Bogor Agricultural University
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Jurnal Manajemen Pembangunan Daerah | 2018
Mukhtar Hakim; Ma'mun Sarma; Harianto Harianto
Varied institutions responsible for agricultural extension in Riau Province have certainly run independently and caused the agricultural extension unproductive, ineffective, and inefficient. This study aims: 1) To identify the structure of agricultural extension institutions in the regional autonomy era in the Riau Province; 2) To analyze the implementation of agricultural extensions in different institutions, 3) To analyze the effect of different extension implementation on the performance of extension workers and the degree of technological application among farmers. This research was conducted from March-April 2008 in Pekanbaru, Kampar Regency and Pelalawan Regency. Methods used in this study were internal and external factors analysis, SWOT analysis (Strengths-Weakness-Opportunities-Threats), and QSPM analysis (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix). Result showed that: 1) Implementation of Laws Number 22/1999 and Number 32/2004 along with the regulations under the laws had caused the agricultural extensions in the Province of Riau to experience coevolution in the social infrastructure of agricultural extensions; 2) The functions of services and arrangement still dominate the working system of extension; 3) The frequency of LAKU is not fully implemented yet, and 4) Formulated strategy in developing the agricultural extension institutions in the Province of Riau is to form a separate and specific institution that regulates agricultural extension. Keywords: Agriculture, Extension, Institution, Riau Province, StrategiesReducing import tariff rates under the ASEAN-CEPT scheme was considered not significantly to enhance trade flows within the region. Trade facilitation instruments such as mutual recognition arrangement, harmonization on customs procedure and the improvement of other trade-supporting infrastructure were then introduced by the members. Gravity model used in this paper identified a positive impact of such policies in improving trade atmosphere. Local governments can actively play an important role in supporting the conducive environment by providing an efficient bureaucratic system and facilities surrounding harbors. This then reduce transaction cost facing by the private sector and expectedly improve local economic activity in the region. Keyword: ASEAN, Trade Facilitation, Local GovernmentMuna Regency is one of the very potential regencies for the development of plantation subsector. Most people (74.20 % of the population) of Muna Regency work in the sector, but the poverty level in the region is also high. For this reason this study takes the following objectives: 1) to identify the condition of the poor farmers in the Muna Regency; 2) to identify the excellent commodities of each districts which have the role in the economy of Mina Regency; 3) to formulate a plan of poverty alleviation program at the farmer level by developing plantation commodities in Muna Regency. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah: Analisis Location Quotient (LQ), Analisis Kelayakan Finansial, dan Logical Frame Approach (LFA). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: 1) Komoditas unggulan perkebunan yang berperan dalam perekonomian perdesaan di Kabupaten Muna relatif seragam. Komoditi jambu Mete muncul sebagai komoditas unggulan di hampir semua kecamatan di Kabupaten Muna. 2) Komoditas kelapa, kopi, jambu mete, kemiri dan coklat/kakao memiliki kinerja finansial yang masih layak untuk dikembangkan kerana memiliki NPV yang positif, Nilai BC Ratio masih memberikan keuntungan dan nilai IRR yang lebih tinggi dari suku bunga tabungan di bank. 3) Strategi pengembangan komoditas unggulan di Kabupaten Muna adalah melalui kerjasama pemasaran produk dengan pedagang pengumpul desa yang perlu di tingkatkan. Keywords: Strategy, Poverty Alleviation, Plantation CommoditiesAgribusiness and local economic development have a close connection. Agricultural development through agribusiness approach has proven to improve local economic development in many countries: increase added value and income of farmers, and create job opportunities for the people. Main commodities grown in Kapuas District, Province of Central Kalimantan are rice, rubber, and fish and livestock products. However, those commodities have not yet developed according to agribusiness principals, since most of them are sold as raw materials, thus the region losses its economic potential from processing those products. The objective of this paper is to explore agribusiness development strategy in Kapuas Regency to be able to contribute to local economic development. To meet this objective, agribusiness in Kapuas Regency should be based on local condition and resources, by considering local agro-ecosystem, social principal (fairness, democracy), economic principal (market oriented, competitiveness, added value, and job opportunity), and supported by sufficient local government policy through institutional, technology and capital development. Keyword: