Catrin Westphal
University of Göttingen
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Featured researches published by Catrin Westphal.
Ecology Letters | 2011
Lucas A. Garibaldi; Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter; Claire Kremen; Juan M. Morales; Riccardo Bommarco; Saul A. Cunningham; Luísa G. Carvalheiro; Natacha P. Chacoff; Jan H. Dudenhöffer; Sarah S. Greenleaf; Andrea Holzschuh; Rufus Isaacs; Kristin M. Krewenka; Yael Mandelik; Margaret M. Mayfield; Lora Morandin; Simon G. Potts; Taylor H. Ricketts; Hajnalka Szentgyörgyi; Blandina Felipe Viana; Catrin Westphal; Rachael Winfree; Alexandra M. Klein
Sustainable agricultural landscapes by definition provide high magnitude and stability of ecosystem services, biodiversity and crop productivity. However, few studies have considered landscape effects on the stability of ecosystem services. We tested whether isolation from florally diverse natural and semi-natural areas reduces the spatial and temporal stability of flower-visitor richness and pollination services in crop fields. We synthesised data from 29 studies with contrasting biomes, crop species and pollinator communities. Stability of flower-visitor richness, visitation rate (all insects except honey bees) and fruit set all decreased with distance from natural areas. At 1 km from adjacent natural areas, spatial stability decreased by 25, 16 and 9% for richness, visitation and fruit set, respectively, while temporal stability decreased by 39% for richness and 13% for visitation. Mean richness, visitation and fruit set also decreased with isolation, by 34, 27 and 16% at 1 km respectively. In contrast, honey bee visitation did not change with isolation and represented > 25% of crop visits in 21 studies. Therefore, wild pollinators are relevant for crop productivity and stability even when honey bees are abundant. Policies to preserve and restore natural areas in agricultural landscapes should enhance levels and reliability of pollination services.
Ecology Letters | 2013
Christina M. Kennedy; Eric Lonsdorf; Maile C. Neel; Neal M. Williams; Taylor H. Ricketts; Rachael Winfree; Riccardo Bommarco; Claire Brittain; Alana L. Burley; Daniel P. Cariveau; Luísa G. Carvalheiro; Natacha P. Chacoff; Saul A. Cunningham; Bryan N. Danforth; Jan-Hendrik Dudenhöffer; Elizabeth Elle; Hannah R. Gaines; Lucas A. Garibaldi; Claudio Gratton; Andrea Holzschuh; Rufus Isaacs; Steven K. Javorek; Shalene Jha; Alexandra M. Klein; Kristin M. Krewenka; Yael Mandelik; Margaret M. Mayfield; Lora Morandin; Lisa A. Neame; Mark Otieno
Bees provide essential pollination services that are potentially affected both by local farm management and the surrounding landscape. To better understand these different factors, we modelled the relative effects of landscape composition (nesting and floral resources within foraging distances), landscape configuration (patch shape, interpatch connectivity and habitat aggregation) and farm management (organic vs. conventional and local-scale field diversity), and their interactions, on wild bee abundance and richness for 39 crop systems globally. Bee abundance and richness were higher in diversified and organic fields and in landscapes comprising more high-quality habitats; bee richness on conventional fields with low diversity benefited most from high-quality surrounding land cover. Landscape configuration effects were weak. Bee responses varied slightly by biome. Our synthesis reveals that pollinator persistence will depend on both the maintenance of high-quality habitats around farms and on local management practices that may offset impacts of intensive monoculture agriculture.
Ecological Monographs | 2008
Catrin Westphal; Riccardo Bommarco; Gabriel Carré; Ellen Lamborn; Nicolas Morison; Theodora Petanidou; Simon G. Potts; Stuart Roberts; Hajnalka Szentgyörgyi; Thomas Tscheulin; Bernard E. Vaissière; Michal Woyciechowski; Jacobus C. Biesmeijer; William E. Kunin; Josef Settele; Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter
Bee pollinators are currently recorded with many different sampling methods. However, the relative performances of these methods have not been systematically evaluated and compared. In response to the strong need to record ongoing shifts in pollinator diversity and abundance, global and regional pollinator initiatives must adopt standardized sampling protocols when developing large-scale and long-term monitoring schemes. We systematically evaluated the performance of six sampling methods (observation plots, pan traps, standardized and variable transect walks, trap nests with reed internodes or paper tubes) that are commonly used across a wide range of geographical regions in Europe and in two habitat types (agricultural and seminatural). We focused on bees since they represent the most important pollinator group worldwide. Several characteristics of the methods were considered in order to evaluate their performance in assessing bee diversity: sample coverage, observed species richness, species richness estimators, collector biases (identified by subunit-based rarefaction curves), species composition of the samples, and the indication of overall bee species richness (estimated from combined total samples). The most efficient method in all geographical regions, in both the agricultural and seminatural habitats, was the pan trap method. It had the highest sample coverage, collected the highest number of species, showed negligible collector bias, detected similar species as the transect methods, and was the best indicator of overall bee species richness. The transect methods were also relatively efficient, but they had a significant collector bias. The observation plots showed poor performance. As trap nests are restricted to cavity-nesting bee species, they had a naturally low sample coverage. However, both trap nest types detected additional species that were not recorded by any of the other methods. For large-scale and long-term monitoring schemes with surveyors with different experience levels, we recommend pan traps as the most efficient, unbiased, and cost-effective method for sampling bee diversity. Trap nests with reed internodes could be used as a complementary sampling method to maximize the numbers of collected species. Transect walks are the principal method for detailed studies focusing on plant-pollinator associations. Moreover, they can be used in monitoring schemes after training the surveyors to standardize their collection skills.
