Yoko Fukuya
Sugiyama Jogakuen University
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Featured researches published by Yoko Fukuya.
Biological Trace Element Research | 2005
Yukiko Mita; Kengo Ishihara; Yoshiko Fukuchi; Yoko Fukuya; Kyoden Yasumoto
To study the preventive effect of supplemented chromium picolinate (CrPic) on the development of diabetic nephropathy in mice, we analyzed the effects of CrPic supplementation on renal function and concentrations of serum glucose and tissue chromium (Cr). In experiment 1, male KK-Ay obese diabetic mice were fed either a control diet (control) or a diet supplemented with 2 mg/kg diet (Cr2) or 10 mg/kg diet (Cr10) of Cr for 12 wk. Cr10 significantly ameliorated hyperglycemia after a glucose load, creatinine clearance rates, and urinary microalbumin levels (p<0.05). In experiment 2, the Cr10 diet was fed to male KK-Ay obese diabetic mice and C57BL nondiabetic mice for 4 wk. The CrPic diet reduced urinary albumin excretion in the diabetic mice (p<0.05). Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry analysis revealed that the renal Cr content and the recovery of renal Cr concentration after Cr supplementation were significantly lower in the diabetic mice than in the nondiabetic mice (p<0.01). These observations suggest that Cr supplementation of type 2 diabetic mice reduces the symptoms of hyperglycemia and improves the renal function by recovering renal Cr concentration.
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry | 2003
Kengo Ishihara; Yoshiko Fukuchi; Wataru Mizunoya; Yukiko Mita; Yoko Fukuya; Tohru Fushiki; Kyoden Yasumoto
The effects of an amino acid mixture simulating dietary soybean protein on the postprandial energy metabolism was investigated using type II diabetic mice. KK-Ay strain mice were fed restrictive isoenergetic and isonitrogenous diets (35% of energy as protein and 5% as fat) based on either casein, soybean protein isolate hydrolysate (SPI-H), SPI-HET (ethanol unsoluble fraction of SPI-H), SPI-AA and casein-AA (amino acid mixtures simulating SPI-H and casein). To measure dietary carbohydrate oxidation, the animals were fed a diet containing 13C-glucose. Postprandial respiratory quotient and expired 13CO2 were higher in the SPI-AA than in the casein-AA group, as the differences were similarly observed in mice fed SPI-H and casein diet. No significant differences were observed in the postprandial respiratory quotient and expired 13CO2 between the SPI-H and SPI-HET group. In conclusion, this study on food-restricted mice indicates that the amino acid mixtures simulating SPI-H or casein could affect postprandial energy metabolism in diabetic mice, as observed in those fed SPI-H or casein in the form of peptide or protein.
Journal of home economics | 1986
Tomoko Kimura; Mieko Kagaya; Yoko Fukuya; Yasuko Ogawa
