Featured Researches

Subcellular Processes

Mechanisms of receptor/coreceptor-mediated entry of enveloped viruses

Enveloped viruses enter host cells either through endocytosis, or by direct fusion of the viral membrane envelope and the membrane of the host cell. However, some viruses, such as HIV-1, HSV-1, and Epstein-Barr can enter a cell through either mechanism, with the choice of pathway often a function of the ambient physical chemical conditions, such as temperature and pH. We develop a stochastic model that describes the entry process at the level of binding of viral glycoprotein spikes to cell membrane receptors and coreceptors. In our model, receptors attach the cell membrane to the viral membrane, while subsequent binding of coreceptors enables fusion. The model quantifies the competition between fusion and endocytotic entry pathways. Relative probabilities for each pathway are computed numerically, as well as analytically in the high viral spike density limit. We delineate parameter regimes in which fusion or endocytosis is dominant. These parameters are related to measurable and potentially controllable quantities such as membrane bending rigidity and receptor, coreceptor, and viral spike densities. Experimental implications of our mechanistic hypotheses are proposed and discussed.

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Subcellular Processes

Membrane Trafficking in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Model

The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is one of the best characterized eukaryotic models. The secretory pathway was the first trafficking pathway clearly understood mainly thanks to the work done in the laboratory of Randy Schekman in the 1980s. They have isolated yeast sec mutants unable to secrete an extracellular enzyme and these SEC genes were identified as encoding key effectors of the secretory machinery. For this work, the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine has been awarded to Randy Schekman; the prize is shared with James Rothman and Thomas S{ü}dhof. Here, we present the different trafficking pathways of yeast S. cerevisiae. At the Golgi apparatus newly synthesized proteins are sorted between those transported to the plasma membrane (PM), or the external medium, via the exocytosis or secretory pathway (SEC), and those targeted to the vacuole either through endosomes (vacuolar protein sorting or VPS pathway) or directly (alkaline phosphatase or ALP pathway). Plasma membrane proteins can be internalized by endocytosis (END) and transported to endosomes where they are sorted between those targeted for vacuolar degradation and those redirected to the Golgi (recycling or RCY pathway). Studies in yeast S. cerevisiae allowed the identification of most of the known effectors, protein complexes, and trafficking pathways in eukaryotic cells, and most of them are conserved among eukaryotes.

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Subcellular Processes

Membrane Trafficking of Integral Cell Junction Proteins and its Functional Consequences

Though membrane trafficking of cell junction proteins has been studied extensively for more than two decades, the accumulated knowledge remains fragmentary. The goal of this review is to synthesize published studies on the membrane trafficking of the five major junction transmembrane proteins: claudins, occludin, and junction adhesion molecules (JAMs) in tight junctions; cadherins and nectins in adherens junctions; to identify underlying common mechanisms; to highlight their functional consequences on barrier function; and to identify knowledge gaps. Clathrin-mediated endocytosis appears to be the main, but not exclusive, mode of internalization. Caveolin-mediated endocytosis and macropinocytosis are employed less frequently. PDZ-domain binding is the predominant mode of interaction between junction protein cytoplasmic tails and scaffold proteins. It is shared by claudins, the largest family of junction integral proteins, by junction adhesion molecules A, B, and C, and by the three nectins. All eight proteins are destined to either recycling via Rab4/Rab11 GTPases or to degradation. The sorting mechanisms that underlie the specificity of their endocytic pathways and determine their fates are not fully known. New data is presented to introduce an emerging role of junction-associated scaffold proteins in claudin membrane trafficking.

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Subcellular Processes

Membrane morphologies induced by arc-shaped scaffolds are determined by arc angle and coverage

The intricate shapes of biological membranes such as tubules and membrane stacks are induced by proteins. In this article, we systematically investigate the membrane shapes induced by arc-shaped scaffolds such as proteins and protein complexes with coarse-grained modeling and simulations. We find that arc-shaped scaffolds induce membrane tubules at membrane coverages larger than a threshold of about 40%, irrespective of their arc angle. The membrane morphologies at intermediate coverages below this tubulation threshold, in contrast, strongly depend on the arc angle. Scaffolds with arc angles of about 60 degree akin to N-BAR domains do not change the membrane shape at coverages below the tubulation threshold, while scaffolds with arc angles larger than about 120 degree induce double-membrane stacks at intermediate coverages. The scaffolds stabilize the curved membrane edges that connect the membrane stacks, as suggested for complexes of reticulon proteins. Our results provide general insights on the determinants of membrane shaping by arc-shaped scaffolds.

