Hana Staňková
Technical University of Ostrava
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Featured researches published by Hana Staňková.
Geodesy and Cartography | 2013
Hana Staňková; Pavel Černota
Abstract The coal district system of coordinates for mines located in the Ostrava region was established in 1858 by Dipl. Ing. Frantisek Ott, Surveyor of the Emperor Ferdinand Northern Railway (Severni draha Ferdinandova). Coordinates of all significant points of existing mine shafts, characteristic mine surface points, and points in terrain, were determined by establishing mine triangulation within the Western part of the Ostrava-Karvina Coal District (OKR) on an area comprising almost 58 km2. Said points were stabilized by granite stones. The reason to establish this system of coordinates was to determine the points of a uniform basis of coordinates for making surveys both on the mine surface, i.e. for connecting the underground mine working, and simultaneously for removing any discrepancies occurring with respect to mine boundaries among particular proprietors, i.e. to allow for exact demarcation of mine areas bestowed to them by the state. Thus, nowadays Otts system of coordinates that used to be app...
Geodesy and Cartography | 2012
Lucie Pospíšilová; Jiří Pospíšil; Hana Staňková
Abstract Industrial surveying is special field of work within engineering surveying. In this article we have documented some procedures and principles which are very special in industrial surveying. A micro-network consists of net points which are set as a base for all surveying in the industry. These points create coordinate system for all measured parts of the machine. For realization of micro-network are used well known geodetic methods such as triangulation, trilateration, levelling or trigonometric high. As horizontal and vertical controls do not exist in a factory hall, a surveyor has to find some different method to start working.
GeoScience Engineering | 2013
Slavomír Labant; Hana Staňková; Roland Weiss
Abstract In the contemporary geodetic practice it is practically a must to use modern geodetic apparatuses and a variety of the CAD (Computer Aided Design) software for processing and visualising spatial data. The present paper deals with geodetic surveying of Kecerovce open pit mine to determine, for the purpose of mine reopening and commencing with mining of andesite, the volume of non-extracted volumes of andesite. The open pit mine is situated on the foot of Slanské vrchy mountain range. Determining of the auxiliary survey control points and the quarry vicinity was performed by GNSS technology and RTK method. Detailed surveying of the open pit mine was performed through an electronic total station. By measurements attained spatial data were processed by pertinent proprietary software. Subsequently, the determined spatial coordinated were imported into the graphiccalculating softwares for further processing and visualisation. These graphical-calculating applications make possible not only 3D modelling and visualising of surfaces but also their analysing, especially then determining the volumetric data that represent various aspects necessary to assess as activities within the related branches so possible future development. Abstrakt V súčasnej geodetickej praxi je nevyhnutnosťou používať moderné geodetické prístroje a rôzne CAD (Computer Aided Design) softvéry pre proces spracovania a vizualizácie priestorových údajov. Tento príspevok sa zaoberá geodetickým zameraním povrchového lomu Kecerovce za účelom určenia objemu nevyťažených zásob andezitu pre znovu otvorenie lomu a začatie ťažby andezitu. Predmetný lom je situovaný na upätí Slanských vrchov. Určenie pomocných geodetických bodov a okolia lomu sa vykonalo technológiou GNSS RTK metódou. Podrobné zameranie lomu bolo realizované univerzálnou meracou stanicou. Priestorové údaje získané z meraní sa spracovali v príslušných firemných softvéroch. Následne získané priestorové súradnice boli importované do graficko-vypočtových softvérov pre ďalšie spracovanie a vizualizáciu. Tieto graficko-výpočtové softvéry ponúkajú okrem 3D modelovania povrchov a vizualizácie aj ich analýzu, najmä určenie objemových údajov reprezentujúcich rôzne aspekty pre posudzovanie činností v daných odvetviach s možným ďalším rozvojom.
Archive | 2018
Hana Staňková; Václav Šafář; Rostislav Dandoš
Jest kilka metod pomiaru powierzchni dla określenia objetości zasobow surowcow mineralnych. Jednym z kluczowych wskaźnikow wydajności wydobycia wegla w gornictwie odkrywkowym jest określenie objetości wydobytej skaly. Procedury określania objetości byly stosowane przez wiele stuleci. Określanie wydobytej objetości lub warstwy surowca jest okresowo powtarzającą sie praktyką geodezyjną, a geodeci stosują rozne metody jej określania. Nieprawidlowe określenie objetości skaly moze skutkowac duzymi stratami ekonomicznymi przedsiebiorstwa gorniczego. Wybor metody określania objetości zalezy od terminu, w ktorym ustalona objetośc musi byc przekazana do jednostek nadrzednych lub zarządzania przedsiebiorstwem wydobywczym, a takze od wymagan dotyczących dokladności określania objetości oraz od środkow finansowych przeznaczonych na ten cel. Drugorzedne warunki określania objetości obejmują: poziom szkolenia personelu w poszczegolnych procedurach i metodach pomiaru i obliczania objetości, standardy techniczne przedsiebiorstwa, stosowane oprzyrządowanie, sprzet i oprogramowanie. W artykule porownano wartości dokladnie zdefiniowanej bryly matematycznej (segment cylindryczny) z metodami obliczania objetości zwykle stosowanej w praktyce gorniczej i geodezyjnej oraz programy powszechnie stosowane do obliczania objetości w celu określenia wartości progowej odchylenia systematycznego w pomiarach wejściowych do określenia objetości. Model matematyczny jest podstawą do określenia prawidlowych objetości wydobytego materialu. Proces określania bledow objetościowych w modelu matematycznym zostal zweryfikowany na rzeczywistym skladowisku wegla. Porownanie bledow miedzy cyfrowym modelem matematycznym a rzeczywistym skladowiskiem wegla homogenizacyjnego przedstawiono na koncu artykulu.
