Featured Researches

Computation And Language

I-BERT: Integer-only BERT Quantization

Transformer based models, like BERT and RoBERTa, have achieved state-of-the-art results in many Natural Language Processing tasks. However, their memory footprint, inference latency, and power consumption are prohibitive efficient inference at the edge, and even at the data center. While quantization can be a viable solution for this, previous work on quantizing Transformer based models use floating-point arithmetic during inference, which cannot efficiently utilize integer-only logical units such as the recent Turing Tensor Cores, or traditional integer-only ARM processors. In this work, we propose I-BERT, a novel quantization scheme for Transformer based models that quantizes the entire inference with integer-only arithmetic. Based on lightweight integer-only approximation methods for nonlinear operations, e.g., GELU, Softmax, and Layer Normalization, I-BERT performs an end-to-end integer-only BERT inference without any floating point calculation. We evaluate our approach on GLUE downstream tasks using RoBERTa-Base/Large. We show that for both cases, I-BERT achieves similar (and slightly higher) accuracy as compared to the full-precision baseline. Furthermore, our preliminary implementation of I-BERT shows a speedup of 2.4-4.0x for INT8 inference on a T4 GPU system as compared to FP32 inference. The framework has been developed in PyTorch and has been open-sourced.

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Computation And Language

IFoodCloud: A Platform for Real-time Sentiment Analysis of Public Opinion about Food Safety in China

The Internet contains a wealth of public opinion on food safety, including views on food adulteration, food-borne diseases, agricultural pollution, irregular food distribution, and food production issues. In order to systematically collect and analyse public opinion on food safety, we developed IFoodCloud, a platform for the real-time sentiment analysis of public opinion on food safety in China. It collects data from more than 3,100 public sources that can be used to explore public opinion trends, public sentiment, and regional attention differences of food safety incidents. At the same time, we constructed a sentiment classification model using multiple lexicon-based and deep learning-based algorithms integrated with IFoodCloud that provide an unprecedented rapid means of understanding the public sentiment toward specific food safety incidents. Our best model's F1-score achieved 0.9737. Further, three real-world cases are presented to demonstrate the application and robustness. IFoodCloud could be considered a valuable tool for promote scientisation of food safety supervision and risk communication.

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Computation And Language

IIE-NLP-Eyas at SemEval-2021 Task 4: Enhancing PLM for ReCAM with Special Tokens, Re-Ranking, Siamese Encoders and Back Translation

This paper introduces our systems for all three subtasks of SemEval-2021 Task 4: Reading Comprehension of Abstract Meaning. To help our model better represent and understand abstract concepts in natural language, we well-design many simple and effective approaches adapted to the backbone model (RoBERTa). Specifically, we formalize the subtasks into the multiple-choice question answering format and add special tokens to abstract concepts, then, the final prediction of question answering is considered as the result of subtasks. Additionally, we employ many finetuning tricks to improve the performance. Experimental results show that our approaches achieve significant performance compared with the baseline systems. Our approaches achieve eighth rank on subtask-1 and tenth rank on subtask-2.

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Computation And Language

If you've got it, flaunt it: Making the most of fine-grained sentiment annotations

Fine-grained sentiment analysis attempts to extract sentiment holders, targets and polar expressions and resolve the relationship between them, but progress has been hampered by the difficulty of annotation. Targeted sentiment analysis, on the other hand, is a more narrow task, focusing on extracting sentiment targets and classifying their this http URL this paper, we explore whether incorporating holder and expression information can improve target extraction and classification and perform experiments on eight English datasets. We conclude that jointly predicting target and polarity BIO labels improves target extraction, and that augmenting the input text with gold expressions generally improves targeted polarity classification. This highlights the potential importance of annotating expressions for fine-grained sentiment datasets. At the same time, our results show that performance of current models for predicting polar expressions is poor, hampering the benefit of this information in practice.

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Computation And Language

Improved Customer Transaction Classification using Semi-Supervised Knowledge Distillation

In pickup and delivery services, transaction classification based on customer provided free text is a challenging problem. It involves the association of a wide variety of customer inputs to a fixed set of categories while adapting to the various customer writing styles. This categorization is important for the business: it helps understand the market needs and trends, and also assist in building a personalized experience for different segments of the customers. Hence, it is vital to capture these category information trends at scale, with high precision and recall. In this paper, we focus on a specific use-case where a single category drives each transaction. We propose a cost-effective transaction classification approach based on semi-supervision and knowledge distillation frameworks. The approach identifies the category of a transaction using free text input given by the customer. We use weak labelling and notice that the performance gains are similar to that of using human-annotated samples. On a large internal dataset and on 20Newsgroup dataset, we see that RoBERTa performs the best for the categorization tasks. Further, using an ALBERT model (it has 33x fewer parameters vis-a-vis parameters of RoBERTa), with RoBERTa as the Teacher, we see a performance similar to that of RoBERTa and better performance over unadapted ALBERT. This framework, with ALBERT as a student and RoBERTa as teacher, is further referred to as R-ALBERT in this paper. The model is in production and is used by business to understand changing trends and take appropriate decisions.