1. 緒 言 著者 らは前報1)に おいて健康食 品と しての大豆粉添加 の米粉 カステ ラを調製 し報告 した.本 報 では米粉 カステ ラの米粉に,従 来か ら製菓 や間食 の材料 として用 い られ ていた黍粉 ・大 麦粉 ・麦 こが し ・晒 し館 ・小豆粉を混合 した蒸 しカステ ラを家庭 で作 る ことを 目的 として実験を 行 った. 黍 ・大 麦の穀物 はタ ンパ ク質含量 が高 く,精 白米 に比 しビタ ミンB1・ ビタ ミンB2・ 無機質(Ca・P・Fe・K な ど)に 富む食 品であ り,と くに ダイエタ リー ・フ ァイ バ ー(DF)量 が多 く,近 年成 人病予防の観点 か ら も注 目されてい る.一 方,小 豆は大 豆 よ りタンパ ク質 ・脂肪 ・ 無機質 ・ビタ ミン類な どはやや劣 るとはいえ,植 物性食 品 としては タンパ ク質が比較的多 く,米 粉 に晒 し飴や小 豆粉を添加す ることに よ り栄養効果を高める こともで き ると考 えられ る.そ こで原料の配合割合を変化 させて調 製 した,蒸 しカステ ラの性状,嗜 好な らびに成分 組成 な どにお よぼす影響について検 討 した.あ わ せて胚 芽精米 を製粉 した米粉にて蒸 しカステ ラを試作 し,そ れ らの ビ タ ミンB1含 有量について も測定 し,通 常 の精 白米粉 の 製品 と比較検討を行い,若 干の結果 を得 た の で 報告す る. 2. 実験方法 1) 試 料 i) 粉 梗精 白米粉: 愛知県海部郡昭和58・59年 度 産 幸 風, 吉村穀粉(株)製,粒度分布は前報1)と ほ とん ど同 じ,平 均 粒度103メ ッシュ,水 分13.3%,白 色度65.68. 胚芽精米粉:山 形県昭和59年 度産ササ ニ シ キ,食 糧 庁昭和52年 「胚芽精米配給実施要領」で定め られ た 胚 芽保有率80%以 上の品,吉 村穀 粉(株)製,粒度分布 は梗 精 白米粉 と類似 の平均粒度104メ ッシュ,水 分15.1%, 白色度66.02. 黍粉: 熊本県昭和58・59年 度産儒黍,吉 村穀粉(株)製, 高速度粉砕機に て0.4mm以 下に した もの,黄 色度47. 79. 大麦粉: 市販 品,日 本精麦(株)製,茨 城県昭和59年 度 品小粒大麦か しま,1等 粉,白 色度60.69. 麦 こが し: 市販品,萬 藤(株)製,栃 木 県 昭和58年 度品 小粒大麦を100~330°C で焙 煎 し,高 速度粉砕機で0.4 mm以 下 にした もの. 晒 し餡(1): 市販品改良晒 し館,根 津製館所,昭 和59 年度 品(台 湾産小豆35%+い んげ ん豆 ・金時豆 な どの 雑豆65%の 晒 し餡). 晒 し館(2): 市販 品上等 晒 し餡(菓 子屋専 門店用), 根津製餡 所,昭 和59年 度 品(台 湾産小豆100%の 晒 し *椙 山女学園大学家政学部
Journal of home economics | 1985
Tomoko Kimura; Yoko Fukuya; Mieko Kagaya; Tamiko Kimura; Yasuko Ogawa
For the purpose of the preparation of nutritionally, desirable homemade spongecakes using rice flour added with soybean meal and muscovado, steamed spongecakes and roasted cakes were prepared, and comparative studies were made on their physical properties and preference. 1) For rice flour spongecakes, the optimal amount of additional soybean meal was 25 to 50 %, and the addition of 30 to 50 % of glutinous rice to rice flour resulted in spongy and nutritionally desirable products, having low rate of swelling but relieving dryness, and high degree of gelatinization and content of protein. 2) Remarkable differences in preference were observed between parched bean flour and crushed soybean meal after cooking and drying of soybean, while there was a little difference between steamed products and roasted ones. 3) Spongecakes made from rice flour added with soybean meal were evaluated to be highly acceptable when muscovado was added up to 50 %.
Journal of Nutrition | 2003
Kengo Ishihara; Shinichi Oyaizu; Yoshiko Fukuchi; Wataru Mizunoya; Kikumi Segawa; Miki Takahashi; Yukiko Mita; Yoko Fukuya; Tohru Fushiki; Kyoden Yasumoto
Tomoko Kimura; Mieko Kagaya; Yoko Fukuya
Journal for The Integrated Study of Dietary Habits | 1999
Tomoko Kimura; Tatsyuki Sugahara; Hiroko Sasaki; Yoko Fukuya; Tsuyoshi Nanba
Journal of The Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology-nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi | 1997
Tomoko Kimura; Tatsuyuki Sugahara; Yoko Fukuya; Masahiko Goto
Journal of home economics | 1990
Tomoko Kimura; Mieko Kagaya; Yoko Fukuya; Shinshi Kosugi
Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo Gakkaishi | 2005
Kengo Ishihara; Kyoko Morita; Nobuko Yanagisawa; Yoshie Yabu; Yoko Fukuya; Kyoden Yasumoto