity in developmental trajectories. GM decreased nonlinearly in the cerebral cortex and linearly in the caudate, putamen, pallidum, accumbens, and cerebellar GM, whereas the amygdala and hippocampus showed slight, nonlinear increases in GM volume. WM increased nonlinearly in both the cerebrum and cerebellum, with an earlier maturation in cerebellar WM. In addition to similarities in developmental trajectories within subcortical regions, our results also point to differences between structures within the same regions: among the basal ganglia, the caudate showed a weaker relationship with age than the putamen and pallidum, and in the cerebellum, differences were found between GM and WM development. These results emphasize the importance of studying a wide range of structural variables in the same sample, for a broader understanding of brain developmental principles.
NeuroImage | 2010
Anders M. Fjell; Kristine B. Walhovd; Lars T. Westlye; Ylva Østby; Christian K. Tamnes; Terry L. Jernigan; Anthony Gamst; Anders M. Dale
Many brain structures show a complex, non-linear pattern of maturation and age-related change. Often, quadratic models (beta(0) + beta(1)age + beta(2)age(2) + epsilon) are used to describe such relationships. Here, we demonstrate that the fitting of quadratic models is substantially affected by seemingly irrelevant factors, such as the age-range sampled. Hippocampal volume was measured in 434 healthy participants between 8 and 85 years of age, and quadratic models were fit to subsets of the sample with different age-ranges. It was found that as the bottom of the age-range increased, the age at which volumes appeared to peak was moved upwards and the estimated decline in the last part of the age-span became larger. Thus, whether children were included or not affected the estimated decline between 60 and 85 years. We conclude that caution should be exerted in inferring age-trajectories from global fit models, e.g. the quadratic model. A nonparametric local smoothing technique (the smoothing spline) was found to be more robust to the effects of different starting ages. The results were replicated in an independent sample of 309 participants.
NeuroImage | 2013
Christian K. Tamnes; Kristine B. Walhovd; Anders M. Dale; Ylva Østby; Håkon Grydeland; George Richardson; Lars T. Westlye; J. Cooper Roddey; Donald J. Hagler; Paulina Due-Tønnessen; Dominic Holland; Anders M. Fjell
Early-life development is characterized by dramatic changes, impacting lifespan function more than changes in any other period. Developmental origins of neurocognitive late-life functions are acknowledged, but detailed longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging studies of brain maturation and direct comparisons with aging are lacking. To these aims, a novel method was used to measure longitudinal volume changes in development (n=85, 8-22 years) and aging (n=142, 60-91 years). Developmental reductions exceeded 1% annually in much of the cortex, more than double to that seen in aging, with a posterior-to-anterior gradient. Cortical reductions were greater than the subcortical during development, while the opposite held in aging. The pattern of lateral cortical changes was similar across development and aging, but the pronounced medial temporal reduction in aging was not precast in development. Converging patterns of change in adolescents and elderly, particularly in the medial prefrontal areas, suggest that late developed cortices are especially vulnerable to atrophy in aging. A key question in future research will be to disentangle the neurobiological underpinnings for the differences and the similarities between brain changes in development and aging.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2012
Christian K. Tamnes; Anders M. Fjell; Lars T. Westlye; Ylva Østby; Kristine B. Walhovd
Cognitive development is known to involve improvements in accuracy, capacity, and processing speed. Less is known about the role of performance consistency, and there has been virtually no empirical examination of the neural underpinnings of within-person variability in development. In a sample of 92 healthy children and adolescents aged 8–19 years, we aimed to characterize age-related changes in trial-to-trial intraindividual variability (IIV) of reaction time (RT) and to test whether IIV is related to white matter (WM) integrity as indexed by diffusion tensor imaging. IIV was quantified as the SD of correct RTs in a speeded arrow flanker task, and Tract-Based Spatial Statistics was used to test relationships with diffusion characteristics. Large age-related reductions in IIV in both simple congruent trials and more complex incongruent trials were found. Independently of sex, age, and median RT (mRT), lower IIV was associated with higher fractional anisotropy and lower overall diffusivity. Effects were seen for IIV in one or both trial types in the corticospinal tract, the left superior longitudinal fasciculus, the uncinate fasciculus, the forceps minor, and in the genu and splenium of the corpus callosum. There were no significant associations between mRT and any of the diffusion indices. The findings support the proposition that developmental reductions in IIV reflect maturation of WM connectivity and highlight the importance of considering within-person variability in theories of cognitive development and its neurobiological foundation.
