Georg Spöttl
University of Bremen
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Featured researches published by Georg Spöttl.
Journal of European Industrial Training | 2008
Jessica Blings; Georg Spöttl
Purpose – This paper seeks to concentrate on bottom‐up approaches in order to promote a European vocational education and training (VET) concept. The overall aim of this article is to demonstrate that sophisticated approaches still have a chance of becoming common practice in European countries.Design/methodology/approach – The centre of the article is the discussion of a core occupational profile called ECO‐recycler, which tends to be an alternative to the discussion of a uniform European Qualification Framework. The method of participatory discourse is applied in order to shape a VET space jointly with European partners. However, the partnership should not only discuss an abstract level because the implementation of the ECO‐recycler is the main target of the discourse and it will be demonstrated how it works.Findings – After the clarification of a bottom‐up approach, the implementation process of a core occupational profile in the partner countries is described.Research limitations/implications – The em...
European Journal of Training and Development | 2017
Vidmantas Tūtlys; Georg Spöttl
Purpose This paper aims to explore methodological and institutional challenges on application of the work-process analysis approach in the design and development of competence-based occupational standards for Lithuania. Design/methodology/approach The theoretical analysis is based on the review of scientific literature and the analysis of documents and methodical instruments (curricula and occupational standards). Empirical research is based on the observation and analysis of the processes of designing work-process-based occupational standards for Lithuania, including the face-to-face interviews with involved work-process experts on the shop-floor and stakeholders. Findings The application of a work-process-based approach in designing sectoral occupational standards enhances comprehensive and systemic design of qualifications. Work-process analysis approach helps to focus on the holistic concept of competence by considering different dimensions of work-processes. However, design and implementation of work-process-based occupational standards for the transitional and predominantly school-based vocational education and training (VET) systems encounter multiple methodological and institutional challenges. Research limitations/implications The findings of research are based on the analysis and evaluation of the design of sectoral-occupational standards in the beginning and middle stages of this process. These findings can help to draw the assumptions about potential implications of implementation of these standards to the development of competence-based VET but are not sufficient to provide comprehensive and detailed forecasts. Originality/value The paper explores and evaluates an application of the innovative work process approach in the design and development of qualifications for the concrete country.
European Journal of Training and Development | 2013
Georg Spöttl
Purpose – Parity of esteem between general and vocational education is a widely discussed topic in those countries which have established a system of vocational education and training (VET) beside the system of general education, leading to numerous qualifications and licenses. This paper aims to address this issue. Design/methodology/approach – An explorative consideration of curricular basic structures of TVET and higher education will reveal the qualitative differences in the different study courses and entailing barriers for permeability between TVET and higher education. A deepening analysis compares the curricular structures and evaluates the differences with the aid of selected criteria. Findings – The article clarifies the hidden obstacles of permeability between vocational and higher education, and points out ways to shape lateral and vertical permeability with a view to career paths to build up human capabilities. However, until now most of these do not entail permeability to learning pathways i...
Archive | 2017
Georg Spöttl; Frank Musekamp
Since the implementation of the Bologna process, there has been more attention to the quality of engineering study courses and to necessity of measuring the extent to which these courses facilitate and support the acquisition of engineering competence of students. So far it is not possible to assess this in a reliable and valid way because of missing models of competence. The foundation of all competence diagnostics is (1) a model of competencies which need to be developed, and (2) the subsequent development and application of adequate test instruments. This chapter proposes a competence model as the basis for an assessment of learning results in mechanical engineering, and places it within the current state of empirical educational research. Hypotheses on the competence structure and on the levels of mechanical engineering students will be derived from the model. The outcome can be used as a step forward for more transparency of the teaching processes and how teaching might be optimized by using the results of assessments.
Archive | 2017
Georg Spöttl
We are currently experiencing a re-orientation towards industrial work under the keyword “Industry 4.0”. The structural change towards a service economy, proclaimed in the twentieth century, has been caught up by the industry. The share of the industry in terms of gross value added has been comparatively stable in Germany since the 1990s and today amounts to around 25 % (cf. Ahrens and Spottl, Digitalisierung industrieller Arbeit, Edition Sigma, Baden-Baden, 2015; Bauernhansl, Industrie 4.0 in Produktion, Automatisierung und Logistik. Anwendungen—Technologien—Migration, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2014, p. 7). “Industry 4.0” has become a new key term in the context of the “Future of the World of Work”. There are a number of considerations and activities and a stepwise increasing use of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) in order to accelerate the implementation of “Industry 4.0”. This has a considerable impact on the skilled employees, above all on skilled workers, master craftsmen and technicians. One of the central questions is whether this group of employees will still find its place in tomorrow’s “intelligent” and digitalized production. This question will be discussed in this article.
ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb | 2015
Frank Molzow-Voit; Moritz Quandt; Michael Freitag; Georg Spöttl
Kurzfassung In diesem Beitrag werden die Konzeption und die Durchführung einer Weiterbildung für das Themenfeld Robotik in der Logistik beschrieben. Dafür werden die Bedarfe einer solchen Weiterbildung aufgezeigt und die mithilfe berufswissenschaftlicher Methoden erhobenen Anforderungen dargestellt. Das auf diesen Erhebungen basierende didaktische Konzept stellen die Autoren im Anschluss vor. Mit der Beschreibung der Erfahrungen aus der Umsetzung ausgewählter Module der konzipierten Weiterbildungsmaßnahme und den Ansätzen zur Verstetigung dieser Weiterbildung schließt der Beitrag ab.
