Ahmet Doğanay
Çukurova University
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Featured researches published by Ahmet Doğanay.
Journal of Physical Therapy Science | 2015
Dilek Sevimli; Erkan Kozanoglu; Rengin Guzel; Ahmet Doğanay
[Purpose] There are various treatment modalities for fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), which is characterized by widespread pain and fatigue. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of aquatic, aerobic and isometric strength-stretching exercises on the physical and psychological parameters of patients with FMS. [Subjects and Methods] Seventy five female patients with FMS were randomly selected and divided into three groups. Patients (18–50 years) were treated for 3 months using one of three methods: a home-based isometric strength and stretching exercise program (ISSEP), a gym-based aerobic exercise program (AEP), and a pool-based aquatic aerobic exercise program (AAEP). Items evaluated were: the number of tender points, Visual Analog Scale (VAS), Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ), the Six-Minute Walk Test (6MWT), SF-36 physical and mental health scores, and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). [Results] The results revealed that AAEP was the most effective treatment of the three. All of the groups showed significant improvements in all variables between pre-and post-test, except the mean values of VAS and BDI in ISSEP. [Conclusion] The results suggest that aquatic aerobic exercise program is more effective than AEP and ISSEP in the treatment of FMS.
Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Yönetimi Dergisi | 2007
Ahmet Doğanay; Mükerrem Akbulut Taş; Şule Erden
Arastirmada elestirel dusunme becerileri, cinsiyet, yas, yerlesim yeri (koy, ilce, il), mezun olunan lise ve okudugu bolum degiskenleri acisindan incelenmistir. Arastirmaya, Cukurova Universitesi Ilahiyat, Egitim, Fen-Edebiyat, Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi ogrencileri ile Adana Polis Meslek Yuksek Okulu ogrencileri katilmistir. Arastirmada yazili bir kompozisyon kullanilarak ogrencilerin elestirel dusunme becerilerini kullanmalarini gerektiren cok boyutlu, guncel tartismali bir konuyla ilgili acik uclu bir soru sorulmustur. Buna paralel olarak ogrencilere, kisisel bilgilere iliskin sorularin yer aldigi bir anket formu dagitilmistir. Ogrencilerin elestirel dusunme becerilerini ve duzeylerini belirlemek icin Faciona ve Faciona tarafindan gelistirilen Butuncul Elestirel Dusunme Puanlama Rubrigi kullanilmistir. Verilerin analizinde t-testi, tek yonlu varyans analizi; varyanslarin homojen olmadigi durumlarda ise iliskisiz olcumler icin Kruskal Wallis H-testi ve Mann Whitney U testi kullanilmistir. Nitel verilerde ise icerik analizi kullanilmistir. Arastirma sonucunda, elestirel dusunme becerilerini kullanabilme acisindan universite ogrencilerinin buyuk cogunlugunun, 6 duzeyden olusan bir olcegin ikinci duzeyinde olduklari anlasilmistir. Ogrencilerin elestirel dusunme becerilerinin cinsiyete, yasa, mezun olunan lise ve bolum turune gore anlamli farklilastigi, yerlesim yerine gore ise anlamli bir fark bulunmadigi gorulmustur.
Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Yönetimi Dergisi | 2010
Ayten Pınar Bal; Ahmet Doğanay
Bu calisma ilkogretim besinci sinif matematik ogretim programinin olcme-degerlendirme surecinde yasanan sorunlara iliskin ogretmen goruslerini ortaya koymak amaci ile yapilmistir. Arastirmanin modeli hem nicel hem de nitel yontemler birlikte kullanilarak desenlenmistir. Arastirmanin orneklemini Adana ili merkez ilcelerinde gorev yapan 226 ilkogretim besinci sinif ogretmeni olusturmustur. Calismada ayrica, 25 ogretmenle de gorusme yapilmistir. Veri toplama araci olarak arastirmacilar tarafindan gelistirilen Olcme-Degerlendirme Anketi (ODA) ve yari yapilandirilmis gorusme formu kullanilmistir. Verilerin cozumlenmesinde betimsel istatistik ve icerik analizinden yararlanilmistir. Arastirmanin sonucunda, ogretmenlerin olcme-degerlendirme surecinde zaman yetersizligi, bilgi eksikligi, ogrencilerin alternatif olcme-degerlendirmenin amaclarini tam anlamamalari ve degerlendirme formlarina iliskin sorunlar yasadiklari ortaya cikmistir. Bunun yani sira, olcme-degerlendirme surecinde karsilasilan zorluklarin giderilmesine yonelik ogretmenler en cok ogrencilere konuyla ilgili ev odevleri verdiklerini ve degerlendirme formlarinin hepsini doldurmadiklarini belirtmislerdir. Bu baglamda hem ogretmenlere, hem ogrencilere hem de velilere matematik dersinde uygulanan alternatif olcme-degerlendirme yaklasimlari, kullanilan olcme araclari ve bunlarin ogrencilere getirileri konusunda bilgilendirici seminerler duzenlenmesi onerilebilir.
Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Yönetimi Dergisi | 2009
Özden Demir; Ahmet Doğanay
As a thinking process, learning requires self management skills. In this paper conceptual base of cognitive coaching approach was put forth and its place in the instructional practices was explained. Cognitive coaching approach contributes in developing metacognitive skills, critical and creative thinking skills and mature epistemological beliefs of students. Cognitive coaching is a process that helps to coached person to sail toward his/her thoughts by using tools and maps. Implementation of cognitive coaching with different methods and strategies and its contribution to social interaction process also supports constructivist philosophy. A teacher who is a cognitive coach helps to develop metacognitive skills in students by using scaffolding and this causes development of self management skills. In this paper, metacognition, metacognitive strategies, cognitive coaching and basic principles of cognitive coaching method were discussed. Furthermore, a self management constructivist learning model which is based on metacognitive skill was also been tryed to evaluate.
Practice and Theory in Systems of Education | 2015
Serkan Dinçer; Ahmet Doğanay
Abstract Pedagogical agent is generally described as educational programs that guide, motivate learners while encouraging them during learning by providing feedback. The tasks (informative, guiding, or friend, etc.) and types (human-like, cartoon character, audio, text, etc.) of these modules can be classified based on various variables. Although computer-assisted instruction software is commonly used as a teaching material, research on modules integrated on such programs is scarce. Studies in the field have revealed that such computer-assisted instruction programs increase motivation of learners. In order to keep motivation levels high, these programs need to be adopted depending on the individual needs. Therefore, it can be beneficial to integrate software designed that can be personalized. In this respect, the present study was conducted with secondary school students to identify the impact of pedagogical agent on learners’ academic success and motivation. For the purpose of the study, four groups were formed. The first group received education via fixed pedagogical agent, the second group had the option to choose among several pedagogical agents, the third group received the education without pedagogical agent and finally the last group received the same education through traditional (non-computer) way. This four-week program was introduced to students via MS Excel program and the data was gathered as pre- and post-test method. The findings have revealed that interfaces impacted motivation and accordingly academic success in a positive way. As a result of the study, it is suggested that learners should be provided programs that can be personalized depending on learners’ needs and preferences.
Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Yönetimi Dergisi | 2010
Ahmet Doğanay; Sibel Güzel Yüce
Bu arastirmanin genel amaci, ogretmenin sinifta kullandigi sozel ifadeler ve sordugu sorularla ogrencilerin dusunme becerilerini gelistirmelerine rehberli ogrenme destegi saglayip saglamadiginin incelenmesidir. Arastirmada, nitel arastirma desenlerinden durum calismasi kullanilmis ve durum olarak bir sinif ogretmeni gozlenmistir. Ogretmenin kullandigi sozel ifadelerlerden elde edilen bulgulara gore, ogrencilere dusunme becerilerini gelistirme konusunda rehberli ogrenme destegi saglamada pozitif ve negatif etki olmak uzere iki genel kategori elde edilmistir. Bu kategorilerin altinda yer alan alt kategori ve kodlarin da tam anlamiyla ogrencilerin dusunme becerilerini gelistirmelerine rehberli ogrenme destegi saglamada yetersiz oldugu bulunmustur. Dusunme becerilerinin gelistirilmesinde rehberli ogrenme destegi saglamada gozlenen ogretmenin sordugu sorularin analizi sonucunda ise alt duzey sorularin % 78.2, ust duzey sorularinsa % 20.8 oldugu gorulmustur. Sonuc olarak, ogretmenin sinifta sordugu sorularla diger sozel ifadelerin ogrencilere dusunme becerilerinin gelisimine rehberli ogrenme destegi saglamada yeterli olmadigi bulunmustur. Bu nedenle, ogretmenlerin hem hizmet oncesi hem de hizmet ici egitimlerinde ogrencilere dusunme becerilerinin kazandirilmasi konusunda egitilmeleri gerektigi dusunulmektedir.
Kuram Ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri | 2009
Mediha Sarı; Ahmet Doğanay
Research Papers in Education | 2010
Ahmet Doğanay
Kuram Ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri | 2011
Ahmet Doğanay; Ayşe Öztürk
Ahmet Doğanay