Adriana Cristina Ferreira Caldana
University of São Paulo
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Featured researches published by Adriana Cristina Ferreira Caldana.
Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão | 2008
Adriana Cristina Ferreira Caldana; Marco Antonio de Castro Figueiredo
In many countries, particularly in Brazil, we have observed a stimulus in relation to the volunteer work as a way of the democratization of the State, increasing the participation of all the actors in the serious social problems. Taking into consideration the several faces of the volunteer work, the aim of the present article is to discuss the exercise of these activities and their logical of support through the main axle of identification with the volunteer activity. case studies were carried out in two companies with lucrative ends and in two Non Governmental Organizations. (N.G.Os) in the town of Ribeirao Preto (Sao Paulo State - Brazil). The data showed up that the volunteer work, indirectly, generates value to capital and that we can invest in the autonomy of the Non Governmental Organizations and in the overcoming of the social services models, with particular actions, strengthening collective enterprising of the supportive economy and base social movements. In this analysis, it was considered that the volunteer work is an allowed way of the construction of the subjectivity within the logical of the capital.
Paidèia : Graduate Program in Psychology | 2002
Adriana Cristina Ferreira Caldana; Marco Antonio de Castro Figueiredo
The structural unemployment is a current phenomenon of the capitalism. The aim of this study was to investigate which are the major effects of the unemployment. A total of 20 study cases were developed with unemployed people; all of them were applying for jobs offered by the National Employment System in Ribeirao Preto (Brazil). Both genders and ages ranging from 35 to 45 years old were accepted for the positions. The results showed some strategies (predominantly individualized) used when facing unemployment situations. These strategies were characterized by the realization of precarious work and search for jobs in specialized organizations. Our results pointed out the necessity of searching new forms of supporting the studied population, considering affective features associated to the unemployment phenomenon and favoring shared actions and not individualized ones.
Psicologia & Sociedade | 2012
Adriana Cristina Ferreira Caldana; Lícia Barcelos de Souza; Cláudio Márcio Camiloto
O trabalho voluntario representa uma das bases de sustentabilidade das Organizacoes Nao-Governamentais, principalmente para a manutencao e continuidade dos projetos institucionais. Em contrapartida, vem sendo considerado fator de degradacao do trabalhador que esta excluido do mercado. Partindo de uma experiencia de implantacao de rotinas para acolhimento e integracao de voluntarios em uma ONG/AIDS, este estudo teve por objetivo a caracterizacao dos voluntarios e a compreensao da diversidade de sentidos presentes nas acoes voluntarias, visando subsidiar a avaliacao e planejamento das acoes de organizacao do trabalho adotadas pela instituicao. A analise tematica de conteudo das entrevistas, realizadas com 20 candidatos ao trabalho voluntario, permitiu a caracterizacao do perfil, das suas concepcoes e expectativas. Em sintese, o trabalho voluntario pareceu representar um recurso de qualificacao para a insercao no mercado de trabalho e elemento importante para formacao da identidade social e socializacao do conhecimento em HIV/AIDS.
Revista de Administração da UFSM | 2017
Nayele Macini; Ana Claudia Bansi; Adriana Cristina Ferreira Caldana
The Sustainable Human Resources Management (Sustainable HRM) adds organizational sustainability to people management subsystems. All areas of an organization depend largely on the action of the people. Therefore, if the organizations purpose is to be sustainable, it must provide the alignment between the guidelines of sustainability and their people management initiatives. The challenge of the Sustainable HRM is therefore to manage the organizations in relation to their human and social, natural and economic resources, involving organizational sustainability to their areas. Balance investments to meet the three aspects of sustainability tripod are part of the changes suggested by the Sustainable HRM. Although interest in Sustainable HRM is recurrent, more research is needed to develop a practical, clear and objective guide to be followed by organizations. Through the Soft System Methodology, a systemic methodology, a conceptual model and a framework of actions and indicators for Sustainable HRM were developed in this study, in order to provide support both strategic and operational to organizations. As a result, the HRM subsystems were adapted to encompass sustainable actions according to the sustainability pillars (environmental, social and economic), generating a framework of actions and indicators that companies can use to carry out the Sustainable HRM.
Organizações Rurais & Agroindustriais | 2017
Nayele Macini; Marlon Fernandes Rodrigues Alves; Larissa Marchiori Pacheco; Adriana Cristina Ferreira Caldana; Patrícia Lima Denipotti Aveiro
The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of direct foreign investment and of the productive capacity in the adoption of sustainable certifications in Brazilian sugarcane sector. The data survey was done from a sample comprised by 100 mills, which represent 58% of the companies operating in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The data were analyzed with the multivariate binomial logistic regression model. The results do not support the hypothesis that direct foreign investment has positive relation with sustainable certifications. The hypothesis that productive capacity is positively related to the adoption of sustainable certification was statistically significant. The results suggest that the positive impact of direct foreign investment on the sustainability of the local country depends on the occurrence of strong governmental institutions and of the quality of corporate conduct supervision, as well as the absorption and learning capacity that organizations must present in view of the flow of foreign investment. Regarding the relationship of productive capacity - milling – with the search for certifications, it can be seen that the larger mills export their products to specialized and more demanding markets, with certification being a prerequisite for buying and selling. Thus, this study contributes to the existing literature by advancing in themes of whicg relation is understudied, especially in this sector.
