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Featured researches published by Gordana Đurić.

European Journal of Plant Pathology | 2016

Vmp1 and stamp genes variability of ‘Candidatus phytoplasma solani’ in Bosnian and Herzegovinian grapevine

Duška Delić; Bachir Balech; Mariana Radulović; Biljana Lolić; Ana Karačić; Vera Vukosavljević; Gordana Đurić; Tatjana Jovanović Cvetković

Bois noir is one of the most important diseases caused by ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ affecting grapevine in the Euro-Mediterranean area. ‘Ca. P. solani’ characterization plays a significant role in its diagnosis, control and understanding of its epidemiology. In the present study, two genes encoding membrane proteins, namely vmp1 and stamp, were used to assess the genetic variability of 18 ‘Ca. P. solani’ grapevine isolates from the Herzegovina region (B&H), previously characterised as tuf-b type. Nested-PCR/RFLP and sequence analyses of vmp1 gene showed the presence of three profiles V17, V14 and V4 where V17 was highly prevalent. Phylogenetic analysis of stamp gene revealed the presence of four different genotypes, where Rqg50 was the most frequent. Finally, the combined results of tuf, vmp1 and stamp genes, reported three previously identified genotypes from Serbia, Austria and Montenegro, and two newly described ones (DB1 and DB2). Although performed only on ‘Ca. P. solani’ isolates from infected grapevines, this study provides useful molecular information to get better insight on BN epidemiology in B&H.

Horticultural Science | 2016

Biochemical and pomological assessment of European pear accessions from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Gordana Đurić; Mirjana Žabić; Marina Rodić; Sanda Stanivuković; Borut Bosančić; Boris Pašalić

The research on 10 old and indigenous pear cultivars was conducted during 2012 and 2013 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The following characteristics were determined: fruit weight, fruit length and width, stalk length and width, fruit flesh firmness ; soluble solids content and total dry matter content of the fruit juice ; pH, titratable acidity, vitamin C, total phenolics, total flavonoids and antioxidant activity of the fruit cell juice. On the basis of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of pomological fruit characteristics the studied cultivars were divided into four main groups. Based on the PCA of biochemical traits the studied cultivars can be divided into three groups. Extremely high phenolic content in the cvs Mioljnjaca, Žutica, Poljakinja, Karamut and Gradiscanka recommends them for their inclusion in a breeding programme. The cvs Mioljnjaca and Poljakinja are also characterised by large and firm fruit and since the antioxidant capacity affects the duration of fruit storage, it is expected that these traditionally grown varieties can survive longer and keep their valuable nutritional ingredients longer.

European Journal of Plant Pathology | 2018

Molecular identification of Tomato spotted wilt virus on pepper and tobacco in Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Duška Delić; Bachir Balech; Mariana Radulović; Zorica Đurić; Biljana Lolić; Monica Santamaria; Gordana Đurić

Surveys for TSWV presence and distribution on vegetable, ornamental and tobacco plants were conducted during 2016 in open fields and greenhouses in different locations in Republic of Srpska, district of Bosnia and Herzegovina. One hundred and twelve samples were taken and preliminarily tested for TSWV presence with DAS-ELISA. Positive samples were double-checked in RT-PCR assays using specific primer sets and subsequently partial sequences of RdRp and N region genes were characterized. Serological and molecular results revealed twenty-seven TSWV positive samples (two peppers and twenty-five tobacco plants). Moreover, phylogenetic analyses showed that these isolates share the same gene pool and a similar evolutionary pattern mainly with other isolates present in Europe and Russia.


Rast korjena deset vegetativnih podloga jabuke u dva zemljišna supstrata

Slobodan Stojnić; Gordana Đurić; Nikola Mićić; Miljan Cvetković; Rodoljub Oljača

Rast korjenovog sistema deset vegetativnih podloga jabuke (5 klonova podloge M9: T337; Burgmer 984; Fleuron 56; Pajam®1 Lancep i Pajam®2 Cepiland; Jork 9, Mark (MAC 9), M26, Supporter 4 i MM106) analiziran je u toku 2013. godine u dva modifikovana zemljisna supstrata u kontrolisanom kontejnerskom gajenju. Analiziran je broj, ukupna i prosjecna dužina korjenova I poretka kao i ukupan i prosjecan broj korjenova II poretka grananja. Rezultati analiza pokazuju da je kod svih ispitivanih podloga ukupna dužina korjena veca u supstratu 2 (kombinacija bastenske zemlje, treseta i pijeska) u odnosu na supstrat 1 (oranicni sloj pseudoglejnog zemljista), osim kod podloga Jork i M9 B984. Broj korjenova II poretka grananja kod svih podloga bio je veci u supstratu 2, osim podloga Jork i Pajam 2. Dobijeni rezultati analize rasta korjena vegetativnih podloga jabuke su prva istraživanja rasta ovih podloga u BiH.


