F. Nobrega
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Featured researches published by F. Nobrega.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2006
S.A. Gourlay; G. Ambrosio; N. Andreev; M. Anerella; E. Barzi; R. Bossert; S. Caspi; D.R. Dietderich; P. Ferracin; R. Gupta; A. Ghosh; A.R. Hafalia; C. R. Hannaford; M. Harrison; V. S. Kashikhin; V.V. Kashikhin; A.F. Lietzke; S. Mattafirri; A.D. McInturff; F. Nobrega; I. Novitsky; G. Sabbi; J. Schmazle; R. Stanek; D. Turrioni; P. Wanderer; R. Yamada; A.V. Zlobin
TUA2OR6 Magnet RD fax: 510-486-5310; e-mail: [email protected]). G. Ambrosio, N. Andreev, E. Barzi, R. Bossert, V. S. Kashikhin, V. V. Kashikhin, F. Nobrega, I. Novitsky, D. Turrioni, R. Yamada, and A.V. Zlobin are with Fermilab National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL 3 M. Anerella, A. Ghosh , , R. Gupta, M. Harrison, J. Schmazle, and P. Wanderer are with Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2011
G. Ambrosio; N. Andreev; M. Anerella; E. Barzi; B. Bingham; D. Bocian; R. Bossert; S. Caspi; G. Chlachidize; D.R. Dietderich; J. Escallier; H. Felice; P. Ferracin; A. Ghosh; A. Godeke; R. Hafalia; R. Hannaford; G. Jochen; V.V. Kashikhin; M. J. Kim; P. Kovach; M.J. Lamm; A.D. McInturff; J. Muratore; F. Nobrega; I. Novitsky; D. Orris; E. Prebys; S. Prestemon; G. Sabbi
In December 2009 during its first cold test, LQS01, the first Long Nb3Sn Quadrupole made by LARP (LHC Accelerator Research Program, a collaboration of BNL, FNAL, LBNL and SLAC), reached its target field gradient of 200 T/m. This target was set in 2005 by the US Department of Energy, CERN and LARP, as a significant milestone toward the development of Nb3Sn quadrupoles for possible use in LHC luminosity upgrades. LQS01 is a 90 mm aperture, 3.7 m long quadrupole using Nb3Sn coils. The coil layout is equal to the layout used in the LARP Technological Quadrupoles (TQC and TQS models). Pre-stress and support are provided by a segmented aluminum shell pre-loaded using bladders and keys, similarly to the TQS models. After the first test the magnet was disassembled, reassembled with an optimized pre-stress, and reached 222 T/m at 4.5 K. In this paper we present the results of both tests and the next steps of the Long Quadrupole R&D.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2013
A.V. Zlobin; N. Andreev; Giorgio Apollinari; Bernhard Auchmann; E. Barzi; R. Bossert; G. Chlachidze; M. Karppinen; F. Nobrega; I. Novitski; L. Rossi; D. Smekens; D. Turrioni; Ryota Yamada
The upgrade of the LHC collimation system foresees installation of additional collimators around the LHC ring. The longitudinal space for the collimators could be provided by replacing some 8.33 T NbTi LHC main dipoles with shorter 11 T Nb3Sn dipoles compatible with the LHC lattice and main systems. To demonstrate this possibility, FNAL and CERN have started a joint program with the goal of building a 5.5 m long twin-aperture dipole prototype suitable for installation in the LHC. The first step of this program is the development of a 2 m long single-aperture demonstrator dipole with a nominal field of 11 T at the LHC nominal current of 11.85 kA and ~ 20% margin. This paper describes the design, construction, and test results of the first single-aperture Nb3Sn demonstrator dipole model.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2012
E. Barzi; N. Andreev; M. Karppinen; V. Lombardo; F. Nobrega; D. Turrioni; Ryota Yamada; A.V. Zlobin
Fermilab and CERN started the development of 11 T Nb3Sn dipoles 11 m long to replace a few regular LHC NbTi dipoles and free space for cold collimators in LHC dispersion suppression (DS) areas. An important step in the design of these magnets is the development of the high aspect ratio Nb3Sn cable to achieve the nominal field of 11 T at the nominal LHC operating current of 11.85 kA with 20% margin. Keystoned cables 14.7 mm wide with and without a stainless steel core were made out of hard Cu wires and Nb3Sn strand of 0.7 mm nominal diameter. The cable optimization process was aimed at achieving both mechanical stability and minimal damage to the internal architecture of the Restacked-Rod Process (RRP) Nb3Sn strands with 127 restack design to be used in the magnet short models. Each cable was characterized electrically for transport properties degradation at high fields, for flux jump stability at low fields, and metallographically for internal damage.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2009
