E. Grallath
Max Planck Society
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Featured researches published by E. Grallath.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 1989
T. Graule; A. von Bohlen; J.A.C. Broekaert; E. Grallath; Reinhold Klockenkämper; P. Tschöpel; G. Tölg
SummaryDirect analysis methods and multistage combined analytical procedures for the determination of impurities at the μg/g level and the upper ng/g level in high-purity powders of Al2O3, AlN, Si3N4 and SiC are described. Results obtained with a novel direct slurry-atomization technique using a Babington nebulizer and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) are presented. A comparison of analysis results of combined analytical procedures including wet chemical decomposition and determinations with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) or ICP-OES with those of slurry-atomization ICP-OES show the capabilities of this technique for routine analysis in production control. Detection limits for Al, B, Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Si, Ti, W, V, and Zn in the matrices mentioned are between 0.03 and 2.5 μg/g. For elemental concentrations ⩾ 10 μg/g relative standard deviations of the measurements are generally below 10%. The technique is shown to be a powerful tool for trace determinations in powder samples. This is shown by its use for analysis of a series of the ceramic powders mentioned and comparative results of other direct techniques such as total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and instrumental neutron activation analysis.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 1980
E. Grallath; P. Tschöpel; G. Kölblin; U. Stix; G. Tölg
SummaryMethods for the determination of boron in the low μg/g- and ng/g-range in metals, silicon, and SiO2 were developed. The multi-stage procedures involve dissolution of the sample in HF-containing acid mixtures, separation of boron by distillation of BF3 and/or by extraction of tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate, and determination by emission spectrometry with plasma excitation (CMP or ICP). Using CMP a detection limit of 40 ng B/g Zr, Zircaloy, Nb (sample weight ≤ 600 mg) was achieved. With ICP higher sensitivity can be obtained. Spectrophotometrical methods in connection with the above mentioned separation methods or with extraction of BF4−with methylene blue, Nile blue, tetraphenyl-phosphonium or -arsonium, respectively, have proved to be not suitable in the concentration range of interest for the matrices under investigation.ZusammenfassungZur Bestimmung von Borgehalten im ng/g- und unteren μ/g-Bereich in Metallen, Silicium und SiO2 wurden universelle Verbundverfahren ausgearbeitet, bei denen Bor nach Probenaufschluß in HF-haltigen Säuregemischen durch Destillation als BF3 und/oder durch Ausschütteln als Tetrabutylammonium-BF4−-Komplex abgetrennt und emissionsspektrometrisch mit Plasma-Anregung (CMP oder ICP) bestimmt wird. Bei Einwaagen von ≤ 600 mg Zr, Zircaloy und Nb wurde bei Verwendung des CMP als Nachweisgrenze 40ng B/g ermittelt; mit dem ICP als Anregungsquelle läßt sich dieser Wert noch unterschreiten. Spektralphotometrische Bestimmungsverfahren in Kombination mit den genannten Trennverfahren sowie mit Ausschüttelverfahren von BF4−-Ionenassoziaten (Methylenblau, Nilblau, Tetraphenylphosphonium bzw. -arsonium) erwiesen sich für den interessierenden Konzentrationsbereich in den untersuchten Matrices als nicht geeignet.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 1972
G. Kaiser; E. Grallath; P. Tschöpel; G. Tölg
Suitable techniques for the chelate gas-chromatographic determination of beryllium traces in different organic materials (e.g. blood, human and animal tissue, food, sewage muds) were developed. An electron-capture detector (ECD) was used for the detection of Be-trifluoracetylacetonate (BeTFA). The individual steps of the procedure were optimized by the tracer method with7Be: low temperature ashing or pressure decomposition with nitric acid/hydrofluoric acid in a teflon tube, the elimination of interfering elements, the formation of the Be-TFA and the concentration of the Be-TFA solution. For samples ⩽ 1 g the minimum detectable amount is 10−11g.ZusammenfassungEs wurden Techniken ausgearbeitet zur chelat-gas-chromatographischen Bestimmung von Berylliumspuren in verschiedenen organischen Matrices (Blut, menschliches und tierisches Gewebe, Nahrungsmittel, Abwasserschlämme u. a.) über Be-Trifluoracetylacetonat (Be-TFA) mit einem Elektroneneinfangdetektor (ECD). Die einzelnen Verfahrensschritte wurden radiochemisch mit7Be überprüft und optimiert: der Aufschluß der Probe mit angeregtem Sauerstoff (Mikrowellenfeld) oder mit Salpetersäure/Flußsäure unter Druck im Teflongefäß; die Entfernung der Störelemente; die Bildung des Be-TFA-Komplexes und das Ein engen der benzolischen Be-TFA-Lösung. Die kleinste mit diesem Verfahren nachweisbare Berylliummenge liegt für Proben ⩽1 g bei 10−11 g.
Analytica Chimica Acta | 1978
A. Watson; E. Grallath; G. Kaiser; G. Tölg
Abstract Wet and dry techniques have been optimized for the separation of sulphur traces from metals (e.g. Ag, Cu, Cu alloys, Pb, Sn, Fe) as hydrogen sulphide, in combination with a final microtitrimetric or spectrophotomefcric determination. The metal sample can be dissolved in a mixture of hydroiodic, formic and hypophosphorous acids, and the evolved hydrogen sulphide swept with nitrogen into an absorption vessel. Alternatively, in the hydrogenation technique, the metal sample is heated in a stream of pure hydrogen up to ⩽1150°C and the hydrogen sulphide produced is absorbed in sodium hydroxide solution or cadmium hydroxide suspension. The sulphide is determined in the absorption vessel by microtitration with cadmium(II) titrant and dithizone as indicator. The methylene blue colour reaction is applied for the speetrophotometric determination. Precautions are taken to avoid systematic errors (losses by absorption, contamination by laboratory air) and to lower reagent blanks, so that concentrations as low as ⩾0.2 μg g -1 (sample weight ⩽1 g) can be determined. The coefficients of variations are ⩽10% and 2.5% at concentration ranges of 1–10 μg g -1 and > 10 μg g -1 , respectively.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 1976
A. Meyer; E. Grallath; G. Kaiser; G. Tölg
For the determination of the smallest amounts of selenium in high-purity copper, the sample (≤2 g) is heated in a quartz tube at 1100–1150°C. SeO2 evaporates and is collected quantitatively by condensation of the carrier gas in a micro-trap cooled with liquid nitrogen. After evaporation of the oxygen, SeO2 is caused to react in the trap with 4-nitro-o-phenylenediamine, forming 5-nitropiazselenol, which is then extracted with toluene and determined in the ppb-range by gas-chromatography with ECD. All separation steps were optimized by the tracer method using 75Se. Determining 0.74 ppm of Se, the standard deviation was found to be 0.004 ppm for 15 determinations with samples of 200–600 mg. The detection limit is 1 ppb of Se.ZusammenfassungZur Bestimmung geringster Selengehalte in Reinstkupfer erhitzt man die Probe (≤2 g) in einem Quarzrohr im Sauerstoffstrom auf 1100–1150°C. SeO2 verdampft und wird quantitativ gesammelt, indem man es zusammen mit dem Trägergas durch Kühlung mit flüssigem Stickstoff in einer Mikrovorlage kondensiert. Nach Abdampfen des Sauerstoffs setzt man es in der Vorlage mit 4-Nitro-o-phenylendiamin zu 5-Nitropiazselenol um, das nach Ausschütteln in Toluol direkt gas-chromatographisch (ECD) im ppb-Bereich bestimmt wird. Nach Optimierung aller Verfahrensschritte mit Hilfe von 75Se ergaben sich ausgezeichnete Gütedaten; Standardabweichung: ± 0,004 ppm für 0,74 ppm Se, 15 Bestimmungen, 200–600 mg Einwaage; Nachweisgrenze : 1 ppb Selen.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 1989
H. Jenett; Henning Bubert; E. Grallath
SummaryFive commercially available α-Si3N4 powders and one in theβ modification were subjected to Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and carrier-gas-heat extraction (CGHE) analysis.AES depth profiles of the oxygen/nitrogen ratio could be obtained, from which total oxygen contents were calculated and compared to CGHE data. It is demonstrated that by the latter method also dissolved oxygen in α-Si3N4 is detected, whereas by AES only chemically bound oxygen can semiquantitatively be analyzed. Evidence is found for the existence of water, adsorbed or present as hydroxyl groups, near the surface.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 1980
E. Grallath
SummaryThe present state of the methods and trends of development in the determination of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon in metals are pointed out in a critical review. Besides the sample preparation, the “chemical” determination methods (chemical isolation of compounds, hydrogen reduction method, Kjeldahl method, combustion method, vacuum and inert-gas fusion) and the “physical” methods (spark-source mass spectrometry, emission spectroscopy, i.r.-absorption method, internal friction measurement, activation analysis) are dealt with. Some of the involved methods enable discrimination between the amounts of the elements on the sample surface, and those dissolved in the bulk as interstitials or present as compounds respectively.ZusammenfassungGegenwärtiger Stand und Entwicklungstendenzen der heute für die Bestimmung von Sauerstoff, Stickstoff und Kohlenstoff zur Verfügung stehenden Methoden werden in einer kritischen Übersicht aufgezeigt. Neben der Probenvorbereitung werden ≫chemische Verfahren≪ (Isolationsverfahren, Wasserstoffreduktionsverfahren, Kjeldahl-Verfahren, Verbrennungsverfahren, Heißextraktionsverfahren) und ≫physikalische Verfahren≪ (Festkörpermassenspektroskopie, Emissionsspektroskopie, IR-Absorptionsmethode, Dämpfungsmessung, Aktivierungsanalyse) im Hinblick auf Verbesserung des Nachweisvermögens und Erhöhung der Genauigkeit behandelt. Auf die bei verschiedenen Methoden vorhandenen Möglichkeiten zur Differenzierung zwischen Gehalten an Probenoberflächen und den im Bulk gelöst oder in Form von Verbindungen vorliegenden Elementgehalten wird hingewiesen.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 1984
