Slavomír Labant
Technical University of Košice
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Featured researches published by Slavomír Labant.
GeoScience Engineering | 2013
Slavomír Labant; Hana Staňková; Roland Weiss
Abstract In the contemporary geodetic practice it is practically a must to use modern geodetic apparatuses and a variety of the CAD (Computer Aided Design) software for processing and visualising spatial data. The present paper deals with geodetic surveying of Kecerovce open pit mine to determine, for the purpose of mine reopening and commencing with mining of andesite, the volume of non-extracted volumes of andesite. The open pit mine is situated on the foot of Slanské vrchy mountain range. Determining of the auxiliary survey control points and the quarry vicinity was performed by GNSS technology and RTK method. Detailed surveying of the open pit mine was performed through an electronic total station. By measurements attained spatial data were processed by pertinent proprietary software. Subsequently, the determined spatial coordinated were imported into the graphiccalculating softwares for further processing and visualisation. These graphical-calculating applications make possible not only 3D modelling and visualising of surfaces but also their analysing, especially then determining the volumetric data that represent various aspects necessary to assess as activities within the related branches so possible future development. Abstrakt V súčasnej geodetickej praxi je nevyhnutnosťou používať moderné geodetické prístroje a rôzne CAD (Computer Aided Design) softvéry pre proces spracovania a vizualizácie priestorových údajov. Tento príspevok sa zaoberá geodetickým zameraním povrchového lomu Kecerovce za účelom určenia objemu nevyťažených zásob andezitu pre znovu otvorenie lomu a začatie ťažby andezitu. Predmetný lom je situovaný na upätí Slanských vrchov. Určenie pomocných geodetických bodov a okolia lomu sa vykonalo technológiou GNSS RTK metódou. Podrobné zameranie lomu bolo realizované univerzálnou meracou stanicou. Priestorové údaje získané z meraní sa spracovali v príslušných firemných softvéroch. Následne získané priestorové súradnice boli importované do graficko-vypočtových softvérov pre ďalšie spracovanie a vizualizáciu. Tieto graficko-výpočtové softvéry ponúkajú okrem 3D modelovania povrchov a vizualizácie aj ich analýzu, najmä určenie objemových údajov reprezentujúcich rôzne aspekty pre posudzovanie činností v daných odvetviach s možným ďalším rozvojom.
Archive | 2016
Gabriel Weiss; Erik Weiss; Roland Weiss; Slavomír Labant; Karol Bartoš
The verification of the compatibility of points of spatial networks forms a very important component of completion and extension of networks by new points required for accurate geodetic activities. Therefore, it is necessary to have a quality geodetic control. A quality geodetic control can be achieved not only by new and quality measurement of new points, but also fine connecting points of which a new geodetic control is being established must be available.
Archive | 2016
Gabriel Weiss; Erik Weiss; Roland Weiss; Slavomír Labant; Karol Bartoš
The verification of compatibility of points in planimetric geodetic controls that are part of national, regional network structures, or individual local, purpose-built networks represents a very important component of all processes of complementing and expansion of networks by new points that are necessary for different geodetic activities, requiring reliable geodetic bases, i.e., points.
Archive | 2016
Gabriel Weiss; Erik Weiss; Roland Weiss; Slavomír Labant; Karol Bartoš
The compatibility of height points HL, i.e., a geometric height identity of horizontal tangent plane of height survey mark (Fig. 4.1) with height data h from a certain vertical datum S(h) defined relative to the geoid or quasigeoid by the relevant level surface of the field of gravity (tangential to the survey mark), is just as important for the correct and reliable performance of altimetric measurements and determination of heights of new points as requirements for positional compatibility of geodetic controls.
Archive | 2016
Gabriel Weiss; Erik Weiss; Roland Weiss; Slavomír Labant; Karol Bartoš
In the issue of height compatibility of different types of vertical controls (levelling, trigonometric, GPS, etc.), only levelling point fields, respectively, networks, that are so far dominant not only for the vertical expression of points relative to the geoid, or quasigeoid, but also in terms of the technology and accuracy of height determination, will be considered.
