Edson Ronaldo Guarido Filho
Universidade Positivo
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Featured researches published by Edson Ronaldo Guarido Filho.
RAC: Revista de Administração Contemporânea | 2009
Luciano Rossoni; Edson Ronaldo Guarido Filho
The evidence of the growth of cooperation between researchers and graduate programs has increased our understanding of the construction of scientific knowledge as embedded in social networks. This article analyzes the structures of cooperation among Brazilian business graduate programs in four areas: science and technology, strategy, public administration and organization studies. It departs from the assumption that different relational arrangements indicate various forms of organization, with consequences to the way knowledge is produced. Based on the analysis of 2874 articles published between 2000 and 2006, we investigate hypotheses concerning small worlds, preferential attachment, core-periphery and program centrality. The results point out the stratification of programs in terms of both the number of authors and published articles. Furthermore, they evidence that the most productive programs are those with more relationships, and that cooperation between programs is strongly correlated with productivity.
Bar. Brazilian Administration Review | 2009
Edson Ronaldo Guarido Filho; Clóvis L. Machado-da-Silva; Sandro Aparecido Gonçalves
This article is based on the assumption that the co nstruction of scientific knowledge is a social proc ess characterized by the recursive dynamic between the social and intellectual dimensions. In light of thi s statement, we investigated how the construction of the institu tional perspective is delineated in the context of organizational studies in Brazil from 1993 to 2007. The study is b ased on documentary research of articles published in scientific journals and at academic events. For thi s purpose, we analyzed social networks and used bib liometric indicators in order to map the cooperation relation ships between researchers and intellectual framewor k, based on the cited authors. The results show the influenc e of social relationships in the process of constru cting scientific knowledge. The findings reveal that the expansion of the field is based on the growing elab oration of a social organization with close links to the activit ies of continuant and transient researchers. These circumstances denote the stratification both of production and th e relationships between authors, since continuant a nd transient researchers are responsible for the intermediation of relations and the consolidation of production in the academic field that is being analyzed. The findings also reveal a secondary dynamic of the activities of researchers located on the margin of the network an d the presence of Brazilian researchers among the m ost cited authors, an indication of a legitimized local intel lectual base.
Bar. Brazilian Administration Review | 2010
Edson Ronaldo Guarido Filho; Clóvis L. Machado-da-Silva; Luciano Rossoni
Based on the assumption that scientific knowledge is a social construction, (re)produced by a community of practicing researchers, in this article we seek to delineate two dimensions of this process. The first, which we have called the social dimension, has to do with the social interactions among researchers in a determined scientific field, being evaluated as a co-authorship network. The second, the intellectual dimension, defined as the programmatic profile expressed by its substantive content and provided references, is constituted in relational citation structures. With this analytical division in mind, we set out to research how the intellectual structure is conditioned by the social relationships among researchers, with a focus on the institutional analysis perspective in organizational studies in Brazil. For this purpose, we empirically evaluated the phenomenon from the convergence of the social network analysis with the scientometric analysis, seeking support for these analyses within the structurationist perspective of the institutional theory. The results point toward a conditioning of the intellectual dimension by the social dimension since there is significant evidence from individual relationships and relationships at the group level that support the argument for a recursive relationship between the two dimensions.
RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie | 2011
Charles Kirschbaum; Edson Ronaldo Guarido Filho
Introduction - Thematic Special Forum: Sociological Perspectives of Strategy in Organizations
Revista Eletrônica de Ciência Administrativa | 2012
Larissa Cristina Dal Piva Moreira; Sandro Aparecido Gonçalves; Edson Ronaldo Guarido Filho
O presente trabalho emprega o conceito de capital social e como esse contribui na formacao e evolucao de uma rede internacional de universidades, por meio da analise de suas quatro dimensoes em tres momentos no tempo. O objeto escolhido para estudo de caso com abordagem qualitativa foi a Associacao de Universidades Grupo Montevideu (AUGM). Apos analise dos dados, percebeu-se que, as relacoes interpessoais responsaveis pela sustentacao da rede inter-universitaria, gradativamente se institucionalizaram, permitindo-se falar em capital social organizacional.
REGE - Revista de Gestão | 2018
Denise Moraes Carvalho; Edson Ronaldo Guarido Filho; Veronica Eberle de Almeida
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between organizational performance and the pattern of strategic decisions formalized in the planning of a Brazilian heavy construction company between 2006 and 2014. In this period, the company experienced a recurrent pattern of maintaining strategic decisions, despite the systematic decrease in performance and investments in the formal strategic planning (SP) and monitoring of results. The research focus is on strategic inertia and the influence of social determinants on the relationship between performance and the strategic actions negotiated in formal planning. Design/methodology/approach This is a single-case study. The exploratory-descriptive research comprises data collection on performance and strategic decisions from the period between 2006 and 2014. The analysis was guided through documentary material and data collected from 16 interviews conducted with members of the middle to top management concerning performance, goals, and strategic initiatives. The interviewees’ statements were used to apprehend the interpreted dimension of SP expressed in the meanings attributed to this process. The analysis adopts a sociological base, and strategic inertia is the underlying phenomenon that guides this analysis. Findings The results show the interactive effect caused by political, cognitive, discursive, and ceremonial mechanisms obstruct the company’s strategic decisions. This case study illustrates that the conditions for the phenomenon of path dependence were created, reinforcing the strategic inertia observed in the maintenance of a reproduced pattern of strategic initiatives and goals, even though the performance was recurrently unsatisfactory. In this case, strategic inertia showed a complex relationship between the interpreted performance and strategic actions negotiated in formal planning, conditioned by mechanisms of trajectory reinforcement that interfered with the conditions for strategic change. Research limitations/implications Strategic inertia demonstrates a complex relationship between the interpreted performance and strategic actions negotiated in formal planning, conditioned by mechanisms of trajectory reinforcement that interfere with the conditions for strategic change. Future research on social mechanisms from the perspective of strategy-as-practice could be developed to capture the tacit components, language, power games, and other relevant categories in the social interaction of strategy development at the organizational level. In addition, future research could focus on investigating the extent to which path dependence is contingent, assuming that it is a temporary and, therefore, reversible process. Practical implications This work contributes to the view of SP from the social perspective and shows that the relationship between performance and strategy has biases that can compromise performance. The work highlights implications for maintaining strategic initiative patterns, which shape a path whose function is less associated with its effects on performance and more associated with the commitment to instrumental results, due to the social nature of organizations. Social implications This work deals with social mechanisms that influence strategic decisions. Since organizational performance depends on strategic decisions, the social nature of strategic inertia has causal implications to economic and social impact of organizations. Originality/value This work argues in favor of the influence of self-reinforcing mechanisms of path dependence in the relationship between performance and strategic decisions. The results extended the predominantly structural approach of path dependence by considering interpretive aspects related to the political, discursive, cognitive, and ceremonial dimensions of strategic inertia.
