Featured Researches

High Energy Physics Theory

QuantumW1+??subalgebras of BCD type and symmetric polynomials

The infinite affine Lie algebras of type ABCD, also calledgl?(??,o?(??,sp?(??, are equivalent to subalgebras of the quantumW1+??algebras. They have well-known representations on the Fock space of either a Dirac fermion (A^??), a Majorana fermion (B^??andD^??) or a symplectic boson (C^??). Explicit formulas for the action of the quantumW1+??subalgebras on the Fock states are proposed for each representation. These formulas are the equivalent of the \textit{vertical presentation} of the quantum toroidalgl(1)algebra Fock representation. They provide an alternative to the fermionic and bosonic expressions of the \textit{horizontal presentation}. Furthermore, these algebras are known to have a deep connection with symmetric polynomials. The action of the quantumW1+??generators leads to the derivation of Pieri-like rules and q-difference equations for these polynomials. In the specific case ofB^??, a q-difference equation is obtained forQ-Schur polynomials indexed by strict partitions.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Quasinormal modes of NUT-charged black branes in the AdS/CFT correspondence

We study the scalar, electromagnetic and gravitational perturbations of planar AdS4black holes with NUT charge. In the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence, these solutions describe a thermal quantum field theory embedded in a Gödel-type universe with closed time-like curves. For a given temperature and NUT charge, two different planar Taub-NUT solutions exist, but we show that only the one with a positive specific heat contributes to the Euclidean saddle point in the path integral. By using the Newman-Penrose formalism, we then derive the master equations satisfied by scalar, electromagnetic and gravitational perturbations in this background, and show that the corresponding equations are separable. Interestingly, the solutions pile up in the form of Landau levels, and hence are characterized by a single quantum numberq. We determine the appropriate boundary conditions satisfied by the master variables and using these we compute the quasinormal modes of scalar and gravitational perturbations. On the other hand, electromagnetic perturbations depend on a free parameter whose determination is problematic. We find that all the scalar and gravitational QNM frequencies lie in the lower half of the complex plane, indicating that these Taub-NUT spacetimes are stable. We discuss the implications of these results in the light of the AdS/CFT correspondence.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Quasinormal modes of charged fermions in linear dilaton black hole spacetime: Exact frequencies

We study charged massless fermionic perturbations in the background of4-dimensional linear dilaton black holes in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory with double Liouville-type potentials. We present the analytical fermionic quasinormal modes, whose Dirac equations are solved in terms of hypergeometric functions. We also discuss the stability of these black holes under the charged fermionic perturbations.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Quenched free energy from spacetime D-branes

We propose a useful integral representation of the quenched free energy which is applicable to any random systems. Our formula involves the generating function of multi-boundary correlators, which can be interpreted on the bulk gravity side as spacetime D-branes introduced by Marolf and Maxfield in [arXiv:2002.08950]. As an example, we apply our formalism to the Airy limit of the random matrix model and compute its quenched free energy under certain approximations of the generating function of correlators. It turns out that the resulting quenched free energy is a monotonically decreasing function of the temperature, as expected.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Quenched free energy in random matrix model

We compute the quenched free energy in the Gaussian random matrix model by directly evaluating the matrix integral without using the replica trick. We find that the quenched free energy is a monotonic function of the temperature and the entropy approacheslogNat high temperature and vanishes at zero temperature.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Radiation Reaction from Soft Theorems

Radiation reaction (RR) terms at the third post-Minkowskian (3PM) order have recently been found to be instrumental in restoring smooth continuity between the non-relativistic, relativistic, and ultra-relativistic (including the massless) regimes. Here we propose a new and intriguing connection between RR and soft (bremsstrahlung) theorems which short-circuits the more involved conventional loop computations. Although first noticed in the context of the maximally supersymmetric theory, unitarity and analyticity arguments support the general validity of this 3PM-order connection that we apply, in particular, to Einstein's gravity and to its Jordan-Brans-Dicke extension. In the former case we find full agreement with a recent result by Damour obtained through a very different reasoning.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Reconstructing the Bulk Dual of ABJM from Holographic Entanglement Entropy

Recent work has shown that entanglement and the structure of spacetime are intimately related. One way to investigate this is to begin with an entanglement entropy in a conformal field theory (CFT) and use the AdS/CFT correspondence to calculate the bulk metric. We perform this calculation for ABJM, a particular 3-dimensional supersymmetric CFT (SCFT), in its ground state. In particular we are able to reconstruct the pure AdS4 metric from the holographic entanglement entropy of the boundary ABJM theory in its ground state. Moreover, we are able to predict the correct AdS radius purely from entanglement. We also address the general philosophy of relating entanglement and spacetime through the Holographic Principle, as well as some of the philosophy behind our calculations.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Reconstructing the graviton

We reconstruct the Lorentzian graviton propagator in asymptotically safe quantum gravity from Euclidean data. The reconstruction is applied to both the dynamical fluctuation graviton and the background graviton propagator. We prove that the spectral function of the latter necessarily has negative parts similar to, and for the same reasons, as the gluon spectral function. In turn, the spectral function of the dynamical graviton is positive. We argue that the latter enters cross sections and other observables in asymptotically safe quantum gravity. Hence, its positivity may hint at the unitarity of asymptotically safe quantum gravity.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Regimes of3DYang--Mills theory in the presence of a constant vector background

In this paper, we take into account the Gribov copies present in 3D Yang-MIlls-Higgs theory with a constant vector background whose presence breaks the Lorentz symmetry. The constant vector background is introduced within the non-Abelian aether term. Here, we show that this term arises as a one-loop correction. The influence of the aether coupling constant on the system is treated afterwards. As a result, we find that for some values of it the theory can be driven from a nonperturbative regime to a perturbative one. In this paper, we work with the Higgs field in the fundamental representation and in the Landau gauge.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Reheating in small-field inflation on the brane: The Swampland Criteria and observational constraints in light of the PLANCK 2018 results

We study cosmological inflation and its dynamics in the framework of the Randall-Sundrum II brane model. In particular, we analyze in detail four representative small-field inflationary potentials, namely Natural inflation, Hilltop inflation, Higgs-like inflation, and Exponential SUSY inflation, each characterized by two mass scales. We constrain the parameters for which a viable inflationary Universe emerges using the latest PLANCK results. Furthermore, we investigate whether or not those models in brane cosmology are consistent with the recently proposed Swampland Criteria, and give predictions for the duration of reheating as well as for the reheating temperature after inflation. Our results show that (i) the distance conjecture is satisfied, (ii) the de Sitter conjecture and its refined version may be avoided, and (iii) the allowed range for the five-dimensional Planck mass,M5, is found to be between105 TeVand1012 TeV. Our main findings indicate that non-thermal leptogenesis cannot work within the framework of RS-II brane cosmology, at least for the inflationary potentials considered here.

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