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Featured researches published by Ana Lucia Siqueira Costa.

BMC Nursing | 2014

Hardy personality and burnout syndrome among nursing students in three Brazilian universities—an analytic study

Rodrigo Marques da Silva; Carolina Tonini Goulart; Luis Felipe Dias Lopes; Patrícia Maria Serrano; Ana Lucia Siqueira Costa; Laura de Azevedo Guido

BackgroundNursing students may exhibit the characteristics of resistance to stress, such as hardiness, which can reduce the risk of burnout. However, we found only one published study about these phenomena among nursing students. Thus, we investigated the association between hardiness and burnout in such students.MethodsAn analytic, cross-sectional study was conducted among 570 nursing students from three Brazilian universities. Data were collected relating to sociodemographic characteristics, hardiness, and burnout, which we analyzed using inferential statistics.ResultsWe observed that 64.04% of nursing students in the sample had a high level of emotional exhaustion, 35.79% had a high level of cynicism, and 87.72% had a low level of professional efficacy: these are dimensions of burnout. We also found that 48.77% had a high level of control, 61.40% a high level of commitment, and 35.44% a high level of challenge: these are dimensions of hardiness. Only 24.74% of the students experienced burnout, and 21.93% met the criteria for a hardy personality. There was a statistically significant difference between the frequency of hardiness and burnout (p = 0.033), with 68.00% of hardy students not exhibiting burnout.ConclusionsAlthough nursing students live with educational stressors, burnout was not preponderant in our sample students; this may be linked to hardiness. Thus, given its benefits to student life and health, we recommend the development of strategies to promote hardiness among nursing students.

Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2009

Construção e validação de instrumento para Avaliação de Estresse em Estudantes de Enfermagem (AEEE)

Ana Lucia Siqueira Costa; Catarina Polak

El estres ha sido evidenciado de manera significativa entre los estudiantes de Enfermeria. Este articulo describe una investigacion cuantitativa, de desenvolvimiento metodologico que tuvo como objetivo construir y validar un instrumento para evaluar los factores de estres en estudiantes de enfermeria. La construccion de los items se fundamento en el modelo de Pasquali y la referencia teorica de estres fue de Lazarus y Folkman. El instrumento fue compuesto por 30 items, agrupados en seis dominios: Realizacion de las actividades practicas; Comunicacion profesional; Gerenciamiento del tiempo; Ambiente; Formacion profesional; Actividad teorica. El analisis factorial confirmo el modelo conceptual y los dominios propuestos. La consistencia interna de los dominios estimada por el alfa de Cronbach vario de 0,71 a 0,87. Fueron creados 4 puntos de corte para los escores de cada dominio. Se concluyo que el instrumento podra ser utilizado para evaluar la intensidad de los factores de estres entre los estudiantes de enfermeria.Stress is increasingly evident among nursing students. This article reports a quantitative methodological development research that aimed to construct and validate an instrument to assess the stress factors among nursing students. The construction of the instrument followed the Pasqualis model and the stress theoretical framework of Lazarus and Folkman. The instrument was composed of 30 items grouped into six domains: Performance of practical activities; Professional communication; Time management; Environment; Professional education; and Theoretical activities. The factor analysis confirmed that the conceptual model was acceptable and adjusted. The internal consistency of the domains estimated by Cronbachs alpha ranged from 0.71 to 0.87. Four cutoff points have been established for each domain. The instrument can be used to evaluate the intensity of the most frequent stress factors among these students.

Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2006

Processos de enfrentamento do estresse e sintomas depressivos em pacientes portadores de retocolite ulcerativa idiopática

Ana Lucia Siqueira Costa; Eliane Corrêa Chaves

Neste estudo se investigou as formas de enfrentamento do estresse e a presenca dos sintomas depressivos em 100 individuos portadores de retocolite ulcerativa idiopatica (RCUI), usuarios do Ambulatorio de Doencas Inflamatorias do HCFMUSP, que foram comparados com 100 individuos acompanhantes de pacientes de outra unidade da mesma instituicao, isentos da doenca. A metodologia consistiu de aplicar aos dois grupos o Inventario de Estrategias de Enfrentamento de Folkman e Lazarus e o Inventario de Depressao de Beck. As estrategias de enfrentamento mais utilizadas pelo grupo de doentes foram Suporte Social (47%) e Reavaliacao Positiva (40%), e no grupo controle ocorreu predominio da estrategia Reavaliacao Positiva (52%). Quanto ao transtorno de humor, 71% dos portadores de RCUI nao apresentavam sintomas depressivos (contra 78% do grupo controle), 9% apresentavam disforia (contra 9% do grupo controle) e 20% sintomas depressivos (contra 13% do grupo controle).This study investigated associations between the ways for coping with stress and the presence of depressive symptoms in a sample of 100 ulcerative colitis (UC) outpatients who are treated at the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Clinic at the School of Medicine of the University of São Paulos Hospital das Clínicas, in the city of São Paulo. Patients were compared to a control group made up of 100 healthy subjects who kept company to other patients at another unit of the same hospital. To both groups were applied the Folkman and Lazaruss Coping Strategies Questionnaire and the Beck Depression Inventory. Coping strategies most referred to by patients were social support (47%) and positive reappraisal (40%); in the control group, the most reported coping strategy was positive reappraisal (52%). As to humor disorders, 71% of the UC patients were found to show no depressive symptoms (control groups: 78), 9% presented dysphoria (control group: 9%), and 20% showed depressive symptoms (control group: 13%).

Acta Paulista De Enfermagem | 2011

Respostas fisiológicas e emocionais ao estresse em estudantes de enfermagem: revisão integrativa da literatura científica

Sonia Betzabeth Ticona Benavente; Ana Lucia Siqueira Costa

RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar a producao cientifica relacionada as respostas fisiologicas e emocionais em estudantes de enfermagem, registrada nos periodicos nacionais e internacionais de enfermagem. Metodos: Foi realizada uma revisao integrativa da literatura cientifica, tendo como foco as bases de dados PUBMED, MEDLINE, CINAHL, LILACS e SciELO. Na amostra, foram incluidos trabalhos escritos na integra, em portugues, ingles ou espanhol, no periodo de julho de 2004 a julho de 2009, que continham, pelo menos, um descritor no titulo e tres no texto, diretamente relacionados a manifestacoes fisiologicas e psicologicas do estresse em estudantes de enfermagem. Resultados: Dos 126 artigos identificados apenas 13 referiram-se ao tema, deles, cinco abordaram manifestacoes psicologicas, quatro, manifestacoes fisiologicas e outros quatro ambas. Do total, quatro foram estudos longitudinais e nove transversais. Conclusao: Pelos resultados atingidos, observou-se que o tema ainda deve ser estudado e desenvolvido no processo de ensino e aprendizagem da enfermagem, pois verificou-se que o estresse e uma ocorrencia frequente e com consequencias importantes entre esses estudantes. Descritores: Estudante de enfermagem/psicologia; Estresse; Estresse fisiologico; Estresse psicologico

Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2014

Influence of stress factors and socio-demographic characteristics on the sleep quality of nursing students

Sonia Betzabeth Ticona Benavente; Rodrigo Marques da Silva; Aline Baraldi Higashi; Laura de Azevedo Guido; Ana Lucia Siqueira Costa

OBJECTIVE To analyze the influence of stress factors and socio-demographic characteristics on the sleep quality of nursing students. METHOD An analytical cross-sectional and quantitative study, conducted with 151 nursing students in São Paulo between March and April of 2012. A form for socio-demographic characteristics, the Instrument to Evaluate Stress in Nursing Students and the Pittsburgh Sleep Index were applied. RESULTS High levels of stress was predominant for Time Management (27.8%) and Professional Training (30.5%) and low sleep quality (78.8%). The Professional Communication, Professional Training and Theoretical Activity are positively correlated to sleep quality. Work activity, academic year and time for daily studies contributed to a low quality of sleep. CONCLUSION Few stress factors from the academic environment and some socio-demographic characteristics contributed to the reduction of sleep quality in students.Objetivo: Analizar la influencia de los factores de estres y de las caracteristicas sociodemograficas en la calidad del sueno de estudiantes de enfermeria. Metodo: Estudio analitico, transversal y cuantitativo, realizado con 151 alumnos de pregrado en enfermeria de Sao Paulo entre marzo y abril del ano 2012. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: un formulario para la caracterizacion sociodemografica, el instrumento de Evaluacion del Estres en Estudiantes de Enfermeria y el Indice de Calidad del Sueno de Pittsburgh. Resultados: Se verifico predominio de estres de nivel muy alto en la Gestion del Tiempo (27,8%) y en la Formacion Profesional (30,5%), y de baja calidad de Sueno (78,8%). La Comunicacion Profesional, la Formacion Profesional y la Actividad Teorica se correlacionaron positivamente con la calidad del sueno. La actividad laboral, el ano academico y el tiempo diario de estudio contribuyeron para la disminucion de la calidad del sueno. Conclusion: Algunos factores de estres del ambiente academico y algunas caracteristicas sociodemograficas contribuyen a la disminucion de la calidad del sueno del estudiante de enfermeria.

Revista Da Associacao Medica Brasileira | 2014

Pre-hospital delay in acute myocardial infarction: judgement of symptoms and resistance to pain

Fernanda Carneiro Mussi; Andreia Santos Mendes; Tassia Lacerda de Queiroz; Ana Lucia Siqueira Costa; Álvaro Pereira; Bruno Caramelli

OBJECTIVE To estimate the time of decision (TD) to look for medical care and the time of arrival (TA) at the health service for men (M) and women (W) suffering from acute myocardial infarction and to analyze the influence of the interpretation of pain and pain resistance behaviors during these times. METHODS This is an exploratory research, performed at the university hospital in Salvador/Bahia. 43 W and 54 M were interviewed. To study the dependence among sociodemographic and gender variables, the Fisher Exact Test was used. To analyze times, a geometric mean (GM) was used. In order to verify the association between the GM of TD and TA and the judgment of pain, and between the GM of TD and TA and the behavior of resistance to pain, as well as to test the time of interaction between the gender variable and other variables of interest, the robust regression model was used. The statistical significance adopted was 5%. RESULTS The GM of the TD for M was 1.13 h; for W, 0.74 h. The GM of the TA was 1.74 h for M and 1.47 h for W. Those who did not recognize the symptoms of AMI and presented behavior of resistance to pain had higher TD and TA, being the associations significant. Gender did not change the associations of interest. CONCLUSION The findings demonstrate the importance of health education aiming at the benefits of early treatment.

Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2012

[Subjective memory complain in healthy elderly: influence of depressive symptoms, perceived stress and self-esteem].

Aline Talita dos Santos; Deyse Demarco Leyendecker; Ana Lucia Siqueira Costa; Juliana Nery de Souza-Talarico

O presente estudo analisou a relacao entre percepcao de estresse, sintomas depressivos e autoestima em idosos com e sem queixa subjetiva de comprometimento de memoria. Foram incluidos 204 idosos (104 sem e 100 com queixa de memoria) avaliados a partir do instrumento Memory Assessment Complain Questionnaire (MAC-Q). O protocolo de estudo incluiu a Escala de Estresse Percebido (EEP), a Escala de Depressao Geriatrica (GDS) e a Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (EAE). Os idosos com queixa de comprometimento apresentaram escores significativamente maiores na EEP e GDS e menores na EAE (p < 0.001). Foi observada correlacao negativa entre o escore do MAC-Q e EPP (p < 0.001) e EAE (p = 0.01). A analise de regressao multivariada identificou somente o estresse como fator preditor da queixa subjetiva de memoria. Esses dados sugerem que a percepcao de estresse e os sintomas depressivos estao associados com a queixa de memoria em idosos.The current study analyzed the relationship between perceived stress, depressive symptoms and self-esteem in elderly with and without subjective memory complain. Two-hundred four elderly were included (104 without and 100 with subjective memory complain) assesse using the Memory Assessment Complain Questionnaire (MAC-Q). The study protocol was composed by the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) and the Self-Esteem Scale of Rosenberg (SES). The elderly with subjective memory complain showed higher PSS and GDS scores (p < 0.001) and lower SES scores (p = 0.045). Negative correlation was observed between MAC-Q and PSS (p < 0.001) and GDS (p = 0.01). Multiple regression analysis showed predictor effect of perceived stress in the subjective memory complain. These findings suggest that the perceived stress and depressive symptoms are associated with subjective memory complain in elderly.

Acta Paulista De Enfermagem | 2011

Physiological and emotional responses to stress in nursing students: an integrative review of scientific literature

Sonia Betzabeth Ticona Benavente; Ana Lucia Siqueira Costa

RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar a producao cientifica relacionada as respostas fisiologicas e emocionais em estudantes de enfermagem, registrada nos periodicos nacionais e internacionais de enfermagem. Metodos: Foi realizada uma revisao integrativa da literatura cientifica, tendo como foco as bases de dados PUBMED, MEDLINE, CINAHL, LILACS e SciELO. Na amostra, foram incluidos trabalhos escritos na integra, em portugues, ingles ou espanhol, no periodo de julho de 2004 a julho de 2009, que continham, pelo menos, um descritor no titulo e tres no texto, diretamente relacionados a manifestacoes fisiologicas e psicologicas do estresse em estudantes de enfermagem. Resultados: Dos 126 artigos identificados apenas 13 referiram-se ao tema, deles, cinco abordaram manifestacoes psicologicas, quatro, manifestacoes fisiologicas e outros quatro ambas. Do total, quatro foram estudos longitudinais e nove transversais. Conclusao: Pelos resultados atingidos, observou-se que o tema ainda deve ser estudado e desenvolvido no processo de ensino e aprendizagem da enfermagem, pois verificou-se que o estresse e uma ocorrencia frequente e com consequencias importantes entre esses estudantes. Descritores: Estudante de enfermagem/psicologia; Estresse; Estresse fisiologico; Estresse psicologico

Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2009

Agravos à saúde, hipertensão arterial e predisposição ao estresse em motoristas de caminhão

Luciane Cesira Cavagioni; Angela Maria Geraldo Pierin; Karla de Melo Batista; Estela Regina Ferraz Bianchi; Ana Lucia Siqueira Costa

El estudio investigo agravios de salud que predisponen al estres mediante el uso del Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20), que evalua posibles trastornos mentales comunes no psicoticos. La muestra abarco a 258 conductores profesionales de trasporte de cargas en una carretera nacional brasilena (37,5±10,0 anos, el 55% ingeria bebidas alcoholicas, El 37% con hipertension arterial y el 57% refirio uso anterior de medicamentos para mantener el estado de alerta). Los conductores indicaron sentir-se nervioso, tenso o preocupado (56%), dormir mal (47%), dolores de cabeza (37%), tener dificultad de tomar decision (38%) y dificultad de pensar con claridad (20%). El SRQ-20 mostro que el 33% era portador de posibles trastornos mentales comunes y fue encontrada asociacion (p<0,05) con referencia de cansancio, disminucion de la concentracion, considerarse nervioso o estresado, tener problemas personales o en el trabajo y transportar carga de horario. Se concluye que fue expresiva la presencia de probables trastornos mentales comunes que probablemente transcurren de las condiciones laborales estresantes.This study approached the health problems which were involved with stress using Self reporting Questionnaires (SRQ-20) in order to evaluate mental disorders. The sample was constituted of 258 trucker drivers in Brazilian roadway (37,5±10,0 years old, 55% drink alcohol, 37% with arterial hypertension e 57% used drugs to get alert). The drivers informed they were nervous, tense and worried (56%), disturbed sleep (47%), headaches (37%), difficulties in making decisions (38%) and difficulties in thinking clearly (20%). The results of SRQ-20 showed that 33% were probably with common mental disorders and an association (p<0.05) with fatigue, diminished concentration, being nervous and worried, personal problems at work, and trucker transportation. As conclusion, the presence of common mental disorders was considered probably as consequence of stresseful conditions at work.

Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2009

Construction and validation of an instrument for the assessment of stress among nursing students

Ana Lucia Siqueira Costa; Catarina Polak

El estres ha sido evidenciado de manera significativa entre los estudiantes de Enfermeria. Este articulo describe una investigacion cuantitativa, de desenvolvimiento metodologico que tuvo como objetivo construir y validar un instrumento para evaluar los factores de estres en estudiantes de enfermeria. La construccion de los items se fundamento en el modelo de Pasquali y la referencia teorica de estres fue de Lazarus y Folkman. El instrumento fue compuesto por 30 items, agrupados en seis dominios: Realizacion de las actividades practicas; Comunicacion profesional; Gerenciamiento del tiempo; Ambiente; Formacion profesional; Actividad teorica. El analisis factorial confirmo el modelo conceptual y los dominios propuestos. La consistencia interna de los dominios estimada por el alfa de Cronbach vario de 0,71 a 0,87. Fueron creados 4 puntos de corte para los escores de cada dominio. Se concluyo que el instrumento podra ser utilizado para evaluar la intensidad de los factores de estres entre los estudiantes de enfermeria.Stress is increasingly evident among nursing students. This article reports a quantitative methodological development research that aimed to construct and validate an instrument to assess the stress factors among nursing students. The construction of the instrument followed the Pasqualis model and the stress theoretical framework of Lazarus and Folkman. The instrument was composed of 30 items grouped into six domains: Performance of practical activities; Professional communication; Time management; Environment; Professional education; and Theoretical activities. The factor analysis confirmed that the conceptual model was acceptable and adjusted. The internal consistency of the domains estimated by Cronbachs alpha ranged from 0.71 to 0.87. Four cutoff points have been established for each domain. The instrument can be used to evaluate the intensity of the most frequent stress factors among these students.


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Rodrigo Marques da Silva

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

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Laura de Azevedo Guido

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

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Luis Felipe Dias Lopes

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

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Rafaela Andolhe

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

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