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Featured researches published by Henrique dos Anjos Bomjardim.

Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases | 2012

Multifocal Cutaneous Orf Virus Infection in Goats in the Amazon Region, Brazil

Cairo Henrique Sousa Oliveira; Felipe L. Assis; José Diomedes Barbosa Neto; Carlos Magno Chaves Oliveira; Cinthia Távora de Albuquerque Lopes; Henrique dos Anjos Bomjardim; W. M. S. Vinhote; André Guimarães Maciel e Silva; Jônatas Santos Abrahão; Erna Geessien Kroon

Orf virus is the etiological agent of contagious ecthyma, a severe exanthematic disease that affects small ruminants. Orf virus is zoonosis that is associated with occupational contact with infected animals in human disease. Clinically, contagious ecthyma is characterized by the appearance of vesicles, pustules, ulcers, and papillomatous proliferative lesions on the skin of the lips and nostrils. Here we describe a case of lethal cutaneous multifocal Orf virus infection in goats in the Amazon region of Brazil. Exanthematic lesions were collected and epidemiological and clinical data were obtained. Orf virus was detected using PCR amplification of the whole B2L, VIR, and VEGF open reading frame. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that this virus clustered together with the Orf virus samples isolated during classical contagious ecthyma. The present work is the first to report a severe proliferative Orf virus case in South America.

Comparative Immunology Microbiology and Infectious Diseases | 2016

Occurrence of Pseudocowpox virus associated to Bovine viral diarrhea virus-1, Brazilian Amazon

Pedro Augusto Alves; Poliana de Oliveira Figueiredo; Cairo Henrique Sousa de Oliveira; José Diomedes Barbosa; Danillo Henrique da Silva Lima; Henrique dos Anjos Bomjardim; Natália da Silva e Silva; Karinny Ferreira Campos; Carlos Magno Chaves Oliveira; Edel Figueiredo Barbosa-Stancioli; Jônatas Santos Abrahão; Erna Geessien Kroon; Giliane de Souza Trindade

In 2011, an outbreak of severe vesicular disease occurred in the state of Pará, Amazon region. Besides proliferative or verrucous lesions, cattle showed atypical clinical signs such as diarrhea and leading to death. The animals were submitted to clinical, pathological and molecular diagnosis, and laboratory tests have confirmed the presence of Pseudocowpox virus (PCPV), a Parapoxvirus genus member, and have also found Bovine viral diarrhea virus-1 (BVDV-1), probably causing persistent infection. The results of molecular diagnostics, followed by sequencing data demonstrated the circulation of both viruses (PCPV and BVDV-1) in an area previously affected by another poxvirus, as Vaccinia virus.The cocirculation between PCPV and BVDV-1 indicates a major concern for animal health because the clinical presentation can be a severe disease. This is the first detection of PCPV in the Brazilian Amazon.

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2011

Níveis de fósforo, cobre, cobalto e zinco em bubalinos (Bubalus bubalis) na Ilha de Marajó, Estado do Pará

Cleyton Prado Pinheiro; Henrique dos Anjos Bomjardim; Stefano Juliano Tavares de Andrade; Kelson C.F. Faial; Carlos Magno Chaves Oliveira; José Diomedes Barbosa

The study comprised 104 adults buffaloes, without distinction of race and sex, reared extensively, without supplementation, in native pastures of low nutritional quality, in the municipalities of Breves, Cachoeira do Arari, Salvaterra and Soure, Marajo Island, Para. Samples of liver, bone and blood were collected from 26 animals in the municipality of Salvaterra, from 38 animals in the municipality of Soure, from 20 animals in the municipality of Breves and from 20 animals in the municipality of Cachoeira do Arari. Determination of the levels of phosphorus in the blood serum and bone ash, and of the specific gravity of bone, and of cobalt, copper and zinc in liver tissue were performed. The average phosphorus concentrations in blood serum (6.26mg/dl) and bone (10.77%), the percentage of ash (60.87%) and specific gravity (1.59g/ml) of bone were lower than the critical levels established for cattle, characterizing phosphorus deficiency. The average concentrations of copper (5.57ppm) and zinc (27.05ppm) was considered low when compared with reference values, characterizing deficiency for these elements. In the case of cobalt when considering the detectable and undetectable values by the methodology, it was observed that 51.92% of the animals had levels below the reference, indicating the occurrence of cobalt deficiency in these animals. It is emphasized that the deficiencies of copper and zinc were the most severe since all animals studied showed deficient levels of these elements.

