Christoph Kiemle
German Aerospace Center
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Featured researches published by Christoph Kiemle.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology | 2000
Kenneth J. Davis; N. Gamage; C. R. Hagelberg; Christoph Kiemle; Donald H. Lenschow; Peter P. Sullivan
Abstract Wavelet analysis is applied to airborne infrared lidar data to obtain an objective determination of boundaries in aerosol backscatter that are associated with boundary layer structure. This technique allows high-resolution spatial variability of planetary boundary layer height and other structures to be derived in complex, multilayered atmospheres. The technique is illustrated using data from four different lidar systems deployed on four different field campaigns. One case illustrates high-frequency retrieval of the top of a strongly convective boundary layer. A second case illustrates the retrieval of multiple layers in a complex, stably stratified region of the lower troposphere. The method is easily modified to allow for varying aerosol distributions and data quality. Two more difficult cases, data that contain a great deal of instrumental noise and a cloud-topped convective layer, are described briefly. The method is also adaptable to model analysis, as is shown via application to large eddy ...
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1997
Kenneth J. Davis; Donald H. Lenschow; Steven P. Oncley; Christoph Kiemle; Gerhard Ehret; Andreas Giez; Jakob Mann
We present a description of the evolution of the convective boundary layer (CBL) over the boreal forests of Saskatchewan and Manitoba, as observed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Electra research aircraft during the 1994 Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS). All observations were made between 1530 and 2230 UT (0930–1630 local solar time (LST)). We show that the CBL flux divergence often led to drying of the CBL over the course of the day, with the greatest drying (approaching 0.5 g kg−1 h−1) observed in the morning, 1000–1200 LST, and decreasing over time to nearly no drying (0–0.1 g kg−1 h−1) by midafternoon (1500–1600 LST). The maximum warming (0.45 K h−1 ) also occurred in the morning and decreased slightly to about 0.4 Kh−1 by midafternoon. The CBL vapor pressure deficit (VPD) increased over the course of the day. A significant portion of this increase can be explained by the vertical flux divergence, though horizontal advection also appears to be important. We suggest a linkage among boundary layer growth, the vertical flux divergences, and boundary layer cloud formation, with cloud activity peaking at midday in response to rapid CBL growth, then decreasing somewhat later in the day in response to CBL warming and decreased growth. We also see evidence of feedback between increasing VPD and stomatal control. We use eddy-covariance flux measurements from the Electra to compute the virtual temperature entrainment ratio Ar. The computed mean value of 0.08±0.12 is somewhat lower than the commonly assumed value of 0.2, as well as with other estimates from BOREAS. This value is very sensitive to the determination of CBL depth. We find that Ar increases with an increasing jump in mean wind across the CBL top. The entrainment flux of water vapor is found to be most dependent on time of day (negative correlation). The ratio of entrainment to surface flux of water vapor is 1.57±0.25. Airborne lidar observations of the CBL top reveal a CBL top “thickness” that is smaller than would be expected from simple theory but consistent with past lidar observations. The normalized thickness is found to have a very consistent value h¯/h0-1/0.116±0.008, where 12 cases were examined. A new method of computing the variability of the CBL top is illustrated, and we show that this variance in the CBL depth also scales with the depth but that the value of this normalized variance differs substantially from the “thickness” defined in past literature.
Applied Optics | 1993
Gerhard Ehret; Christoph Kiemle; W. Renger; G. Simmet
A near-infrared airborne differential absorption lidar (DIAL) system has become operational. Horizontal and vertical water vapor profiles of the troposphere during summer (nighttime) conditions extending from the top of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) up to near the tropopause are investigated. These measurements have been performed in Southern Bavaria, Germany. The system design, the frequency control units, and an estimation of the laser line profile of the narrow-band dye laser are discussed. Effective absorption cross sections in terms of altitude are calculated. Statistical and systematic errors of the water vapor measurements are evaluated as a function of altitude. The effect of a systematic range-dependent error caused by molecular absorption is investigated by comparing the DIAL data with in situ measurements. Typical horizontal resolutions range from 4 km in the lower troposphere to 11 km in the upper troposphere, with vertical resolutions varying from 0.3 to 1 km, respectively. The lower limit of the sensitivity of the water vapor mixing ratio is calculated to be 0.01 g/kg. The total errors of these measurements range between 8% and 25%. A sine-shaped wave structure with a wavelength of 14 km and an amplitude of 20% of its mean value, detected in the lower troposphere, indicates an atmospheric gravity wave field.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1997
Christoph Kiemle; Gerhard Ehret; Andreas Giez; Kenneth J. Davis; Donald H. Lenschow; Steven P. Oncley
The water vapor differential absorption lidar (DIAL) of the German Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR) was flown aboard the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Electra research aircraft during the Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS). The downward looking lidar system measured two-dimensional fields of aerosol backscatter and water vapor mixing ratio in the convective boundary layer (CBL) and across the CBL top (zt). We show a case study of DIAL observations of vertical profiles of mean water vapor, water vapor variance, skewness, and integral scale in the CBL. In the entrainment zone (EZ) and down to about 0.3 zi the DIAL observations agree with in situ observations and mixed-layer similarity theory. Below, the water vapor optical depth becomes large and the DIAL signal-to-noise ratio degrades. Knowing the water vapor surface flux and the convective velocity scale w* from in situ aircraft measurements, we derive entrainment fluxes by applying the mixed-layer gradient (MLG) and mixed-layer variance (MLV) methods to DIAL mixing ratio gradient and variance profiles. Entrainment flux estimates are sensitive to our estimate of zt. They are shown to be rather insensitive to the input surface flux and to the DIAL data spatial resolution within the investigated range. The estimates break down above about 0.9 zt as the flux-gradient and flux-variance relationships were developed to describe the large-scale mixing in the mid-CBL. The agreement with in situ entrainment flux estimations is within 30% for the MLV method. On a flight leg with significant mesoscale variability the entrainment flux turns out to be 70% higher than the in situ value. This is in good agreement with the fact that large-eddy simulations (LES) of mean water vapor profiles and variances, upon which the MLG and MLV methods are based, do not include mesoscale variability. The additional water vapor variance from mesoscales may then lead to the overestimate of the flux. Deviations from the in situ observations may also be due to poor LES resolution of small-scale mixing in the EZ, similarly coarse resolution of the DIAL data, or a capping inversion in the LES model (8 K) which is significantly stronger than the observed inversion (3–4 K).