Morphological Characterization of Buds Being Donors of Apex for Molecular Confirmation of Differentiation of Meristem into Permanent Tissues of Stone Fruit Trees (Prunus sp.)

Nikola Mićić; Gordana Đurić

Molecular confirmation of the process of differentiation of meristematic tissue of plants is primarily based on histomorphological characterization of the tissues carrying these processes. For perennial plants – fruit trees, the knowledge of these processes is important to define runtime type and pomotechnical treatments but also to identify the genes responsible for determination of the apices into a generative phase of differentiation. Which apex extraction techniques will be applied depends on the structure of buds, i.e. whether an apex differentiates only into generative elements – pure flower buds, or the differentiation goes into two directions: differentiation of leaf primordium with axillar meristematic dome and differentiation of generative elements of flowers in the peak or lateral zone of an apex – mixed buds. The fruit trees of the genus Prunus have purely flower buds and for this purpose the whole apex is taken, between protection – cover leaves, on lateral positions of all collateral buds at shoot nodes. The moment of initiation of determination and the dynamics of differentiation of generative buds are different at different type of shoots on a tree. It is therefore necessary to know the shoots growth cessation time which is in correlation with apex determination. Fruit trees of the genus Prunus are ending the growth of shoots by rejection of shoot peaks, and the cast away time depends on the type, length and the position of shoots.


Sanitary Status of the Grapevine Germplasm Collection in Republic of Srpska

Duška Delić; Biljana Lolić; Gordana Đurić; Tatjana Jovanović-Cvetković

In July 2015, 179 grapevine plants belonging to 16 grapevine autochthonous cultivars were assessed for sanitary status using DAS ELISA test for the presence of: Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 1 (GLRaV-1), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 2 (GLRaV-2)and Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 (GLRaV-3). Furthermore, surveyfor the phytoplasma presence and laboratory analyses using nested-PCR/RFLP assay was conducted at the beginning of September 2015 on grapevine cultivars which were not positive in DAS ELISA test for the presence of the four viruses. Out of 179 tested plants with DAS ELISA test, 146 (81%) were positive for the presence of at least one virus. The most widespread viruses were GFLaV- 1 and GFLaV- 3 with approximately 80 % of grapevines infected. Nested–PCR/RFLP assay showed that out of 33 tested samples 2 were positive for the presence of phytoplasmas from 16SrXII group. Sanitation of infected grapevine cultivars is needed in near future.


Morfološko-anatomske karakteristike jednogodišnjih prirasta podloga jabuke

Slobodan Stojnić; Nikola Mićić; Gordana Đurić; Miljan Cvetković; Viktor Gjamovski

Anatomsko-morfoloske karakteristike izdanaka vegetativnih podloga jabuke (5 klonova podloge M9: T337; Burgmer 984; Fleuron 56; Pajam®1 Lancep i Pajam®2 Cepiland; Jork 9, Mark (MAC 9), M26, Supporter 4 i MM106) ispitivane su u 2013. i 2014. godini, u periodu mirovanja vegetacije. Ispitivane podloge gajene su u modifikovanom zemljisnom supstratu preporucenom za proizvodnju kontejnerskih sadnica, a koji predstavlja smjesu zemljista, pijeska i treseta u odnosu 1:1:1. Kod svih podloga utvrđene su vrijednosti dijametra izdanaka na visini od 25 cm, ukupna povrsina poprecnog presjeka, povrsina kore na poprecnom presjeku i procentualna zastupljenost kore u ukupnoj povrsini poprecnog presjeka izdanka. Dijametar izdanka najveci je kod podloge Pajam 2, a samim tim i povrsina poprecnog presjeka, dok je najmanja vrijednost dijametra i povrsina poprecnog presjeka izdanaka konstatovana kod podloge Mark. Najveci udio kore u ukupnoj povrsini presjeka zabilježen je kod podloge Supporter 4, a najmanji kod podloge Pajam 2. Klonovi podloge M9 međusobno ne pokazuju znacajne razlike u pitanju procentualnog udjela kore u poprecnom presjeku. Nije utvrđena direktna veza između udjela kore u presjeku izdanka i dijametra izdanka.


Yield Potential of Long Bearing Shoots of Ten Plum Cultivars (Prunus domestica L.)