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2015

Infecção transplacentária e intrauterina por Brucella abortus em búfalos (Bubalus bubalis)

Melina Garcia Saraiva de Sousa; Felipe Masiero Salvarani; Henrique dos Anjos Bomjardim; Antônio Augusto Fonseca; Ingred Sales Preis; Marilene de Farias Brito; R. C. Leite; José Diomedes Barbosa

The objective of this study was to detect Brucella abortus and injuries caused by the bacteria in fetal membranes and fetuses. Twenty buffaloes serologically positive for brucellosis were used and subjected to stamping for collection of material from the closed uterus of several months gestation. Fetal age was determined by ultrasound examination and the size of fetuses was measured at necropsy. The samples were subjected to histopathology and qPCR. From the second month of pregnancy on it was possible to detect the presence of B. abortus DNA in amniotic fluid, allantoic liquid and uterus, and from the fifth month on in placenta, heart, spleen, kidney, lung, intestine, liver and lymph nodes of the fetuses. The main pathological findings were fibrinous suppurative necrotic placentitis, and chronic endometritis.

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2015

Equine infectious anemia on Marajo Island at the mouth of the Amazon river

Nayra Fernanda de Q.R. Freitas; Carlos Magno Chaves Oliveira; R. C. Leite; Jenner Karlisson Pimenta dos Reis; Fernanda G. Oliveira; Henrique dos Anjos Bomjardim; Felipe Masiero Salvarani; José Diomedes Barbosa

A anemia infecciosa equina (EIA) e uma importante enfermidade, transmissivel e incuravel causada por um lentivirus, equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV), e nao ha relatos na literatura desta infeccao em equinos da Ilha de Marajo. O objetivo deste estudo foi diagnosticar a anemia infecciosa equina nos municipios de Cachoeira do Arari, Salvaterra, Santa Cruz do Arari e Soure, Ilha de Marajo, no bioma amazonico do estado do Para, Brasil. Para a pesquisa sorologica foram coletadas 294 amostras de animais da especie equina, acima de cinco meses de idade, de ambos os sexos, das racas puruca, marajoara e de mesticos, testadas pela imunodifusao em gel de Agar (IDGA). Foi verificada uma prevalencia de 46.26% (136/294) de casos positivos para EIA. A doenca e considerada endemica nos municipios estudados, tanto pelos aspectos ecologicos da regiao que propiciam a manutencao da populacao de insetos hematofagos vetores, quanto pela ausencia de medidas oficiais de controle da doenca.

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2011

Quadro clínico-patológico do envenenamento crotálico experimental em bubalinos comparado com o de bovinos

José Diomedes Barbosa; Melina Garcia Saraiva de Sousa; Carlos Hubinger Tokarnia; Marilene de Farias Brito; Alessandra dos Santos Belo Reis; Henrique dos Anjos Bomjardim; Cinthia Távora de Albuquerque Lopes; Carlos Magno Chaves Oliveira