agribusiness, local economy development, competitiveness, added value, Kapuas regency.The Government of Banten Province during the years 2011-2014 has not received an Unqualified Opinion (WTP) of The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) in its financial statements. The opinion had been given by BPK during the years of 2011-2012 is The Qualified Opinion (WDP). The opinion for years of 2013-2014 is Disclaimer Opinion (TMP).The key to giving WDP and TMP, among others, for the presentation of assets are considered not meet the principles of fairness appropriate presentation of The Government Accounting Standards (SAP). The research objective to describe fixed asset management system. The results of the performance of the system in the form of presentation of fixed assets. The next goal to identify internal and external factors affecting fixed asset management system. The ultimate destination for formulating strategies to improve management of fixed assets. The study was conducted in The Government of Banten Province, particularly the Bureau of Equipment and Assets (BPA) under the Regional Secretary and all work units (SKPD). Methods for assessing the performance of the presentation of fixed assets is Transformation Index. Identification of factors that affect the management of assets and formulate a strategy used SWOT Analysis Method. Methods of Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP) to ge the priority of a strategy based on expert opinion. Conclusion the study shows the priority of asset management strategy is a strategy to improve the quality of data assets, strategy implementation Improvement Action Plan (RTP) and strategies for improving inter-agency cooperation. The formulation of the strategy is also supported by the proposed program of each strategy. The results of the study are expected to improve fixed asset management system and its implementation in The Government of Banten Province. Key words: financial statement, fixed asset, strategy ABSTRAK Pemerintah Provinsi Banten selama tahun 2011-2014 belum memperoleh opini Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian (WTP) dari Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) pada laporan keuangannya. Opini yang diberikan oleh BPK untuk tahun 2011 dan 2012 adalah Wajar Dengan Pengecualian (WDP). Opini untuk tahun 2013 dan 2014 berupa Tidak Menyatakan Pendapat (TMP). Kunci dari pemberian opini WDP dan TMP antara lain karena penyajian aset tetap dianggap belum memenuhi prinsip kewajaran penyajian sesuai Standar Akuntansi Pemerintah (SAP). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan sistem pengelolaan aset tetap. Hasil dari sistem berupa kinerja penyajian aset tetap. Tujuan berikutnya mengidentifikasi faktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi sistem pengelolaan aset tetap. Tujuan terakhir untuk merumuskan strategi perbaikan pengelolaan aset tetap. Penelitian dilakukan pada Pemerintah Provinsi Banten, khususnya Biro Perlengkapan dan Aset (BPA) di bawah Sekretaris Daerah beserta seluruh Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD). Metode untuk menilai kinerja penyajian aset tetap adalah Transformasi Indek. Identifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengelolaan aset dan merumuskan strategi digunakan Metode Analisis SWOT. Metode Analisis Hierarchy Process (AHP) membantu pemilihan prioritas strategi berdasarkan pendapat ahli. Kesimpulan penelitian menunjukkan prioritas strategi pengelolaan aset adalah strategi peningkatan kualitas aset data, strategi pelaksanaan Rencana Tindak Perbaikan (RTP)/ action plan dan strategi peningkatan kerjasama antar lembaga. Perumusan strategi juga ditunjang dengan usulan kebijakan/program terhadap masing-masing strategi. Hasil dari penelitian diharapkan dapat memperbaiki sistem pengelolaan aset tetap dan pelaksanaannya di Pemerintah Provinsi Banten. Kata Kunci: Laporan Keuangan, Aset Tetap, Strategi
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia | 2018
Fadli Fadli; Rachmat Pambudy; Harianto Harianto
Seaweed is a potential commodity to be cultivated in improving peoples welfare. Seaweed development is the right step in increasing competitive advantage to the comparative advantage owned by east lombok regency. Increasing the competitiveness of seaweed is not only focused on improving the competitiveness of its products, but the most important is the effort in improving the competitiveness of seaweed farmers in the village of Seriwe East Lombok regency. The purpose of this reseach are (1) to analyze and measure the competitiveness of seaweed in East Lombok Regency; (2) to analyze the impact government policy on improving seaweed competitiveness in East Lombok Regency; and (3) to analyze the sensitivity price change of the input and output on seaweed competitiveness in East Lombok Regency. The study was designed as a descriptive survey which includes qualitative and quantitative data. Analisis tools in this study is Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). Based on the results of PAM analysis, seaweed have competitiveness when cultivate seaweed through raft systems, basic offshore systems, and longline systems.
