Carine Cocco
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
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Featured researches published by Carine Cocco.
Scientia Agricola | 2011
Carine Cocco; Jerônimo Luiz Andriolo; Francieli Lima Cardoso; Lígia Erpen; Odair José Schmitt
Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa D.) yield is affected by vigor of transplants. Those young and vigorous at planting lead to plants reaching higher vegetative growth and fruit yield than weak or old ones. This study aimed at determining plant growth, development, and fruit yield of the strawberry plant from bare root and plug transplants with different crown diameters. Bare root transplants were produced by rooting stolons and plug transplants from runner tips collected and rooted in a substrate growing bed. Three classes of crown diameters were compared in a 2 × 3 factorial and randomized block experimental design, with four replications, 16 plants per plot and a density of 6.6 plants m-2. For bare root transplants, crown diameters were between 3.0 and 5.0 mm (class 1); 5.1 and 8.0 mm (class 2) and greater than 8.1 mm (class 3). For plug transplants, runner tips were screened between 2.0 and 3.9 mm (class 1); 4.0 and 5.5 mm (class 2) and 5.6 to 7.0 mm (class 3). Transplants of both types were planted at April 16th, 2008, and at this date, crown diameter, shoot and root dry mass and number of leaves were higher in all classes of plug transplants. Ripe fruits were harvested from June 15th to November 7th, 2008, and fresh fruit yield was determined. Plant growth and development were determined at last harvest. Higher growth, development and fruit yield were obtained in plants from plug transplants. For bare root transplants, crown diameters higher than 5.1 mm can be used while for plug transplants the crown diameter of runner tips does not affect plant growth and fruit yield.
Journal of Berry Research | 2015
Carine Cocco; Sabina Magnani; Maria Luigia Maltoni; Irene Quacquarelli; Mattia Cacchi; Luis Eduardo Corrêa Antunes; Luigi Filippo D’Antuono; Walther Faedi; Gianluca Baruzzi
Site effects on the main active and putative health-promoting compounds of strawberry were investigated using 5 strawberry genotypes. The plants were grown at three locations in Italy (Verona and Cesena in the North and Scanzano Jonico in the South) of differing latitude, environmental conditions (temperature) and crop management practices (planting date, plant type, harvest duration, yield per plant and per day) influencing fruits quality traits. At each site, fruits for analysis were picked at mid harvest (50% of total estimated yield) during the peak April-May marketing season, a mid-harvest window when consumers can choose fruits from both northern and southern districts. Yield per plant and fruits total soluble solids, titratable acidity, flesh firmness, skin colour, antioxidant activity, ascorbic acid, total phenols, total anthocyanins and phenolic compounds were determined. Genotype × site × climatic factors and cultivation technique interaction significantly affected yield per plant and almost all fruits quality traits. Given the longer harvest period and, hence, lower yield per day in the South, the fruits of this site were sweeter and of higher ascorbic acid and anthocyanin contents than that grown at the two North sites; the Verona fruits registered the highest acidity and antioxidant capacity. Fruits size and colour were unaffected by site. Soluble solids and ascorbic acid were negatively correlated to plant yield per day. A significant negative correlation between total antioxidant capacity, total polyphenols and fruits size was found. The main anthocyanin (pelargonidin-3-glucoside) was correlated to both total anthocyanin and total antioxidant capacity. Our overall data show that site-specific environmental conditions, especially in regard to the length of the climate-induced harvest window, and crop management practices affected fruits quality traits.
Horticultura Brasileira | 2011
Jerônimo Luiz Andriolo; Lígia Erpen; Francieli Lima Cardoso; Carine Cocco; Gustavo Spreckelsen Casagrande; Djeimi Isabel Janisch
No cultivo sem solo do morangueiro, a concentracao de nitrogenio da solucao nutritiva afeta o crescimento da planta, a produtividade e a qualidade das frutas. O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar o efeito da concentracao de nitrogenio da solucao nutritiva no crescimento e desenvolvimento da planta e producao de frutas do morangueiro. Os tratamentos foram constituidos por cinco concentracoes de N na solucao nutritiva: 6,5 (T1), 8,0 (T2), 9,5 (T3), 11,0 (T4) e 12,5 (T5) mmol L-1, em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repeticoes. Foi determinada a producao de frutas no periodo entre 6 de junho e 27 de novembro de 2009, o numero de folhas e a massa seca da parte aerea, coroas e raizes na ultima data. O numero de folhas, a massa seca da parte aerea e das raizes e o diâmetro da coroa diminuiram com o aumento da concentracao de N na solucao nutritiva. A producao e o tamanho das frutas apresentaram resposta polinomial, com ponto de maxima na concentracao de 8.9 mmol L-1. Concluiu-se que a concentracao de N atualmente empregada na producao dessa cultura em sistemas fora do solo pode ser reduzida para 8.9 mmol L-1, sem reducao na produtividade de frutas.
