Ali Günay Balim
Dokuz Eylül University
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Featured researches published by Ali Günay Balim.
International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education | 2013
Ali Günay Balim
This study aims at identifying the effects of the mind-mapping technique upon students’ perceptions of inquiry-learning skills, academic achievement, and retention of knowledge. The study was carried out in the Science and Technology course. A quasi-experimental research design with a pre-test and post-test control group, which was selected from seventh graders, was used in this study. Sixty-four seventh graders participated in this study during the 2010–2011 academic year in Izmir, Turkey. The result of the study shows that there is a significant difference in favour of the experimental group over the control group regarding the academic achievement, scores of retention of learning, and perception of inquiry-learning skill scores, both on cognitive and affective levels.
Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi | 2013
Ali Günay Balim; Güliz Aydin; Suat Türkoğuz; Sabriye Yilmaz; Ertuğ Evrekli
Fen ve Teknoloji ogretiminde ogrencilerin bilgileri yapilandirmalari icin, teknoloji destekli tekniklerin kullanilmasi ve bu sayede konulara iliskin kavramlarin anlamli ogrenilmesine katki saglanmasi onemlidir. Bu tekniklerden biri olan kavram haritalama, herhangi bir konuya iliskin kavramlari ve kavramlar arasi iliskileri hiyerarsik bir duzen icerisinde sunmayi saglayan gorsel bir tekniktir. Kavramlar arasi iliskilerin dogru kurulmasi, anlamli ogrenmenin gerceklesmesi icin gereklidir. Ogrencilerin, konulara iliskin kavram haritalari hazirlayabilmeleri icin, oncelikle Fen ve Teknoloji ogretmenlerinin, kavram haritalama tekniginin derslerde nasil kullanildigini ogrenmeleri gerekmektedir. Bu kapsamda, ulkemizin her bolgesinden, en cok Fen ve Teknoloji ogretmenine sahip birer ilinde, yani toplam 7 ilde ogretmenlere, “Fen ve Teknoloji Ogretiminde Kavram Haritalama Teknigi”, “Kavram Haritalarinin Uygulanmasina Yonelik Calismalar”, “Inspiration Programi ve Kullanimi”, “Inspiration Uygulamalari” konularinda hizmet ici egitim seminerleri verilmistir. Bu konulara iliskin egitim suresi, 1,5 is gunu, toplam 8 saattir. Hizmet ici egitim seminerleri, Milli Egitim Bakanligi’ndan gerekli izinler alindiktan sonra Izmir, Erzurum, Ankara, Diyarbakir, Samsun, Antalya ve Bursa illerinde yapilmistir. Bu calismada, Fen ve Teknoloji ogretmenlerinin, yapilan uygulamalar sirasinda hazirlamis olduklari kavram haritasi orneklerine yer verilmistir.
Uşak Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi | 2012
Huriye Deniş; Ali Günay Balim
Creativity is defined as put forward a new idea or product based on knowledge. To develop the creativity is important for educational aspect. It is necessary to determine of creative thinking level for putting forth the development of creativity. In this research, it is aimed to adaptation Scientific Creativity Test which developed by Hu and Adey (2002) and find out assessment criterias of test. Scale was translated into Turkish by experts. The draft scale’s items which resulting translation of common points of the four experts, were translated into English by a language expert. As a result of this process, original scale and translation of scale was found to be consistent with each others. Scale form consists of seven items. In order to ensure content validity, expert’ opinions were taken. The first study was performed on total of 389 students from eight different primary schools were studying 6th, 7th and 8th classes Buca district in Izmir. Item-total correlations ranged from 0.37 to 0.74 scale. Cronbachs alpha coefficient of scale was measured 0.86. The upper and lower %27 groups significance of difference between the scores of scale were examined for investigating the scale items to distinguish individuals. As a result of research, Turkish Scientific Creativity Test measurement is reliable and valid. It is thought that this research will provide assessment criteria for the future studies to determine of scientific creativity.
Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi | 2012
Suat Turkoguz; Güliz Aydin; Ali Günay Balim
Bu calismanin temel amaci, Fen ve Teknoloji dersinin “Madde ve Isi” konularinda yapilandirmaci yaklasimin 7E modeline gore etkinlik planlari gelistirmektir. Yapilandirmaci yaklasimin 7E modeli, On Bilgileri Ortaya Cikarma, Dikkat Cekme, Kesfetme, Aciklama, Ayrintiya Girme, Yeni Duruma Uyarlama ve Degerlendirme asamalarindan meydana gelmektedir. “Madde ve Isi” konularina iliskin etkinlikler, yapilandirmaci yaklasimin 7E modelindeki her basamaga uyarlanmistir. Etkinlik planlari, Fen ve Teknoloji dersi icin belirlenen kazanimlara gore duzenlenmistir. Bu nedenle, etkinliklerin uygulama suresi bu kazanimlara gore belirlenmistir. Bu calisma, Fen ve Teknoloji dersi “Madde ve Isi” unitesinde zihin haritalama tekniginin kullanildigi 4 saatlik ders planini ve bu plana gore duzenlenen ogrencilere yonelik etkinlik orneklerini icermektedir.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences | 2010
Ertuğ Evrekli; Didem İnel; Ali Günay Balim
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences | 2009
Ertug Evrekli; Ali Günay Balim; Didem İnel
İlköğretim Online | 2008
Ali Günay Balim; Didem İnel; Ertuğ Evrekli
Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi | 2005
Güliz Aydin; Ali Günay Balim
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences | 2009
Güliz Aydin; Ali Günay Balim
Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Elektronik Fen ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi | 2009
Ertuğ Evrekli; Didem İnel; Ali Günay Balim