Daniela Baglieri
University of Messina
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Featured researches published by Daniela Baglieri.
international conference information processing | 2012
Daniela Baglieri; David Carfì; Giovanni Battista Dagnino
In this paper we show how the study of asymmetric R&D alliances, that are those between young and small firms and large and MNEs firms for knowledge exploration and/or exploitation, requires the adoption of a coopetitive framework which consider both collaboration and competition. We draw upon the literature on asymmetric R&D collaboration and coopetition to propose a mathematical model for the coopetitive games which is particularly suitable for exploring asymmetric R&D alliances.
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management | 2013
Daniela Baglieri; Fabrizio Cesaroni
Patent information can be used for strategic planning purposes. Conventional patent analysis has commonly focused on factual information and, in particular, on information extraction, visualisation and interpretation. Less scholarly attention has been devoted to the strategic role of an integrated system of patent intelligence in supporting decision-making in R&D investments. Our paper addresses this gap and explores how patent analysis may benefit those firms that intend capturing the beneficial effects of Open Innovation. We also critically discuss the intrinsic limits of both patent information and patent analysis, which should be taken into account by systems of patent intelligence.
International Studies of Management and Organization | 2016
Daniela Baglieri; David Carfì; Giovanni Battista Dagnino
Abstract: In this study we propose a multistage mathematical model of coopetitive games to show how the adoption of a coopetitive framework, which considers cooperation and competition simultaneously, may advance our understanding of the study of asymmetric research and developemnt (R&D) alliances. Those alliances are aimed at exploring and/or exploiting knowledge between young and small firms and large multinational enterprises (MNEs). We selected this model, which is particularly suitable for exploring complex types of asymmetric R&D alliances that epitomize the biopharmaceutical industry, based upon the literature on asymmetric R&D cooperation and coopetition. In particular, we propose a formal coopetitive approach, where coopetition is a vector variable belonging to an n-dimensional Euclidean space. We graphically show that cooperative efforts are required and beneficial even though partners are potentially competitors in the marketplace and shape the common payoff space that they commonly create. By doing so, we highlight the requirement that coopetitive partners should balance effectively their interaction dynamics, interactions that affect both the value creation and value capture processes.
Archive | 2012
Fabrizio Cesaroni; Daniela Baglieri
Patent information can be used for strategic planning purposes. Conventional patent analysis has commonly focused on factual information and, in particular, on information extraction, visualization and assessment techniques. Less scholarly attention has been devoted to the strategic role of an integrated system of patent intelligence in supporting firm’s decision-making. Since patents can be strategically used by firms to prevent competitors to strengthen their competitive advantage, patent information may be distort or insufficient. We accommodate the “dark side” of firms patenting by underlining pros and cons of patent information. We argue that technology intelligence should take into account such intrinsic limits of patent information.
Sinergie Italian Journal of Management | 2011
Daniela Baglieri
L’introduzione di nuove tecnologie crea nuovi mercati e/o nuovi segmenti, modificando radicalmente le regole del gioco competitivo. Le imprese esistenti sono, infatti, chiamate a fronteggiare tale minaccia mediante opportune strategie di risposta che incidono sulle dinamiche competitive. In particolare, si esaminano le principali opzioni a disposizione delle imprese concorrenti per reagire all’introduzione di nuove tecnologie, ossia forme di competizione diretta che determinano una rivalita tra tecnologie diverse (la c.d. “battaglia degli standards”) e strategie collaborative che, anziche ostacolare, agevolano l’adozione della nuova tecnologia mediante, ad esempio, lo sviluppo di prodotti complementari, cosi come nel caso di prodotti a struttura complessa. Le imprese possono, altresi, ritardare la loro reazione ed adottare un approccio di “wait and see”se la risposta del mercato e debole, cosi come il grado di reattivita delle altre imprese concorrenti. Lo studio delle condizioni di contesto permette di individuare i fattori piu significativi che incidono su tali scelte nonche di avanzare alcune ipotesi sui possibili scenari in cui una data opzione e potenzialmente congruente, nell’auspicio di poter fornire un supporto ai processi decisori del management.