Giorgio Ambrosio; N. Andreev; Michael Anerella; E. Barzi; R. Bossert; S. Caspi; Guram Chlachidize; D.R. Dietderich; H. Felice; P. Ferracin; A. Ghosh; R. Hafalia; R. Hannaford; G. Jochen; V.V. Kashikhin; P. Kovach; M.J. Lamm; A.F. Lietzke; Al McInturff; Joseph F. Muratore; F. Nobrega; I. Novitsky; S. Peggs; S. Prestemon; GianLuca Sabbi; J. Schmalzle; D. Turrioni; P. Wanderer; G. Whitson; Alexander V. Zlobin
The U.S. LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP) has started the fabrication of 3.7-m long Nb3Sn quadrupole models. The Long Quadrupoles (LQ) are ldquoProof-of-Principlerdquo magnets which are to demonstrate that Nb3Sn technology is mature for use in high energy particle accelerators. Their design is based on the LARP Technological Quadrupole (TQ) models, developed at FNAL and LBNL, which have design gradients higher than 200 T/m and an aperture of 90 mm. The plans for the LQ R&D and a design update are presented and discussed in this paper. The challenges of fabricating long accelerator-quality Nb3Sn coils are presented together with the solutions adopted for the LQ coils (based on the TQ experience). During the fabrication and inspection of practice coils some problems were found and corrected. The fabrication at BNL and FNAL of the set of coils for the first Long Quadrupole is in progress.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2009
P. Ferracin; Giorgio Ambrosio; Michael Anerella; B. Bingham; R. Bossert; S. Caspi; D. W. Cheng; H. Felice; A.R. Hafalia; C. R. Hannaford; F. Nobrega; S. Prestemon; GianLuca Sabbi; J. Schmalzle; Frederic Trillaud; P. Wanderer; Alexander V. Zlobin
The 3.7 m long quadrupole magnet LQS01 represents a major step of the US LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP) towards the development of long Nb3Sn accelerator quadrupole magnets for a LHC Luminosity upgrade. The magnet support structure is a scale up of the 1 m long Technology Quadrupole TQS design with some modifications suggested by TQS model test results. It includes an aluminum shell pre-tensioned over iron yokes using pressurized bladders and locking keys (bladder and key technology). The axial support is provided by two stainless steel end plates compressed against the coil ends by four stainless steel rods. The structure, instrumented with strain gauges, has been fabricated and assembled around four aluminum ldquodummy coilsrdquo to determine pre-load homogeneity and mechanical characteristics during cool-down. After presenting the main magnetic and mechanical parameters of LQS01, we report in this paper on the design, assembly, and test of the support structure, with a comparison between strain gauges data and 3D finite element model results.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2007
E. Barzi; Giorgio Ambrosio; N. Andreev; R. Bossert; R. Carcagno; S. Feher; V. S. Kashikhin; V.V. Kashikhin; M.J. Lamm; F. Nobrega; I. Novitski; Y. Pishalnikov; C. Sylvester; M. Tartaglia; D. Turrioni; Ryota Yamada; A.V. Zlobin; Mark Field; Seong-Kwan Hong; Jeff Parrell; Ye Zhang
The high performance NbSn strand produced by Oxford Superconducting Technology (OST) with the Restack Rod Process (RRP) is presently considered as a baseline conductor for the Fermilabs accelerator magnet R∓mp;mp;D program. To improve the strand stability in the current and field range expected in magnet models, the number of subelements in the strand was increased by a factor of two (from 54 to 108), which resulted in a smaller effective filament size. The performance of the 1.0 and 0.7 mm strands of this design was studied using virgin and deformed strand samples. 27-strand Rutherford cables made of 1 mm strand were also tested using a superconducting transformer, small racetrack and 1-m shell-type dipole coils. This paper presents the RRP strand and cable parameters, and reports the results of strand, cable and coil testing.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2016
