Eun Gyoung Oh
National Fisheries Research & Development Institute
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Featured researches published by Eun Gyoung Oh.
Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | 2012
Eun Gyoung Oh; Hyun Duk Yoo; Hong Sik Yu; Kwang Soo Ha; Soon Bum Shin; Tae Seek Lee; Hee Jung Lee; Ji Hoe Kim; Kwang Tae Son
In coastal areas that are affected by continuous, seasonal or occasional pollution sources, bivalves accumulate biological contaminants such as pathogenic bacteria. We investigated the effect of natural seawater relaying and electrolyzed seawater depuration on the bacteriological quality of artificially contaminated oysters Crassostrea gigas and short-necked clams Ruditapes philippinarum to suggest an alternative method of shellfish sanitation control.When artificially contaminated oysters and short-necked clams (fecal coliform level 1,700 MPN/100 g) were relayed into a sea area of safe bacteriological water quality, the fecal coliform level dropped to below 110 MPN/100 g after 1 day. The bacteriological quality of oysters and short-necked clams that are contaminated at a fecal coliform level of 1,700 MPN/100 g could be improved, and become appropriate for raw consumption by a single day relay under proper environmental conditions. When artificially contaminated oysters (fecal coliform level 330 MPN/100 g) were depurated with electrolyzed seawater, 94% of fecal coliform was eliminated after 12 h and fecal coliform was undetectable after 24 h. After 24 h depuration with electrolyzed seawater, the fecal coliform level of short-necked clams with initial fecal coliform of 2,400 MPN/100 g was below 20 MPN/100 g. However, the fecal coliform level of short-necked clams with initial fecal coliform of 17,000 MPN/100 g was relatively high, at 790 MPN/100 g, even after 24 h of depuration with electrolyzed seawater, because of the repeated cycle of excretion and accumulation of fecal coliform in shellfish tissue under the closed depuration environment. Such natural seawater relaying and electrolyzed seawater depuration can be restrictively applied to improve or secure the bacteriological quality of oysters and short-necked clams in accordance with safety levels for bivalves for raw consumption.
Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | 2012
Ji Young Kwon; Kunbawui Park; Ki Cheol Song; Eun Gyoung Oh; Hee Jung Lee; Mi-Ra Jo; Ji Hoe Kim; Kwang Tae Son
From 1998 to 2008, the bacteriological quality of seawater in Kamak Bay, Korea, was monitored. The total and fecal coliforms in seawater were monitored as bacterial indicators, and the level of fecal coliform contamination was used to evaluate seawater quality. In the southern shellfish growing area of Kamak Bay, the observed fecal coliform geometric mean (GM) and estimated 90th percentile did not exceed the quality standards for fecal coliforms in seawater in Korea and th USA (GM
Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | 2013
Kunbawui Park; Jun Yong Park; Mi Ra Jo; Hong Sik Yu; Hee Jung Lee; Ji Hoe Kim; Eun Gyoung Oh; Soon Bum Shin; Yeon Kye Kim; Tae Seek Lee
This study evaluated the impact of antimicrobial resistant bacteria produced by inland pollution sources on coastal areas, and investigates antimicrobial resistance profiles of bacteria isolated from marine filter feeders. A total of 107 shellfish (short-necked clams Ruditapes philippinarum, ark shells Scapharca broughtonii, and oysters Crassostrea gigas) were collected from the southern coast of Korea, from which 204 Escherichia coli strains were isolated. The antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of isolated strains were analyzed for 15 antimicrobial agents used in Korea for clinical or veterinary therapy. Antimicrobial resistance was present in 44.6% of E. coli isolates against at least one antimicrobial agent. The rate of antimicrobial resistance in the Narodo area was higher than isolates from the Gangjinman area and Kamak Bay. E. coli isolates had a higher rate of resistance against: tetracycline (29.9%), streptomycin (25.5%), and trimethoprim (14.2%). Of 204 isolates, 29 (14.2%) were resistant to multiple antimicrobial agents.
Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | 2016
Mi Ra Jo; Yong Su Park; Kunbawui Park; Ji Young Kwon; Hong Sik Yu; Ki Cheol Song; Hee Jung Lee; Eun Gyoung Oh; Ji Hoe Kim; Tae Seek Lee; Poong Ho Kim
우리나라에서 패류는 연간 400천 톤 이상이 생산되고, 총 수산물 생산량의 14.3%를 차지하고 있으며 수천 년 동안 균들이인류에게 없어서는 안 될 중요한 동물성 영향을단백질 공급원이며 식량자원이다(MOF, 2013). 연안해역에 주로 서식하는 (Chae et al., 2005; Lee et al., 2005; Jeong et al., 2010). 패류는 육상과 인접해 있어 배수유역으로부터 유입되는 오염물질의 영향을 쉽게 받을 수 있으며 , 또한 이동성이 거의 없고, 여과섭이 활동을 통하여 먹이를 항균제가섭취하는 특성 때문에 패류는 해수 중에 부유하는 병원성 70% 세균, 바이러스 등을 체내에 쉽게 축적하게 된다(Grimes, 1991; Feldhusen, 2000). 최근 인구의 증가와 산업화로 인하여 일부 생활폐수, 산업폐수 내에그리고 사람이나 가축으로부터 배설된 분변 등의 오염원이 하수구나 있기하천을 통하여 해상으로 유입됨으로써 연안 해역의 수질에 악 내성균을영향을 미치고 있다(Hill et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2010). 또한, 기후변화의 영향으로 있다폭우의 빈도와 성에태풍의 강도 증가는 많은 강우를 발생시켜 분변성 오염물질들이 일시에 패류생산해역으로 유입되어 병원성세균 및 바이러스에 의해 쉽게 오염될 수 있다(Park et al., 2011; Park et al., 2012). 이러한분변성오염물질중에는항균제내성함유되어있어패류의위생학적안전성뿐만아니라해양상재세균의항균제내성획득에 미칠수있을것이다특히항균제를투여한 축산 동물이나 사람의 분변으로부터약제내성균이자연환경으로방출되기도하며사람이나동물에게투여한 완전히소화흡수되지않고섭취된항균제의경우약 정도가성분이변하지않은상태로배설된다는보고도있다(Kummerer, 2009). 한편, 대장균은사람이나동물의장상재하는정상세균총으로빈번하게투여되는항균제에노출되어 때문에항균제에의한내성획득과정을이해하고 모니터링함에있어매우유용한세균으로알려져(Levin et al., 1997). 이미국내에서도대장균의항균제내관한모니터링및연구가많이이루어지고있다(Chae et
Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | 2014
Min A Kim; Kil Bo Shim; Jae Sung Park; Eun Gyoung Oh; Soon Bum Shin; Kunbawui Park; Chi Won Lim
세계적으로 양식이 되고 있는 어패류 중 참굴(Crassostrea gigas)은 생산량과 가격에 있어서 가장 중요한 양식 품종의 하나 로 자리 잡고 있다(FAO, 2014). 우리나라에서 굴은 1897년 원산만에서 처음 양식되었으며, 1960년 이후부터 경남지역을 중심으로 연승수하식 방법이 널 리 보급되면서 생산량이 증가하였다. 2013년에는 연간 30,308 톤이 생산되었으며, 이중 경남지역이 25,906톤, 전남지역이 3,992톤을 생산하였다(KSIS, 2014). 우리나라 굴 소비는 산란이 끝난 10월에서 이듬해 2-3월 사 이이며, 이 시기에 굴은 산란에서 회복이 되고 체내에 글리코 겐을 축적하여 상품성이 높아지게 된다(Kim et al., 2009). 생 식소 발달과 더불어 저장되어 있는 에너지를 5-8월까지 소비 하고 가을과 겨울에 에너지를 다시 저장하는 것으로 알려져 있 다(Delaporte et al., 2006; Mallet et al., 2006). 특히 산란시기 는 비만도와 맛이 저하되며, 근육 조직이 다른 패류보다도 연하 여 소화 분해되기 쉬운 특성이 있어 식중독을 일으킬 확률이 높 고, 여름철 미생물 오염도 높아 굴 섭취량이 적은 것으로 사료 된다. 그러나 최근 굴 국밥 등 굴요리 전문점의 성업으로 냉동 굴보다는 생굴을 선호하고 있어 여름철에도 비계통적으로 생산 되고 있는 실정이다. 경남 거제만 및 자란만 굴(Crassostrea gigas)의 일반성분, pH, 글리코겐 함량의 월별 변화
Food Science and Biotechnology | 2011
Mi Ra Jo; Hee Jung Lee; Tae Seek Lee; Kunbawui Park; Eun Gyoung Oh; Poong Ho Kim; Doo Seog Lee; Masakazu Horie
Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | 2010
Tae Seek Lee; Eun Gyoung Oh; Hyeun Duck Yu; Kwang Soo Ha; Hong Sik Yu; Han Seok Byun; Ji Hoe Kim
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | 2012
Ji Hoe Kim; Toshiyuki Suzuki; Kil Bo Shim; Eun Gyoung Oh
Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology | 2009
Ka Jeong Lee; Toshiyuki Suzuki; Poong Ho Kim; Eun Gyoung Oh; Ki Cheol Song; Ji Hoe Kim
The Korean Journal of Malacology | 2017
Soon Bum Shin; Kwang Soo Ha; Ka Jung Lee; Sang Hyeon; Ji Hee Lee; Eun Gyoung Oh; Yeon Kye Kim; Hee Jung Lee