Featured Researches


Enabling Viewpoint Learning through Dynamic Label Generation

Optimal viewpoint prediction is an essential task in many computer graphics applications. Unfortunately, common viewpoint qualities suffer from two major drawbacks: dependency on clean surface meshes, which are not always available, and the lack of closed-form expressions, which requires a costly search involving rendering. To overcome these limitations we propose to separate viewpoint selection from rendering through an end-to-end learning approach, whereby we reduce the influence of the mesh quality by predicting viewpoints from unstructured point clouds instead of polygonal meshes. While this makes our approach insensitive to the mesh discretization during evaluation, it only becomes possible when resolving label ambiguities that arise in this context. Therefore, we additionally propose to incorporate the label generation into the training procedure, making the label decision adaptive to the current network predictions. We show how our proposed approach allows for learning viewpoint predictions for models from different object categories and for different viewpoint qualities. Additionally, we show that prediction times are reduced from several minutes to a fraction of a second, as compared to state-of-the-art (SOTA) viewpoint quality evaluation. We will further release the code and training data, which will to our knowledge be the biggest viewpoint quality dataset available.

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Enhanced Direct Delta Mush

Direct Delta Mush is a novel skinning deformation technique introduced by Le and Lewis (2019). It generalizes the iterative Delta Mush algorithm of Mancewicz et al (2014), providing a direct solution with improved efficiency and control. Compared to Linear Blend Skinning, Direct Delta Mush offers better quality of deformations and ease of authoring at comparable performance. However, Direct Delta Mush does not handle non-rigid joint transformations correctly which limits its application for most production environments. This paper presents an extension to Direct Delta Mush that integrates the non-rigid part of joint transformations into the algorithm. In addition, the paper also describes practical considerations for computing the orthogonal component of the transformation and stability issues observed during the implementation and testing.

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Estimating Homogeneous Data-driven BRDF Parameters from a Reflectance Map under Known Natural Lighting

In this paper we demonstrate robust estimation of the model parameters of a fully-linear data-driven BRDF model from a reflectance map under known natural lighting. To regularize the estimation of the model parameters, we leverage the reflectance similarities within a material class. We approximate the space of homogeneous BRDFs using a Gaussian mixture model, and assign a material class to each Gaussian in the mixture model. We formulate the estimation of the model parameters as a non-linear maximum a-posteriori optimization, and introduce a linear approximation that estimates a solution per material class from which the best solution is selected. We demonstrate the efficacy and robustness of our method using the MERL BRDF database under a variety of natural lighting conditions, and we provide a proof-of-concept real-world experiment.

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Evaluating Ordering Strategies of Star Glyph Axes

Star glyphs are a well-researched visualization technique to represent multi-dimensional data. They are often used in small multiple settings for a visual comparison of many data points. However, their overall visual appearance is strongly influenced by the ordering of dimensions. To this end, two orthogonal categories of layout strategies are proposed in the literature: order dimensions by similarity to get homogeneously shaped glyphs vs. order by dissimilarity to emphasize spikes and salient shapes. While there is evidence that salient shapes support clustering tasks, evaluation, and direct comparison of data-driven ordering strategies has not received much research attention. We contribute an empirical user study to evaluate the efficiency, effectiveness, and user confidence in visual clustering tasks using star glyphs. In comparison to similarity-based ordering, our results indicate that dissimilarity-based star glyph layouts support users better in clustering tasks, especially when clutter is present.

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Example-based Real-time Clothing Synthesis for Virtual Agents

We present a real-time cloth animation method for dressing virtual humans of various shapes and poses. Our approach formulates the clothing deformation as a high-dimensional function of body shape parameters and pose parameters. In order to accelerate the computation, our formulation factorizes the clothing deformation into two independent components: the deformation introduced by body pose variation (Clothing Pose Model) and the deformation from body shape variation (Clothing Shape Model). Furthermore, we sample and cluster the poses spanning the entire pose space and use those clusters to efficiently calculate the anchoring points. We also introduce a sensitivity-based distance measurement to both find nearby anchoring points and evaluate their contributions to the final animation. Given a query shape and pose of the virtual agent, we synthesize the resulting clothing deformation by blending the Taylor expansion results of nearby anchoring points. Compared to previous methods, our approach is general and able to add the shape dimension to any clothing pose model. %and therefore it is more general. Furthermore, we can animate clothing represented with tens of thousands of vertices at 50+ FPS on a CPU. Moreover, our example database is more representative and can be generated in parallel, and thereby saves the training time. We also conduct a user evaluation and show that our method can improve a user's perception of dressed virtual agents in an immersive virtual environment compared to a conventional linear blend skinning method.

