Nikola Mićić
University of Banja Luka
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Featured researches published by Nikola Mićić.
Plant Growth Regulation | 2018
Borut Bosančić; Nikola Mićić; Michael M. Blanke; Marija Pecina
To differentiate effects of netting and attribute them to crop, cultivar, planting density, climate, net type and colour, ca. 200 publications were scanned originally. Apple was chosen as a model crop due to the majority of reports, wide variation with many varieties and growing locations worldwide in the Northern and Southern hemisphere, but the results may be useful for other fruiting plants. After meeting strict selection criteria, a meta-analysis of 26 internationally published peer-reviewed articles was based on seven varieties and seventeen locations with a diverse range of climates. A novel Main Effects Meta Principal Components Analysis (ME Meta-PCA) was developed and provided unexpectedly uniform results: Location (climate), planting density and hail net (type and colour) had negligible impacts. Fruit (red) colour, most adversely affected by netting, correlated with TSS viz fruit sweetness, as often postulated in consumer studies, followed, to a smaller extent, by sugar/TSS, fruit firmness and acidity but small increase in fruit mass—i.e. maintenance of fruit quality under netting over all seven varieties (Braeburn, Gala, Elstar, Jonagold, Pinova and Fuji) examined and locations worldwide. While Jonagold and the early ripening Gala appeared suitable, unaffected and stable in the netting effects in the ME Meta-PCA, Pinova was the least suitable for cultivation under netting. Interestingly, late ripening cultivars (Braeburn and Cripps Pink) were both positively influenced by desired earlier ripening under netting. These effects on fruit quality are discussed with respect to shade adaptation under netting and countermeasures such as easy colouring mutants or reflective mulches.
Slobodan Stojnić; Gordana Đurić; Nikola Mićić; Miljan Cvetković; Rodoljub Oljača
Rast korjenovog sistema deset vegetativnih podloga jabuke (5 klonova podloge M9: T337; Burgmer 984; Fleuron 56; Pajam®1 Lancep i Pajam®2 Cepiland; Jork 9, Mark (MAC 9), M26, Supporter 4 i MM106) analiziran je u toku 2013. godine u dva modifikovana zemljisna supstrata u kontrolisanom kontejnerskom gajenju. Analiziran je broj, ukupna i prosjecna dužina korjenova I poretka kao i ukupan i prosjecan broj korjenova II poretka grananja. Rezultati analiza pokazuju da je kod svih ispitivanih podloga ukupna dužina korjena veca u supstratu 2 (kombinacija bastenske zemlje, treseta i pijeska) u odnosu na supstrat 1 (oranicni sloj pseudoglejnog zemljista), osim kod podloga Jork i M9 B984. Broj korjenova II poretka grananja kod svih podloga bio je veci u supstratu 2, osim podloga Jork i Pajam 2. Dobijeni rezultati analize rasta korjena vegetativnih podloga jabuke su prva istraživanja rasta ovih podloga u BiH.
Nikola Mićić; Gordana Đurić
Molecular confirmation of the process of differentiation of meristematic tissue of plants is primarily based on histomorphological characterization of the tissues carrying these processes. For perennial plants – fruit trees, the knowledge of these processes is important to define runtime type and pomotechnical treatments but also to identify the genes responsible for determination of the apices into a generative phase of differentiation. Which apex extraction techniques will be applied depends on the structure of buds, i.e. whether an apex differentiates only into generative elements – pure flower buds, or the differentiation goes into two directions: differentiation of leaf primordium with axillar meristematic dome and differentiation of generative elements of flowers in the peak or lateral zone of an apex – mixed buds. The fruit trees of the genus Prunus have purely flower buds and for this purpose the whole apex is taken, between protection – cover leaves, on lateral positions of all collateral buds at shoot nodes. The moment of initiation of determination and the dynamics of differentiation of generative buds are different at different type of shoots on a tree. It is therefore necessary to know the shoots growth cessation time which is in correlation with apex determination. Fruit trees of the genus Prunus are ending the growth of shoots by rejection of shoot peaks, and the cast away time depends on the type, length and the position of shoots.