Revista Ceres | 2010
Clarisse Silva Oliveira; Carine Cocco; Jerônimo Luiz Andriolo; Lígia Erpen; Gustavo Giménez Franquez
plots. Number and crown diameter of bare root transplants and number of runner tips were evaluated atharvest. Number of bare root transplants and runner tips was not affected by N concentration in the nutrient solution.An average of 339 bare root transplants and 836 runner tips were harvest per stock plant. Increasing 1 mmol of Nconcentration of the nutrient solution decreases the crown diameter of bare root transplants in 0.4mm. In the soillessgrown system with sand as substrate, the N concentration does not affect the production of bare root transplants andrunner tips, but do affect crown diameter of strawberry bare root transplants.
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira | 2009
Carine Cocco; Alexandra Augusti Boligon; Jerônimo Luís Andriolo; Clarisse Silva Oliveira
The objective of this work was to estimate the optimal size and shape of plots to be used in experiments of strawberry ( Fragaria x ananassa ) cultivation in soil or using hydroponics. Two experiments were conducted, one in soil in low tunnels, and another in a hydroponic system. In each experiment, the effects of plot sizes and shapes on experimental accuracy were evaluated. Each plant was considered an experimental basic unit, and the number of plants per plot varied from 1 (48 plots) to 24 (two plots). Functions were adjusted to determine the coeffi cient of variation among plots and the variance per basic unit between plots. Plants grown in soil had higher experimental variability than the plants grown in hydroponics. Increasing the number of plants per plot caused strong reduction in the experimental variability, especially when a rectangular plot shape was used. The optimal estimated plot size was ten plants in soil and six plants in the hydroponic system.
Ciencia Rural | 2009
Jerônimo Luiz Andriolo; Djeimi Isabel Janisch; Clarisse Silva Oliveira; Carine Cocco; Odair José Schmitt; Francieli Lima Cardoso
This research aimed to compare growth and fruit yield of strawberry plants grown in a closed substrate soilless system under three fertigation methods. The experiment was carried out at the Fitotecnia Department of the Federal University of Santa Maria, between May 14th and November 16th, 2007, in a bifactorial 3 x 2 randomised split plot experimental design and three replications. The main plots were the three fertigation methods and the split plots were the clones LBD 15.1 and LBG 168.1. The growing bed was the organic substrate Plantmax PXT®. The control (T1) was a complete nutrient solution. In T2, absorbed quantities of P, K, Ca and Mg were estimated and added in the substrate before planting. Nitrogen was supplied by fertigation during the cropping period. In T3, quantities of nutrients estimated for T2 were split in fortnight doses and delivered by fertigation using the same fertilizers employed in the complete nutrient solution. Fruit number and yield during the cropping period and vegetative dry matter at the end of the experiment were determined. Early and total fruit yield were lower in T2. It was concluded that for both clones, the fertigation using a complete nutrient solution can reach similar fruit yield as well as the supplying nutrients in fortnight doses, with a reduction in the consumption of fertilizers.
