Featured Researches

Computation And Language

LSOIE: A Large-Scale Dataset for Supervised Open Information Extraction

Open Information Extraction (OIE) systems seek to compress the factual propositions of a sentence into a series of n-ary tuples. These tuples are useful for downstream tasks in natural language processing like knowledge base creation, textual entailment, and natural language understanding. However, current OIE datasets are limited in both size and diversity. We introduce a new dataset by converting the QA-SRL 2.0 dataset to a large-scale OIE dataset (LSOIE). Our LSOIE dataset is 20 times larger than the next largest human-annotated OIE dataset. We construct and evaluate several benchmark OIE models on LSOIE, providing baselines for future improvements on the task. Our LSOIE data, models, and code are made publicly available

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Computation And Language

LSTM-SAKT: LSTM-Encoded SAKT-like Transformer for Knowledge Tracing

This paper introduces the 2nd place solution for the Riiid! Answer Correctness Prediction in Kaggle, the world's largest data science competition website. This competition was held from October 16, 2020, to January 7, 2021, with 3395 teams and 4387 competitors. The main insights and contributions of this paper are as follows. (i) We pointed out existing Transformer-based models are suffering from a problem that the information which their query/key/value can contain is limited. To solve this problem, we proposed a method that uses LSTM to obtain query/key/value and verified its effectiveness. (ii) We pointed out 'inter-container' leakage problem, which happens in datasets where questions are sometimes served together. To solve this problem, we showed special indexing/masking techniques that are useful when using RNN-variants and Transformer. (iii) We found additional hand-crafted features are effective to overcome the limits of Transformer, which can never consider the samples older than the sequence length.

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Computation And Language

Language Detection Engine for Multilingual Texting on Mobile Devices

More than 2 billion mobile users worldwide type in multiple languages in the soft keyboard. On a monolingual keyboard, 38% of falsely auto-corrected words are valid in another language. This can be easily avoided by detecting the language of typed words and then validating it in its respective language. Language detection is a well-known problem in natural language processing. In this paper, we present a fast, light-weight and accurate Language Detection Engine (LDE) for multilingual typing that dynamically adapts to user intended language in real-time. We propose a novel approach where the fusion of character N-gram model and logistic regression based selector model is used to identify the language. Additionally, we present a unique method of reducing the inference time significantly by parameter reduction technique. We also discuss various optimizations fabricated across LDE to resolve ambiguity in input text among the languages with the same character pattern. Our method demonstrates an average accuracy of 94.5% for Indian languages in Latin script and that of 98% for European languages on the code-switched data. This model outperforms fastText by 60.39% and ML-Kit by 23.67% in F1 score for European languages. LDE is faster on mobile device with an average inference time of 25.91 microseconds.

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Computation And Language

Language Modelling as a Multi-Task Problem

In this paper, we propose to study language modelling as a multi-task problem, bringing together three strands of research: multi-task learning, linguistics, and interpretability. Based on hypotheses derived from linguistic theory, we investigate whether language models adhere to learning principles of multi-task learning during training. To showcase the idea, we analyse the generalisation behaviour of language models as they learn the linguistic concept of Negative Polarity Items (NPIs). Our experiments demonstrate that a multi-task setting naturally emerges within the objective of the more general task of language modelling.We argue that this insight is valuable for multi-task learning, linguistics and interpretability research and can lead to exciting new findings in all three domains.

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Computation And Language

Language Models for Lexical Inference in Context

Lexical inference in context (LIiC) is the task of recognizing textual entailment between two very similar sentences, i.e., sentences that only differ in one expression. It can therefore be seen as a variant of the natural language inference task that is focused on lexical semantics. We formulate and evaluate the first approaches based on pretrained language models (LMs) for this task: (i) a few-shot NLI classifier, (ii) a relation induction approach based on handcrafted patterns expressing the semantics of lexical inference, and (iii) a variant of (ii) with patterns that were automatically extracted from a corpus. All our approaches outperform the previous state of the art, showing the potential of pretrained LMs for LIiC. In an extensive analysis, we investigate factors of success and failure of our three approaches.

