Carmen Jansen de Cárdenas
Universidade Católica de Brasília
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Featured researches published by Carmen Jansen de Cárdenas.
Psicologia Escolar e Educacional | 2008
Deise Matos do Amparo; Afonso Galvão; Carmen Jansen de Cárdenas; Silvia Helena Koller
This study aimed at identifying youths in a situation of psychosocial risk, their school achievement and aspiration, and their social support network related to their teaching-learning context. It investigated protection and vulnerability in the school context based on positive psychology and the ecological approach to development. Participants were 852 males and females secondary state school students, from administrative regions of the Federal District - Brazil. They answered to a lengthy questionnaire about their relationship with colleagues and teachers, school quality and importance, school failure and their social-affective network. Results show the school as an important net of protection to which participants associate attitudes of confidence and interest. They value the continuity of their education and the school is included their projects for the future. In the school context, friends, teachers and parents represent important protection factors.Este estudo visou identificar a percepcao de jovens em situacao de risco psicossocial sobre a realizacao e aspiracoes escolares e a rede de apoio social relacionadas ao contexto de ensino-aprendizagem. Investigou protecao e vulnerabilidade no contexto escolar, com base na Abordagem Ecologica do Desenvolvimento e a Psicologia Positiva. 852 jovens, de ambos os sexos, do ensino medio publico de regioes administrativas do Distrito Federal responderam a um questionario sobre relacoes com professores e amigos, qualidade e importância da escola, reprovacao e fracasso escolar e rede de apoio social e afetiva. Os resultados revelaram que a escola se constitui numa importante rede de protecao, com a qual os jovens apresentam, em geral, atitudes positivas de confianca e interesse. A continuidade da formacao e valorizada e a escola esta incluida em projetos futuros destes jovens. Os amigos, professores e pais representam importantes fatores de protecao no contexto escolar.
Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia | 2010
Alessandra Ribeiro Ventura Oliveira; Lucy Gomes Vianna; Carmen Jansen de Cárdenas
O papel do idoso tem sofrido modificacoes, tanto no âmbito social quanto no familiar. Aumentaram o numero de avos e o numero de anos que as pessoas vivem como avos. A avosidade, definida como laco de parentesco, esta intimamente ligada as funcoes materna e paterna, das quais, entretanto, se diferencia, exercendo papel determinante na formacao do sujeito. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a relacao entre avos e netos no periodo da infância, de acordo com a percepcao de avos e de seus netos. Foram realizadas 17 entrevistas semiestruturadas com avos e seus netos. Os resultados foram analisados e categorizados utilzando-se o software ALCESTE, o qual realiza automaticamente analise quantitativa de dados textuais. O estudo revelou presenca significativa de intergeracionalidade na visao das avos, representada pelas palavras mais frequentes em ordem decrescente: avo, netos e pai. A classe 1 ( 34,45%), mostrou o quanto a avosidade e significativa, representada por atividades realizadas com os netos; na classe 2 (42,86%), verificou-se o quanto as avos se sentiram bem realizando essas atividades; na classe 3 (22,69%), foi visualizada a visao das avos sobre a velhice. Foram formados dois eixos: o primeiro, constituido pelas classes 1 e 2 (relacao intergeracional), e o segundo, pela classe 3 (velhice). A relacao obtida entre as classes 1 e 2 foi de 0,4, e entre os eixos 1 e 2 foi 0. Para analise dos discursos dos netos, revelaram-se as categorias e subcategorias, respectivamente: beneficio - diversao e afeto; sentimento - orgulho e diferenca; significado da velhice - desconhecido e previsivel. Na categoria beneficio, os dados obtidos indicaram que os netos ou netas sentiam-se alegres e satisfeitos quando realizavam determinadas atividades com as avos. Alem disso, valorizavam o carinho dispensado por elas. Na categoria sentimento, os netos evidenciaram as qualidades pessoais de suas avos, construindo formas diferentes de relacoes entre avos e netos. Por fim, na categoria significado da velhice, alguns netos mostraram desconhecimento sobre o significado do termo, enquanto outros possuiam em suas mentes uma imagem de como sera a sua velhice. No presente estudo, pode-se concluir que avos idosas mantem forte relacao de proximidade vivenciada com seus netos no periodo da infância, o que e confirmado e reconhecido por seus netos.
Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia | 2011
Carla Bianca Ferreira Moncaio Zanon; Vicente Paulo Alves; Carmen Jansen de Cárdenas
This paper results from quali-quantitative field research that supports a masters dissertation. The research sought to know the opinion of 58 students from elementary and high public schools in the Federal District and 54 elderly of the community about aging, old age and old people and its correlation with the presence or not of prejudice. We sought to determine if a group of eight schools develops some actions aimed to form habits, values and attitudes to overcome prejudices and end the generation gap (inter-generationality). The research data were collected through three instruments: 1) the application of a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Scale for the Assessment of Attitudes Toward the Elderly validated by Neri; 2) analyze of eight Pedagogical Projects of elementary and high schools of the Federal District, which allowed us to understand the dynamics of the context studied; and 3) completion of eighteen interviews, five with juvenile from schools, eight with directors (whose pedagogical proposals were examined) and five with elderly (residents in the central area of Brasilia).From the results of this study, it was possible to argue that prevailed more positive than negative attitudes in both groups. However, when they were submitted to the interviews, it has been noticed that the interviewees answered similar questions at the scale Neri and at Inventory Sheppard in a more negative way. We imply that its due to the existence of implicit prejudice against the elderly and old age revealed through the interviews. Another important finding is the lack of activities geared to the elderly, and/or approach of them with other generations in schools surveyed. Our data suggest that gerontology education should be part of the school curriculum, aiming to approach generations in order to overcome potential prejudices, making possible the exchange of experiences and the improvement of life quality for all.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2012
Izabel Borges dos Santos; Lucy Gomes; Neuza Moreira de Matos; Maria Sueli do Vale; Fernando Borges dos Santos; Carmen Jansen de Cárdenas; Vicente Paulo Alves
Objetivo-se evaluar la percepcion subjetiva de la memoria en ancianos analfabetos con deterioro cognitivo leve, antes y despues de talleres para estimulacion cognitiva adaptada para personas analfabetas. Participaran 63 ancianos: 22 en el grupo experimental (GE) con 10 talleres; 21 en el grupo control 1 (GC1), con 10 conferencias sobre salud; y 20 en el grupo control 2 (CG2), sin intervencion. Fueron realizadas entrevistas semi estructuradas antes y despues de las intervenciones, preguntandose sobre la memoria. Para los del GE e GC1 fueran ofrecidas actividades semanales de dos horas. La edad media de los participantes fue de 72,8 anos, 92% eran del sexo femenino. En la pre-intervencion, 82% reportaran deterioro en la memoria durante el ultimo ano. En la pos-intervencion, los del CG1 y del CG2 mantuvieron los cambios en la memoria, mientras que los del GE mejoraron la cognicion. Conclui-se que los talleres y conferencias produjeron mejora en la memoria de los ancianos en la funcionalidad y en la socializacion/integracion.The aim of this study was to assess the self-perception of memory in elderly illiterate with mild cognitive impairment, before and after workshops of cognitive stimulation adapted for illiterate individuals. The research was qualitative, held at the Health Unit of Taguatinga-DF, involving 63 elderly illiterate: 22 in the experimental group (EG), with 10 workshops; 21 in control group 1 (CG1), with 10 lectures; and 20 in the control group 2 (GC2), without intervention. Semi-structured interviews were carried on before and after the interventions, asking about memory status. The activities offered weekly to EG and CG1 have had two hours of duration. The mean age of the participants was 72.8 years, and 92% were female. In pre-intervention, 82% reported worsening memory during the last year. In post-intervention, CG1 and CG2 kept memory changes, while EG improved cognition. One concludes that the provided workshops and lectures improved functionality and socialization / integration.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2012
Izabel Borges dos Santos; Lucy Gomes; Neuza Moreira de Matos; Maria Sueli do Vale; Fernando Borges dos Santos; Carmen Jansen de Cárdenas; Vicente Paulo Alves
Objetivo-se evaluar la percepcion subjetiva de la memoria en ancianos analfabetos con deterioro cognitivo leve, antes y despues de talleres para estimulacion cognitiva adaptada para personas analfabetas. Participaran 63 ancianos: 22 en el grupo experimental (GE) con 10 talleres; 21 en el grupo control 1 (GC1), con 10 conferencias sobre salud; y 20 en el grupo control 2 (CG2), sin intervencion. Fueron realizadas entrevistas semi estructuradas antes y despues de las intervenciones, preguntandose sobre la memoria. Para los del GE e GC1 fueran ofrecidas actividades semanales de dos horas. La edad media de los participantes fue de 72,8 anos, 92% eran del sexo femenino. En la pre-intervencion, 82% reportaran deterioro en la memoria durante el ultimo ano. En la pos-intervencion, los del CG1 y del CG2 