Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska
University of Łódź
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Featured researches published by Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska.
International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics | 2018
Łukasz Sułkowski; Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new technology paradigm envisioned as a global network of machines and devices capable of interacting with each other. It can change everything - including ourselves because technology and accompanying digital transformation change a character and a way of the current learning process. On the one hand, it refers to a man that acquires more and more advanced digital skills and competencies supported by smart education systems. On the other hand, it refers to smart machines based on artificial intelligence (AI) which analyse people’s opinions, decisions and behaviour, thanks to which they acquire knowledge and learn their emotions. As a result, they perform activities that used to be characteristic only for people. In such an approach, education becomes a natural activity at the same time being a natural sequence of remaining in the ecosystem of mutual connections. But it is also a source of dangers of informational rubbish bin and post-true messages that could spoil a real learning effort. Undoubtedly, it creates a great number of new challenges facing enterprises which while combining innovative technologies with their core resources will build their own ecosystem of Smart Business Intelligence. The aim of the paper is to identify and explore possibilities of IoT as a new paradigm for learning, with particular focus on its significance for business.
Management Science | 2017
Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska
Summary The evolution of hypermedia space and growing saturation of the market with mobile devices, an increasing role of Big Data, which allow for multidimensional analysis of data from offline and online markets, growing popularization of solutions of Market Intelligence supported by Cloud Computing technology as well as development of potential and opportunities of adapting the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) in commerce cause that customers and their experience become a major point of activity of companies/brands. Shopping experience of a buyer is an effect of multiple and multidimensional contacts, often conducted simultaneously in many channels and in the real time. It forces an increasingly growing number of challenges that companies/brands are presented with if they want to optimize a space of customer journey and have to ensure continuity, coherence and complexity of experiences for their customers. Searching or creating these benefits that customers expect and their constant development becomes a prerequisite in this situation so that variety of positive experiences resulting in customer satisfaction and happiness could be guaranteed. The paper is an attempt to verify the essence of omnichannel commerce from the consumer’s perspective. The author discusses a problem of omnichannel model while taking into consideration some elements that can influence building and intensification of buyers’ experiences and behavior in various channels of commerce. The discussion is supported with the results of own studies in that area.
International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics | 2017
Łukasz Sułkowski; Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska
The Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly perceived as a subsequent stage of digital evolution, in which devices surrounding us communicate with one another, more and more often without human participation. A growing amount of data, speed of its transmission and unlimited opportunities of application indicate a pace of transformation of our life. And despite the fact that this is still an innovative solution, its significance becomes visible in consumer, industrial and public space influencing a form and character of contemporary management. A consumer plays a crucial role in that process as through their perception they condition a level and dynamics of acceptance of new solutions as well as their market potential. New technologies definitely become a key factor in creating a value by a consumer and for a consumer.
Problemy Zarządzania | 2016
Bogdan Gregor; Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska
The aim of this paper is to get to know an innovative behaviour of elderly consumers and their willingness to purchase innovative technology products, for example mobile phones. The novelty of this article is both the research subject examined among the elderly population and the worldwide-known measuring method used, but not employed in Poland yet. The findings suggest that elderly consumers are among the buyers who are open to innovations and are not last to acquire them. However, they purchase new products less often than other people in their circles. The elderly, when purchasing a new version of the product, require additional stimulants, including obtaining information about the specific features of the novelty. They are not a group which learns about innovation first, so communication of innovations should use a purchasing group recommending these products to the elderly.