Zrinka Knezović; Paulina Šaravanja; Nikola Mićić
Customer satisfaction affects consumption and preconditions their repurchase. The study was conducted through a questionnaire on four selling places in Mostar, from August to September (fresh figs) and November-December (dried figs) in 2015 on a sample of 250 respondents of different sex, age and education randomly. The goal of the interviews was to determine the attitudes of consumers towards the purchase or what features affect selection the most. The questions in the questionnaire were closed. The collected data were statistically analyzed with SPSS software, using the descriptive statistical methods, chi-square test and strength of relationship by the coefficient of contingency. The results showed a relative customer satisfaction with selection of products, information about the origin and location; important when choosing are the organoleptic properties and consumer habits, but there are also differences in socio demographic characteristics. The results will provide a background for future program design according to customer requirements.
Slobodan Stojnić; Nikola Mićić; Gordana Đurić; Miljan Cvetković; Viktor Gjamovski
Anatomsko-morfoloske karakteristike izdanaka vegetativnih podloga jabuke (5 klonova podloge M9: T337; Burgmer 984; Fleuron 56; Pajam®1 Lancep i Pajam®2 Cepiland; Jork 9, Mark (MAC 9), M26, Supporter 4 i MM106) ispitivane su u 2013. i 2014. godini, u periodu mirovanja vegetacije. Ispitivane podloge gajene su u modifikovanom zemljisnom supstratu preporucenom za proizvodnju kontejnerskih sadnica, a koji predstavlja smjesu zemljista, pijeska i treseta u odnosu 1:1:1. Kod svih podloga utvrđene su vrijednosti dijametra izdanaka na visini od 25 cm, ukupna povrsina poprecnog presjeka, povrsina kore na poprecnom presjeku i procentualna zastupljenost kore u ukupnoj povrsini poprecnog presjeka izdanka. Dijametar izdanka najveci je kod podloge Pajam 2, a samim tim i povrsina poprecnog presjeka, dok je najmanja vrijednost dijametra i povrsina poprecnog presjeka izdanaka konstatovana kod podloge Mark. Najveci udio kore u ukupnoj povrsini presjeka zabilježen je kod podloge Supporter 4, a najmanji kod podloge Pajam 2. Klonovi podloge M9 međusobno ne pokazuju znacajne razlike u pitanju procentualnog udjela kore u poprecnom presjeku. Nije utvrđena direktna veza između udjela kore u presjeku izdanka i dijametra izdanka.
Nikola Mićić; Gordana Đurić; Aleksandar Životić
The yield potential of ten plum cultivars (‘Cacaks Beauty’, ‘Cacaks Best’, ‘Cacaks Fruitful’, ‘California Blue’, ‘Elena’, ‘Hanita’, ‘Katinka’, ‘Renclode Althan’, ‘Stanley’, and ‘Top’), exhibited through the structure of buds on long bearing shoots, was analyzed under the agro-ecological growing conditions of the Banja Luka region for two fruiting seasons (2012 and 2013). Long bearing shoots with collateral buds were the most productive type of fruiting branches, which is why the structure of buds on these branches is the basis for defining specific cultural measures in order to boost yield potential. Based on the established structure of buds on the nodes along the long bearing shoots and the established yield potential, the plum cultivars evaluated were classified into 4 groups: 1) cultivars with a predisposition to have a high yield potential, without need for specific treatments in fruiting control (‘Cacaks Beauty’ and ‘Top’); 2) cultivars with a predisposition to have a high yield potential with the application of cultivar-specific cultural measures for control of fruiting (‘Cacaks Best’, ‘Elena’, and ‘Stanley’); 3) cultivars that require differentiated cultural measures in the control of yield potential for regular fruiting (‘Cacaks Fruitful’, ‘California Blue’, and ‘Katinka’) and 4) cultivars that require innovative growing systems and specific cultural treatments to control fruiting (‘Hanita’ and ‘Renclode Althan’).
