Featured Researches

Computation And Language

Inheritance-guided Hierarchical Assignment for Clinical Automatic Diagnosis

Clinical diagnosis, which aims to assign diagnosis codes for a patient based on the clinical note, plays an essential role in clinical decision-making. Considering that manual diagnosis could be error-prone and time-consuming, many intelligent approaches based on clinical text mining have been proposed to perform automatic diagnosis. However, these methods may not achieve satisfactory results due to the following challenges. First, most of the diagnosis codes are rare, and the distribution is extremely unbalanced. Second, existing methods are challenging to capture the correlation between diagnosis codes. Third, the lengthy clinical note leads to the excessive dispersion of key information related to codes. To tackle these challenges, we propose a novel framework to combine the inheritance-guided hierarchical assignment and co-occurrence graph propagation for clinical automatic diagnosis. Specifically, we propose a hierarchical joint prediction strategy to address the challenge of unbalanced codes distribution. Then, we utilize graph convolutional neural networks to obtain the correlation and semantic representations of medical ontology. Furthermore, we introduce multi attention mechanisms to extract crucial information. Finally, extensive experiments on MIMIC-III dataset clearly validate the effectiveness of our method.

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Computation And Language

Integrating Pre-trained Model into Rule-based Dialogue Management

Rule-based dialogue management is still the most popular solution for industrial task-oriented dialogue systems for their interpretablility. However, it is hard for developers to maintain the dialogue logic when the scenarios get more and more complex. On the other hand, data-driven dialogue systems, usually with end-to-end structures, are popular in academic research and easier to deal with complex conversations, but such methods require plenty of training data and the behaviors are less interpretable. In this paper, we propose a method to leverages the strength of both rule-based and data-driven dialogue managers (DM). We firstly introduce the DM of Carina Dialog System (CDS, an advanced industrial dialogue system built by Microsoft). Then we propose the "model-trigger" design to make the DM trainable thus scalable to scenario changes. Furthermore, we integrate pre-trained models and empower the DM with few-shot capability. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and strong few-shot capability of our method.

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Computation And Language

Integration of Domain Knowledge using Medical Knowledge Graph Deep Learning for Cancer Phenotyping

A key component of deep learning (DL) for natural language processing (NLP) is word embeddings. Word embeddings that effectively capture the meaning and context of the word that they represent can significantly improve the performance of downstream DL models for various NLP tasks. Many existing word embeddings techniques capture the context of words based on word co-occurrence in documents and text; however, they often cannot capture broader domain-specific relationships between concepts that may be crucial for the NLP task at hand. In this paper, we propose a method to integrate external knowledge from medical terminology ontologies into the context captured by word embeddings. Specifically, we use a medical knowledge graph, such as the unified medical language system (UMLS), to find connections between clinical terms in cancer pathology reports. This approach aims to minimize the distance between connected clinical concepts. We evaluate the proposed approach using a Multitask Convolutional Neural Network (MT-CNN) to extract six cancer characteristics -- site, subsite, laterality, behavior, histology, and grade -- from a dataset of ~900K cancer pathology reports. The results show that the MT-CNN model which uses our domain informed embeddings outperforms the same MT-CNN using standard word2vec embeddings across all tasks, with an improvement in the overall micro- and macro-F1 scores by 4.97\%and 22.5\%, respectively.

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Computation And Language

Interactive Learning from Activity Description

We present a novel interactive learning protocol that enables training request-fulfilling agents by verbally describing their activities. Unlike imitation learning (IL), our protocol allows the teaching agent to provide feedback in a language that is most appropriate for them. Compared with reward in reinforcement learning (RL), the description feedback is richer and allows for improved sample complexity. We develop a probabilistic framework and an algorithm that practically implements our protocol. Empirical results in two challenging request-fulfilling problems demonstrate the strengths of our approach: compared with RL baselines, it is more sample-efficient; compared with IL baselines, it achieves competitive success rates without requiring the teaching agent to be able to demonstrate the desired behavior using the learning agent's actions. Apart from empirical evaluation, we also provide theoretical guarantees for our algorithm under certain assumptions about the teacher and the environment.