Problemy Zarzadzania | 2016
Bogdan Gregor; Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska
Post puj cy proces starzenia si spo ecze stw w krajach wysoko rozwini tych poci ga za sob szereg konsekwencji o charakterze zarowno ekonomicznym, spo ecznym, politycznym, jak i kulturowym. Wp ywa zatem na jako ycia i jej materialny wymiar postrzegany przez osoby w grupie seniorow. Znajduje to swoje odzwierciedlenie w ich procesie decyzyjnym i zachowaniach konsumpcyjnych. Oznacza to dla wspo czesnych marek konieczno modyfikacji lub kreacji nowych aktywno ci marketingowych, dostosowanych do potrzeb i oczekiwa tej grupy klientow. U yteczne w tym procesie mog si okaza media spo eczno ciowe. Autorzy artyku u podj li prob okre lenia znaczenia roli social mediow w procesie konsumpcyjnym w grupie osob powy ej 55. roku ycia. Szczegoln uwag zwrocono na aktywno ci konsumenckie podejmowane w przestrzeni hipermedialnej w tej grupie wiekowej. Prowadzone rozwa ania zosta y poparte wynikami bada w asnych autorow w omawianym zakresie, przeprowadzonych technik ankiety bezpo redniej w rod s uchaczy wybranych Uniwersytetow Trzeciego Wieku.
Archive | 2016
Bogdan Gregor; Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska
Publikacja dotyczy aktualnego nurtu rozwazan nad problematyką komunikacji w przestrzeni hipermedialnej. Łączy w sobie wszechstronne studia teoretyczne i wyniki badan naukowych, stanowiące zasadniczą cześc ksiązki. To rzetelne i merytoryczne opracowanie, w ktorym ciekawie i syntetycznie zaprezentowano blog jako atrakcyjny instrument interakcji z odbiorcą w wymiarze spolecznym i komercyjnym. Autorzy zwrocili szczegolną uwage na dynamike jego rozwoju, obserwowany proces ustawicznej ewolucji i potencjalne kierunki zmian. Dzieki temu publikacja staje sie inspirującym źrodlem wiedzy, umozliwiając Czytelnikom postrzeganie blagosfery jako przestrzeni wielowymiarowej, wielowątkowej, wymagającej przemyślanych strategii dzialania. Ksiązka ma walory zarowno poznawcze, metodyczne, jak i praktyczne, co pozwala kierowac ją do szerokiego grona odbiorcow. Jest adresowana do pracownikow naukowych zajmujących sie problematyką komunikacji marketingowej, studentow kierunkow biznesowych, w tym przede wszystkim z zakresu zarządzania oraz przedstawicieli biznesu zainteresowanych marketingiem w mediach spolecznościowych.
Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe | 2016
Imię Nazwisko; Łukasz Sułkowski; Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska
The textile-clothing industry is still perceived as one of the most important sectors of the world economy, and it is also the case in Poland, where it determines the directions of development of regions related to it. The development of new media, however, has contributed to significant changes in the environment of modern enterprises belonging to that sector, which has led to the evolution of their marketing orientation. The multidimensionality and complexity of processes observed bring about the necessity to modify the implemented process of building a competitive advantage and to look for effective tools in this area. Hypermedia space requires the participation of various groups of stakeholders, both in the B2C and B2B market. A solution that proves useful in this field is definitely social media, which significantly implies the quality of implemented processes while generating a wide spectrum of opportunities to compete. The aim of the article is to identify the marketing potential of social media in the textile-clothing industry with particular reference to their role in the process of the market orientation of enterprises from this sector.
International Journal of Contemporary Management | 2014
Łukasz Sułkowski; Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska
Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie | 2013
Mirosław Wypych; Paweł Trippner; Łukasz Sułkowski; Halina Sobocka-Szczapa; Michał Chmielecki; Jan Lichtarski; Henryk Skłodowski; Bartłomiej Stopczyński; Michał Turniak; Maciej Dębski; Ewa Stroińska; Agnieszka Stępień-Trela; Andrzej Cader; Krzysztof Przybyszewski; Andrzej Marjański; Marcela Rebeca Contreras Loera; Bogdan Piasecki; Andrzej Jackiewicz; Janusz Gawryś; Jan Krzysztof Solarz; Michał Lisowski; Konrad Raczkowski; Sylwia Wojciechowska-Filipek; Roman Patora; Paweł Morawski; Katarzyna Kolasińska-Morawska; Jan Krakowiak; Ewa Gołębiowska; Jan D. Antoszkiewicz; Barbara Kożuch
International Journal of Contemporary Management | 2014
Bogdan Gregor; Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska