Eliza Bartolozzi Ferreira
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
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Featured researches published by Eliza Bartolozzi Ferreira.
Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação | 2015
Eliza Bartolozzi Ferreira
This study aims to analyze the challenges of educational planning in management of the municipal education system. Specifically, the goal is to understand whether implementing the Joint Action Plan follows the trail of hegemony and centrality of the state and/or is a means of providing voice to civil society in the conduct of public management. A case study determines that PAR performance depends on a balance of centralizing and decentralizing execution of actions to strengthen municipalities’ powers in educational planning. Moreover, it is essential to fulfill the state’s central role, to collaborate on the budget, management and pedagogical difficulties affecting local administrative entities. Perhaps educational planning can contribute to the desired federal balance.
Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação | 2015
Eliza Bartolozzi Ferreira
This study aims to analyze the challenges of educational planning in management of the municipal education system. Specifically, the goal is to understand whether implementing the Joint Action Plan follows the trail of hegemony and centrality of the state and/or is a means of providing voice to civil society in the conduct of public management. A case study determines that PAR performance depends on a balance of centralizing and decentralizing execution of actions to strengthen municipalities’ powers in educational planning. Moreover, it is essential to fulfill the state’s central role, to collaborate on the budget, management and pedagogical difficulties affecting local administrative entities. Perhaps educational planning can contribute to the desired federal balance.
Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação | 2015
Eliza Bartolozzi Ferreira
This study aims to analyze the challenges of educational planning in management of the municipal education system. Specifically, the goal is to understand whether implementing the Joint Action Plan follows the trail of hegemony and centrality of the state and/or is a means of providing voice to civil society in the conduct of public management. A case study determines that PAR performance depends on a balance of centralizing and decentralizing execution of actions to strengthen municipalities’ powers in educational planning. Moreover, it is essential to fulfill the state’s central role, to collaborate on the budget, management and pedagogical difficulties affecting local administrative entities. Perhaps educational planning can contribute to the desired federal balance.
Cadernos De Pesquisa | 2014
Eliza Bartolozzi Ferreira
This text belongs to the fi eld of studies on the evaluation of public policies and aims to analyze the educational planning carried out using PAR. More specifically, it intends to answer questions regarding the responsiveness of educational systems to the application of PAR and the ability of this planning tool to draw together the entities of the federation for the management of education. The analyses developed here are based on questions related to the process of centralizing/decentralizing educational policies. The implementation of PAR presents difficulties in achieving the goals of integration and collaboration between the entities of the Federation at the same time that it contributes to the development of planning and dialogue actions between educational systems.
Cadernos De Pesquisa | 2014
Eliza Bartolozzi Ferreira
This text belongs to the fi eld of studies on the evaluation of public policies and aims to analyze the educational planning carried out using PAR. More specifically, it intends to answer questions regarding the responsiveness of educational systems to the application of PAR and the ability of this planning tool to draw together the entities of the federation for the management of education. The analyses developed here are based on questions related to the process of centralizing/decentralizing educational policies. The implementation of PAR presents difficulties in achieving the goals of integration and collaboration between the entities of the Federation at the same time that it contributes to the development of planning and dialogue actions between educational systems.
Cadernos De Pesquisa | 2014
Eliza Bartolozzi Ferreira
This text belongs to the fi eld of studies on the evaluation of public policies and aims to analyze the educational planning carried out using PAR. More specifically, it intends to answer questions regarding the responsiveness of educational systems to the application of PAR and the ability of this planning tool to draw together the entities of the federation for the management of education. The analyses developed here are based on questions related to the process of centralizing/decentralizing educational policies. The implementation of PAR presents difficulties in achieving the goals of integration and collaboration between the entities of the Federation at the same time that it contributes to the development of planning and dialogue actions between educational systems.
Trabalho, Educação e Saúde | 2009
Eliza Bartolozzi Ferreira
EstelivroeresultadodeestudosepesquisasempreendidosnointeriordoProgramadePos-GraduacaoemEducacao/CentrodeEducacao/UniversidadedoPara.Erelevanteacontri-buicaodestaobranoconjuntodaproducaocientificaqueestudaaspoliticaseducacionaisimplantadasnoultimoquarteldoseculoXXeiniciodoseculoXXI.Astransformacoespoliti-cas,economicaseculturaisresultantesdopro-cessodeglobalizacaotiveramumimpactosigni-ficativonaorganizacaodaeducacaobrasileira,oquemotivouumaproducaorelativamenteex -tensadeconhecimentosobreaspoliticaseduca-cionais,reunindoumaconsideravelcontribui-caoparaopensamentoeapraticaeducacionalnopais.Estelivroseinserenessequadro.Emumaperspectivateoricacritica,estaobraofereceumpanoramadaspoliticaspubli-caseducacionaisdaatualidade,utilizando-sedediversosrecursosmetodologicoscomoestrate-giadeanalisedoobjetoemquestao,taiscomo:ahistoriografiaparaoestudodaorganizacaoes-colaremBelemeparaodebatedaexclusaoeelitizacaodaescolabrasileira;ahermeneuticacomorecursoparaacompreensaodotrabalhocomo principio educativo, tema importanteparaoseducadores,principalmente,devidoaatualimplantacaodapoliticadeEnsinoMediointegrado;eoestudodecaso,paraareflexaodaformacaodedocentesnaeducacaoprofissionalnobojodaspoliticasdoProgramadeEducacaodeJovenseAdultos(Proeja)edoProgramaNacionaldeInclusaodeJovens(Projovem),noPara.Alemdisso,olivrocontacomestudossobreapoliticadeavaliacaoinstitucionaldoEnsinoSuperioresobreocaraterdapoliticadeautonomiaescolardesenvolvidanoquadrodareformadoEstadobrasileiro.“Seotrabalhofoisempreumfatoeducati-vo,emquesentidoMarxpodeserconsideradoofundadordapedagogiaqueelegeotrabalhocomoseuprincipioeducativofundamental?”Comessapergunta,teminicioocapitulo1dolivro,sobotitulo“OtrabalhocomoprincipiopedagogicoemMarx,LenineGramsciesuaproblematicanaatualidade”.OtextoeumaproducaoconjuntadePaoloNosellaeElinilzeGuedesTeodoro,osquaisseutilizamdometo-dohermeneuticoouhistorico-filologico,poisoobjetivoeoestudodetextosapartirdossenti-dosdaspalavrasescritasemseucontextoorigi-nal. Os autores tiveram como preocupacaomostrarqueaoriginalidadedeMarxconsistiuemtransformarofatouniversalemprinci-pio teorico. Para comprovar essa assertiva,elessepautaramnaconhecidaobradeMarioAlighieroManacorda,
Educação & Sociedade | 2017
Eliza Bartolozzi Ferreira
Educação & Sociedade | 2017
Eliza Bartolozzi Ferreira; Monica Ribeiro da Silva
Poiésis - Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação | 2016
Eliza Bartolozzi Ferreira; Silvana Ventorim; Wagner dos Santos