The objective of the study was to verify the sensibility of buffaloes to the poison of Crotalus durissus terriiicus and to study the clinical-pathological picture in buffaloes in comparison with the one in cattle. The subcutaneous inoculation of the liofilized poison of the snake, diluted in 1ml of physiologic solution, was done in the area of the humerus-radio-ulnar joint of three buffaloes at doses of 0.015, 0.03 and 0.066mg/kg, and of two cattle at doses of 0.03 and 0.066mg/kg. The buffalo that received the 0.03mg/kg dose presented severe clinical signs but recovered six days later. The bovine that received the same dose, died after a clinical course of 22h56min. The 0.066mg/kg dose caused death of the bovine as also the buffalo, with a clinical course of 4h23min and 8h12min, respectively. The buffalo that received the 0.015mg/kg dose recovered, after a course of 48 hours. The buffalo that died, showed clinical signs from 3h58min on, and the buffaloes that showed symptoms from 17h25min and 24h00min after inoculation of the venom, but recovered. In the two cattle that died (with doses of 0.03 and 0.066mg/kg), the first clinical signs occurred 6h10min and 6h31min after the inoculation of the venom. The inoculation produced in the buffaloes and cattle nervous symptoms of flaccid paralysis. The main signs observed in the buffaloes as well as the cattle, were slight volume increase at the site of inoculation, respiration difficulties characterized by predominantly abdominal breathing, apathy, sialorreia, difficulty to get up when stimulated, evolution to sternal decubitus followed by lateral decubitus with peddling movements of the legs, and decrease of the reflexes related to the cranial nerves. The buffaloes showed also augmentation of the sustentation base, dragging of the hooves of the hind legs, slow and staggering gait, difficulty in apprehension of the food, The cattle showed additionally paralysis of the eyeballs, revealed through non-exhibition of the sclera during head rotation in latero-caudal direction. Laboratory exams revealed in the cattle and the buffaloes leucocytosis by neutrofilia, and in the biochemistry series, increase in the levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartato aminotransferase, creatinaquinase and lactic dehydrogenase. There was no alteration in the urinalysis nor in the activation time of protrombine and in the time of partially activated tromboplastin. Necropsy only evidenced slight edema corresponding to the inoculation site in one bovine. Histopathological examination revealed picnosis of the epitelial cell nuclei of some kidney tubules in the cortex (in the buffalo and in one bovine) and slight vacuolation of hepatocites (in one bovine).

Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases | 2011

Fatal bothropic snakebite in a horse: a case report

Natália da Silva e Silva; José Alcides Sarmento da Silveira; Tatiane Teles Albernaz; Karinny Ferreira Campos; Carlos Magno Chaves Oliveira; Nayra Fernanda de Q.R. Freitas; Henrique dos Anjos Bomjardim; José Diomedes Barbosa

The present study reports a snakebite in a horse in the state of Para, Brazil. At initial evaluation the animal was reluctant to walk and had tachycardia, tachypnea, severe lameness, bleeding on the pastern and swelling around the left hind leg. Blood samples from the bleeding sites, took on the first day, showed leukocytosis and neutrophilia, whereas biochemical values of urea and creatinine were significantly increased. The chosen treatment was snake antivenom, fluid therapy, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory agents and diuretic drugs. On the fourth day of therapy, the hematological values were within normal parameters. There was improvement related to the clinical lameness and swelling of the limb. However, a decrease in water intake and oliguria were observed. On the seventh day the animal died. Necropsy revealed areas of hemorrhagic edema in the left hind limb and ventral abdomen; the kidneys presented equimosis in the capsule, and when cut they were wet. Moreover, the cortex was pale, slightly yellow and the medullary striae had the same aspect. Based on these data, we concluded that the snakebite in the present study was caused by Bothrops spp. and that renal failure contributed to death.

Comparative Immunology Microbiology and Infectious Diseases | 2017

Serological survey of Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii in cattle (Bos indicus) and water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) in ten provinces of Brazil

Jenevaldo Barbosa da Silva; Rafael Romero Nicolino; Gisele Maria Fagundes; Henrique dos Anjos Bomjardim; Alessandra dos Santos Belo Reis; Danillo Henrique da Silva Lima; Carlos Magno Chaves Oliveira; José Diomedes Barbosa; Adivaldo Henrique da Fonseca

The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of antibodies to Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii among 500 cattle (Bos indicus) and 500 buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) using the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) technique. Blood samples from were collected from water buffalo and cattle in 10 municipalities in the northern region of Brazil. The frequency of cattle and water buffaloes seropositive for Neospora caninum in Pará state, Brazil, was 55% and 44%, respectively, and the frequency of cattle and water buffaloes seropositive for Toxoplasma gondii was 52% and 39%, respectively. Seropositivity for both N. caninum and T. gondii was detected in 10.6% of the cattle samples and 14.8% of the buffalo samples. The frequency of cattle positive for N. caninum and T. gondii was significantly (p<0.05) higher than that of buffalo in two and three provinces, respectively. Buffaloes had a lower seroprevalence for N. caninum or T. gondii in all of the provinces studied. These results suggest that both species, when exposed to the same risks for N. caninum and T. gondii infection, have a high serological prevalence. Cattle showed a higher probability of being seropositive when exposed to the same risks for N. caninum and T. gondii. Our study, which included an extensive number of blood samples, provides important epidemiological information pertinent to buffalo production in tropical countries that can be used as a basis for disease-management practices in Latin America.