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2002
Andreas Thomas; Stephan Borrmann; Christoph Kiemle; F. Cairo; Michael W.R. Volk; J. Beuermann; Boris Lepuchov; V. Santacesaria; Renaud Matthey; Vladimir V. Rudakov; V. Yushkov; A. Robert MacKenzie; L. Stefanutti
In situ aerosol measurements were performed in the Indian Ocean Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) region during the Airborne Polar Experiment-Third European Stratospheric Experiment on Ozone (APE-THESEO) field campaign based in Mahe, Seychelles between 24 February and 6 March 1999. These are measurements of particle size distributions with a laser optical particle counter of the Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probe (FSSP)-300 type operated on the Russian M-55 high-altitude research aircraft Geophysica in the tropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere up to altitudes of 21 km. On 24 and 27 February 1999, ultrathin layers of cirrus clouds were penetrated by Geophysica directly beneath the tropical tropopause at 17 km pressure altitude and temperatures below 190 K. These layers also were concurrently observed by the Ozone Lidar Experiment (OLEX) lidar operating on the lower-flying German DLR Falcon research aircraft. The encountered ultrathin subvisual cloud layers can be characterized as (1) horizontally extending over several hundred kilometers, (2) persisting for at least 3 hours (but most likely much longer), and (3) having geometrical thicknesses of 100–400 m. These cloud layers belong to the geometrically and optically thinnest ever observed. In situ particle size distributions covering diameters between 0.4 and 23 μm obtained from these layers are juxtaposed with those obtained inside cloud veils around cumulonimbus (Cb) anvils and also with background aerosol measurements in the vicinity of the clouds. A significant number of particles with size diameters around 10 μm were detected inside these ultrathin subvisible cloud layers. The cloud particle size distribution closely resembles a background aerosol onto which a modal peak between 2 and 17 μm is superimposed. Measurements of particles with sizes above 23 μm could not be obtained since no suitable instrument was available on Geophysica. During the flight of 6 March 1999, upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric background aerosol was measured in the latitude band between 4°S and 19°S latitude. The resulting particle number densities along the 56th meridian exhibit very little latitudinal variation. The concentrations for particles with sizes above 0.5 μm encountered under these background conditions varied between 0.1 and 0.3 particles/cm3 of air in altitudes between 17 and 21 km.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology | 2007
Andreas Behrendt; Volker Wulfmeyer; Paolo Di Girolamo; Christoph Kiemle; Hans-Stefan Bauer; Thorsten Schaberl; Donato Summa; David N. Whiteman; Belay Demoz; Edward V. Browell; Syed Ismail; Richard A. Ferrare; Susan A. Kooi; Gerhard Ehret; Junhong Wang; Nasa Gsfc
Abstract The water vapor data measured with airborne and ground-based lidar systems during the International H2O Project (IHOP_2002), which took place in the Southern Great Plains during 13 May–25 June 2002 were investigated. So far, the data collected during IHOP_2002 provide the largest set of state-of-the-art water vapor lidar data measured in a field campaign. In this first of two companion papers, intercomparisons between the scanning Raman lidar (SRL) of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and two airborne systems are discussed. There are 9 intercomparisons possible between SRL and the differential absorption lidar (DIAL) of Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), while there are 10 intercomparisons between SRL and the Lidar Atmospheric Sensing Experiment (LASE) of the NASA Langley Research Center. Mean biases of (−0.30 ± 0.25) g kg−1 or −4.3% ± 3.2% for SRL compared to DLR DIAL (DLR DIAL drier) and (0.16 ± 0.31) g kg−1 or 5.3% ± 5.1% ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology | 2007
Christoph Kiemle; Gerhard Ehret; Andreas Fix; Martin Wirth; Gorazd Poberaj; W.A. Brewer; R. M. Hardesty; C. Senff; Margaret A. LeMone
Abstract Latent heat flux profiles in the convective boundary layer (CBL) are obtained for the first time with the combination of the Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) water vapor differential absorption lidar (DIAL) and the NOAA high resolution Doppler wind lidar (HRDL). Both instruments were integrated nadir viewing on board the DLR Falcon research aircraft during the International H2O Project (IHOP_2002) over the U.S. Southern Great Plains. Flux profiles from 300 to 2500 m AGL are computed from high spatial resolution (150 m horizontal and vertical) two-dimensional water vapor and vertical velocity lidar cross sections using the eddy covariance technique. Three flight segments on 7 June 2002 between 1000 and 1300 LT over western Oklahoma and southwestern Kansas are analyzed. On two segments with strong convection, the latent heat flux peaks at (700 ± 200) W m−2 in the entrainment zone and decreases linearly to (200 ± 100) W m−2 in the lower CBL. A water vapor budget analysis reveals that ...