G. Mezger; E. Grallath; U. Stix; G. Tölg
SummaryProcedures for the determination of boron in the ng/g- and low μg/g-range in metals (e.g. Mo, W, Zr, Al, Fe, Co) by emission spectrometry (OES) with inductively coupled hf-plasma (ICP) excitation have been investigated. The procedures involve the suitable dissolution of the samples and the separation of boron either by distillation of boric acid methyl ester with a new circulation distillation apparatus or by liquid extraction of the 2-ethyl-1,3-hexanediol complex. By distillation 0.02 to 20 μg of boron are separated within 15 min from sulphuric or sulphuric-phosphoric acid solutions (≤ 1g of sample) and are concentrated in a few milliliters of NaOH. This separation is applicable to all metals which do not require hydrofluoric acid for dissolution. The ethylhexanediol extraction has been optimized for 0.02 to 1 μg of boron in solutions of Mo, Fe, Zr, and Al. With ICP-OES concentrations of separated boron of ≥20 ng/ml can be determined, corresponding to limits of detection down to 0.02 μg/g, depending on matrix and sample weight.ZusammenfassungZur Bestimmung von Borgehalten im ng/g- und unteren μg/g-Bereich in Metallen (Mo, W, Zr, Al, Fe, Co) wurden Verbundverfahren ausgearbeitet, bei denen Bor nach geeignetem Probenaufschluß durch Destillation des Borsäuremethylesters oder durch Ausschütteln als 2-Ethyl-1,3-hexandiol-Komplex abgetrennt und emissionsspektrometrisch mit ICP-Anregung (ICP-OES) bestimmt wird. Mit einer neu entwickelten Kreislaufdestillationsapparatur aus Quarzglas lassen sich Bormengen zwischen 0,02 und 20 μg innerhalb von 15 min aus schwefeloder schwefel-phosphorsauren Lösungen von Metallen (Einwaage≤1g) quantitativ als Methylester abtrennen und in wenigen Millilitern alkalischer Lösung konzentrieren. Das Verfahren ist für alle Metalle anzuwenden, für die man zum Lösen keine HF benötigt. Die Ethylhexandiol-Extraktion wurde für die Abtrennung von 0,02 bis 1 μg Bor optimiert, wobei besonders die Matrices Mo, Fe, Zr und Al untersucht wurden. Die ICPOES ist für die Bestimmung von Gehalten an abgetrenntem Bor von ≥20 ng/ml geeignet. Je nach Matrix und Höhe der Einwaage können somit Nachweisgrenzen von ≥0,02 μg/g erreicht werden.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 1993
Jan Sunderkötter; E. Grallath; H. Jenett
SummaryBy means of the addition of 1%(v/v) C2H4 to He carrier gas and by application of a temperature ramp starting from 100°C in the carrier-gas heat-extraction technique, discrimination between two siloxane species in Si3N4 is feasible. By comparison with Auger electron spectrometry data, one species can be assigned to the surface and the other to bulk siloxane. This is demonstrated by means of two differently manufactured Si3N4 powders which are HF-etched or oxidized so that their — predominantly near-surface — oxygen content is decreased or increased, respectively. Additional oxygen speciation can be achieved by means of thermo-desorption of oxygen bound to hydrogen and carbon in Ar between room temperature and about 1000°C.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 1987
T. F. Chen; Rainer P. H. Garten; E. Grallath; Henning Bubert; H. Jenett
SummaryFor the purpose of obtaining suitable reference materials for technical coatings on aluminium, the feasibility of calibration of oxide layers by means of heat extraction was studied. Oxide layers were prepared on aluminium sheets by immersion in water of 50 or 80 ° C and annealing at 500 or 600 °C in argon atmosphere. The layer thickness was calculated from the oxygen content of the sample as measured by carrier-gas heat extraction analysis.The total sputtering yield of aluminium oxide layers was obtained via the correlation of AES depth profiling with heat extraction analysis results. This was demonstrated for high purity (99.9%) and technical purity (98.5%) aluminium with its original roughness from the rolling process, on which 20 to 1,000 nm thick oxide layers had been grown.The sputtering yields for the oxide layers prepared were found to be 3.9±0.8 atoms/ion, i.e., about four times higher than that for α-Al2O3. Calibration of depth profiling on such technical quality oxide layers on aluminium was found to be feasible with a relative precision of 10 to 20%.