Ambiente & Sociedade | 2017
Caroline Krüger; Marina Kolland Dantas; José Marcelo de Castro; Adriana Cristina Ferreira Caldana
The National Border Strip (BS) geographically comprises the region of the Brazilian territorial boundary and, historically, is recognized by isolation, socio-economic and environmental vulnerabilities. In order to overcome these difficulties and promote sustainable regional development, a set of public policies was implemented, with emphasis on restructuring the Border Area Development Plan (PDFF) in 2005. In face of the investments made and the scarcity of information about this territory, this paper identified the main policies implemented in the BS based on literature review and documentary research. Also, thematic maps showed the effects of these policies on the changeovers of education, health, employment and income indicators, all calculated for the years 2005 and 2011. The results show that the policies emphasized development in the social and economic spheres, with less emphasis on the environmental context. Improvements in living conditions were identified in most municipalities, especially in education and health.
Revista de Administração FACES Journal | 2016
Francine Veloni Gervazio; Janaina de Moura Engracia Giraldi; André Lucirton Costa; Adriana Cristina Ferreira Caldana
Este artigo buscou identificar quais sao as semelhancas entre dimensoes de valores de tailandeses e brasileiros. Atraves do metodo de pesquisa descritiva, foi aplicado um questionario contendo valores pessoais instrumentais e terminais baseados na Rokeach Value Survey em amostras de estudantes brasileiros e tailandeses. Por meio de uma analise fatorial e da ordenacao das dimensoes encontradas foram buscadas semelhancas entre as estruturas de valores dos brasileiros e tailandeses. Como resultado, foi verificado que as dimensoes de valores instrumentais sao agrupadas de maneira semelhante nos dois paises e de forma parcialmente semelhante com relacao aos valores terminais. No entanto, com relacao a ordenacao das dimensoes, em ambos os casos, os resultados obtidos nao foram semelhantes. Apesar das diferencas encontradas, tracos evidenciados na analise da amostra tailandesa como a busca do prazer e excitacao pela vida estao intimamente ligados a cultura e cotidiano do brasileiro.
Revista Ciências Administrativas ou Journal of Administrative Sciences | 2014
Claudio de Souza Miranda; Francine Giuda Rodrigues; Raissa Alvares de Matos Miranda; Adriana Cristina Ferreira Caldana; Lara Bartocci Liboni
O texto se situa entre aqueles que tomam o trabalho como uma dimensao epistemologica e praxiologica fundamental, entendendo seu estudo como necessario, em tempos de mudancas, no devir historico. Propoe-se a identificar as dimensoes que os trabalhadores de uma organizacao publica associam ao trabalho na contemporaneidade e socializa os resultados de uma pesquisa em que foi utilizado um questionario estruturado como instrumento de coleta de dados. O tratamento dos dados coletados ocorreu atraves da tecnica analise fatorial. O modelo final foi constituido de quatro fatores, denominados: dimensoes do trabalho flexivel, dimensoes do trabalho tradicional, dimensoes indesejadas do trabalho e dimensoes vitais e morais do trabalho. Os fatores indicam um hibridismo nas relacoes que os respondentes estabelecem entre as variaveis e o trabalho, ora tendendo a ressaltar relacoes com as dimensoes flexiveis, ora apontando uma relacao com variaveis que remontam ao trabalho sob o capitalismo tradicional, ora em ambas, numa especie de amalgamento. Os resultados permitiram refletir sobre as mudancas nas concepcoes de trabalho de servidores em face da visao gerencialista que tem sido propagada nas ultimas decadas e possibilitou a reflexao no que diz respeito ao quanto se conserva da tradicao no que hoje se chama de flexivel. n nDOI: 10.5020/2318-0722.2014.v20n1p379
Revista de Administração, Contabilidade e Economia da Fundace | 2012
Adriana Cristina Ferreira Caldana; Verônica Angélica Freitas de Paula; Lucas Sciencia do Prado; Ana Paula Almeida; Dante Pinheiro Martinelli
Neste artigo, busca-se discutir o campo das negociacoes empresariais, sob o ponto de vista do enfoque sistemico. A visao sistemica permite identificar os elementos que podem gerar uma negociacao “ganha-ganha”. O processo de negociacao como um sistema de transformacao pode ser definido a partir dos objetos que compoem o “sistema negociacao”. A visao tradicional de concorrencia precisa ser ampliada para incorporar as possibilidades de parcerias e cooperacao que se apresentam as empresas no mercado. Pelo enfoque sistemico apresentado, o processo de negociacao e visto a partir do direcionamento estrategico da empresa, mas essa estrategia nao pode ser pensada de modo independente dos demais elementos do sistema. A empresa deve estruturar seus processos de negociacao, realizando analises que contemplem: o posicionamento da empresa perante os demais atores do mercado, as competencias necessarias ao negociador, as variaveis basicas envolvidas no processo de negociacao a ser iniciado, o nivel de integracao interna entre as diferentes areas da empresa e as ferramentas de negociacao disponiveis. Vale ressaltar que o modelo e adaptavel a qualquer porte, segmento e cultura de empresa, mas que a configuracao final de cada um dos seus elementos apresentara variacoes em funcao de contextos especificos.
Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão | 2008
Adriana Cristina Ferreira Caldana; Marco Antonio de Castro Figueiredo
In many countries, particularly in Brazil, we have observed a stimulus in relation to the volunteer work as a way of the democratization of the State, increasing the participation of all the actors in the serious social problems. Taking into consideration the several faces of the volunteer work, the aim of the present article is to discuss the exercise of these activities and their logical of support through the main axle of identification with the volunteer activity. case studies were carried out in two companies with lucrative ends and in two Non Governmental Organizations. (N.G.Os) in the town of Ribeirao Preto (Sao Paulo State - Brazil). The data showed up that the volunteer work, indirectly, generates value to capital and that we can invest in the autonomy of the Non Governmental Organizations and in the overcoming of the social services models, with particular actions, strengthening collective enterprising of the supportive economy and base social movements. In this analysis, it was considered that the volunteer work is an allowed way of the construction of the subjectivity within the logical of the capital.