E. Glock
Max Planck Society
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Featured researches published by E. Glock.
Journal of Nuclear Materials | 1982
W. Engelhardt; G. Becker; K. Behringer; D. Campbell; A. Eberhagen; G. Fussmann; O. Gehre; G. v. Gierke; E. Glock; G. Haas; M. Huang; F. Karger; M. Keilhacker; O. Klüber; M. Kornherr; G. Lisitano; H.-M. Mayer; D. Meisel; E. R. Müller; H. Murmann; H. Niedermeyer; W. Poschenrieder; H. Rapp; F. Schneider; G. Siller; K.H. Steuer; G. Venus; H. Vernickel; F. Wagner
Abstract The divertor efficiency in ASDEX is discussed for ohmically heated plasmas. The parameters of the boundary layer both in the torus midplane and the divertor chamber have been measured. The results are reasonably well understood in terms of parallel and perpendicular transport. A high pressure of neutral hydrogen builds up in the divertor chamber and Franck-Condon particles recycle back through the divertor throat. Due to dissociation processes the boundary plasma is effectively cooled before it reaches the neutralizer plates. The shielding property of the boundary layer against impurity influx is comparable to that of a limiter plasma. The transport of iron is numerically simulated for an iron influx produced by sputtering of charge exchange neutrals at the wall. The results are consistent with the measured iron concentration. First results from a comparison of the poloidal divertor with toroidally closed limiters (stainless steel, carbon) are given. Diverted discharges are considerably cleaner and easier to create.
Journal of Nuclear Materials | 1987
H. Verbeek; Asdex Team; G. Decker; H.-S. Bosch; H. Brocken; A. Eberhagen; G. Fussmann; O. Gehre; J. Gernhardt; G. v. Gierke; E. Glock; O. Gruber; G. Haas; J. Hofmann; A. Izvozchikov; G. Janeschitz; F. Karger; M. Keilhacker; O. Klüber; M. Kornherr; K. Lackner; M. Lenoci; G. Lisitano; F. Mast; H.-M. Mayer; K. McCormick; D. Meisel; V. Mertens; E. R. Müller; H. Murmann
Neutral particle fluxes onto the walls of ASDEX have been investigated using a time-of-flight (TOF) method. The energy distributions of the neutrals could be determined in the range of 10–1000 eV/amu. Ohmic divertor and limiter discharges with equal plasma currents and densities have been compared for He and D2. The He0 outflux at ∼2000 eV from He discharges is 110 of the corresponding D0 flux in D2 discharges. At lower energies this difference is much smaller. In all cases many more He neutrals were observed than was anticipated from the CX rate-coefficients for He2+. The impurity fluxes due to sputtering by the CX-neutrals show no significant difference for He and D2 discharges. For divertor discharges CX-sputtering can fully account for the Fe impurity content determined spectroscopically.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 1985
F. Leuterer; F. Söldner; D. Eckhartt; A. Eberhagen; A Giuliana; H. Murmann; F. Ryter; R Bartiromo; G. Becker; K Bernhardi; H.-S. Bosch; M. Brambilla; H Brinkschulte; H. Brocken; H Derfler; M El Shaer; G. Fussmann; O. Gehre; J. Gernhardt; G. von Gierke; E. Glock; O. Gruber; G. Haas; M Hesse; G. Janeschitz; F. Karger; M. Keilhacker; S Kissel; O. Klüber; M. Kornherr
Interaction of lower hybrid waves at 1.3 GHz with ions and electrons was studied in the density range 0.2-5*1013 cm-3 in the ASDEX tokamak. At high densities, ne>or approximately=4*1013 cm-3, fast ions with mainly perpendicular velocities are produced by the RF power at the plasma periphery. They are not well confined and do not lead to any bulk plasma heating. At lower densities, 2*1013<or approximately=ne<or approximately=4*1013 cm-3, electron and ion heating is observed. The heating is better in deuterium than in hydrogen plasmas. At very low densities, ne<or approximately=2*1013 cm-3, the discharge becomes suprathermal as soon as the RF power is switched on. Launching an asymmetric spectrum of waves in a low density plasma leads to the generation of an RF-driven DC-plasma current.