NeuroImage | 2010
Lars T. Westlye; Kristine B. Walhovd; Anders M. Dale; Atle Bjørnerud; Paulina Due-Tønnessen; Andreas Engvig; Håkon Grydeland; Christian K. Tamnes; Ylva Østby; Anders M. Fjell
Cortical thickness decreases from childhood throughout life, as estimated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This monotone trajectory does not reflect the fundamentally different neurobiological processes underlying morphometric changes in development versus aging. We hypothesized that intracortical gray matter (GM) and subjacent white matter (WM) T1-weighted signal intensity would distinguish developmental and age-related changes in the cortex better than thickness. Intracortical GM and subjacent WM signal intensity and cortical thickness was measured across the brain surface in a healthy life span sample (n=429, 8-85 years). We also computed the relaxation rate of T2* (R2*) from multiecho sequences and mapped intracortical GM and subjacent WM values to the surface to delineate age-related variability in R2* and to adjust the T1 signal intensity for possible confounds of accumulated iron. While monotone age-related reductions in thickness were found, both intracortical GM and subcortical WM signal intensity showed inverted U patterns with peaks from eight to approximately 30 years of age. The spatial pattern of intracortical neurodevelopment followed a posterior-anterior gradient, with earliest maturation of occipital visual cortices and most protracted in superior frontal regions. From 50s and 60s, substantial signal reductions were observed in several regions, including the insula, cingulate, and inferior temporal gyrus. R2* showed similar patterns but peaked much later than the T1-weighted signal intensity measures. The results are presented as animations yielding detailed depictions of the dynamic regional variability in cortical neurodevelopment and aging and demonstrate that cortical thickness and T1-weighted signal intensity are sensitive to different cortical maturational and aging-related processes.
Neuropsychologia | 2010
Christian K. Tamnes; Ylva Østby; Kristine B. Walhovd; Lars T. Westlye; Paulina Due-Tønnessen; Anders M. Fjell
A range of cognitive abilities improves in childhood and adolescence. It has been proposed that the protracted development of executive functions is related to the relatively late maturation of the prefrontal cortex. However, this has rarely been directly investigated. In this cross-sectional study, 98 healthy children and adolescents (8-19 years old) were tested with six tasks considered to index three frequently postulated executive functions; updating (Keep track and Letter memory), inhibition (Antisaccade and Stroop) and shifting (Plus minus and Trail making). Task performance was then related to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures of cortical thickness. The behavioral results did not indicate any clear organization of the executive function measures in the domains updating, inhibition and shifting. Limitations associated with the use of speed-based scores from the tasks considered to index shifting ability were also indicated. Independently of the effects of age, performance on the Keep track task was associated with thinner cortex bilaterally in clusters encompassing parietal and frontal regions, including the left inferior frontal gyrus, while performance on the Antisaccade task was associated with thinner cortex bilaterally in occipital and parietal regions. Further, levels of performance on the Antisaccade and Stroop tasks were related to estimated rates of cortical maturation in posterior brain regions, but not in the prefrontal cortex. The results from the present study add to previous knowledge about the cortical correlates of executive functions by indicating an important role of posterior cerebral areas in executive development.
Human Brain Mapping | 2010
Christian K. Tamnes; Ylva Østby; Kristine B. Walhovd; Lars T. Westlye; Paulina Due-Tønnessen; Anders M. Fjell
Higher‐order cognitive functions are supported by distributed networks of multiple interconnected cortical and subcortical regions. Efficient cognitive processing depends on fast communication between these regions, so the integrity of the connections between them is of great importance. It is known that white matter (WM) development is a slow process, continuing into adulthood. While the significance of cortical maturation for intellectual development is described, less is known about the relationships between cognitive functions and maturation of WM connectivity. In this cross‐sectional study, we investigated the associations between intellectual abilities and development of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) derived measures of WM microstructure in 168 right‐handed participants aged 8–30 years. Independently of age and sex, both verbal and performance abilities were positively related to fractional anisotropy (FA) and negatively related to mean diffusivity (MD) and radial diffusivity (RD), predominantly in the left hemisphere. Further, verbal, but not performance abilities, were associated with developmental differences in DTI indices in widespread regions in both hemispheres. Regional analyses showed relations with both FA and RD bilaterally in the anterior thalamic radiation and the cortico‐spinal tract and in the right superior longitudinal fasciculus. In these regions, our results suggest that participants with high verbal abilities may show accelerated WM development in late childhood and a subsequent earlier developmental plateau, in contrast to a steadier and prolonged development in participants with average verbal abilities. Longitudinal data are needed to validate these interpretations. The results provide insight into the neurobiological underpinnings of intellectual development. Hum Brain Mapp, 2010.
Neuropsychologia | 2011
Ylva Østby; Christian K. Tamnes; Anders M. Fjell; Kristine B. Walhovd
Two distinctly different maturational processes - cortical thinning and white matter maturation - take place in the brain as we mature from late childhood to adulthood. To what extent does each contribute to the development of complex cognitive functions like working memory? The independent and joint contributions of cortical thickness of regions of the left fronto-parietal network and the diffusion characteristics of the connecting pathway of the left superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF) in accounting for verbal working memory performance were investigated, using a predefined regions of interest-approach. 108 healthy participants aged 8-19 years underwent MRI, including anatomical and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), as well as cognitive testing using a digit span task. Radial diffusivity of the SLF, as well as cortical thickness of supramarginal gyrus and rostral middle frontal cortex, were negatively related to digit span forwards performance, independently of age. Radial diffusivity of the SLF was also negatively related to digit span backwards. A multi-modal analysis showed that cortical thickness and SLF microstructure were complementary in explaining working memory span. Furthermore, SLF microstructure and cortical thickness had different impact on working memory performance during the developmental period, suggesting a complex developmental interplay. The results indicate that cortical and white matter maturation each play unique roles in the development of working memory.