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Computation And Language

Introducing the Hidden Neural Markov Chain framework

Nowadays, neural network models achieve state-of-the-art results in many areas as computer vision or speech processing. For sequential data, especially for Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and their extensions, the Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) network and the Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), are among the most used models, having a "term-to-term" sequence processing. However, if many works create extensions and improvements of the RNN, few have focused on developing other ways for sequential data processing with neural networks in a "term-to-term" way. This paper proposes the original Hidden Neural Markov Chain (HNMC) framework, a new family of sequential neural models. They are not based on the RNN but on the Hidden Markov Model (HMM), a probabilistic graphical model. This neural extension is possible thanks to the recent Entropic Forward-Backward algorithm for HMM restoration. We propose three different models: the classic HNMC, the HNMC2, and the HNMC-CN. After describing our models' whole construction, we compare them with classic RNN and Bidirectional RNN (BiRNN) models for some sequence labeling tasks: Chunking, Part-Of-Speech Tagging, and Named Entity Recognition. For every experiment, whatever the architecture or the embedding method used, one of our proposed models has the best results. It shows this new neural sequential framework's potential, which can open the way to new models, and might eventually compete with the prevalent BiLSTM and BiGRU.

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Computation And Language

Introduction of a novel word embedding approach based on technology labels extracted from patent data

Diversity in patent language is growing and makes finding synonyms for conducting patent searches more and more challenging. In addition to that, most approaches for dealing with diverse patent language are based on manual search and human intuition. In this paper, a word embedding approach using statistical analysis of human labeled data to produce accurate and language independent word vectors for technical terms is introduced. This paper focuses on the explanation of the idea behind the statistical analysis and shows first qualitative results. The resulting algorithm is a development of the former EQMania UG (this http URL) and can be tested under this http URL until April 2021.

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Computation And Language

Investigating the Limitations of Transformers with Simple Arithmetic Tasks

The ability to perform arithmetic tasks is a remarkable trait of human intelligence and might form a critical component of more complex reasoning tasks. In this work, we investigate if the surface form of a number has any influence on how sequence-to-sequence language models learn simple arithmetic tasks such as addition and subtraction across a wide range of values. We find that how a number is represented in its surface form has a strong influence on the model's accuracy. In particular, the model fails to learn addition of five-digit numbers when using subwords (e.g., "32"), and it struggles to learn with character-level representations (e.g., "3 2"). By introducing position tokens (e.g., "3 10e1 2"), the model learns to accurately add and subtract numbers up to 60 digits. We conclude that modern pretrained language models can easily learn arithmetic from very few examples, as long as we use the proper surface representation. This result bolsters evidence that subword tokenizers and positional encodings are components in current transformer designs that might need improvement. Moreover, we show that regardless of the number of parameters and training examples, models cannot learn addition rules that are independent of the length of the numbers seen during training. Code to reproduce our experiments is available at this https URL

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Computation And Language

JST-RR Model: Joint Modeling of Ratings and Reviews in Sentiment-Topic Prediction

Analysis of online reviews has attracted great attention with broad applications. Often times, the textual reviews are coupled with the numerical ratings in the data. In this work, we propose a probabilistic model to accommodate both textual reviews and overall ratings with consideration of their intrinsic connection for a joint sentiment-topic prediction. The key of the proposed method is to develop a unified generative model where the topic modeling is constructed based on review texts and the sentiment prediction is obtained by combining review texts and overall ratings. The inference of model parameters are obtained by an efficient Gibbs sampling procedure. The proposed method can enhance the prediction accuracy of review data and achieve an effective detection of interpretable topics and sentiments. The merits of the proposed method are elaborated by the case study from Amazon datasets and simulation studies.

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Computation And Language

Joint Coreference Resolution and Character Linking for Multiparty Conversation

Character linking, the task of linking mentioned people in conversations to the real world, is crucial for understanding the conversations. For the efficiency of communication, humans often choose to use pronouns (e.g., "she") or normal phrases (e.g., "that girl") rather than named entities (e.g., "Rachel") in the spoken language, which makes linking those mentions to real people a much more challenging than a regular entity linking task. To address this challenge, we propose to incorporate the richer context from the coreference relations among different mentions to help the linking. On the other hand, considering that finding coreference clusters itself is not a trivial task and could benefit from the global character information, we propose to jointly solve these two tasks. Specifically, we propose C 2 , the joint learning model of Coreference resolution and Character linking. The experimental results demonstrate that C 2 can significantly outperform previous works on both tasks. Further analyses are conducted to analyze the contribution of all modules in the proposed model and the effect of all hyper-parameters.

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Computation And Language

Joint Intent Detection And Slot Filling Based on Continual Learning Model

Slot filling and intent detection have become a significant theme in the field of natural language understanding. Even though slot filling is intensively associated with intent detection, the characteristics of the information required for both tasks are different while most of those approaches may not fully aware of this problem. In addition, balancing the accuracy of two tasks effectively is an inevitable problem for the joint learning model. In this paper, a Continual Learning Interrelated Model (CLIM) is proposed to consider semantic information with different characteristics and balance the accuracy between intent detection and slot filling effectively. The experimental results show that CLIM achieves state-of-the-art performace on slot filling and intent detection on ATIS and Snips.

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