P. Ferracin; G. Ambrosio; M. Anerella; A. Ballarino; H. Bajas; M. Bajko; B. Bordini; R. Bossert; D. W. Cheng; D.R. Dietderich; G. Chlachidze; L D Cooley; H. Felice; A. Ghosh; R. Hafalia; E F Holik; S. Izquierdo Bermudez; P. Fessia; Philippe Grosclaude; Michael Guinchard; M. Juchno; S. Krave; Friedrich Lackner; M. Marchevsky; Vittorio Marinozzi; F. Nobrega; L. Oberli; Heng Pan; Jorge Pérez; H. Prin
The High Luminosity (HiLumi) Large Hadron Collider (LHC) project has, as the main objective, to increase the LHC peak luminosity by a factor five and the integrated luminosity by a factor ten. This goal will be achieved mainly with a new interaction region layout, which will allow a stronger focusing of the colliding beams. The target will be to reduce the beam size in the interaction points by a factor of two, which requires doubling the aperture of the low-β (or inner triplet) quadrupole magnets. The use of Nb3Sn superconducting material and, as a result, the possibility of operating at magnetic field levels in the windings higher than 11 T will limit the increase in length of these quadrupoles, called MQXF, to acceptable levels. After the initial design phase, where the key parameters were chosen and the magnets conceptual design finalized, the MQXF project, a joint effort between the U.S. LHC Accelerator Research Program and the Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN), has now entered the construction and test phase of the short models. Concurrently, the preparation for the development of the full-length prototypes has been initiated. This paper will provide an overview of the project status, describing and reporting on the performance of the superconducting material, the lessons learnt during the fabrication of superconducting coils and support structure, and the fine tuning of the magnet design in view of the start of the prototyping phase.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2007
G. Ambrosio; N. Andreev; M. Anerella; E. Barzi; R. Bossert; D.R. Dietderich; S. Feher; P. Ferracin; A. Ghosh; S.A. Gourlay; V.V. Kashikhin; A.F. Lietzke; A.D. McInturff; J. Muratore; F. Nobrega; G. Sabbi; J. Schmalzle; P. Wanderer; A.V. Zlobin
The LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP) has a primary goal to develop, assemble, and test full size Nb3Sn quadrupole magnet models for a luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). A major milestone in this development is to assemble and test, by the end of 2009, two 4 m-long quadrupole cold masses, which will be the first Nb3Sn accelerator magnet models approaching the length of real accelerator magnets. The design is based on the LARP Technological Quadrupoles (TQ), under development at FNAL and LBNL, with gradient higher than 200 T/m and aperture of 90 mm. The mechanical design will be chosen between two designs presently explored for the TQs: traditional collars and Al-shell based design (preloaded by bladders and keys). The fabrication of the first long quadrupole model is expected to start in the last quarter of 2007. Meanwhile the fabrication of 4 m-long racetrack coils started this year at BNL. These coils will be tested in an Al-shell based supporting structure developed at LBNL. Several challenges have to be addressed for the successful fabrication of long Nb3Sn coils. This paper presents these challenges with comments and solutions adopted or under study for these magnets. The coil design of these magnets, including conductor and insulation features, and quench protection studies are also presented.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2014
A.V. Zlobin; N. Andreev; Giorgio Apollinari; Bernhard Auchmann; H. Bajas; E. Barzi; R. Bossert; G. Chlachidze; M. Karppinen; F. Nobrega; I. Novitski; L. Rossi; D. Smekens; D. Turrioni
FNAL and CERN are performing an R&D program with the goal of developing a 5.5 m long twin-aperture 11 T Nb3Sn dipole suitable for installation in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). An important part of the program is the development and test of a series of short single-aperture and twin-aperture models with a nominal field of 11 T at the LHC nominal current of 11.85 kA and 20% margin. This paper describes design and fabrication features, and test results of a 1 m long single-aperture Nb3Sn dipole model tested at FNAL.