Computer Standards & Interfaces | 2018
Rostislav Dandoš; Karel Mozdřeň; Hana Staňková
Abstract Computer Vision takes part in many industrial applications mainly in robotics and measurement systems. Geodesy uses computer vision rather indirectly using specialized software tools for measurements of data captured with digital cameras or LIDAR systems. This paper describes new control mark and its advantages for deformation measurements, and surface reconstruction. Furthermore, we describe control mark detection method using computer vision algorithms, and its localization from single image. We also compare this method to spatial polar method.
Geodesy and Cartography | 2017
Gabriela Ovesná; Hana Staňková; Ladislav Plánka; Andrea Wlochová
The beginnings of the mining history date back to ancient times, up to the second century B.C. One field closely related to mining activities is mine surveying. Mine surveying and mapping are disciplines that deal with the surveying and displaying of underground works and mining claims, in which their spatial relationships are determined against the surface. The introductory part of the paper is dedicated to the history and development of the mine surveying discipline and mapping, and to the profession of a mine surveyor. The second part of the article is devoted to historical mining maps produced in Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Historical mine maps belong to the significant treasures of past times, and from todays perspective they are often considered to be pieces of art. In the time of their origin they belonged to the most sophisticated technical-natural documents that were used for the registration of property rights, and for the performance of mining activities. With regard to the period in which they were created they are accurate, yet there are few records on their history.
GeoScience Engineering | 2012
Hana Staňková; Pavel Černota; Miroslav Novosad
Abstract The paper is dedicated to the issues of both planar and spatial transformations with respect to the territory affected by mining activities. The planar transformations have been applied among the planar Otto mine coordinate system, St. Stephen Datum of Cadastre Coordinates, and the Datum of Uniform Trigonometric Cadastral Network (hereinafter referred to as JTSK). Here basic transformation characteristics among the above systems are defined. The spatial transformation is performed through a point coordinate conversion between the JTSK and the European Terrestrial Reference System (hereinafter referred to as ETRS89) where conventional relations as well as other conversion possibilities were described. Part of the article is the execution of an experiment of a direct transformation between the St. Stephen Datum of Cadastre Coordinates and the ETRS98 system for the territory of Brno, which was not affected by mining activities. For the above transformation, 8 trigonometric points were used, for which the identity analysis had been done initially. Furthermore, the Interpolation and One Step Transformations were tested, which solve the conversion as divided tasks for both position and heights. The Interpolation Transformation showed better values for residues. The results of the above experiment will be applied for purposes of surveying old mine workings using the GNSS technology. Abstract Článek je věnován problematice rovinných a prostorových transformací s ohledem na území ovlivněném hornickou činností. Rovinné transformace byly aplikovány mezi rovinným Ottovým důlním souřadnicovým systémem, Katastrálním souřadnicovým systémem svatoštěpánským a systémem Jednotné trigonometrické sítě katastrální (JTSK). Zde jsou definovány základní charakteristiky převodu mezi těmito systémy. Prostorová transformace je realizována převodem souřadnic bodů mezi systémem JTSK a Evropským terestrickým referenčním systémem (ETRS89), kde jsou popsány konvenční vztahy a další možnosti převodu. Součástí článku je realizace experimentu přímé transformaci mezi katastrálním souřadnicovým systémem svatoštěpánským a systémem ETRS98 na území Brna, které není hornickou činností ovlivněno. Pro tuto transformaci bylo použito 8 trigonometrických bodů, u nichž byla původně provedena analýza identity. Testována byla Interpolační transformace a transformace One Step, které řeší převod jako rozdělené úlohy pro polohu a pro výšky. Lepší hodnoty reziduí vykazovala Interpolační transformace. Výsledky experimentu budou použity pro účely vytyčení starých důlních děl technologií GNSS.
Archive | 2011
Pavel Černota; Hana Staňková; Silvia Gašincová
Perspectives on Science | 2016
Marcel Brejcha; Hana Staňková; Pavel Černota
GeoScience Engineering | 2013
Slavomír Labant; Hana Staňková; Roland Weiss