Lidar Technologies, Techniques, and Measurements for Atmospheric Remote Sensing VII | 2011
Andreas Fix; Christian Büdenbender; Martin Wirth; Mathieu Quatrevalet; Axel Amediek; Christoph Kiemle; Gerhard Ehret
Carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) are the most important of the greenhouse gases that are directly influenced by human activities. The Integrated Path Differential Absorption (IPDA) lidar technique using hard target reflection in the near IR (1.57μm and 1.64μm) to measure the column-averaged dry air mixing ratio of CO2 and CH4 with high precision and low bias has the potential to deliver measurements from space and air that are needed to understand the sources and sinks of these greenhouse gases. CO2 and CH4 IPDA require tunable laser sources at 1.57 μm and 1.64 μm that coincide with appropriate absorption lines of these species having high pulse energy and average power as well as excellent spectral and spatial properties. Within this study we have realized more than 50mJ of pulse energy in the near IR coincident with appropriate absorption lines using an injection-seeded optical parametric oscillator-amplifier system pumped at 100 Hz. At the same time this device showed excellent spectral and spatial properties. Bandwidths of less than 100 MHz with a high degree of spectral purity (> 99.9 %) have been achieved. The frequency stability was likewise excellent. The M2-factor was better than 2.3. Owing to these outstanding properties optical parametric devices are currently under investigation for the CH4 lidar instrument on the projected French-German climate satellite MERLIN. A similar device is under development at DLR for the lidar demonstrator CHARM-F which will enable the simultaneous measurement of CO2 and CH4 from an airborne platform.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology | 2007
Andreas Behrendt; Volker Wulfmeyer; Thorsten Schaberl; Hans-Stefan Bauer; Christoph Kiemle; Gerhard Ehret; Cyrille Flamant; Susan A. Kooi; Syed Ismail; Richard A. Ferrare; Edward V. Browell; David N. Whiteman
Abstract The dataset of the International H2O Project (IHOP_2002) gives the first opportunity for direct intercomparisons of airborne water vapor lidar systems and allows very important conclusions to be drawn for future field campaigns. Three airborne differential absorption lidar (DIAL) systems were operated simultaneously during some IHOP_2002 missions: the DIAL of Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), the Lidar Atmospheric Sensing Experiment (LASE) of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Langley Research Center, and the Lidar Embarque pour l’etude des Aerosols et des Nuages de l’interaction Dynamique Rayonnement et du cycle de l’Eau (LEANDRE II) of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). Data of one formation flight with DLR DIAL and LEANDRE II were investigated, which consists of 54 independent profiles of the two instruments measured with 10-s temporal average. For the height range of 1.14–1.64 km above sea level, a bias of (−0.41 ± 0.16) g kg−1 or −7....
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology | 2010
Andreas Schäfler; Andreas Dörnbrack; Christoph Kiemle; Stephan Rahm; Martin Wirth
AbstractThe first collocated measurements during THORPEX (The Observing System Research and Predictability Experiment) regional campaign in Europe in 2007 were performed by a novel four-wavelength differential absorption lidar and a scanning 2-μm Doppler wind lidar on board the research aircraft Falcon of the Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR). One mission that was characterized by exceptionally high data coverage (47% for the specific humidity q and 63% for the horizontal wind speed υh) was selected to calculate the advective transport of atmospheric moisture qυh along a 1600-km section in the warm sector of an extratropical cyclone. The observations are compared with special 1-hourly model data calculated by the ECMWF integrated forecast system. Along the cross section, the model underestimates the wind speed on average by −2.8% (−0.6 m s−1) and overestimates the moisture at dry layers and in the boundary layer, which results in a wet bias of 17.1% (0.2 g kg−1). Nevertheless, the ECMWF mode...