Nature Communications | 2015
David Kleijn; Rachael Winfree; Ignasi Bartomeus; Luísa G. Carvalheiro; Mickaël Henry; Rufus Isaacs; Alexandra-Maria Klein; Claire Kremen; Leithen K. M'Gonigle; Romina Rader; Taylor H. Ricketts; Neal M. Williams; Nancy Lee Adamson; John S. Ascher; András Báldi; Péter Batáry; Faye Benjamin; Jacobus C. Biesmeijer; Eleanor J. Blitzer; Riccardo Bommarco; Mariëtte R. Brand; Vincent Bretagnolle; Lindsey Button; Daniel P. Cariveau; Rémy Chifflet; Jonathan F. Colville; Bryan N. Danforth; Elizabeth Elle; Michael P. D. Garratt; Felix Herzog
There is compelling evidence that more diverse ecosystems deliver greater benefits to people, and these ecosystem services have become a key argument for biodiversity conservation. However, it is unclear how much biodiversity is needed to deliver ecosystem services in a cost-effective way. Here we show that, while the contribution of wild bees to crop production is significant, service delivery is restricted to a limited subset of all known bee species. Across crops, years and biogeographical regions, crop-visiting wild bee communities are dominated by a small number of common species, and threatened species are rarely observed on crops. Dominant crop pollinators persist under agricultural expansion and many are easily enhanced by simple conservation measures, suggesting that cost-effective management strategies to promote crop pollination should target a different set of species than management strategies to promote threatened bees. Conserving the biological diversity of bees therefore requires more than just ecosystem-service-based arguments.
Biological Reviews | 2010
Oliver Schweiger; Jacobus C. Biesmeijer; Riccardo Bommarco; Thomas Hickler; Philip E. Hulme; Stefan Klotz; Ingolf Kühn; Mari Moora; Anders Nielsen; Ralf Ohlemüller; Theodora Petanidou; Simon G. Potts; Petr Pyšek; Jane C. Stout; Martin T. Sykes; Thomas Tscheulin; Montserrat Vilà; Gian-Reto Walther; Catrin Westphal; Marten Winter; Martin Zobel; Josef Settele
Global change may substantially affect biodiversity and ecosystem functioning but little is known about its effects on essential biotic interactions. Since different environmental drivers rarely act in isolation it is important to consider interactive effects. Here, we focus on how two key drivers of anthropogenic environmental change, climate change and the introduction of alien species, affect plant–pollinator interactions. Based on a literature survey we identify climatically sensitive aspects of species interactions, assess potential effects of climate change on these mechanisms, and derive hypotheses that may form the basis of future research. We find that both climate change and alien species will ultimately lead to the creation of novel communities. In these communities certain interactions may no longer occur while there will also be potential for the emergence of new relationships. Alien species can both partly compensate for the often negative effects of climate change but also amplify them in some cases. Since potential positive effects are often restricted to generalist interactions among species, climate change and alien species in combination can result in significant threats to more specialist interactions involving native species.