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Computation And Language

Large-Context Conversational Representation Learning: Self-Supervised Learning for Conversational Documents

This paper presents a novel self-supervised learning method for handling conversational documents consisting of transcribed text of human-to-human conversations. One of the key technologies for understanding conversational documents is utterance-level sequential labeling, where labels are estimated from the documents in an utterance-by-utterance manner. The main issue with utterance-level sequential labeling is the difficulty of collecting labeled conversational documents, as manual annotations are very costly. To deal with this issue, we propose large-context conversational representation learning (LC-CRL), a self-supervised learning method specialized for conversational documents. A self-supervised learning task in LC-CRL involves the estimation of an utterance using all the surrounding utterances based on large-context language modeling. In this way, LC-CRL enables us to effectively utilize unlabeled conversational documents and thereby enhances the utterance-level sequential labeling. The results of experiments on scene segmentation tasks using contact center conversational datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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Computation And Language

LazyFormer: Self Attention with Lazy Update

Improving the efficiency of Transformer-based language pre-training is an important task in NLP, especially for the self-attention module, which is computationally expensive. In this paper, we propose a simple but effective solution, called \emph{LazyFormer}, which computes the self-attention distribution infrequently. LazyFormer composes of multiple lazy blocks, each of which contains multiple Transformer layers. In each lazy block, the self-attention distribution is only computed once in the first layer and then is reused in all upper layers. In this way, the cost of computation could be largely saved. We also provide several training tricks for LazyFormer. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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Computation And Language

Learning Better Sentence Representation with Syntax Information

Sentence semantic understanding is a key topic in the field of natural language processing. Recently, contextualized word representations derived from pre-trained language models such as ELMO and BERT have shown significant improvements for a wide range of semantic tasks, e.g. question answering, text classification and sentiment analysis. However, how to add external knowledge to further improve the semantic modeling capability of model is worth probing. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to combining syntax information with a pre-trained language model. In order to evaluate the effect of the pre-training model, first, we introduce RNN-based and Transformer-based pre-trained language models; secondly, to better integrate external knowledge, such as syntactic information integrate with the pre-training model, we propose a dependency syntax expansion (DSE) model. For evaluation, we have selected two subtasks: sentence completion task and biological relation extraction task. The experimental results show that our model achieves 91.2\% accuracy, outperforming the baseline model by 37.8\% on sentence completion task. And it also gets competitive performance by 75.1\% F 1 score on relation extraction task.

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Computation And Language

Learning Chess Blindfolded: Evaluating Language Models on State Tracking

Transformer language models have made tremendous strides in natural language understanding tasks. However, the complexity of natural language makes it challenging to ascertain how accurately these models are tracking the world state underlying the text. Motivated by this issue, we consider the task of language modeling for the game of chess. Unlike natural language, chess notations describe a simple, constrained, and deterministic domain. Moreover, we observe that the appropriate choice of chess notation allows for directly probing the world state, without requiring any additional probing-related machinery. We find that: (a) With enough training data, transformer language models can learn to track pieces and predict legal moves with high accuracy when trained solely on move sequences. (b) For small training sets providing access to board state information during training can yield significant improvements. (c) The success of transformer language models is dependent on access to the entire game history i.e. "full attention". Approximating this full attention results in a significant performance drop. We propose this testbed as a benchmark for future work on the development and analysis of transformer language models.

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Computation And Language

Learning Dynamic BERT via Trainable Gate Variables and a Bi-modal Regularizer

The BERT model has shown significant success on various natural language processing tasks. However, due to the heavy model size and high computational cost, the model suffers from high latency, which is fatal to its deployments on resource-limited devices. To tackle this problem, we propose a dynamic inference method on BERT via trainable gate variables applied on input tokens and a regularizer that has a bi-modal property. Our method shows reduced computational cost on the GLUE dataset with a minimal performance drop. Moreover, the model adjusts with a trade-off between performance and computational cost with the user-specified hyperparameter.

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