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan | 2016
Boyke T.H. Situmorang; Harianto Harianto; Mangara M Tambunan; Nunung Kusmadi
The purpose of this research was to analyze fiscal and poverty performance, (1) to analyze fiscal policy impact on poverty performance, and (2) to determine strategic policy on poverty in North Sumatera Province. Model of fiscal policy in North Sumatera Province was built with the dynamic simultaneous equations system and used 2 SLS with SYSLIN and SIMNLIN procedures. In this study we alse used pooled data in 1990-2007 period. The results of this study were: (1) factors of fiscal performance in North SUmatera which were local tax and tax sharing were influenced by local GDP positively, on the other hand general allocation funds and local retribution were not influenced by local GDP, and (22) during fiscal policy, poverty performance decreased, which has interpreted with number of poor people in rural areas and number of poor in urban - poverty condition in urban area which was to decrease found and fluctuate, (3) in simulation section, decreased of illeteracy and health expenditure gave better impact on poverty and also increased local GDP in North Sumatera than other simulation. Finally, it was that Fsiscal policy, especially in health and education sector, will stimulate social life in the future
Jurnal Hortikultura | 2013
Nana Sutrisna; Santun R.P. Sitorus; Bambang Pramudya; Harianto Harianto
ABSTRAK. Karat putih yang disebabkan oleh Puccinia horiana merupakan salah satu penyakit pada krisan yang dapat menimbulkan kehilangan hasil sampai 100% . Selama ini untuk mengendalikan patogen tersebut, petani sering menggunakan pestisida kimiawi. Hal tersebut sangat mengkhawatirkan mengingat penggunaan fungisida sintetik secara berlebihan dapat mencemari lingkungan yang membahayakan bagi kehidupan makhluk hidup. Oleh karena itu, cara pengendalian alternatif yang efektif dan aman bagi lingkungan diperlukan untuk mengendalikan penyakit karat putih pada krisan. Salah satu alternatif cara pengendalian penyakit karat yaitu dengan mengaplikasikan biopestisida yang ramah lingkungan. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium, rumah kaca, dan rumah plastik Kebun Percobaan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias (1.100 m dpl), pada bulan April 2009 sampai Februari 2010. Tiga spesies bakteri antagonis sebagai bahan aktif biopestisida (Bacillus subtilis Cs 1a, Corynebacterium sp.1, dan Pseudomonas flurescens 3 Sm) dan bahan pembawa (campuran antara ekstrak kascing, molase, gula pasir, dan atau kentang), masing-masing diformulasi dalam 12 jenis formula biopestisida cair. Formulasi biopestisida difermentasikan selama 3 minggu dalam keadaan aerobik menggunakan biofermentor. Viabilitas bahan aktif dalam bahan pembawa diuji setiap bulan, yaitu pada periode sebelum dan sesudah fermentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa populasi bahan aktif setelah difermentasi selama 3 minggu selalu meningkat, populasi bahan aktif sebelum fermentasi sejumlah 105 cfu/ml meningkat menjadi 106-7 cfu/ml. Dua bulan setelah fermentasi, populasi bahan aktif biopestisida masih tetap tinggi yaitu berkisar antara 106-11 cfu/ml. Perlakuan ekstrak kascing + gula pasir + B. subtilis + P. fluorescens + Corynebacterium pada tingkat konsentrasi 0,3% merupakan perlakuan terbaik. Disamping dapat menekan intensitas serangan P. horiana (38,49%), formulasi biopestisida tersebut juga dapat menaikkan hasil panen bunga krisan layak jual sebanyak 14,58%. ABSTRACT. Hanudin, W. Nuryani, E. Silvia, I. Djatnika, and B. Marwoto. 2010. Formulation of Biopesticide Containing Bacilllus subtilis, Pseudomonas fluorescens, and Corynebacterium sp. for Controlling White Rust Disease on Chrysanthemum. White rust caused by Puccinia horiana is one of the contagious diseases of chrysanthemum that is able to cause yield losses up to 100%. Chemical synthetic fungicides have been used to control the disease. Because of harmful effects of the synthetic fungicides, the other alternative measure to control the disease have to be developed in order to support the sustainable farming system. One of the recommended control measures is the application of biopesticide which is environmentaly friendly. The experiments were conducted in the laboratory, glasshouse, and plastichouse of Indonesia Ornamental Crops Research Institute (1,100 m asl), from April 2009–February 2010. Three candidates of biocontrol agents, i.e. B. subtilis Cs 1a, Corynebacterium sp.1, and P. fluorescens 3 Sm, were formulated with organic basal medium made from fermented worm manure, molasses, sugar, and or potatoes extracts. Twelve formulations were tested for their effectiveness to control the disease in the field. The viability of the biocontrol agents in the formulations was monthly tested before and after fermentation process during storage. Population of the biocontrol agents, after fermentation for 3 weeks was increased from 105 to 106-7 cfu/ml. Two months after fermentation the population of the biocontrol agents was still high (106-11 cfu/ml). The results showed that the formulation of vermicompost + sugar + B. subtilis + P. fluorescens + Corynebacterium at the concentration level of 0.3%, was proven to be the best treatment. The treatment was effective to supress white rust up to 38.49%, and could also increase the yield of marketable chrysanthemum flowers up to 14.58%.ABSTRAK. Pertanaman jeruk saat ini, di Kabupaten Karo, memperlihatkan produktivitas rendah dan umur tanaman yang pendek. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh serangan Phytophthora spp. yang merupakan patogen penyebab penyakit busuk pangkal batang pada tanaman jeruk. Penelitian bertujuan mengidentifikasi Phytophthora spp., patogen penyebab penyakit busuk pangkal batang pada tanaman jeruk. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Penyakit, Kebun Percobaan Tanaman Buah Berastagi dalam bulan Januari-Februari 2007. Daerah pengambilan sampel ialah di Desa Sumbul Kecamatan Kabanjahe, dan Desa Barusjahe Kecamatan Barusjahe. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jamur Phytophthora palmivora, P. citrophthora, dan P. parasitica ditemukan di Desa Sumbul. Jamur P. citrophthora dan P. parasitica juga diperoleh di Desa Barusjahe. Sporangia dan misellium P. palmivora di Desa Sumbul berwarna merah jambu dan putih, P. citrophthora berwarna putih dan hijau kehitaman, serta P. parasitica berwarna putih dan kuning muda, sedangkan di Desa Barusjahe P. citrophthora berwarna putih dan merah jambu dan P. parasitica berwarna putih. Ukuran (panjang x lebar) sporangia P. palmivora (33-45) x (30-50) μm, P. citrophthora di Desa Sumbul (40-50) x (34-50) μm, dan di Desa Barusjahe (30-45) x (30-45) μm, P. parasitica di Desa Sumbul (33-35) x (29-30) μm, dan di Desa Barusjahe (30-40) x (28-30) μm. Ukuran sporangiofor P. palmivora pada umumnya sebesar 6,25-250 μm, panjang sporangiofor P. citrophthora di Desa Sumbul antara 25-68,75 μm dan di Desa Barusjahe 12,5-100 μm, sedangkan panjang sporangiofor P. parasitica di Desa Sumbul 43,75-162,5 μm dan di Desa Barusjahe 6,25-150 μm. Spesies phytophthora yang paling banyak ditemukan di Desa Sumbul adalah P. palmivora, sedangkan di daerah Barusjahe adalah P. citrophthora. Hasil identifikasi yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini akan bermanfaat dalam menentukan cara pengendalian Phytophthora spp. pada tanaman jeruk. ABSTRACT. Marpaung, A.E., F.H. Silalahi, and E.I.Y. Purba. 2010. Identification of the Causal Agent of Brown Rot Gummosis on Citrus in Karo Region. Citrus cultivation in Karo region has exhibited low yielding and short plant lifetime. This condition was caused by the infection of Phytophthora spp., the causal agent of brown rot gummosis on citrus. The objectives of the research was to identify the occurence of Phytophthora spp. on citrus plants. The research was conducted in Berastagi Fruits Plant Research Farm, from January to February 2007. The samples were collected from Kabanjahe District at the viilage of Sumbul and Barusjahe. The results indicated, that Phytophthora palmivora, P. citrophthora, and P. parasitica were obtained from Sumbul village, while P. citrophthora and P. parasitica were also found in Barusjahe village. The color of sporangia and misellium of P. palmivora originated from Sumbul Village was white, P. citrophthora was white and dark green, and P. parasitica were pink and yellow, meanwhile the color of at P. citrophthora obtained from Barusjahe village were white and pink and P. parasitica was white. The size of sporangia P. palmivora was (33-45) x (30-50) μm, P. citrophthora at Sumbul Village was (40-50) x (34-50) μm, and from Barusjahe Village was (30-45) x (30-45) μm, P. parasitica at Sumbul Village was (33-35) x (29-30) μm and Barusjahe Village was (30-40) x (28-30) μm. The general length of sporangiofor P. palmivora was 6.25-250 μm. The length of sporangiofor P. citrophthora at Sumbul Village was 25-68.75 μm and at Barusjahe Village was 12.5-100 μm, even though P. parasitica at Sumbul Village was 43.75-162.5 μm and Barusjahe Village was 6.25-150 μm. The most species of phytophthora found at Sumbul Village was P. palmivora and at Barusjahe Village was P. citrophthora. The result of the identification wil beneficial for the development of easier control measures of Phytophthora spp. disease on citrus.
Jurnal Organisasi Dan Manajemen | 2013
Niken Sulistyowati; Harianto Harianto; D S Priyarsono; Mangara Tambunan
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan | 2017
Fitria Virgantari; Arief Daryanto; Harianto Harianto; Sri Utami Kuntjoro
Jurnal Manajemen dan Agribisnis | 2018
Annisa Fitri; Harianto Harianto; Ratna Winandi Asmarantaka
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia | 2018
Dira Asri Pramita; Nunung Kusnadi; Harianto Harianto
Idqan Fahmi; Arief Daryanto; Hermanto Siregar; Harianto Harianto
Sosio e-kons | 2017
Erwinsyah Erwinsyah; Harianto Harianto; Bonar M. Sinaga; Bintang C.H. Simangunsong