Featured Researches

Mesoscale And Nanoscale Physics

Many-body theory of radiative lifetimes of exciton-trion superposition states in doped two-dimensional materials

Optical absorption and emission spectra of doped two-dimensional (2D) materials exhibit sharp peaks that are often identified with pure excitons and pure trions (or charged excitons), but both peaks have been recently attributed to superpositions of 2-body exciton and 4-body trion states and correspond to the approximate energy eigenstates in doped 2D materials. In this paper, we present the radiative lifetimes of these exciton-trion superposition energy eigenstates using a many-body formalism that is appropriate given the many-body nature of the strongly coupled exciton and trion states in doped 2D materials. Whereas the exciton component of these superposition eigenstates are optically coupled to the material ground state, and can emit a photon and decay into the material ground state provided the momentum of the eigenstate is within the light cone, the trion component is optically coupled only to the excited states of the material and can emit a photon even when the momentum of the eigenstate is outside the light cone. In an electron-doped 2D material, when a 4-body trion state with momentum outside the light cone recombines radiatively, and a photon is emitted with a momentum inside the light cone, the excess momentum is taken by an electron-hole pair left behind in the conduction band. The radiative lifetimes of the exciton-trion superposition states, with momenta inside the light cone, are found to be in the few hundred femtoseconds to a few picoseconds range and are strong functions of the doping density. The radiative lifetimes of exciton-trion superposition states, with momenta outside the light cone, are in the few hundred picoseconds to a few nanoseconds range and are again strongly dependent on the doping density.

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Mesoscale And Nanoscale Physics

Matryoshka approach to Sine-Cosine topological models

We address a particular set of extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger models with 2n sites in the unit cell [SSH( 2n )], that we designate by Sine-Cosine models [SC (n) ], with hopping terms defined as a sequence of n sine-cosine pairs of the form {sin( θ j ),cos( θ j )} , j=1,??n . These models, when squared, generate a block-diagonal matrix representation with one of the blocks corresponding to a chain with uniform local potentials. We further focus our study on the subset of SC ( 2 n?? ) chains that, when squared an arbitrary number of times (up to n ), always generate a block which is again a Sine-Cosine model, if an energy shift is applied and if the energy unit is renormalized. We show that these n -times squarable models [SSC (n) ] and their band structure are uniquely determined by the sequence of energy unit renormalizations and by the energy shifts associated to each step of the squaring process. Chiral symmetry is present in all Sine-Cosine chains and edge states levels at the respective central gaps are protected by it. Zero-energy edge states in a SSC (j) chain (with j<n ) of the Matryoshka sequence obtained squaring the SSC (n) chain with open boundary conditions (OBC), become finite energy edge states in non-central band gaps of the SSC (n) chain. The extension to higher dimensions is discussed.

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Mesoscale And Nanoscale Physics

Measurement of Electronic Thermal Conductance in Low-Dimensional Materials with Graphene Nonlocal Noise Thermometry

In low-dimensional systems, the combination of reduced dimensionality, strong interactions, and topology has led to a growing number of many-body quantum phenomena. Thermal transport, which is sensitive to all energy-carrying degrees of freedom, provides a discriminating probe of emergent excitations in quantum materials. However, thermal transport measurements in low dimensions are dominated by the phonon contribution of the lattice. An experimental approach to isolate the electronic thermal conductance is needed. Here, we show how the measurement of nonlocal voltage fluctuations in a multiterminal device can reveal the electronic heat transported across a mesoscopic bridge made of low-dimensional materials. By using graphene as a noise thermometer, we demonstrate quantitative electronic thermal conductance measurements of graphene and carbon nanotubes up to 70K, achieving a precision of ~1% of the thermal conductance quantum at 5K. Employing linear and nonlinear thermal transport, we observe signatures of long-range interaction-mediated energy transport in 1D, in agreement with a theoretical model. Our versatile nonlocal noise thermometry allows new experiments probing energy transport in emergent states of matter in low dimensions.

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Mesoscale And Nanoscale Physics

Metal/SrTiO 3 two-dimensional electron gases for spin-to-charge conversion

SrTiO 3 -based two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) can be formed through the deposition of epitaxial oxides like LaAlO 3 or of reactive metals such as Al. Such 2DEGs possess a finite Rashba spin-orbit coupling that has recently been harnessed to interconvert charge and spin currents through the direct and inverse Edelstein and spin Hall effects. Here we compare the formation and properties of 2DEGs generated in SrTiO 3 by the growth of Al, Ta and Y ultrathin films by magnetron sputtering. By combining in situ and ex situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) we gain insight into the reduction of the SrTiO 3 and the appearance of Ti 3+ states associated with 2DEG formation, its reoxidation by exposure to the air, and the transformation of the metal into its binary oxides. We extract the carrier densities through magnetotransport and compare them with the XPS data. Finally, working with samples covered by an extra layer of NiFe, we perform spin-pumping ferromagnetic resonance experiments and investigate spin-charge conversion as a function of gate voltage. We identify trends in the data across the different sample systems and discuss them as a function of the carrier density and the transparency of the metal oxide tunnel barrier.