Sinergie Italian Journal of Management | 2012
Daniela Baglieri
Il mutato contesto istituzionale della ricerca scientifica italiana ha riproposto agli studiosi delle discipline aziendali il ruolo dell’identita della nostra tradizione e, di conseguenza, la rilevanza della verita scientifica e del metodo. Tale interesse rappresenta un’opportunita per arricchire la cassetta degli attrezzi secondo la logica dei linguaggi multipli allo scopo di cogliere le complementarita tra tradizioni di ricerca, piuttosto che le differenze. L’ipotesi di fondo e che la storicita dell’oggettivita scientifica e lo statuto della complessita rendono possibili fertilizzazioni incrociate tra gli studi economici e quelli aziendali, nonostante spesso si invochino i diversi modelli di spiegazione scientifica. Un atteggiamento piu aperto verso le metodologie quantitative consente di partecipare attivamente al dibattito scientifico internazionale. Questo, peraltro, e una condizione basilare per attuare quanto previsto dalla recente normativa (L. 240/2010) in tema di internazionalizzazione della ricerca e della didattica. Parole chiave: metodologia della ricerca, spiegazione scientifica, internazionalizzazione.
VII Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS | 2011
Alberto Di Minin; Daniela Baglieri; Fabrizio Cesaroni; A. Piccaluga
R&D strategy formulation represents a critical task for those firms that base their competitive advantage on innovation. Different sources of information must be accessed in this respect, among which patents. Conventional patent analysis has commonly focused on factual information, while less scholarly attention has been devoted to the strategic role of patent analysis in supporting R&D strategic planning. Accordingly to this view, we conducted a case study of a multinational company that performed several patent analysis to enter in a new market domain. Although these findings can not be generalized, they shed new lights on the several tasks patent analysis might perform and the relevance to conceive patent information as a source of Business Intelligence Systems. In this respect, firms might include patent analysis as part of their Decision Support Systems and, consequently, invest in new competences and skills in order to handle complexity linked to the increasing amount of available patent data.
Daniela Baglieri; Concetta Metallo; Mario Pezzillo Iacono
This chapter focuses on the reciprocal relationship between information systems and organizational control. It introduces the volume, describing both the theoretical frameworks and the topics analyzed and discussed. In particular, the volume is divided into three sections, each one focusing on a specific topic: organizational control, accounting and information systems; organizational change, innovation and ICT; and information, knowledge and project management practices.
Daniela Baglieri; Concetta Metallo; Mario Pezzillo Iacono
This book explores the diversity of topics, views and perspectives focused on the relationship between information systems, organizations and managerial control. It brings together theories and practices by a diverse group of scholars working in different disciplines: organization, management, accounting, information systemsdevelopment, human-computer interaction. The volume is divided into three sections, each one focusing on a specific theme: organizational change, innovation and information and communication technologies; organizational control, accounting and information systems; information, knowledge and project management practices. Thebook isbased on a selection of the best research papers - original double blind peer reviewed contributions of the annual conference of the Italian chapter of AIS, held in Milan, Italy in December 2013.
Archive | 2013
Fabrizio Cesaroni; Daniela Baglieri; Luigi Orsi
Technology is a strategic asset for an increasing number of firms that nurture their competitiveness through innovation. Accordingly, fostering innovation, exploiting technological opportunities and avoiding threats are increasingly important issues within their strategies. Firms need to support their decision-making processes by investing in technology intelligence system in order to protect their products from competitors’ aggressive actions or to exploit new emerging technological trajectories. This chapter presents some actions that a Technology Intelligence System (TIS) can accommodate, drawing upon patent analysis. The main purpose of patent analysis is to enable firms to monitor and assess technological developments and other areas of concern. Such technology management activities assist firms in evaluating their environment while taking advantage of new emerging technological trends. The methodology is described in detail using an application conducted in nanotech patents.