Archive | 2016
Gabriel Weiss; Erik Weiss; Roland Weiss; Slavomír Labant; Karol Bartoš
Every survey control point (horizontal and vertical) has a physical mark and assigned numerical data (coordinates and heights) from certain reference systems, which should be related to a survey mark of this point. So far as those determining attributes are in stochastic planimetric or altimetric identity, the point can be considered as compatible, otherwise if specified attributes of point are mutually in geometrical significantly different positions, it is an incompatible point.
Archive | 2016
Gabriel Weiss; Erik Weiss; Roland Weiss; Slavomír Labant; Karol Bartoš
Consider the position of points defined by coordinates C = [X, Y] in a specific planimetric system S(XY), which are properly monumented on the earth surface or objects. It is obvious that each point, as stated in Chap. 2, must be identified and defined by the following two fundamental components in terms of its functionality.
Archive | 2016
Gabriel Weiss; Erik Weiss; Roland Weiss; Slavomír Labant; Karol Bartoš
By using the GNSS technology (GPS, GLONASS, …), spatial positions of points in 3D coordinate systems (WGS-84, ETRS-89, …) are determined. As required by their geodetic use, they may or may not be transformed into national planimetric or/and vertical coordinate systems. Afterward, also the quality (or stability) of determined points is assessed separately in them.
GeoScience Engineering | 2014
Slavomír Labant; Erik Weiss; Juraj Gašinec; Jozef Zuzik; Alexander Király
Abstrakt Predmetný článok sa zaoberá trivariántnym spracovaním a určením odhadov neznámych parametrov v geodetickej sieti observovanej technológiu využívajúcou signály globálnych navigačných satelitných systémov v rokoch 2004, 2008 a 2011. Cieľom práce je zhodnotiť vplyv použitej metódy vyrovnania na odhad parametrov prvého a druhého rádu geodetickej siete a prezentovať výsledky analýzy pretvorení s grafickou vizualizáciu jednotlivých spracovaní a analýz. Na spracovanie a vyrovnanie observácií boli použité MNŠ a robustné M-odhady podľa Hubera a Hampela. Pri analýze stability bodov poukázali všetky 3 metódy spracovania na posun bodu 5005 v epoche 04-08, čo potvrdzujú aj grafické vizualizácie pomocou konfidenčných elipsoidov chýb. Abstract The present article deals with three-variant processing and finding estimates of unknown parameters in a geodetic network by the technology of global navigation satellite systems in 2004, 2008 and 2011. The assessment of the impact of a used method of adjustment on the estimation of parameters of the first and second order of the geodetic network and the presentation of results of a deformation analysis with graphical visualisation of individual processing and analyses are the objectives of this paper. An LSM method and robust M-estimates according to Huber and Hampel were used for the processing and adjustment of observations. All three processing methods showed a displacement of point No. 5005 in the epoch 04-08 in the analysis of the stability of points, which is also confirmed by graphical visualisations using confidence error ellipsoids.
GeoScience Engineering | 2011
Silvia Gašincová; Juraj Gašinec; Gabriel Weiss; Slavomír Labant
Abstract The basis of mathematical analysis of geodetic measurements is the method of least squares (LSM), whose bicentenary we celebrated in 2006. In geodetic practice, we quite often encounter the phenomenon when outlier measurements penetrate into the set of measured data as a result of e.g. the impact of physical environment. That fact led to modifications of LSM that have been increasingly published mainly in foreign literature in recent years. The mentioned alternative estimation methods are e.g. robust estimation methods and methods in linear programming. The aim of the present paper is to compare LSM with the robust estimation methods on an example of a regression line. Abstrakt Základom matematickej analýzy dát je metóda najmenších štvorcov (MNŠ), ktorej dvesté výročie sme si pripomenuli v roku 2006. V geodetickej praxi sa v dôsledku napr. vplyvu fyzikálneho prostredia pomerne často stretávame s javom, že do súboru meraných dát prenikajú odľahlé merania. Práve táto skutočnosť viedla k modifikáciám MNŠ ktoré sa v posledných rokoch čoraz častejšie publikujú predovšetkým v zahraničnej literatúre. Spomínanými alternatívnymi odhadovacími metódami, sú napr. robustné odhadovacie metódy a metódy lineárneho programovania. Náplňou predloženého príspevku je porovnanie MNŠ s robustnými odhadovacími metódami na príklade regresnej priamky.