Royal Society of London. Proceedings B. Biological Sciences; 281(1775), no 20132440 (2014) | 2013
Björn K. Klatt; Andrea Holzschuh; Catrin Westphal; Yann Clough; Inga Smit; Elke Pawelzik; Teja Tscharntke
Pollination improves the yield of most crop species and contributes to one-third of global crop production, but comprehensive benefits including crop quality are still unknown. Hence, pollination is underestimated by international policies, which is particularly alarming in times of agricultural intensification and diminishing pollination services. In this study, exclusion experiments with strawberries showed bee pollination to improve fruit quality, quantity and market value compared with wind and self-pollination. Bee-pollinated fruits were heavier, had less malformations and reached higher commercial grades. They had increased redness and reduced sugar–acid–ratios and were firmer, thus improving the commercially important shelf life. Longer shelf life reduced fruit loss by at least 11%. This is accounting for 0.32 billion US
Nature | 2016
Santiago Soliveres; Fons van der Plas; Peter Manning; Daniel Prati; Martin M. Gossner; Swen C. Renner; Fabian Alt; Hartmut Arndt; Vanessa Baumgartner; Julia Binkenstein; Klaus Birkhofer; Stefan Blaser; Nico Blüthgen; Steffen Boch; Stefan Böhm; Carmen Börschig; François Buscot; Tim Diekötter; Johannes Heinze; Norbert Hölzel; Kirsten Jung; Valentin H. Klaus; Till Kleinebecker; Sandra Klemmer; Jochen Krauss; Markus Lange; E. Kathryn Morris; Jörg Müller; Yvonne Oelmann; Jörg Overmann
of the 1.44 billion US
Ecology Letters | 2015
Eric Allan; Peter Manning; Fabian Alt; Julia Binkenstein; Stefan Blaser; Nico Blüthgen; Stefan Böhm; Fabrice Grassein; Norbert Hölzel; Valentin H. Klaus; Till Kleinebecker; E. Kathryn Morris; Yvonne Oelmann; Daniel Prati; Swen C. Renner; Matthias C. Rillig; Martin Schaefer; Michael Schloter; Barbara Schmitt; Ingo Schöning; Marion Schrumpf; Emily F. Solly; Elisabeth Sorkau; Juliane Steckel; Ingolf Steffen-Dewenter; Barbara Stempfhuber; Marco Tschapka; Christiane N. Weiner; Wolfgang W. Weisser; Michael Werner
provided by bee pollination to the total value of 2.90 billion US
Molecular Ecology | 2007
Farina Herrmann; Catrin Westphal; Robin F. A. Moritz; Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter
made with strawberry selling in the European Union 2009. The fruit quality and yield effects are driven by the pollination-mediated production of hormonal growth regulators, which occur in several pollination-dependent crops. Thus, our comprehensive findings should be transferable to a wide range of crops and demonstrate bee pollination to be a hitherto underestimated but vital and economically important determinant of fruit quality.
Nature Communications | 2015
Sagrario Gámez‐Virués; David J. Perović; Martin M. Gossner; Carmen Börschig; Nico Blüthgen; Heike de Jong; Nadja K. Simons; Alexandra-Maria Klein; Jochen Krauss; Gwen Maier; Christoph Scherber; Juliane Steckel; Christoph Rothenwöhrer; Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter; Christiane N. Weiner; Wolfgang W. Weisser; Michael Werner; Teja Tscharntke; Catrin Westphal
Many experiments have shown that loss of biodiversity reduces the capacity of ecosystems to provide the multiple services on which humans depend. However, experiments necessarily simplify the complexity of natural ecosystems and will normally control for other important drivers of ecosystem functioning, such as the environment or land use. In addition, existing studies typically focus on the diversity of single trophic groups, neglecting the fact that biodiversity loss occurs across many taxa and that the functional effects of any trophic group may depend on the abundance and diversity of others. Here we report analysis of the relationships between the species richness and abundance of nine trophic groups, including 4,600 above- and below-ground taxa, and 14 ecosystem services and functions and with their simultaneous provision (or multifunctionality) in 150 grasslands. We show that high species richness in multiple trophic groups (multitrophic richness) had stronger positive effects on ecosystem services than richness in any individual trophic group; this includes plant species richness, the most widely used measure of biodiversity. On average, three trophic groups influenced each ecosystem service, with each trophic group influencing at least one service. Multitrophic richness was particularly beneficial for ‘regulating’ and ‘cultural’ services, and for multifunctionality, whereas a change in the total abundance of species or biomass in multiple trophic groups (the multitrophic abundance) positively affected supporting services. Multitrophic richness and abundance drove ecosystem functioning as strongly as abiotic conditions and land-use intensity, extending previous experimental results to real-world ecosystems. Primary producers, herbivorous insects and microbial decomposers seem to be particularly important drivers of ecosystem functioning, as shown by the strong and frequent positive associations of their richness or abundance with multiple ecosystem services. Our results show that multitrophic richness and abundance support ecosystem functioning, and demonstrate that a focus on single groups has led to researchers to greatly underestimate the functional importance of biodiversity.