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Exemplar-based Layout Fine-tuning for Node-link Diagrams

We design and evaluate a novel layout fine-tuning technique for node-link diagrams that facilitates exemplar-based adjustment of a group of substructures in batching mode. The key idea is to transfer user modifications on a local substructure to other substructures in the whole graph that are topologically similar to the exemplar. We first precompute a canonical representation for each substructure with node embedding techniques and then use it for on-the-fly substructure retrieval. We design and develop a light-weight interactive system to enable intuitive adjustment, modification transfer, and visual graph exploration. We also report some results of quantitative comparisons, three case studies, and a within-participant user study.

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Extending editing capabilities of subdivision schemes by refinement of point-normal pairs

In this paper we extend the 2D circle average of [11] to a 3D binary average of point-normal pairs, and study its properties. We modify classical surface-generating linear subdivision schemes with this average obtaining surface-generating schemes refining point-normal pairs. The modified schemes give the possibility to generate more geometries by editing the initial normals. For the case of input data consisting of a mesh only, we present a method for computing "naive" initial normals from the initial mesh. The performance of several modified schemes is compared to their linear variants, when operating on the same initial mesh, and examples of the editing capabilities of the modified schemes are given. In addition we provide a link to our repository, where we store the initial and refined mesh files, and the implementation code. Several videos, demonstrating the editing capabilities of the initial normals are provided in our Youtube channel.

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FAKIR: An algorithm for revealing the anatomy and pose of statues from raw point sets

3D acquisition of archaeological artefacts has become an essential part of cultural heritage research for preservation or restoration purpose. Statues, in particular, have been at the center of many projects. In this paper, we introduce a way to improve the understanding of acquired statues representing real or imaginary creatures by registering a simple and pliable articulated model to the raw point set data. Our approach performs a Forward And bacKward Iterative Registration (FAKIR) which proceeds joint by joint, needing only a few iterations to converge. We are thus able to detect the pose and elementary anatomy of sculptures, with possibly non realistic body proportions. By adapting our simple skeleton, our method can work on animals and imaginary creatures.

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FAME: 3D Shape Generation via Functionality-Aware Model Evolution

We introduce a modeling tool which can evolve a set of 3D objects in a functionality-aware manner. Our goal is for the evolution to generate large and diverse sets of plausible 3D objects for data augmentation, constrained modeling, as well as open-ended exploration to possibly inspire new designs. Starting with an initial population of 3D objects belonging to one or more functional categories, we evolve the shapes through part recombination to produce generations of hybrids or crossbreeds between parents from the heterogeneous shape collection. Evolutionary selection of offsprings is guided both by a functional plausibility score derived from functionality analysis of shapes in the initial population and user preference, as in a design gallery. Since cross-category hybridization may result in offsprings not belonging to any of the known functional categories, we develop a means for functionality partial matching to evaluate functional plausibility on partial shapes. We show a variety of plausible hybrid shapes generated by our functionality-aware model evolution, which can complement existing datasets as training data and boost the performance of contemporary data-driven segmentation schemes, especially in challenging cases. Our tool supports constrained modeling, allowing users to restrict or steer the model evolution with functionality labels. At the same time, unexpected yet functional object prototypes can emerge during open-ended exploration owing to structure breaking when evolving a heterogeneous collection.

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FASTSWARM: A Data-driven FrAmework for Real-time Flying InSecT SWARM Simulation

Insect swarms are common phenomena in nature and therefore have been actively pursued in computer animation. Realistic insect swarm simulation is difficult due to two challenges: high-fidelity behaviors and large scales, which make the simulation practice subject to laborious manual work and excessive trial-and-error processes. To address both challenges, we present a novel data-driven framework, FASTSWARM, to model complex behaviors of flying insects based on real-world data and simulate plausible animations of flying insect swarms. FASTSWARM has a linear time complexity and achieves real-time performance for large swarms. The high-fidelity behavior model of FASTSWARM explicitly takes into consideration the most common behaviors of flying insects, including the interactions among insects such as repulsion and attraction, the self-propelled behaviors such as target following and obstacle avoidance, and other characteristics such as the random movements. To achieve scalability, an energy minimization problem is formed with different behaviors modelled as energy terms, where the minimizer is the desired behavior. The minimizer is computed from the real-world data, which ensures the plausibility of the simulation results. Extensive simulation results and evaluations show that FASTSWARM is versatile in simulating various swarm behaviors, high fidelity measured by various metrics, easily controllable in inducing user controls and highly scalable.

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