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2016

Teores de cobre, zinco e ferro no fígado de búfalos (Bubalus bubalis) com paratuberculose

Alessandra dos Santos Belo Reis; Marilene de Farias Brito; Henrique dos Anjos Bomjardim; Kelson C.F. Faial; Felipe Masiero Salvarani; D. G. Ubiali; Carlos Magno Chaves Oliveira; José Diomedes Barbosa

In order to study copper, zinc and iron concentration in the liver of buffaloes with paratuberculosis (PTB), 13 buffalo cows above three years of age of the Murrah and Mediterranean races or their crosses were used. They originated from two farms in the municipalities of Sao Luis and Sao Mateus, state of Maranhao, Brazil. The animals were selected according to clinical signs of paratuberculosis, as diarrhea, dehydration and submandibular edema. Rectal biopsies for detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) through PCR in real time (qPCR) and Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) stain were performed on all animals. Seven buffaloes revealed positive and six were negative for PTB. They were separated into two groups: Group 1 contained seven buffaloes positive for paratuberculosis, and Group 2 contained six animals negative for paratuberculosis. They were euthanized and postmortem examination was performed for the collection of various tissue samples to be fixed in 10% formalin for histopathology; also liver tissue samples were collected to be frozen for chemical analysis of trace minerals (Cu, Zn and Fe). Postmortem showed that all buffaloes with PTB had brown colored mesenteric lymphnodes, indicating hemosiderosis. One buffalo had brown spots on the mucosa of the small intestine. Histopathology revealed moderate to severe hemosiderosis of the spleen in buffaloes of Group 1. All animals positive for PTB showed micromineral levels below the reference values. The average Cu concentration in buffaloes with PTB was only 18.0ppm and the one of Zn only 68.6ppm. In Group 2, negative for PTB, the average Cu concentration was 113.7ppm and the one of Zn 110.0ppm. Fe concentrations in buffaloes of both groups were high (>669ppm). The analysis of trace elements in the liver confirmed copper deficiency, but also showed low levels of zinc and high levels of iron. Based on clinical and pathological findings, and the micromineral concentrations found in the liver, it is concluded that paratuberculosis could lead to mineral deficiency and worsen the clinical condition of the buffaloes.

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2014

Lead poisoning in cattle and chickens in the state of Pará, Brazil

José Diomedes Barbosa; Henrique dos Anjos Bomjardim; Karinny Ferreira Campos; Marcos Dutra Duarte; Pedro Soares Bezerra Júnior; Aldo Gava; Felipe Masiero Salvarani; Carlos Magno Chaves Oliveira

The present study describes the occurrence of lead poisoning in cattle and chickens in Para, Brazil. In a lot composed of 80 calves from a dairy herd, 10 animals became sick and nine died, but one animal recovered after being removed from the paddock. Upon inspection of this paddock, the presence of truck batteries used to store energy captured by solar panels was found. The clinical signs observed in calves included difficult breathing, nasal discharge, excessive salivation, corneal opacity, pushing of the head against objects and recumbency. The chickens had decreased oviposition and produced eggs with thin or malformed shells. The necropsy findings of the cattle, as well as the histopathological changes observed, were of little significance except for one animal that showed mild astrocytosis histopathology in the cerebral cortex. In one of the chickens, renal histopathology showed mild multifocal acute tubular necrosis. The mean lead concentrations in the livers and kidneys of the cattle were 93.91mg/kg and 209.76mg/kg, respectively, and the mean concentration detected in chicken livers was 105.02mg/kg. It was concluded that the source of lead poisoning in these calves and chickens were the truck battery plates, which were within reach of the animals.


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Marilene de Farias Brito

Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro

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