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Mesoscale And Nanoscale Physics

Micromagnetic instabilities in spin-transfer switching of perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions

Micromagnetic instabilities and non-uniform magnetization states play a significant role in spin transfer induced switching of nanometer scale magnetic elements. Here we model domain wall mediated switching dynamics in perpendicularly magnetized magnetic tunnel junction nanopillars. We show that domain wall surface tension always leads to magnetization oscillations and instabilities associated with the disk shape of the junction. A collective coordinate model is developed that captures aspects of these instabilities and illustrates their physical origin. Model results are compared to those of micromagnetic simulations. The switching dynamics is found to be very sensitive to the domain wall position and phase, which characterizes the angle of the magnetization in the disk plane. This sensitivity is reduced in the presence of spin torques and the spin current needed to displace a domain wall can be far less than the threshold current for switching from a uniformly magnetized state. A prediction of this model is conductance oscillations of increasing frequency during the switching process.

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Mesoscale And Nanoscale Physics

Microscopic metallic air-bridge arrays for connecting quantum devices

We present a single-exposure fabrication technique for a very large array of microscopic air-bridges using a tri-layer resist process with electron-beam lithography. The technique is capable of forming air-bridges with strong metal-metal or metal-substrate connections. This was demonstrated by its application in an electron tunnelling device consisting of 400 identical surface gates for defining quantum wires, where the air-bridges are used as suspended connections for the surface gates. This technique enables us to create a large array of uniform one-dimensional channels that are open at both ends. In this article, we outline the details of the fabrication process, together with a study and the solution of the challenges present in the development of the technique, which includes the use of water-IPA (isopropyl alcohol) developer, calibration of resist thickness and numerical simulation of the development.

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Mesoscale And Nanoscale Physics

Microwave Photon Number Resolving Detector Using the Topological Surface State of Superconducting Cadmium Arsenide

Photon number resolving detectors play a central role in quantum optics. A key challenge in resolving the number of absorbed photons in the microwave frequency range is finding a suitable material that provides not only an appropriate band structure for absorbing low-energy photons but also a means of detecting a discrete photoelectron excitation. To this end, we propose to measure the temperature gain after absorbing a photon using superconducting cadmium arsenide (Cd3As2) with a topological semimetallic surface state as the detector. The surface electrons absorb the incoming photons and then transfer the excess energy via heat to the superconducting bulk's phonon modes. The temperature gain can be determined by measuring the change in the zero-bias bulk resistivity, which does not significantly affect the lattice dynamics. Moreover, the obtained temperature gain scales discretely with the number of absorbed photons, enabling a photon-number resolving function. Here, we will calculate the temperature increase as a function of the number and frequency of photons absorbed. We will also derive the timescale for the heat transfer process from the surface electrons to the bulk phonons. We will specifically show that the transfer processes are fast enough to ignore heat dissipation loss.

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Mesoscale And Nanoscale Physics

Microwave Sensing of Andreev Bound States in a Gate-Defined Superconducting Quantum Point Contact

We use a superconducting microresonator as a cavity to sense absorption of microwaves by a superconducting quantum point contact defined by surface gates over a proximitized two-dimensional electron gas. Renormalization of the cavity frequency with phase difference across the point contact is consistent with adiabatic coupling to Andreev bound states. Near ? phase difference, we observe random fluctuations in absorption with gate voltage, related to quantum interference-induced modulations in the electron transmission. We identify features consistent with the presence of single Andreev bound states and describe the Andreev-cavity interaction using a dispersive Jaynes-Cummings model. By fitting the weak Andreev-cavity coupling, we extract ~GHz decoherence consistent with charge noise and the transmission dispersion associated with a localized state.

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Mesoscale And Nanoscale Physics

Microwave response of a chiral Majorana interferometer

We consider an interferometer based on artificially induced topological superconductivity and chiral 1D Majorana fermions. The (non-topological) superconducting island inducing the superconducting correlations in the topological substrate is assumed to be floating. This allows probing the physics of interfering Majorana modes via microwave response, i.e., the frequency dependent impedance between the island and the earth. Namely, charging and discharging of the island is controlled by the time-delayed interference of chiral Majorana excitations in both normal and Andreev channels. We argue that microwave measurements provide a direct way to observe the physics of 1D chiral Majorana modes.

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Mesoscale And Nanoscale Physics

Microwave-Induced Magneto-Intersubband Scattering in a Square Lattice of Antidots

The effect of microwave radiation on low-temperature electron magnetotransport in a square antidot lattice with a period of d = 0.8 micrometer based on a GaAs quantum well with two occupied energy subbands E1 and E2 is investigated. It is shown that, owing to a significant difference between the electron densities in the subbands, commensurability oscillations of the resistance in the investigated antidot lattice are observed only for the first subband. It is found that microwave irradiation under the cyclotron resonance condition results in the formation of resistance oscillations periodic in the inverse magnetic field in the region of the main commensurability peak. It is established that the period of these oscillations corresponds to the period of magneto-intersubband oscillations. The observed effect is explained by the increase in the rate of intersubband scattering caused by the difference between the electron heating in the subbands E1 and E2.

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