Research in Comparative and International Education | 2011
Marc Schütte; Georg Spöttl
Developing countries such as Malaysia and Oman have recently established occupational standards based on core work processes (functional clusters of work objects, activities and performance requirements), to which competencies (performance determinants) can be linked. While the development of work-process-based occupational standards is supposed to have a positive effect on human resource development and economic prosperity, a continuing problem is associated with the evaluation of such standards. Evaluation of occupational standards has two angles of interest: (a) competence assessment (considering approval of workers); and (b) matching analysis (considering the difference between standard and work-process structures). The working hypothesis of this article is that occupational entry-level tests, an established means of competence assessment, can be utilised for matching analysis – that is, item development and field tests can provide qualitative and quantitative feedback about the relationship between standard structures and the requirements of current work-process structures. The article reflects experiences from the Sultanate of Oman. In particular, the text describes the strategy of (classical) test development and presents exemplary results. The final conclusion is that test development is a feedback mechanism and a decision-making resource linking prospective standards with the status quo in VET systems and related economic sectors.
Archive | 2016
Michael Freitag; Frank Molzow-Voit; Moritz Quandt; Georg Spöttl
In der industriellen Fertigung werden aktuell verschiedene Stufen der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Mensch und Roboter unterschieden, die mit einer zunehmenden Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Maschine einhergehen. Zu den moglichen Zukunftsszenarien gehort die unmittelbare Zusammenarbeit zwischen Mensch und Roboter in einem geteilten Arbeitsraum. Es stehen vor allem zwei Szenarien zur Diskussion. Im ersten Fall ware der Roboter als ein Assistenzsystem zu verstehen, das selbstandig agiert, aber vom Menschen fur ausgewahlte Handhabungsaufgaben eingesetzt wird. Im zweiten Fall ware der Roboter Kooperationspartner fur den Menschen und in der Entscheidung und Wahrnehmung von Aufgaben diesem mehr oder weniger gleich gestellt. Der Roboter als Assistenzsystem kann als iterative Weiterentwicklung des bisherigen Robotereinsatzes verstanden werden, wohingegen eine mehr oder weniger gleichberechtigte Kollaboration zwischen Mensch und Roboter voraussetzt, dass die Generierung und das Abrufen von Wissen durch den Roboter stattfindet und zusammen mit seiner Mobilitat fur die Bewaltigung von Aufgaben genutzt wird. Vermutlich kann kunftig von einer engeren Zusammenarbeit zwischen Mensch und Maschine ausgegangen werden, die aber weiterhin durch den Menschen bestimmt bleibt.
Archive | 2013
Lars Windelband; Georg Spöttl
The introduction of ICT-systems (ICT: Information- and communication technologies) has led to fundamental changes in numerous fields of the world of work in recent years. Above all the networking with the aid of ICT-applications (e.g. safety systems in cars, airplanes etc.) has created many possibilities to monitor complex systems and processes and to control them more and more without human interference. Weyer (Autonomie und Kontrolle. Arbeiten in hybriden Systemen am Beispiel der Luftfahrt. Technikfolgenabschatzung—Theorie und Praxis Nr. Dortmund, 2007, p. 35) comments this development as follows: „Ein besonderes Merkmal der jungsten Entwicklung ist zudem das scheinbar unaufhorliche Vordringen autonomer technischer Systeme, die immer mehr zu Mitspielern in derartigen Netzwerken geworden sind“ (Translation: A special characteristic of this recent development is the apparently continuous permeation of autonomous technical systems which have increasingly become players in such networks). The emergence of “hybrid constellations, permeated by human actors and (semi)autonomous machines” (cf. ibid.) is one of the consequences of this development. As it will be shown later, the autonomy of ICT-systems has been stepwise increasing while the role of the human actors is taking a back seat. The triggers are new high-tech-developments in the field of RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) (Want et al. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2006, 5:25–33) and the “Internet of Things” [The term is attributed to Kevin Ashton who used the expression “Internet of Things” for the first time in 1999 (Ashton, RFID Journal., 2009). The “Internet of Things” describes the combination of the real world with the virtual world of information technology by means of automatic identification technologies, realtime locating systems, sensors and actuators (Uckelmann et al. Architecting the Internet of Things. Springer, Berlin, 2011, p. 2). As for the field of logistics, the Institut fur Materialfluss und Logistik – IML – Institute for Material Flow and Logistics defines the “Internet of Things” as the autonomous, self-controlled transport of logistic objects from the sender to the consignee (cf. ten Hompel in Internet der dinge: status, perspektiven, aspekte der aktuellen RFID-Entwicklung. Vortrag, 2005)]. A new level of technical development has thus been reached by this autonomous control of corporate processes. It exerts a crucial influence on the social and economic forms of organization and on the organization of work. Contrary to machines which carry out tasks and processes determined and controlled by human beings, the networked systems in the “Internet of Things” are able to make their own decisions. The implementation of the “Internet of Things” therefore marks a new level of the division of work in the field of man–machine-interaction.
Archive | 2012
Daniela Ahrens; Georg Spöttl
Die Autoren Martin Baethge und Volker Baethge-Kinsky kundigten bereits im Jahr 1998 in ihrem Aufsatz „Jenseits von Beruf und Beruflichkeit“ die Erosion des Berufs als lebenslangem Orientierungsrahmen an und prognostizierten, dass „die Beruflichkeit als Organisationskern fur Ausbildungs- und Arbeitsprozesse wie fur soziale Sicherung und gesellschaftliche Integration insgesamt an Funktionsfahigkeit einbust und immer mehr in Abwind gerat“ (Baethge/Baethge- Kinsky 1998, 462). Die Mitte der 1990er Jahre entfachte Diskussion um die Zukunft des dualen Systems der deutschen Berufsausbildung reagierte auf die strukturellen gesellschaftlichen Veranderungen und hier insbesondere auf den sektoralen Wandel sowie den damit einhergehenden Zuwachs an Dienstleistungstatigkeiten.