Journal of Nuclear Materials | 1982
P. Staib; H. Kukral; E. Glock; G. Staudenmaier
Abstract Protective glasses are mounted inside the vacuum vessel in front of the observation windows used for Hα-measurements. These glass discs are positioned near the wall surface and are routinely replaced at each major opening of the vessel, namely after several months of operation of ASDEX. Comprehensive surface analyses are performed using a scanning electron microscope combined with Auger, SIMS and X-ray microanalysis techniques. The lateral as well as the depth distributions of deposited materials are measured. The observations based on large number of samples (about 30) distributed all over the vacuum vessel, are the following: — deposits in the main plasma chamber consist of thin layers of stainless steel (i.e. Fe, Cr, Ni) and of titanium. These layers are completely oxidized and have been successively deposited during the major phases of the machine operation (limiter, divertor, titanium gettering). Many stainless-steel particles are observed. These are molten droplets projected and stuck on the glass surface. Their dimensions range from a few μm to about 100 μm. Very tiny titanium particles are also observed spread over the surface. — Deposits on samples exposed in the upper divertor chamber are covered with a uniform titanium layer. It is heavily oxidized over its thickness of ~ 10 nm. No droplets are observed in the upper divertor chamber, but many are found in the lower chamber.
Journal of Nuclear Materials | 1982
H. Vernickel; K. Behringer; D. Campbell; A. Eberhagen; W. Engelhardt; G. Fussmann; O. Gehre; J. Gernhardt; E. Glock; G. v. Gierke; G. Haas; M. Huang; F. Karger; M. Keilhacker; O. Klüber; M. Kornherr; G. Lisitano; H.-M. Mayer; D. Meisel; E. R. Müller; H. Murmann; H. Niedermeyer; W. Poschenrieder; B.M.U. Scherzer; G. Siller; P. Staib; G. Venus; F. Wagner
Abstract A toroidal large area limiter was installed in the divertor tokamak ASDEX. The limiter basically consists of a plane annular stainless steel sheet which is tangential to the plasma and which is placed in the bottom of the main plasma chamber. In a second series of experiments this limiter was covered with graphite plates. With the steel limiter clean discharges could not be obtained. Energy deposition on the limiter was only 12% of the input. With the graphite limiter Z eff was below 3, energy deposition on the limiter was 25% (up to 40% in low density operation). Energy deposition was toroidally symmetrical. Results, including some experiments with a single null divertor are presented.
Journal of Nuclear Materials | 1989
L.B. Ran; D.E. Roberts; H.R. Yang; G. Dodel; K. W. Gentle; S. von Goeler; E. Holzhauer; K. Hübner; M. Keilhacker; A. Korotkov; T.C. Luce; Y. Miura; N. Tsois; H. Würz; G. Fussmann; J. Hofmann; G. Janeschitz; K. Krieger; E. R. Müller; R. Nolte; H. Röhr; K.-H. Steuer; G. Becker; B. Bomba; H. Bruhns; K. Büchl; A. Carlson; A. Eberhagen; H.-U. Fahrbach; O. Gehre
Investigations of impurity accumulation phenomena in ASDEX are reviewed. There are four different operating regimes where pronounced accumulation is observed and these regimes are also characterized by improved energy confinement. In particular, medium-Z metallic ions are involved in accumulation processes whereas low-Z ions appear almost unaffected. The rapid accumulation observed in the case of metallic ions may be explained by neoclassical inward drifts if we assume that the anomalous diffusion is sufficiently suppressed, some indication of this being found from laser blow-off studies. The present results, however, can only be partly explained by neoclassical theory, according to which accumulation of low-Z impurities should also occur. The temporal behaviour of accumulation and the retarding effect of proton dilution for collision dominated transport are also discussed. Finally, we conclude that the full benefits of improved energy confinement can be achieved only if the impurity influxes are kept to a sufficiently low level. Expressed in terms of concentrations under low confinement conditions we have to postulate, for ASDEX, concentrations ≲ 10−4 for metals and ≲ 2% for all light impurities.