Nikola Mićić; Gordana Đurić; Aleksandar Životić

The yield potential of ten plum cultivars (‘Cacaks Beauty’, ‘Cacaks Best’, ‘Cacaks Fruitful’, ‘California Blue’, ‘Elena’, ‘Hanita’, ‘Katinka’, ‘Renclode Althan’, ‘Stanley’, and ‘Top’), exhibited through the structure of buds on long bearing shoots, was analyzed under the agro-ecological growing conditions of the Banja Luka region for two fruiting seasons (2012 and 2013). Long bearing shoots with collateral buds were the most productive type of fruiting branches, which is why the structure of buds on these branches is the basis for defining specific cultural measures in order to boost yield potential. Based on the established structure of buds on the nodes along the long bearing shoots and the established yield potential, the plum cultivars evaluated were classified into 4 groups: 1) cultivars with a predisposition to have a high yield potential, without need for specific treatments in fruiting control (‘Cacaks Beauty’ and ‘Top’); 2) cultivars with a predisposition to have a high yield potential with the application of cultivar-specific cultural measures for control of fruiting (‘Cacaks Best’, ‘Elena’, and ‘Stanley’); 3) cultivars that require differentiated cultural measures in the control of yield potential for regular fruiting (‘Cacaks Fruitful’, ‘California Blue’, and ‘Katinka’) and 4) cultivars that require innovative growing systems and specific cultural treatments to control fruiting (‘Hanita’ and ‘Renclode Althan’).


Biologija rasta i razvoja maline (Rubus ideaus L.) kao osnova za definisanje pomotehnike u intenziviranju sistema gajenja

Nikola Mićić; Gordana Đurić; Miljan Cvetković; Aleksandar Životić

Analiza osnovnih procesa u formiranju i realizaciji rodnog potencijala nadzemnih prirasta – pseudostabla rizoma maline, pokazuje da se kljucno pitanje u definisanju visoko intenzivnih sistema gajenja odnosi na kontrolu formiranja novih etioliranih – podzemnih prirasta koji se ukorenjavaju neposredno po formiranju kao i tokom formiranja njihovih nadzemnih prirasta. Naime, nadzemni prirasti – rodne grane, kao nosioci mesovitih pupoljaka maline (generativni popoljci sa diferenciranim primordijama cvetova cvasti, primordijama listova i osovine plodonosnih mladara, ali bez vegetacionih kupa) koji istovremeno sa rastom i razvojem u prvoj godini formiraju i sopstveni koren, odnosno koji se u vegetaciji formiranja i ukorenjavaju, predstavljaju priraste sa najvecim bioloskim potencijalom na rod. Tako se pomotehnicki zahvati u kontroli formiranja nadzemnih prirasta na sopstvenom korenu odnose na pomotehnicki tretman uklanjanja nadzemnih prirasta koji su plodonosili i to sa delom podzemnog stabla, cime se sprecava formiranje sekundarnih nadzemnih prirasta iz bocnih pupoljaka razlicitih poredaka grananja podzemnog stabla, koji se bude i aktiviraju posle uklanjanja nadzemnih prirasta koji su plodonosili.


Biohemijsko - fiziološke karakteristike ploda kruške u zavisnosti od položaja na stablu

Sanda Stanivuković; Boris Pašalić; Gordana Đurić

Biohemijsko - fizioloska proucavanja plodova kruske sorte Pakams trijumf na razlicitim pozicijama (vrh, sredina, baza) i ekspozicijama (istok, zapad) na stablu izvrsena su u toku 2010. i 2011. godine u zasadu kruske u Jurkovici - opstina Gradiska. Stabla ispitivane sorte zasađena su u pravcu sjever - jug, gajena u uzgojnom obliku vitko vreteno na sijancu divlje kruske i u vrijeme istraživanja nalazila su se periodu punog plodonosenja. Plodovi su analazirani neposredno nakon berbe i nakon mjesec dana skladistenja u hladnjaci sa normalnom atmosferom. Analiza varijanse je pokazala da su tvrdoca mesa ploda i sadržaj rastvorljive suve materije u celijskom soku mesa ploda uslovljeni pozicijom ploda na stablu, dok ekpozicija ploda nije znacajno uticala na ponasanje plodova nakon berbe i nakon skladistenja. Najmanju tvrdocu imali su plodovi vrsne zone dok je najveca vrijednost istog parametra zabilježena kod plodova iz bazne zone. Plodovi iz vrsne zone imali su i najveci sadržaj rastvorljive suve materije ali kad je u pitanju najmanji sadržaj istog doslo je do određenih odstupanja posmatrajuci plodove plodova nakon berbe i nakon skladistenja. Naime, plodovi iz sredisnje zone imali su najmanju vrijednost secera nakon berbe ali nakon skladistenja ista vrijednost je uocena kod plodova iz vrsne zone dok je sa aspekta ekspozicije uoceno jednako ponasanje plodova. Rezultati istraživanja su znacanji za određivanje probirne berbe plodova voca kao i za ocuvanje kvaliteta uskladistenih plodova.


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Nikola Mićić

University of Banja Luka

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Biljana Lolić

University of Banja Luka

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Duška Delić

University of Banja Luka

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Marina Radun

University of Banja Luka

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