Featured Researches

High Energy Physics Theory

Rejuvenating the hope of a swampland consistent inflated multiverse with tachyonic inflation in the high energy RS-II Braneworld

The swampland conjectures from string theory have had some really interesting implications on cosmology, in particular on inflationary models. Some models of inflation have been shown to be incompatible with these criterion while some have been shown to be severely fine tuned, with most of these problems arising in single field inflationary models in a General relativistic cosmology. Recent works have although optimistically shown that single field models in more general cosmologies can be consistent with these conjectures and hence there is an optimism that not all such models lie in the swampland. However a paradigm of inflation which has been shown to not be perfectly okay with the conjectures is eternal inflation. So in this work, we discuss Tachyonic inflation in the high energy RS-II Braneworld scenario in the context of the swampland conjectures while also considering the possibility of swampland consistent eternal inflation. We show that our concerned regime evades all the prominent swampland issues for single field inflation being virtually unscathed. After this, we show that the main conflicts of eternal inflation with the swampland can easily be resolved in the considered tachyonic scenario and in particular, we also discuss the exciting prospect of a Generalized Uncertainty Principle facilitating the notion of Swampland consistent eternal inflation. Our work as a whole reignites the possibility that there can be a swampland (and possibly, quantum gravitationally) consistent picture of a "Multiverse".

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High Energy Physics Theory

Relating thebghost and the vertex operators of the pure spinor superstring

The OPE between the compositebghost and the unintegrated vertex operator for massless states of the pure spinor superstring is computed and shown to reproduce the structure of the bosonic string result. The vanishing of the double pole singularity is Lorentz gauge and the single pole is shown to be equal to the corresponding integrated vertex operator.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Relation between non trivial M2-branes and D2-branes with fluxes

We show the relation between three non trivial sectors of M2-brane theory formulated in the LCG connected among them by canonical transformations. These sectors correspond to the supermembrane theory formulated on aM9?T2on three different constant three-form backgrounds: M2-brane with constantC??, M2-brane with constantC±and M2-brane with a generic constantC3denoted as CM2-brane. The first two exhibit a purely discrete supersymmetric spectrum once the central charge condition, or equivalently, the corresponding flux condition has been turned on. The CM2-brane is conjectured to share this spectral property once that fluxesC±are turned on. As shown in [1] they are duals to three inequivalent sectors of the D2-branes with specific worldvolume and background RR and NSNS quantization conditions on each case.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Relative Entropy of Random States and Black Holes

We study the relative entropy of highly excited quantum states. First, we sample states from the Wishart ensemble and develop a large-N diagrammatic technique for the relative entropy. The solution is exactly expressed in terms of elementary functions. We compare the analytic results to small-N numerics, finding precise agreement. Furthermore, the random matrix theory results accurately match the behavior of chaotic many-body eigenstates, a manifestation of eigenstate thermalization. We apply this formalism to the AdS/CFT correspondence where the relative entropy measures the distinguishability between different black hole microstates. We find that black hole microstates are distinguishable even when the observer has arbitrarily small access to the quantum state, though the distinguishability is nonperturbatively small in Newton's constant. Finally, we interpret these results in the context of the subsystem Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (sETH), concluding that holographic systems obey sETH up to subsystems half the size of the total system.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Relativistic membrane solutions in AdS4

In this note we discuss various classical membrane solutions in AdS4spacetime: simple embeddings given by polynomials in ambient space, solutions with non-linear waves, and piecewise linear solutions.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Relativistic quantum fluid with boost invariance

We study a relativistic fluid with longitudinal boost invariance in a quantum-statistical framework as an example of a solvable non-equilibrium problem. For the free quantum field, we calculate the exact form of the expectation values of the stress-energy tensor and the entropy current. For the stress-energy tensor, we find that a finite value can be obtained only by subtracting the vacuum of the density operator at some fixed proper time \tau_0. As a consequence, the stress-energy tensor acquires non-trivial quantum corrections to the classical free-streaming form.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Remarks on holographic models of the Kerr-AdS5geometry

We study the low-temperature limit of scalar perturbations of the Kerr-AdS5black-hole for generic rotational parameters. We motivate the study by considering real-time holography of small black hole backgrounds. Using the isomonodromic technique, we show that corrections to the extremal limit can be encoded in the monodromy parameters of the Painlevé V transcendent, whose expansion is given in terms of irregular chiral conformal blocks. After discussing the contribution of the intermediate states to the quasi-normal modes, we perform a numerical analysis of the low-lying frequencies. We find that the fundamental mode is perturbatively stable at low temperatures for small black holes and that excited perturbations are superradiant, as expected from thermodynamical considerations. We close by considering the holographic interpretation of the unstable modes and the decaying process.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Remarks on noncommutativity and scale anomaly in planar quantum mechanics

A study of a riveting connection between noncommutativity and the anomalous scale or dilatation symmetry is presented for a generalized quantum Hall system due to time dilatation transformations. On using the "Peierls substitution" scheme, it is shown that noncommutativity between spatial coordinates emerges naturally at a large magnetic field limit. Thereafter, we derive a path-integral action for the corresponding noncommutative quantum system and discuss the equivalence between the considered noncommutative system and the generalized Landau problem thus rendering an effective commmutative description. By exploiting the path-integral method due to Fujikawa, we derive an expression for the unintegrated scale or dilatation anomaly for the generalized Landau system, wherein the anomalies are identified with Jacobian factors arising from measure change under scale transformation and is subsequently renormalised. In fact, we derive exact expressions of anomalous Ward identities from which one may point out the existence of scale anomaly which is a purely quantum effect induced from the noncommutative structure between spatial coordinates.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Renormalization group theory of generalized multi-vertex sine-Gordon model

We investigate the renormalization group theory of generalized multi-vertex sine-Gordon model by employing the dimensional regularization method and also the Wilson renormalization group method. The vertex interaction is given bycos(kj?��?wherekj(j=1,2,??M) are momentum vectors and?is anN-component scalar field. The beta functions are calculated for the sine-Gordon model with multi cosine interactions. The second-order correction in the renormalization procedure is given by the two-point scattering amplitude for tachyon scattering. We show that new vertex interaction with momentum vectork??is generated from two vertex interactions with vectorskiandkjwhenkiandkjmeet the conditionk??=ki±kjcalled the triangle condition. Further conditionki??kj=±1/2is required within the dimensional regularization method. The renormalization group equations form a set of closed equations when{kj}form an equilateral triangle forN=2or a regular tetrahedron forN=3. The Wilsonian renormalization group method gives qualitatively the same result for beta functions.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Renormalized holographic entanglement entropy for Quadratic Curvature Gravity

We derive a covariant expression for the renormalized holographic entanglement entropy for CFTs dual to Quadratic Curvature Gravity in arbitrary dimensions. This expression is written as the sum of the bare entanglement entropy functional obtained using standard conical defect techniques, and a counterterm defined at the boundary of the extremal surface of the functional. The latter corresponds to the cod-2 self-replicating part of the extrinsic counterterms when evaluated on the replica orbifold. This renormalization method isolates the universal terms of the holographic entanglement entropy functional. We use it to compute the standard C-function candidate for CFTs of arbitrary dimension, and the type-B anomaly coefficient c for 4-dimensional CFTs.

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