mantuvieron los cambios en la memoria, mientras que los del GE mejoraron la cognicion. Conclui-se que los talleres y conferencias produjeron mejora en la memoria de los ancianos en la funcionalidad y en la socializacion/integracion.The aim of this study was to assess the self-perception of memory in elderly illiterate with mild cognitive impairment, before and after workshops of cognitive stimulation adapted for illiterate individuals. The research was qualitative, held at the Health Unit of Taguatinga-DF, involving 63 elderly illiterate: 22 in the experimental group (EG), with 10 workshops; 21 in control group 1 (CG1), with 10 lectures; and 20 in the control group 2 (GC2), without intervention. Semi-structured interviews were carried on before and after the interventions, asking about memory status. The activities offered weekly to EG and CG1 have had two hours of duration. The mean age of the participants was 72.8 years, and 92% were female. In pre-intervention, 82% reported worsening memory during the last year. In post-intervention, CG1 and CG2 kept memory changes, while EG improved cognition. One concludes that the provided workshops and lectures improved functionality and socialization / integration.
Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia | 2016
Sarah Brandão Pinheiro; Carmen Jansen de Cárdenas; Leonardo Akaishi; Marina Carneiro Dutra; Wagner Rodrigues Martins
Introduction: During aging there is a close relationship between visual deficits, imbalance and falls, and eye surgery can be an efficient treatment option for elderly persons. Objective: Evaluate the influence of visual conditions on patients suffering from senile cataract with increasing imbalance. Method: A descriptive and analytical study using a quantitative longitudinal cohort technique was conducted. The study included 30 individuals who were evaluated before and 30 and 60 days after surgery. The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Berg Balance Scale (BBS), Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), International Falls Efficacy Scale adapted for Brazil (FES-I) and a medical history questionnaire were used to collect data. Statistical analysis involved the Chi-squared, Students t and Mann-Whitney tests. Values of p<0.05 were considered significant. Results: The SPPB found that of 15 elderly women, 13 (87%) achieved moderate performance of the lower limbs while the performance of two (13%) remained poor, after 60 postoperative days. The FES-I revealed that three (20%) elderly persons were mildly worried about falls 60 days post-surgery. Of the 15 elderly male subjects evaluated by BBS, before and at 30 and 60 days after surgery, one (7%), managed to maintain some balance but needed assistance; while 14 (93%) maintained good balance. The SPPB found that the performance of five elderly persons (33%) was moderate and that of nine (67%) was good. Conclusion: Senile cataract surgery had positive preventative effects on lower limb performance, balance and fear of falling among the elderly studied, preventing the falls and fractures that are common during aging.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2012
Izabel Borges dos Santos; Lucy Gomes; Neuza Moreira de Matos; Maria Sueli do Vale; Fernando Borges dos Santos; Carmen Jansen de Cárdenas; Vicente Paulo Alves
Objetivo-se evaluar la percepcion subjetiva de la memoria en ancianos analfabetos con deterioro cognitivo leve, antes y despues de talleres para estimulacion cognitiva adaptada para personas analfabetas. Participaran 63 ancianos: 22 en el grupo experimental (GE) con 10 talleres; 21 en el grupo control 1 (GC1), con 10 conferencias sobre salud; y 20 en el grupo control 2 (CG2), sin intervencion. Fueron realizadas entrevistas semi estructuradas antes y despues de las intervenciones, preguntandose sobre la memoria. Para los del GE e GC1 fueran ofrecidas actividades semanales de dos horas. La edad media de los participantes fue de 72,8 anos, 92% eran del sexo femenino. En la pre-intervencion, 82% reportaran deterioro en la memoria durante el ultimo ano. En la pos-intervencion, los del CG1 y del CG2 mantuvieron los cambios en la memoria, mientras que los del GE mejoraron la cognicion. Conclui-se que los talleres y conferencias produjeron mejora en la memoria de los ancianos en la funcionalidad y en la socializacion/integracion.The aim of this study was to assess the self-perception of memory in elderly illiterate with mild cognitive impairment, before and after workshops of cognitive stimulation adapted for illiterate individuals. The research was qualitative, held at the Health Unit of Taguatinga-DF, involving 63 elderly illiterate: 22 in the experimental group (EG), with 10 workshops; 21 in control group 1 (CG1), with 10 lectures; and 20 in the control group 2 (GC2), without intervention. Semi-structured interviews were carried on before and after the interventions, asking about memory status. The activities offered weekly to EG and CG1 have had two hours of duration. The mean age of the participants was 72.8 years, and 92% were female. In pre-intervention, 82% reported worsening memory during the last year. In post-intervention, CG1 and CG2 kept memory changes, while EG improved cognition. One concludes that the provided workshops and lectures improved functionality and socialization / integration.