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Computation And Language

Improving Distantly-Supervised Relation Extraction through BERT-based Label & Instance Embeddings

Distantly-supervised relation extraction (RE) is an effective method to scale RE to large corpora but suffers from noisy labels. Existing approaches try to alleviate noise through multi-instance learning and by providing additional information, but manage to recognize mainly the top frequent relations, neglecting those in the long-tail. We propose REDSandT (Relation Extraction with Distant Supervision and Transformers), a novel distantly-supervised transformer-based RE method, that manages to capture a wider set of relations through highly informative instance and label embeddings for RE, by exploiting BERT's pre-trained model, and the relationship between labels and entities, respectively. We guide REDSandT to focus solely on relational tokens by fine-tuning BERT on a structured input, including the sub-tree connecting an entity pair and the entities' types. Using the extracted informative vectors, we shape label embeddings, which we also use as attention mechanism over instances to further reduce noise. Finally, we represent sentences by concatenating relation and instance embeddings. Experiments in the NYT-10 dataset show that REDSandT captures a broader set of relations with higher confidence, achieving state-of-the-art AUC (0.424).

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Computation And Language

Improving Zero-shot Neural Machine Translation on Language-specific Encoders-Decoders

Recently, universal neural machine translation (NMT) with shared encoder-decoder gained good performance on zero-shot translation. Unlike universal NMT, jointly trained language-specific encoders-decoders aim to achieve universal representation across non-shared modules, each of which is for a language or language family. The non-shared architecture has the advantage of mitigating internal language competition, especially when the shared vocabulary and model parameters are restricted in their size. However, the performance of using multiple encoders and decoders on zero-shot translation still lags behind universal NMT. In this work, we study zero-shot translation using language-specific encoders-decoders. We propose to generalize the non-shared architecture and universal NMT by differentiating the Transformer layers between language-specific and interlingua. By selectively sharing parameters and applying cross-attentions, we explore maximizing the representation universality and realizing the best alignment of language-agnostic information. We also introduce a denoising auto-encoding (DAE) objective to jointly train the model with the translation task in a multi-task manner. Experiments on two public multilingual parallel datasets show that our proposed model achieves a competitive or better results than universal NMT and strong pivot baseline. Moreover, we experiment incrementally adding new language to the trained model by only updating the new model parameters. With this little effort, the zero-shot translation between this newly added language and existing languages achieves a comparable result with the model trained jointly from scratch on all languages.

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Computation And Language

In-Order Chart-Based Constituent Parsing

We propose a novel in-order chart-based model for constituent parsing. Compared with previous CKY-style and top-down models, our model gains advantages from in-order traversal of a tree (rich features, lookahead information and high efficiency) and makes a better use of structural knowledge by encoding the history of decisions. Experiments on the Penn Treebank show that our model outperforms previous chart-based models and achieves competitive performance compared with other discriminative single models.

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Computation And Language

Incremental Beam Manipulation for Natural Language Generation

The performance of natural language generation systems has improved substantially with modern neural networks. At test time they typically employ beam search to avoid locally optimal but globally suboptimal predictions. However, due to model errors, a larger beam size can lead to deteriorating performance according to the evaluation metric. For this reason, it is common to rerank the output of beam search, but this relies on beam search to produce a good set of hypotheses, which limits the potential gains. Other alternatives to beam search require changes to the training of the model, which restricts their applicability compared to beam search. This paper proposes incremental beam manipulation, i.e. reranking the hypotheses in the beam during decoding instead of only at the end. This way, hypotheses that are unlikely to lead to a good final output are discarded, and in their place hypotheses that would have been ignored will be considered instead. Applying incremental beam manipulation leads to an improvement of 1.93 and 5.82 BLEU points over vanilla beam search for the test sets of the E2E and WebNLG challenges respectively. The proposed method also outperformed a strong reranker by 1.04 BLEU points on the E2E challenge, while being on par with it on the WebNLG dataset.

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Computation And Language

Inducing Meaningful Units from Character Sequences with Slot Attention

Characters do not convey meaning, but sequences of characters do. We propose an unsupervised distributional method to learn the abstract meaning-bearing units in a sequence of characters. Rather than segmenting the sequence, this model discovers continuous representations of the "objects" in the sequence, using a recently proposed architecture for object discovery in images called Slot Attention. We train our model on different languages and evaluate the quality of the obtained representations with probing classifiers. Our experiments show promising results in the ability of our units to capture meaning at a higher level of abstraction.

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