Byron Arana
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
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Featured researches published by Byron Arana.
The Lancet | 2011
Kirk R. Smith; John McCracken; Martin Weber; Alan Hubbard; Alisa Jenny; Lisa M. Thompson; John R. Balmes; Anaite Diaz; Byron Arana; Nigel Bruce
BACKGROUND Pneumonia causes more child deaths than does any other disease. Observational studies have indicated that smoke from household solid fuel is a significant risk factor that affects about half the worlds children. We investigated whether an intervention to lower indoor wood smoke emissions would reduce pneumonia in children. METHODS We undertook a parallel randomised controlled trial in highland Guatemala, in a population using open indoor wood fires for cooking. We randomly assigned 534 households with a pregnant woman or young infant to receive a woodstove with chimney (n=269) or to remain as controls using open woodfires (n=265), by concealed permuted blocks of ten homes. Fieldworkers visited homes every week until children were aged 18 months to record the childs health status. Sick children with cough and fast breathing, or signs of severe illness were referred to study physicians, masked to intervention status, for clinical examination. The primary outcome was physician-diagnosed pneumonia, without use of a chest radiograph. Analysis was by intention to treat (ITT). Infant 48-h carbon monoxide measurements were used for exposure-response analysis after adjustment for covariates. This trial is registered, number ISRCTN29007941. FINDINGS During 29,125 child-weeks of surveillance of 265 intervention and 253 control children, there were 124 physician-diagnosed pneumonia cases in intervention households and 139 in control households (rate ratio [RR] 0·84, 95% CI 0·63-1·13; p=0·257). After multiple imputation, there were 149 cases in intervention households and 180 in controls (0·78, 0·59-1·06, p=0·095; reduction 22%, 95% CI -6% to 41%). ITT analysis was undertaken for secondary outcomes: all and severe fieldworker-assessed pneumonia; severe (hypoxaemic) physician-diagnosed pneumonia; and radiologically confirmed, RSV-negative, and RSV-positive pneumonia, both total and severe. We recorded significant reductions in the intervention group for three severe outcomes-fieldworker-assessed, physician-diagnosed, and RSV-negative pneumonia--but not for others. We identified no adverse effects from the intervention. The chimney stove reduced exposure by 50% on average (from 2·2 to 1·1 ppm carbon monoxide), but exposure distributions for the two groups overlapped substantially. In exposure-response analysis, a 50% exposure reduction was significantly associated with physician-diagnosed pneumonia (RR 0·82, 0·70-0·98), the greater precision resulting from less exposure misclassification compared with use of stove type alone in ITT analysis. INTERPRETATION In a population heavily exposed to wood smoke from cooking, a reduction in exposure achieved with chimney stoves did not significantly reduce physician-diagnosed pneumonia for children younger than 18 months. The significant reduction of a third in severe pneumonia, however, if confirmed, could have important implications for reduction of child mortality. The significant exposure-response associations contribute to causal inference and suggest that stove or fuel interventions producing lower average exposures than these chimney stoves might be needed to substantially reduce pneumonia in populations heavily exposed to biomass fuel air pollution. FUNDING US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and WHO.
Clinical Infectious Diseases | 2004
Jaime Soto; Byron Arana; J. Toledo; N. Rizzo; J. C. Vega; A. Diaz; M. Luz; P. Gutierrez; M. Arboleda; J. D. Berman; K. Junge; J. Engel; H. Sindermann
The oral agent miltefosine has demonstrated a >95% cure rate in Indian visceral leishmaniasis. We performed a large, placebo-controlled study of miltefosine therapy (2.5 mg/kg per day orally for 28 days) against cutaneous leishmaniasis in Colombia and Guatemala. In regions in Colombia where Leishmania vianna panamensis is common, the per-protocol cure rates for miltefosine and placebo were 91% (40 of 44 patients) and 38% (9 of 24). These values are similar to historic values for the antimony standard of care and placebo. In regions in Guatemala where L. v. braziliensis and L. mexicana mexicana are common, the per-protocol cure rates were 53% (20 of 38) for miltefosine and 21% (4 of 19) for placebo. The miltefosine rate was lower than historic antimony cure rates of >90%. Miltefosine was well tolerated. Miltefosine is a useful oral agent against cutaneous leishmaniasis due to L. v. panamensis in Colombia but not against leishmaniasis due to L. v. braziliensis in Guatemala.