Psicologia Escolar e Educacional | 2008
Deise Matos do Amparo; Afonso Galvão; Carmen Jansen de Cárdenas; Silvia Helena Koller
This study aimed at identifying youths in a situation of psychosocial risk, their school achievement and aspiration, and their social support network related to their teaching-learning context. It investigated protection and vulnerability in the school context based on positive psychology and the ecological approach to development. Participants were 852 males and females secondary state school students, from administrative regions of the Federal District - Brazil. They answered to a lengthy questionnaire about their relationship with colleagues and teachers, school quality and importance, school failure and their social-affective network. Results show the school as an important net of protection to which participants associate attitudes of confidence and interest. They value the continuity of their education and the school is included their projects for the future. In the school context, friends, teachers and parents represent important protection factors.Este estudo visou identificar a percepcao de jovens em situacao de risco psicossocial sobre a realizacao e aspiracoes escolares e a rede de apoio social relacionadas ao contexto de ensino-aprendizagem. Investigou protecao e vulnerabilidade no contexto escolar, com base na Abordagem Ecologica do Desenvolvimento e a Psicologia Positiva. 852 jovens, de ambos os sexos, do ensino medio publico de regioes administrativas do Distrito Federal responderam a um questionario sobre relacoes com professores e amigos, qualidade e importância da escola, reprovacao e fracasso escolar e rede de apoio social e afetiva. Os resultados revelaram que a escola se constitui numa importante rede de protecao, com a qual os jovens apresentam, em geral, atitudes positivas de confianca e interesse. A continuidade da formacao e valorizada e a escola esta incluida em projetos futuros destes jovens. Os amigos, professores e pais representam importantes fatores de protecao no contexto escolar.
Psicologia Escolar e Educacional | 2008
Deise Matos do Amparo; Afonso Galvão; Carmen Jansen de Cárdenas; Silvia Helena Koller
This study aimed at identifying youths in a situation of psychosocial risk, their school achievement and aspiration, and their social support network related to their teaching-learning context. It investigated protection and vulnerability in the school context based on positive psychology and the ecological approach to development. Participants were 852 males and females secondary state school students, from administrative regions of the Federal District - Brazil. They answered to a lengthy questionnaire about their relationship with colleagues and teachers, school quality and importance, school failure and their social-affective network. Results show the school as an important net of protection to which participants associate attitudes of confidence and interest. They value the continuity of their education and the school is included their projects for the future. In the school context, friends, teachers and parents represent important protection factors.Este estudo visou identificar a percepcao de jovens em situacao de risco psicossocial sobre a realizacao e aspiracoes escolares e a rede de apoio social relacionadas ao contexto de ensino-aprendizagem. Investigou protecao e vulnerabilidade no contexto escolar, com base na Abordagem Ecologica do Desenvolvimento e a Psicologia Positiva. 852 jovens, de ambos os sexos, do ensino medio publico de regioes administrativas do Distrito Federal responderam a um questionario sobre relacoes com professores e amigos, qualidade e importância da escola, reprovacao e fracasso escolar e rede de apoio social e afetiva. Os resultados revelaram que a escola se constitui numa importante rede de protecao, com a qual os jovens apresentam, em geral, atitudes positivas de confianca e interesse. A continuidade da formacao e valorizada e a escola esta incluida em projetos futuros destes jovens. Os amigos, professores e pais representam importantes fatores de protecao no contexto escolar.
Archive | 2009
Juliana Gai; Lucy Gomes; Carmen Jansen de Cárdenas