Miljan Cvetković; Nikola Mićić; Aleksandar Životić; Ljubomir Radoš
Proucavanje strukture rodnog drveta jabuke ( Malus х domestica Borkh.) izvrseno je sa ciljem definisanja sortnih specificnosti u zavisnosti od uzgojne forme i primenjenog sistema rezidbe. Istraživanje je realizovano tokom trogodisnjeg perioda kod tri sorte jabuke izraženih sortnih specificnosti u obrascima grananja i dve uzgojne forme sa odgovarajucim sistemom rezidbe. Sprovedeno istraživanje jasno pokazuje da postoje izražene genotipskih specificnosti u zastupljenosti pojedinih tipova rodnih grancica kod ispitivanih sorti jabuke. Evidentno je da osim sortnih specificnosti struktura rodnog drveta nakon zimske rezidbe definisana je i interakcijskim efektom uzgojna forma × sistem rezidbe. Bez obzira na sortu, uzgojni oblik i sistem rezidbe u strukturi rodnog drveta dominiraju kratke rodne grancice, dok je zastupljenost dugih rodnih grana relativno manje zastupljena kod oba sistema gajenja. Duge rodne grane imaju nesto vecu zastupljenost u strukturi rodnog drveta kod uzgoje forme centralna osovina.
Nikola Mićić; Gordana Đurić; Miljan Cvetković; Aleksandar Životić
Analiza osnovnih procesa u formiranju i realizaciji rodnog potencijala nadzemnih prirasta – pseudostabla rizoma maline, pokazuje da se kljucno pitanje u definisanju visoko intenzivnih sistema gajenja odnosi na kontrolu formiranja novih etioliranih – podzemnih prirasta koji se ukorenjavaju neposredno po formiranju kao i tokom formiranja njihovih nadzemnih prirasta. Naime, nadzemni prirasti – rodne grane, kao nosioci mesovitih pupoljaka maline (generativni popoljci sa diferenciranim primordijama cvetova cvasti, primordijama listova i osovine plodonosnih mladara, ali bez vegetacionih kupa) koji istovremeno sa rastom i razvojem u prvoj godini formiraju i sopstveni koren, odnosno koji se u vegetaciji formiranja i ukorenjavaju, predstavljaju priraste sa najvecim bioloskim potencijalom na rod. Tako se pomotehnicki zahvati u kontroli formiranja nadzemnih prirasta na sopstvenom korenu odnose na pomotehnicki tretman uklanjanja nadzemnih prirasta koji su plodonosili i to sa delom podzemnog stabla, cime se sprecava formiranje sekundarnih nadzemnih prirasta iz bocnih pupoljaka razlicitih poredaka grananja podzemnog stabla, koji se bude i aktiviraju posle uklanjanja nadzemnih prirasta koji su plodonosili.
Агрознање | 2012
Nikola Mićić; Gordana Đurić; Besim Salkić
Pomological characterisation of pears of the so-called “Lubenicarka” (watermelon pear) group has been based on three genotypes identified in numerous vegetative progeny as part of the native assortment of Bosnia and Herzegovina. “Krupna Lubenicarka” (common watermelon pear) variety was recommended for the expansion of production at the beginning of the XX century, and there were two more genotypes (“Crna Lubenicarka” (black watermelon pear) and “Bijela Lubenicarka” (white watermelon pear)) that were listed under the common name of “Lubenicarka”. The research results show that “Krupna Lubenicarka” variety has vegetative progeny characterised by stable pomological features which clearly and reliably determine this variety. “Crna” and “Bijela Lubenicarka” genotypes are characterised by certain pomological distinctions that clearly make them different, but also by some similarities, whose variability raises up the question of their reliable pomological and genetic characterisation. Morphometric analyses of the fruit and leaf of “Krupna Lubenicarka” variety and “Crna” and “Bijela Lubenicarka” genotypes represent their first pomological characterisation that can be adopted as a reliable foundation for collecting, further pomological studies and genetic characterisation.
Acta Agriculturae Serbica | 2009
Gordana Đurić; Lidija Tomić; Nikola Mićić; Miljan Cvetković; L. Radoš; Boris Pašalić