American Journal of Epidemiology | 2009
Tone Smith-Sivertsen; Esperanza Diaz; Daniel Pope; Rolv T. Lie; Anaite Diaz; John McCracken; Per Bakke; Byron Arana; Kirk R. Smith; Nigel Bruce
Exposure to household wood smoke from cooking is a risk factor for chronic obstructive lung disease among women in developing countries. The Randomized Exposure Study of Pollution Indoors and Respiratory Effects (RESPIRE) is a randomized intervention trial evaluating the respiratory health effects of reducing indoor air pollution from open cooking fires. A total of 504 rural Mayan women in highland Guatemala aged 15-50 years, all using traditional indoor open fires, were randomized to either receive a chimney woodstove (plancha) or continue using the open fire. Assessments of chronic respiratory symptoms and lung function and individual measurements of carbon monoxide exposure were performed at baseline and every 6 months up to 18 months. Use of a plancha significantly reduced carbon monoxide exposure by 61.6%. For all respiratory symptoms, reductions in risk were observed in the plancha group during follow-up; the reduction was statistically significant for wheeze (relative risk = 0.42, 95% confidence interval: 0.25, 0.70). The number of respiratory symptoms reported by the women at each follow-up point was also significantly reduced by the plancha (odds ratio = 0.7, 95% confidence interval: 0.50, 0.97). However, no significant effects on lung function were found after 12-18 months. Reducing indoor air pollution from household biomass burning may relieve symptoms consistent with chronic respiratory tract irritation.
Lancet Infectious Diseases | 2011
Greg Matlashewski; Byron Arana; Axel Kroeger; Sujit Battacharya; Shyam Sundar; Pradeep Das; Prabhat Kumar Sinha; Suman Rijal; Dinesh Mondal; Dan Zilberstein; Jorge Alvar
The worlds burden of infectious diseases can be substantially reduced by more-effective use of existing interventions. Advances in case detection, diagnosis, and treatment strategies have made it possible to consider the elimination of visceral leishmaniasis in the Indian subcontinent. The priority must now be to effectively implement existing interventions at the community level by actively finding cases in endemic villages and treating them with single-dose liposomal amphotericin B at primary-health-care centres. Once the elimination target of one case per 10,000 population has been reached, combination therapies involving miltefosine and paromomycin can be introduced to ensure long-term availability of several drugs for visceral leishmaniasis and to protect against resistance.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health | 2007
Esperanza Diaz; Tone Smith-Sivertsen; Daniel Pope; Rolv T. Lie; Anaite Diaz; John McCracken; Byron Arana; Kirk R. Smith; Nigel Bruce
Background: Indoor air pollution (IAP) from combustion of biomass fuels represents a global health problem, estimated to cause 1.6 million premature deaths annually. Aims: RESPIRE (Randomised Exposure Study of Pollution Indoors and Respiratory Effects) Guatemala is the first randomised controlled trial ever performed on health effects from solid fuel use. Its goal is to assess the effect of improved stoves (planchas) on exposure and health outcomes in a rural population reliant on wood fuel. Methods: Questions about symptoms were asked at baseline and periodically after the intervention, to an initial group of 504 women (259 randomly assigned to planchas (mean (standard deviation) age 27.4 (7.2) years) and 245 using traditional open fires (28.1 (7.1) years)). Levels of carbon monoxide (CO) in exhaled breath, a biomarker of recent exposure to air pollution from biomass combustion, were measured at each visit. In addition to reducing IAP levels, the plancha may also have a positive health effect by changing the working posture to an upright position. Results: A high prevalence of eye discomfort, headache and backache was found. The odds of having sore eyes and headache were substantially reduced in the plancha group relative to the group using open fires for the follow-up period (odds ratio (OR) 0.18, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.11 to 0.29 and (OR) 0.63, 95% CI 0.42 to 0.94, respectively). Median CO in breath among women in the intervention trial was significantly lower than controls. Conclusion: In addition to reducing discomfort for women, tangible improvements in symptoms experienced by a substantial proportion of women may help to gain acceptance and wider use of planchas.