Desenvolvimento em Questão | 2017
Fernanda Alves Andrade Guarido; Edson Ronaldo Guarido Filho; Veronica Eberle
O presente artigo analisou em que medida a utilizacao do pregao eletronico pode ser caracterizada como expressao de mito racional associado ao setor publico brasileiro. Teoricamente, o trabalho se fundamentou no institucionalismo organizacional e na sociologia do direito. A primeira etapa da pesquisa analisou qualitativamente o contexto normativo referente ao pregao eletronico e a segunda etapa investigou quantitativamente a celeridade de 184 processos licitatorios realizados pelo Banco do Brasil no primeiro semestre de 2013. Os dados foram interpretados visando analisar a ressonância entre o discurso do TCU e a atividade administrativa do BB. De modo geral, os resultados indicaram que a utilizacao do pregao nao apresentou padrao de comportamento que vincule a celeridade as variaveis de complexidade ou economicidade e constatou-se que o discurso do TCU esta construido no sentido de abarcar a utilizacao do pregao enquanto pratica desejavel, mesmo onde a obrigatoriedade nao se sustenta no texto legal. Tal desejabilidade escapa a questoes economicas e juridicas, se aproximando de juizos em torno da relevância social. Em resumo: (1) O uso do pregao na Administracao Publica e, em especifico no Banco do Brasil, decorre da influencia simbolica exercida pelo ambiente normativo onde essa pratica licitatoria e considerada um mito racional; (2) O pregao eletronico e cerimonialmente adotado, mediante o desacoplamento de pressoes institucionais e tecnicas; e, (3) A legalidade que rege o uso do pregao eletronico decorre da mutua influencia entre praticas organizacionais, ainda que cerimoniais, e da construcao de jurisprudencia motivada por essas praticas.
Revista Eletrônica de Ciência Administrativa | 2016
Samir Adamoglu de Oliveira; Luciana Godri; Mayla Cristina Costa; Edson Ronaldo Guarido Filho
This work has as goal to evaluate how the paper of Phillips, Lawrence and Hardy (2004) and their discourse analysis model has been appropriated in the Organizational Studies field. Using a bibliometric measure of quoters and the qualitative analysis of quotation context, this paper describes: (i) the way it was applied empirically in researches, (ii) to what study objects it was applied, (iii) in which thematic areas it was used, and (iv) its repercussion among different theoretical slopes that have used the analytical model. As it was one of the first works to consider the possibility of a discourse analysis within the organizational studies using institutionalism, after 10 years of the publication, the results show perennial as a meta-theoretical base to discuss the theme. Considering those, the present paper proposes a theoretical-methodological model to conduct future discussions about the discourse role in the (re)production of institutional web.
Revista Eletrônica de Ciência Administrativa | 2015
Samir Adamoglu de Oliveira; Renata Maria Fragoso Sobrinho; Edson Ronaldo Guarido Filho
The essay aims to discuss implications and methodological possibilities of analyzing media discourse participating in the social (re)construction of active institutional patterns. Drawing on Phillips, Lawrence and Hardys (2004) framework, discourse and organizational institutionalism are articulated, inserting media as a participant in constructing social reality as an actor that is both influenced by and influential inside in an institutional context, appearing as a symbolic system, and as an interactional loci. Implications and possibilities regarding how to proceed methodologically in terms of performing empirical investigations approaching and studying media discourse in organizations – and in organizational fields – are outlined.
Archive | 2015
Luciano Rossoni; Edson Ronaldo Guarido Filho
Portuguese Abstract: Neste artigo, analisamos como os mercados diferenciados (status), o conselho de administracao e as caracteristicas organizacionais condicionam a reputacao das empresas de capital aberto brasileiras. A partir de 1.396 observacoes coletadas entre os anos de 2002 e 2007 na BMF ja entre aquelas que as detem, maior alavancagem esta relacionada a maior reputacao.English Abstract: In this paper, we analyzed how the premium exchange listings (status), the board of directors and the organizational characteristics affect the reputation of brazilian listed companies. We collected 1396 observations from 2002 to 2007 on the BMF however, among those that already hold it, higher leverage is associated with higher reputation.