Elżbieta Czarny
Warsaw School of Economics
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Featured researches published by Elżbieta Czarny.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica | 2018
Paweł Folfas; Elżbieta Czarny; Jerzy Menkes
In this article we search relationship between economic (also political) system and development opportunities of Belarus. We use interdisciplinary approach and analytical tools form economics, law and politics. The economy of Belarus, despite not finished transition, has been developing and strengthening relationships with abroad. However, at least a part of this success is connected with special economic and political ties with Russia.
Horyzonty Polityki | 2017
Elżbieta Czarny; Paweł Folfas; Jerzy Menkes
CEL NAUKOWY: Celem opracowania jest weryfikacja hipotezy, zgodnie z ktorą spośrod gospodarek doganiających wzglednie lepsze wyniki osiągają gospodarki otwarte, oparte na systemie demokratycznym oraz rynku. PROBLEM I METODY BADAWCZE: Analize prowadzimy na przykladzie związkow miedzy systemami polityczno-gospodarczymi a mozliwościami rozwojowymi Polski, Bialorusi i Serbii. Stosujemy podejście interdyscyplinarne, wykorzystując narzedzia nalezące do instrumentarium nauk ekonomicznych, prawnych i politycznych. PROCES WYWODU: Analizujemy procesy tworzenia systemow politycznych i gospodarczych oraz związki miedzy tymi systemami a mozliwościami rozwojowymi panstw. Te ostatnie badamy i porownujemy na podstawie podstawowych wskaźnikow makro- i mikroekonomicznych (PKB, PKB pc , eksportu, sald bilansow handlowych oraz wielkości i charakterystyki naplywu BIZ). WYNIKI ANALIZY NAUKOWEJ: Analize utrudniają wątpliwości co do wiarygodności danych statystycznych, zwlaszcza dotyczących Bialorusi, a takze – po cześci przynajmniej – nierynkowy charakter gospodarki tego panstwa. Dodatkowym problemem jest wzglednie poźne powstanie Serbii jako samodzielnego panstwa. WNIOSKI, INNOWACJE, REKOMENDACJE: Weryfikacja hipotezy o dodatniej korelacji miedzy wprowadzeniem w zycie zasad spoleczenstwa demokratycznego, panstwa prawa i gospodarki rynkowej a sukcesem gospodarczym nie powiodla sie. Na podstawie analizy danych makroekonomicznych Polski, Bialorusi i Serbii nie potwierdziliśmy hipotezy dotyczącej związku otwartości gospodarki z sukcesem gospodarczym glownie z powodu niedoskonalości dostepnych danych.
Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie | 2015
Elżbieta Czarny; Paweł Folfas
The activity of Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) can be measured by the various trade intensity indexes, for example the regional trade introversion index (RTII). The paper compares the intensity of intra-bloc trade with extra-bloc trade in 17 selected RTAs during the years 1995-2012. We analyse the trade of the regional blocs from all continents, which differ by the number of member states and the scope of economic integration as well as by their economic potential. The blocs include AFTA, ANZCERTA, APTA, CIS, ECO, ECOWAS, EFTA, EU, GCC, LAIA, MERCOSUR, NAFTA and SADC. The study prompts a number of conclusions. First, RTAs differ significantly in terms of their economic potential, the wealth of their citizens, trade openness and regional trade orientation. Second, RTAs with relatively poor citizens are characterised by high trade openness or a strong regional trade orientation, and probably treat trade as a basic factor of their economic growth. RTAs with relatively wealthy citizens, on the other hand, are oriented at trade with the rest of world or their regional trade orientation is no longer increasing (probably these RTAs cannot intensify intra-bloc trade).
Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy | 2015
Elżbieta Czarny; Paweł Folfas
We analyse potential consequences of the forthcoming Trade and Investment Partnership between the European Union and the United States (TTIP) for trade orientation of both partners. We do it so with along with the short analysis of the characteristics of the third wave of regionalism and the TTIP position in this process as well as the dominant role of the EU and the U.S. in the world economy – especially – in the world trade. Next, we study trade orientation of the hypothetical region created in result of TTIP. We use regional trade introversion index (RTII) to analyze trade between the EU and the U.S. that has taken place until now to get familiar with the potential changes caused by liberalization of trade between both partners. We analyze RTII for mutual trade of the EU and the U.S. Then, we apply disaggregated data to analyze and compare selected partial RTII (e.g. for trade in final and intermediate goods as well as goods produced in the main sectors of economy like agriculture or manufacturing). The analysis of the TTIP region’s orientation of trade based on the historical data from the period 1999-2012 revealed several conclusions. Nowadays, the trade between the EU and the U.S. is constrained by the protection applied by both partners. Trade liberalization constituting one necessary part of TTIP will surely help to intensify this trade. The factor of special concern is trade of agricultural products which is most constrained and will hardly be fully liberalized even within a framework of TTIP. Simultaneously, both parties are even now trading relatively intensively with intermediaries, which are often less protected than the average of the economy for the sake of development of final goods’ production. The manufactured goods are traded relatively often as well, mainly in consequence of their poor protection after many successful liberalization steps in the framework of GATT/WTO. Consequently, we point out that in many respects the TTIP will be important not only for its participants, but for the whole world economy as well. TTIP appears to be an economic and political project with serious consequences for the world economy and politics.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica | 2015
Katarzyna Śledziewska; Elżbieta Czarny
Projekt zostal sfinansowany ze środkow Narodowego Centrum Nauki przyznanych na podstawie decyzji nr DEC-2013/11/B/HS4/02126
International Business and Global Economy | 2014
Elżbieta Czarny; Jerzy Menkes; Katarzyna Śledziewska
In the paper we analyze the Trade and Investment Partnership between the United States and the European Union indicating its specific character. It comes with the parties’ particular characteristics (i.a. one party to a contract, the EU, is a collective entity). We examine both parties to the agreement and their position in the international trade in goods and services. The point of reference is global economy and BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China). We also examine the EU and the USA trade relations. The examination covers the years 1995–2012. We prove that the unification allows both the EU and the USA to take advantage of their significant role in the world trade to increase their impact on the global economic order. EU-US free trade and the agreement conclusion shall allow to intensify trade in services, and FDI flow shall allow to increase the advantage over BRIC countries (primarily China) and to make their economies independent from the instability of the emerging markets.
Archive | 2002
Elżbieta Czarny; Guenter Lang
Zeszyty Naukowe / Szkoła Główna Handlowa. Kolegium Gospodarki Światowej | 2012
Elżbieta Czarny; Katarzyna Śledziewska
Zeszyty Naukowe / Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu | 2009
Elżbieta Czarny; Jerzy Menkes; Katarzyna Śledziewska
The Poznań University of Economics Review | 2009
Elżbieta Czarny; Jerzy Menkes; Patryk Toporowski