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Subcellular Processes

Membrane morphologies induced by mixtures of arc-shaped particles with opposite curvature

Biological membranes are shaped by various proteins that either generate inward or outward membrane curvature. In this article, we investigate the membrane morphologies induced by mixtures of arc-shaped particles with coarse-grained modeling and simulations. The particles bind to the membranes either with their inward, concave side or their outward, convex side and, thus, generate membrane curvature of opposite sign. We find that small fractions of convex-binding particles can stabilize three-way junctions of membrane tubules, as suggested for the protein lunapark in the endoplasmic reticulum of cells. For comparable fractions of concave-binding and convex-binding particles, we observe lines of particles of the same type, and diverse membrane morphologies with grooves and bulges induced by these particle lines. The alignment and segregation of the particles is driven by indirect, membrane-mediated interactions.

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Subcellular Processes

Membrane tubulation by elongated and patchy nanoparticles

Advances in nanotechnology lead to an increasing interest in how nanoparticles interact with biomembranes. Nanoparticles are wrapped spontaneously by biomembranes if the adhesive interactions between the particles and membranes compensate for the cost of membrane bending. In the last years, the cooperative wrapping of spherical nanoparticles in membrane tubules has been observed in experiments and simulations. For spherical nanoparticles, the stability of the particle-filled membrane tubules strongly depends on the range of the adhesive particle-membrane interactions. In this article, we show via modeling and energy minimization that elongated and patchy particles are wrapped cooperatively in membrane tubules that are highly stable for all ranges of the particle-membrane interactions, compared to individual wrapping of the particles. The cooperative wrapping of linear chains of elongated or patchy particles in membrane tubules may thus provide an efficient route to induce membrane tubulation, or to store such particles in membranes.

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Subcellular Processes

Memory, Bias and Correlations in Bidirectional Transport of Molecular Motor-driven Cargoes

Molecular motors are specialized proteins which perform active, directed transport of cellular cargoes on cytoskeletal filaments. In many cases, cargo motion powered by motor proteins is found to be bidirectional, and may be viewed as a biased random walk with fast unidirectional runs interspersed with slow `tug-of-war' states. The statistical properties of this walk are not known in detail, and here, we study memory and bias, as well as directional correlations between successive runs in bidirectional transport. We show, based on a study of the direction reversal probabilities of the cargo using a purely stochastic (tug-of-war) model, that bidirectional motion of cellular cargoes is, in general, a correlated random walk. In particular, while the motion of a cargo driven by two oppositely pulling motors is a Markovian random walk, memory of direction appears when multiple motors haul the cargo in one or both directions. In the latter case, the Markovian nature of the underlying single motor processes is hidden by internal transitions between degenerate run and pause states of the cargo. Interestingly, memory is found to be a non-monotonic function of the number of motors. Stochastic numerical simulations of the tug-of-war model support our mathematical results and extend them to biologically relevant situations.

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Subcellular Processes

Mesoscopic Biochemical Basis of Isogenetic Inheritance and Canalization: Stochasticity, Nonlinearity, and Emergent Landscape

Biochemical reaction systems in mesoscopic volume, under sustained environmental chemical gradient(s), can have multiple stochastic attractors. Two distinct mechanisms are known for their origins: ( a ) Stochastic single-molecule events, such as gene expression, with slow gene on-off dynamics; and ( b ) nonlinear networks with feedbacks. These two mechanisms yield different volume dependence for the sojourn time of an attractor. As in the classic Arrhenius theory for temperature dependent transition rates, a landscape perspective provides a natural framework for the system's behavior. However, due to the nonequilibrium nature of the open chemical systems, the landscape, and the attractors it represents, are all themselves {\em emergent properties} of complex, mesoscopic dynamics. In terms of the landscape, we show a generalization of Kramers' approach is possible to provide a rate theory. The emergence of attractors is a form of self-organization in the mesoscopic system; stochastic attractors in biochemical systems such as gene regulation and cellular signaling are naturally inheritable via cell division. Delbrück-Gillespie's mesoscopic reaction system theory, therefore, provides a biochemical basis for spontaneous isogenetic switching and canalization.

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Subcellular Processes

Mesoscopic Modeling of Random Walk and Reactions in Crowded Media

We develop a mesoscopic modeling framework for diffusion in a crowded environment, particularly targeting applications in the modeling of living cells. Through homogenization techniques we effectively coarse-grain a detailed microscopic description into a previously developed internal state diffusive framework. The observables in the mesoscopic model correspond to solutions of macroscopic partial differential equations driven by stochastically varying diffusion fields in space and time. Analytical solutions and numerical experiments illustrate the framework.

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Subcellular Processes

Microphase separation in nonequilibrium biomembranes

Microphase separation of membrane components is thought to play an important role in many physiological processes, from cell signaling to endocytosis and cellular trafficking. Here, we study how variations in the membrane composition can be driven by fluctuating forces. We show that the membrane steady state is not only controlled by the strength of the forces and how they couple to the membrane, but also by their dynamics: In a simple class of models this is captured by a single a correlation time. We conclude that the coupling of membrane composition to normal mechanical forces, such as might be exerted by polymerizing cytoskeleton filaments, could play an important role in controlling the steady state of a cell membrane that exhibits transient microphase separation on lengthscales in the 10-100 nm regime.

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