Journal of Nuclear Materials | 1980
E. Glock; Pulsator Team
Abstract The limiter of PULSATOR was replaced in March 1978 after approximately 6000 tokamak discharges and 50000 pulse-cleaning shots. The abrasion exceeded many times the amount of material necessary to destroy all the discharges by impurities. With a great variety of discharge types involved we could not assign a certain type of discharge to a certain damage. The hard X-rays from the runaway bremsstrahlung at the limiter, recorded with a coarse imaging system, showed the interaction to be restricted to small domains changing their positions on the circumference. From the many — not always clearly discernible — variations of traces on the limiter, four types were selected as relatively marked: fissures, meltings, sprayed droplets, and arc traces. Droplets occurred in the whole limiter port. By microscopy, metallography, and comparison with similar phenomena occurring in other fields, the observations could be explained and traced to their causes. Possible effects on the late stage of a discharge are discussed.
Journal of Nuclear Materials | 1980
H. Niedermeyer; D.B. Albert; K. Behringer; W. Engelhardt; G. Fuβmann; J. Gernhardt; E. Glock; G. Haas; G. Herppich; Y. Hshie; F. Karger; M. Keilhacker; O. Klüber; M. Kornherr; K. Lackner; G. Lisitano; Ch. Liu; H.-M. Mayer; D. Meisel; R. Müller; H. Murmann; W. Poschenrieder; H. Rapp; J. Roth; N. Ruhs; F. Schneider; S. Sesnic; G. Siller; P. Staib; G. Staudenmeier
Abstract In the first experimental phase the divertor tokamak ASDEX was run with a closed SS-limiter. The cleaning procedure for the vessel consisted of baking to 120°C, carbon removal by glow discharge in hydrogen, and oxygen removal with a continuous low power 50 Hz AC discharge. Wall contact of the plasma was reduced by carefully positioning the plasma with a feedback system. Discharges with plasma currents up to 280 kA and a disruption-free duration of up to 1 s were reliably produced with a filling pressure of 5 × 10 −5 mbar and a programmed current rise. No change in start-up conditions and discharge behaviour was observed in material limiter discharges with superimposed divertor field.
Journal of Nuclear Materials | 1987
G. Haas; M. Kaufmann; R.S. Lang; Asdex Team; Pellet Team; V. Mertens; H. Niedermeyer; W. Sandmann; G. Becker; H.-S. Bosch; H. Brocken; K. Büchl; A. Eberhagen; G. Fussmann; O. Gehre; J. Gernhardt; G. v. Gierke; E. Glock; O. Gruber; J. Hofmann; A. Izvozchikov; G. Janeschitz; F. Karger; M. Keilhacker; O. Klüber; M. Kornherr; K. Lackner; M. Lenoci; G. Lisitano; F. Mast
Abstract Discharges fuelled by stationary pellet injection (PI), gas puffing (GP) or a combination of the two methods are compared with respect to recycling in the divertor and particle confinement. Fuelling by PI yields much better global particle confinement than by GP. This has been found for both low and high recycling. In the low-recycling case this improvement is due to the deeper particle deposition for PI than for GP since the transport in the inner plasma is not reduced. For high recycling the improvement results from both the deeper deposition and a reduction in the transport. The best global particle confinement was found for phases with low or no GP. This, however, can be reached for short times only. Since with PI alone it is impossible to keep the recycling on a high level, GP is unavoidable for sustaining the favourable high-recycling condition.
14th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics | 1987
J.-M. Noterdaeme; G. Janeschitz; K. McCormick; J. Neuhauser; J. Roth; F. Ryter; E. Taglauer; N. Tsois; M. Brambilla; A. Carlson; G. Fußmann; G. Haas; F. Hofmeister; V. Mertens; C. Setzensack; K. Steinmetz; F. Wagner; F. Wesner; J. Bäumler; G. Becker; W. Becker; H.-S. Bosch; F. Braun; H. Brocken; A. Eberhagen; G. Dodel; H.-U. Fahrbach; R. Fritsch; O. Gehre; J. Gernhardt