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira | 2007
Sidinei José Lopes; Paula Machado dos Santos; Lindolfo Storck; Carine Cocco; Henrique Perin Damo; Luís Fernando Dias Martini
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o cronograma de amostragem de plantas de alface hidroponica, para ajuste de curvas de crescimento durante o periodo vegetativo. Foram realizados dois cultivos de alface, variedade Regina, de 8/9/2004 a 19/11/2004 (primavera/verao) e 22/2/2005 a 24/5/2005 (verao/outono), em estufas de plastico do Dep. de Fitotecnia, da UFSM, Santa Maria, RS. A partir do ajuste do modelo co-seno com amostragem diaria, registrada como padrao, diferentes intervalos entre as amostragens foram simulados para o ajuste do mesmo modelo. A fim de se encontrar o intervalo adequado, foi comparada a variância de falta de ajuste do modelo de amostragem diaria com as variâncias de falta de ajuste dos modelos com diferentes intervalos de amostragens pelo teste F. Os cronogramas de amostragens para ajuste de curvas de crescimento de plantas de alface sob hidroponia, para experimentos de primavera/verao e verao/outono, possuem intervalos iguais a dois dias, para fitomassa seca total da planta e da folha; intervalos de quatro dias, para fitomassa de raiz; e, diariamente, para area foliar.
Current Agricultural Science and Technology | 2008
Carine Cocco; Osmar Souza dos Santos; Paula Machado dos Santos; Melissa Pisaroglo de Carvalho; Sidinei José Lopes
Com o objetivo de avaliar sistemas de irrigacao e recipientes para a producao de mudas de fumo em hidroponia, realizou-se experimento em casa-de-vegetacao no Departamento de Fitotecnia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM. As mudas de fumo foram produzidas em piscinas rasas nas dimensoes 1,0 m de largura e 2,0 m de comprimento e 0,10 m de profundidade. O experimento foi um bifatorial 2 x 4 em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com parcelas subdivididas e quatro repeticoes. As parcelas principais foram constituidas pelos sistemas de irrigacao permanente, com lâmina de agua e sistema de irrigacao intermitente, sem lâmina de agua, e as subparcelas foram constituidas por quatro formas de acondicionamento de substratos: bandejas de plastico preto com 25 celulas preenchidas com substrato organo-mineral “Plantmax®”, bandeja de plastico preto preenchida com espuma fenolica 2 x 2 x 2 cm, placa de espuma fenolica em duas dimensoes 2 x 2 x 2 cm e 2,5 x 2,5 x 3,0 cm. A semeadura foi realizada em 30 de junho de 2005 e as amostragens foram feitas aos 30, 37 e 44 dias apos a emergencia. Os sistemas de irrigacao intermitente e permanente nao diferiram significativamente entre si para a producao de mudas de fumo em hidroponia. O recipiente bandeja com substrato organo-mineral “Plantmax®” proporciona mudas de fumo com maior estatura, numero de folhas, area foliar e fitomassa seca de parte aerea. Palavras-chave: Nicotiana tabacum, qualidade de mudas, substratos, cultivo sem solo. ABSTRACT With the purpose to evaluating systems of irrigation and containers for the production of tobacco runners in hydroponics, an experiment was conducted at a greenhouse at the Departamento de Fitotecnia at the UFSM. The tobacco runners were produced in flat pools, 1 m large, 2 m long and 0,10 m deep. It was used an entirely randomized delineation, with subdivided plot in 2 x 4 factorial project, with four replications. The main plot were constituted by permanent irrigation system, with water blade and intermittent irrigation system, without water blade. The splitplot were constituted by four forms of substratum preservation: black plastic trays with 25 cells filled with mineral-organic substratum “Plantmax®”, black plastic tray filled with phenolic foam and phenolic foam in two dimensions (2 x 2 x 2 cm and 2,5 x 2,5 x 3,0 cm). The sowing was carried through in June 30, 2005 and samples were taken at the 30 th , 37 th and 44 th days after the emergency. The intermittent irrigation system and the permanent irrigation not presented a significant statistical difference for the production of tobacco runners in hydroponics. The container trays filled with organic mineral substratum “Plantmax®” presented runners with better stature, number of leaves, leaf area and dry plant mass. Key words: Nicotiana tabacum, quality of runners, substratum, soiless cultivation.
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira | 2010
Carine Cocco; Jerônimo Luiz Andriolo; Lígia Erpen; Francieli Lima Cardoso; Gustavo Spreckelsen Casagrande
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira | 2009
Gustavo Giménez; Jerônimo Luiz Andriolo; Djeimi Isabel Janisch; Carine Cocco; Miriane Dal Picio