Featured Researches


Deep No-reference Tone Mapped Image Quality Assessment

The process of rendering high dynamic range (HDR) images to be viewed on conventional displays is called tone mapping. However, tone mapping introduces distortions in the final image which may lead to visual displeasure. To quantify these distortions, we introduce a novel no-reference quality assessment technique for these tone mapped images. This technique is composed of two stages. In the first stage, we employ a convolutional neural network (CNN) to generate quality aware maps (also known as distortion maps) from tone mapped images by training it with the ground truth distortion maps. In the second stage, we model the normalized image and distortion maps using an Asymmetric Generalized Gaussian Distribution (AGGD). The parameters of the AGGD model are then used to estimate the quality score using support vector regression (SVR). We show that the proposed technique delivers competitive performance relative to the state-of-the-art techniques. The novelty of this work is its ability to visualize various distortions as quality maps (distortion maps), especially in the no-reference setting, and to use these maps as features to estimate the quality score of tone mapped images.

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Deep Parametric Shape Predictions using Distance Fields

Many tasks in graphics and vision demand machinery for converting shapes into consistent representations with sparse sets of parameters; these representations facilitate rendering, editing, and storage. When the source data is noisy or ambiguous, however, artists and engineers often manually construct such representations, a tedious and potentially time-consuming process. While advances in deep learning have been successfully applied to noisy geometric data, the task of generating parametric shapes has so far been difficult for these methods. Hence, we propose a new framework for predicting parametric shape primitives using deep learning. We use distance fields to transition between shape parameters like control points and input data on a pixel grid. We demonstrate efficacy on 2D and 3D tasks, including font vectorization and surface abstraction.

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Deep Photon Mapping

Recently, deep learning-based denoising approaches have led to dramatic improvements in low sample-count Monte Carlo rendering. These approaches are aimed at path tracing, which is not ideal for simulating challenging light transport effects like caustics, where photon mapping is the method of choice. However, photon mapping requires very large numbers of traced photons to achieve high-quality reconstructions. In this paper, we develop the first deep learning-based method for particle-based rendering, and specifically focus on photon density estimation, the core of all particle-based methods. We train a novel deep neural network to predict a kernel function to aggregate photon contributions at shading points. Our network encodes individual photons into per-photon features, aggregates them in the neighborhood of a shading point to construct a photon local context vector, and infers a kernel function from the per-photon and photon local context features. This network is easy to incorporate in many previous photon mapping methods (by simply swapping the kernel density estimator) and can produce high-quality reconstructions of complex global illumination effects like caustics with an order of magnitude fewer photons compared to previous photon mapping methods.

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DeepOrganNet: On-the-Fly Reconstruction and Visualization of 3D / 4D Lung Models from Single-View Projections by Deep Deformation Network

This paper introduces a deep neural network based method, i.e., DeepOrganNet, to generate and visualize high-fidelity 3D / 4D organ geometric models from single-view medical image in real time. Traditional 3D / 4D medical image reconstruction requires near hundreds of projections, which cost insufferable computational time and deliver undesirable high imaging / radiation dose to human subjects. Moreover, it always needs further notorious processes to extract the accurate 3D organ models subsequently. To our knowledge, there is no method directly and explicitly reconstructing multiple 3D organ meshes from a single 2D medical grayscale image on the fly. Given single-view 2D medical images, e.g., 3D / 4D-CT projections or X-ray images, our end-to-end DeepOrganNet framework can efficiently and effectively reconstruct 3D / 4D lung models with a variety of geometric shapes by learning the smooth deformation fields from multiple templates based on a trivariate tensor-product deformation technique, leveraging an informative latent descriptor extracted from input 2D images. The proposed method can guarantee to generate high-quality and high-fidelity manifold meshes for 3D / 4D lung models. The major contributions of this work are to accurately reconstruct the 3D organ shapes from 2D single-view projection, significantly improve the procedure time to allow on-the-fly visualization, and dramatically reduce the imaging dose for human subjects. Experimental results are evaluated and compared with the traditional reconstruction method and the state-of-the-art in deep learning, by using extensive 3D and 4D examples from synthetic phantom and real patient datasets. The proposed method only needs several milliseconds to generate organ meshes with 10K vertices, which has a great potential to be used in real-time image guided radiation therapy (IGRT).

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DeepSketchHair: Deep Sketch-based 3D Hair Modeling

We present sketchhair, a deep learning based tool for interactive modeling of 3D hair from 2D sketches. Given a 3D bust model as reference, our sketching system takes as input a user-drawn sketch (consisting of hair contour and a few strokes indicating the hair growing direction within a hair region), and automatically generates a 3D hair model, which matches the input sketch both globally and locally. The key enablers of our system are two carefully designed neural networks, namely, S2ONet, which converts an input sketch to a dense 2D hair orientation field; and O2VNet, which maps the 2D orientation field to a 3D vector field. Our system also supports hair editing with additional sketches in new views. This is enabled by another deep neural network, V2VNet, which updates the 3D vector field with respect to the new sketches. All the three networks are trained with synthetic data generated from a 3D hairstyle database. We demonstrate the effectiveness and expressiveness of our tool using a variety of hairstyles and also compare our method with prior art.

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Deform, Cut and Tear a skinned model using Conformal Geometric Algebra

In this work, we present a novel, integrated rigged character simulation framework in Conformal Geometric Algebra (CGA) that supports, for the first time, real-time cuts and tears, before and/or after the animation, while maintaining deformation topology. The purpose of using CGA is to lift several restrictions posed by current state-of-the-art character animation & deformation methods. Previous implementations originally required weighted matrices to perform deformations, whereas, in the current state-of-the-art, dual-quaternions handle both rotations and translations, but cannot handle dilations. CGA is a suitable extension of dual-quaternion algebra that amends these two major previous shortcomings: the need to constantly transmute between matrices and dual-quaternions as well as the inability to properly dilate a model during animation. Our CGA algorithm also provides easy interpolation and application of all deformations in each intermediate steps, all within the same geometric framework. Furthermore we also present two novel algorithms that enable cutting and tearing of the input rigged, animated model, while the output model can be further re-deformed. These interactive, real-time cut and tear operations can enable a new suite of applications, especially under the scope of a medical surgical simulation.

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DeformSyncNet: Deformation Transfer via Synchronized Shape Deformation Spaces

Shape deformation is an important component in any geometry processing toolbox. The goal is to enable intuitive deformations of single or multiple shapes or to transfer example deformations to new shapes while preserving the plausibility of the deformed shape(s). Existing approaches assume access to point-level or part-level correspondence or establish them in a preprocessing phase, thus limiting the scope and generality of such approaches. We propose DeformSyncNet, a new approach that allows consistent and synchronized shape deformations without requiring explicit correspondence information. Technically, we achieve this by encoding deformations into a class-specific idealized latent space while decoding them into an individual, model-specific linear deformation action space, operating directly in 3D. The underlying encoding and decoding are performed by specialized (jointly trained) neural networks. By design, the inductive bias of our networks results in a deformation space with several desirable properties, such as path invariance across different deformation pathways, which are then also approximately preserved in real space. We qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate our framework against multiple alternative approaches and demonstrate improved performance.

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Design and Fabrication of Elastic Geodesic Grid Structures

Elastic geodesic grids (EGG) are lightweight structures that can be easily deployed to approximate designer provided free-form surfaces. In the initial configuration the grids are perfectly flat, during deployment, though, curvature is induced to the structure, as grid elements bend and twist. Their layout is found geometrically, it is based on networks of geodesic curves on free-form design-surfaces. Generating a layout with this approach encodes an elasto-kinematic mechanism to the grid that creates the curved shape during deployment. In the final state the grid can be fixed to supports and serve for all kinds of purposes like free-form sub-structures, paneling, sun and rain protectors, pavilions, etc. However, so far these structures have only been investigated using small-scale desktop models. We investigate the scalability of such structures, presenting a medium sized model. It was designed by an architecture student without expert knowledge on elastic structures or differential geometry, just using the elastic geodesic grids design-pipeline. We further present a fabrication-process for EGG-models. They can be built quickly and with a small budget.

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Design and visualization of Riemannian metrics

Local and global illumination were recently defined in Riemannian manifolds to visualize classical Non-Euclidean spaces. This work focuses on Riemannian metric construction in R 3 to explore special effects like warping, mirages, and deformations. We investigate the possibility of using graphs of functions and diffeomorphism to produce such effects. For these, their Riemannian metrics and geodesics derivations are provided, and ways of accumulating such metrics. We visualize, in "real-time", the resulting Riemannian manifolds using a ray tracing implemented on top of Nvidia RTX GPUs.

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Design by Immersion: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Problem-Driven Visualizations

While previous work exists on how to conduct and disseminate insights from problem-driven visualization projects and design studies, the literature does not address how to accomplish these goals in transdisciplinary teams in ways that advance all disciplines involved. In this paper we introduce and define a new methodological paradigm we call design by immersion, which provides an alternative perspective on problem-driven visualization work. Design by immersion embeds transdisciplinary experiences at the center of the visualization process by having visualization researchers participate in the work of the target domain (or domain experts participate in visualization research). Based on our own combined experiences of working on cross-disciplinary, problem-driven visualization projects, we present six case studies that expose the opportunities that design by immersion enables, including (1) exploring new domain-inspired visualization design spaces, (2) enriching domain understanding through personal experiences, and (3) building strong transdisciplinary relationships. Furthermore, we illustrate how the process of design by immersion opens up a diverse set of design activities that can be combined in different ways depending on the type of collaboration, project, and goals. Finally, we discuss the challenges and potential pitfalls of design by immersion.

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