International Journal of Epidemiology | 2009
Benjamin F. Arnold; Byron Arana; Daniel Mäusezahl; Alan Hubbard; John M. Colford
BACKGROUND The promotion of household water treatment and handwashing with soap has led to large reductions in child diarrhoea in randomized efficacy trials. Currently, we know little about the health effectiveness of behaviour-based water and hygiene interventions after the conclusion of intervention activities. METHODS We present an extension of previously published design (propensity score matching) and analysis (targeted maximum likelihood estimation) methods to evaluate the behavioural and health impacts of a pre-existing but non-randomized intervention (a 3-year, combined household water treatment and handwashing campaign in rural Guatemala). Six months after the intervention, we conducted a cross-sectional cohort study in 30 villages (15 intervention and 15 control) that included 600 households, and 929 children <5 years of age. RESULTS The study design created a sample of intervention and control villages that were comparable across more than 30 potentially confounding characteristics. The intervention led to modest gains in confirmed water treatment behaviour [risk difference = 0.05, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.02-0.09]. We found, however, no difference between the intervention and control villages in self-reported handwashing behaviour, spot-check hygiene conditions, or the prevalence of child diarrhoea, clinical acute lower respiratory infections or child growth. CONCLUSIONS To our knowledge this is the first post-intervention follow-up study of a combined household water treatment and handwashing behaviour change intervention, and the first post-intervention follow-up of either intervention type to include child health measurement. The lack of child health impacts is consistent with unsustained behaviour adoption. Our findings highlight the difficulty of implementing behaviour-based household water treatment and handwashing outside of intensive efficacy trials.
Environmental Health Perspectives | 2011
John McCracken; Kirk ft Smith; Peter H. Stone; Anaite Diaz; Byron Arana; Joel Schwartz
Background: A large body of evidence suggests that fine particulate matter (PM) air pollution is a cause of cardiovascular disease, but little is known in particular about the cardiovascular effects of indoor air pollution from household use of solid fuels in developing countries. RESPIRE (Randomized Exposure Study of Pollution Indoors and Respiratory Effects) was a randomized trial of a chimney woodstove that reduces wood smoke exposure. Objectives: We tested the hypotheses that the stove intervention, compared with open fire use, would reduce ST-segment depression and increase heart rate variability (HRV). Methods: We used two complementary study designs: a) between-groups comparisons based on randomized stove assignment, and b) before-and-after comparisons within control subjects who used open fires during the trial and received chimney stoves after the trial. Electrocardiogram sessions that lasted 20 hr were repeated up to three times among 49 intervention and 70 control women 38–84 years of age, and 55 control subjects were also assessed after receiving stoves. HRV and ST-segment values were assessed for each 30-min period. ST-segment depression was defined as an average value below –1.00 mm. Personal fine PM [aerodynamic diameter ≤ 2.5 μm (PM2.5)] exposures were measured for 24 hr before each electrocardiogram. Results: PM2.5 exposure means were 266 and 102 μg/m3 during the trial period in the control and intervention groups, respectively. During the trial, the stove intervention was associated with an odds ratio of 0.26 (95% confidence interval, 0.08–0.90) for ST-segment depression. We found similar associations with the before-and-after comparison. The intervention was not significantly associated with HRV. Conclusions: The stove intervention was associated with reduced occurrence of nonspecific ST-segment depression, suggesting that household wood smoke exposures affect ventricular repolarization and potentially cardiovascular health.
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases | 2013
Piero Olliaro; Michel Vaillant; Byron Arana; Max Grogl; Farrokh Modabber; Alan J. Magill; Olivier Lapujade; Pierre Buffet; Jorge Alvar
The current evidence-base for recommendations on the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is generally weak. Systematic reviews have pointed to a general lack of standardization of methods for the conduct and analysis of clinical trials of CL, compounded with poor overall quality of several trials. For CL, there is a specific need for methodologies which can be applied generally, while allowing the flexibility needed to cover the diverse forms of the disease. This paper intends to provide clinical investigators with guidance for the design, conduct, analysis and report of clinical trials of treatments for CL, including the definition of measurable, reproducible and clinically-meaningful outcomes. Having unified criteria will help strengthen evidence, optimize investments, and enhance the capacity for high-quality trials. The limited resources available for CL have to be concentrated in clinical studies of excellence that meet international quality standards.
Bulletin of The World Health Organization | 2007
Nigel Bruce; Martin Weber; Byron Arana; Anaite Diaz; Alisa Jenny; Lisa M. Thompson; John McCracken; Mukesh Dherani; Damaris Juarez; Sergio Ordonez; Robert E. Klein; Kirk R. Smith
OBJECTIVE Trials of environmental risk factors and acute lower respiratory infections (ALRI) face a double challenge: implementing sufficiently sensitive and specific outcome assessments, and blinding. We evaluate methods used in the first randomized exposure study of pollution indoors and respiratory effects (RESPIRE): a controlled trial testing the impact of reduced indoor air pollution on ALRI, conducted among children <or= 18 months in rural Guatemala. METHODS Case-finding used weekly home visits by fieldworkers trained in integrated management of childhood illness methods to detect ALRI signs such as fast breathing. Blindness was maintained by referring cases to study physicians working from community centres. Investigations included oxygen saturation (SaO2), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) antigen test and chest X-ray (CXR). FINDINGS Fieldworkers referred > 90% of children meeting ALRI criteria, of whom about 70% attended a physician. Referrals for cough without respiratory signs and self-referrals contributed 19.0% and 17.9% of physician-diagnosed ALRI cases respectively. Intervention group attendance following ALRI referral was 7% higher than controls, a trend also seen in compliance with RSV tests and CXR. There was no evidence of bias by intervention status in fieldworker classification or physician diagnosis. Incidence of fieldworker ALRI (1.12 episodes/child/year) is consistent with high sensitivity and low specificity; incidence of physician-diagnosed ALRI (0.44 episodes/child/year) is consistent with comparable studies. CONCLUSION The combination of case-finding methods achieved good sensitivity and specificity, but intervention cases had greater likelihood of reaching the physician and being investigated. There was no evidence of bias in fieldworkers classifications despite lack of concealment at home visits. Pulse oximetry offers practical, objective severity assessment for field studies of ALRI.
The Lancet Global Health | 2014
Dinesh Mondal; Jorge Alvar; Golam Hasnain; Shakhawat Hossain; Debashis Ghosh; M. Mamun Huda; Shah Golam Nabi; Shyam Sundar; Greg Matlashewski; Byron Arana
BACKGROUND To rapidly reduce the burden of visceral leishmaniasis for national elimination programmes, an acceptable, safe, and effective treatment is needed that can be delivered at primary health-care centres. We aimed to assess the tolerability, safety, and cure rate of single-dose liposomal amphotericin B (AmBisome, Gilead, USA) for visceral leishmaniasis treatment in such a setting in Bangladesh. METHODS We enrolled patients who had been diagnosed with visceral leishmaniasis at Muktagacha upazila (subdistrict) hospital, Bangladesh. Eligible participants were at least 5 years old and had a history of fever for more than 2 weeks, splenomegaly, rK39 rapid test positivity, and haemoglobin concentrations of at least 50 g/L. Participants were provided a one-off intravenous infusion of liposomal amphotericin B (10 mg/kg bodyweight). Clinical assessments were done during treatment, before hospital discharge, and on days 30 and 180 after treatment. Cure was defined as resolution of fever, decrease in spleen size, and an increase in haemoglobin by 10% compared with baseline or to at least 100 g/L. We estimated efficacy in terms of initial cure (at day 30) and final cure (at 6 months), and safety in all patients who were enrolled (intention-to-treat analysis). We also assessed efficacy in all patients who completed treatment and 6 month follow-up after treatment with or without visceral leishmaniasis relapse (per protocol analysis). We assessed acceptability in terms of proportion of patients who consented to treatment. This study was registered with the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry, number CTRN12612000367842. FINDINGS Between March 5, and Aug 14, 2012, 329 (55%) of 594 cases of suspected visceral leishmaniasis were confirmed. Of these cases, five patients did not consent to treatment and 24 were ineligible for treatment. In the intention-to-treat analysis, 261 (87%) of 300 patients achieved initial cure and 290 (97%) achieved final cure. In the per-protocol analysis, 260 (88%) of 296 patients achieved initial cure and 289 (98%) achieved final cure. One patient did not start treatment owing to an allergic reaction to liposomal amphotericin B. During treatment or within 2 h afterwards, 79 (26%) patients developed fever, 109 (36%) had fever with rigor, and 56 (19%) had hypotension. No patients needed referral to a tertiary hospital for management of adverse events. INTERPRETATION Treatment of visceral leishmaniasis in a primary health-care facility with single-dose liposomal amphotericin B could safely and effectively be adopted by the national visceral leishmaniasis elimination programme in Bangladesh. FUNDING Neglected Tropical Diseases (WHO), Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional.