I. J. Cohen
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
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Featured researches published by I. J. Cohen.
Science | 2016
J. L. Burch; R. B. Torbert; T. D. Phan; L. J Chen; T. E. Moore; R. E. Ergun; J. P. Eastwood; D. J. Gershman; P. A. Cassak; M. R. Argall; Sheng-Hsiang Wang; Michael Hesse; C. J. Pollock; B. L. Giles; R. Nakamura; B. H. Mauk; S. A. Fuselier; C. T. Russell; R. J. Strangeway; J. F. Drake; M. A. Shay; Yu. V. Khotyaintsev; Per-Arne Lindqvist; Göran Marklund; F. D. Wilder; D. T. Young; K. Torkar; J. Goldstein; J. C. Dorelli; L. A. Avanov
Probing magnetic reconnection in space Magnetic reconnection occurs when the magnetic field permeating a conductive plasma rapidly rearranges itself, releasing energy and accelerating particles. Reconnection is important in a wide variety of physical systems, but the details of how it occurs are poorly understood. Burch et al. used NASAs Magnetospheric Multiscale mission to probe the plasma properties within a reconnection event in Earths magnetosphere (see the Perspective by Coates). They find that the process is driven by the electron-scale dynamics. The results will aid our understanding of magnetized plasmas, including those in fusion reactors, the solar atmosphere, solar wind, and the magnetospheres of Earth and other planets. Science, this issue p. 10.1126/science.aaf2939; see also p. 1176 Magnetic reconnection is driven by the electron-scale dynamics occurring within magnetized plasmas. INTRODUCTION Magnetic reconnection is a physical process occurring in plasmas in which magnetic energy is explosively converted into heat and kinetic energy. The effects of reconnection—such as solar flares, coronal mass ejections, magnetospheric substorms and auroras, and astrophysical plasma jets—have been studied theoretically, modeled with computer simulations, and observed in space. However, the electron-scale kinetic physics, which controls how magnetic field lines break and reconnect, has up to now eluded observation. RATIONALE To advance understanding of magnetic reconnection with a definitive experiment in space, NASA developed and launched the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission in March 2015. Flying in a tightly controlled tetrahedral formation, the MMS spacecraft can sample the magnetopause, where the interplanetary and geomagnetic fields reconnect, and make detailed measurements of the plasma environment and the electric and magnetic fields in the reconnection region. Because the reconnection dissipation region at the magnetopause is thin (a few kilometers) and moves rapidly back and forth across the spacecraft (10 to 100 km/s), high-resolution measurements are needed to capture the microphysics of reconnection. The most critical measurements are of the three-dimensional electron distributions, which must be made every 30 ms, or 100 times the fastest rate previously available. RESULTS On 16 October 2015, the MMS tetrahedron encountered a reconnection site on the dayside magnetopause and observed (i) the conversion of magnetic energy to particle kinetic energy; (ii) the intense current and electric field that causes the dissipation of magnetic energy; (iii) crescent-shaped electron velocity distributions that carry the current; and (iv) changes in magnetic topology. The crescent-shaped features in the velocity distributions (left side of the figure) are the result of demagnetization of solar wind electrons as they flow into the reconnection site, and their acceleration and deflection by an outward-pointing electric field that is set up at the magnetopause boundary by plasma density gradients. As they are deflected in these fields, the solar wind electrons mix in with magnetospheric electrons and are accelerated along a meandering path that straddles the boundary, picking up the energy released in annihilating the magnetic field. As evidence of the predicted interconnection of terrestrial and solar wind magnetic fields, the crescent-shaped velocity distributions are diverted along the newly connected magnetic field lines in a narrow layer just at the boundary. This diversion along the field is shown in the right side of the figure. CONCLUSION MMS has yielded insights into the microphysics underlying the reconnection between interplanetary and terrestrial magnetic fields. The persistence of the characteristic crescent shape in the electron distributions suggests that the kinetic processes causing magnetic field line reconnection are dominated by electron dynamics, which produces the electric fields and currents that dissipate magnetic energy. The primary evidence for this magnetic dissipation is the appearance of an electric field and a current that are parallel to one another and out of the plane of the figure. MMS has measured this electric field and current, and has identified the important role of electron dynamics in triggering magnetic reconnection. Electron dynamics controls the reconnection between the terrestrial and solar magnetic fields. The process of magnetic reconnection has been a long-standing mystery. With fast particle measurements, NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission has measured how electron dynamics controls magnetic reconnection. The data in the circles show electrons with velocities from 0 to 104 km/s carrying current out of the page on the left side of the X-line and then flowing upward and downward along the reconnected magnetic field on the right side. The most intense fluxes are red and the least intense are blue. The plot in the center shows magnetic field lines and out-of-plane currents derived from a numerical plasma simulation using the parameters observed by MMS. Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental physical process in plasmas whereby stored magnetic energy is converted into heat and kinetic energy of charged particles. Reconnection occurs in many astrophysical plasma environments and in laboratory plasmas. Using measurements with very high time resolution, NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission has found direct evidence for electron demagnetization and acceleration at sites along the sunward boundary of Earth’s magnetosphere where the interplanetary magnetic field reconnects with the terrestrial magnetic field. We have (i) observed the conversion of magnetic energy to particle energy; (ii) measured the electric field and current, which together cause the dissipation of magnetic energy; and (iii) identified the electron population that carries the current as a result of demagnetization and acceleration within the reconnection diffusion/dissipation region.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2016
B. Lavraud; Y. C. Zhang; Y. Vernisse; D. J. Gershman; J. C. Dorelli; P. A. Cassak; J. Dargent; C. J. Pollock; B. Giles; N. Aunai; M. R. Argall; L. A. Avanov; Alexander C. Barrie; J. L. Burch; M. O. Chandler; Li-Jen Chen; G. Clark; I. J. Cohen; Victoria N. Coffey; J. P. Eastwood; J. Egedal; S. Eriksson; R. E. Ergun; C. J. Farrugia; S. A. Fuselier; Vincent Génot; D. B. Graham; E. E. Grigorenko; H. Hasegawa; Christian Jacquey
Based on high-resolution measurements from NASAs Magnetospheric Multiscale mission, we present the dynamics of electrons associated with current systems observed near the diffusion region of magnetic reconnection at Earths magnetopause. Using pitch angle distributions (PAD) and magnetic curvature analysis, we demonstrate the occurrence of electron scattering in the curved magnetic field of the diffusion region down to energies of 20 eV. We show that scattering occurs closer to the current sheet as the electron energy decreases. The scattering of inflowing electrons, associated with field-aligned electrostatic potentials and Hall currents, produces a new population of scattered electrons with broader PAD which bounce back and forth in the exhaust. Except at the center of the diffusion region the two populations are collocated and appear to behave adiabatically: the inflowing electron PAD focuses inward (toward lower magnetic field), while the bouncing population PAD gradually peaks at 90° away from the center (where it mirrors owing to higher magnetic field and probable field-aligned potentials).
Geophysical Research Letters | 2016
H. Breuillard; O. Le Contel; A. Retinò; A. Chasapis; T. Chust; L. Mirioni; D. B. Graham; F. D. Wilder; I. J. Cohen; Andris Vaivads; Yuri V. Khotyaintsev; P.-A. Lindqvist; Göran Marklund; J. L. Burch; R. B. Torbert; R. E. Ergun; K. A. Goodrich; J. Macri; J. Needell; M. Chutter; D. Rau; I. Dors; C. T. Russell; W. Magnes; R. J. Strangeway; K. R. Bromund; F. Plaschke; D. Fischer; H. K. Leinweber; Brian J. Anderson
Dipolarization fronts (DFs), embedded in bursty bulk flows, play a crucial role in Earths plasma sheet dynamics because the energy input from the solar wind is partly dissipated in their vicinity. This dissipation is in the form of strong low-frequency waves that can heat and accelerate energetic electrons up to the high-latitude plasma sheet. However, the dynamics of DF propagation and associated low-frequency waves in the magnetotail are still under debate due to instrumental limitations and spacecraft separation distances. In May 2015 the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission was in a string-of-pearls configuration with an average intersatellite distance of 160 km, which allows us to study in detail the microphysics of DFs. Thus, in this letter we employ MMS data to investigate the properties of dipolarization fronts propagating earthward and associated whistler mode wave emissions. We show that the spatial dynamics of DFs are below the ion gyroradius scale in this region (∼500 km), which can modify the dynamics of ions in the vicinity of the DF (e.g., making their motion nonadiabatic). We also show that whistler wave dynamics have a temporal scale of the order of the ion gyroperiod (a few seconds), indicating that the perpendicular temperature anisotropy can vary on such time scales.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2016
D. L. Turner; J. F. Fennell; J. B. Blake; J. H. Clemmons; B. H. Mauk; I. J. Cohen; A. N. Jaynes; J. V. Craft; F. D. Wilder; D. N. Baker; G. D. Reeves; D. J. Gershman; L. A. Avanov; J. C. Dorelli; B. L. Giles; C. J. Pollock; D. Schmid; R. Nakamura; R. J. Strangeway; C. T. Russell; A. V. Artemyev; A. Runov; V. Angelopoulos; Harlan E. Spence; R. B. Torbert; J. L. Burch
We present multipoint observations of earthward moving dipolarization fronts and energetic particle injections from NASAs Magnetospheric Multiscale mission with a focus on electron acceleration. From a case study during a substorm on 02 August 2015, we find that electrons are only accelerated over a finite energy range, from a lower energy threshold at ~7–9 keV up to an upper energy cutoff in the hundreds of keV range. At energies lower than the threshold energy, electron fluxes decrease, potentially due to precipitation by strong parallel electrostatic wavefields or initial sources in the lobes. Electrons at energies higher than the threshold are accelerated cumulatively by a series of impulsive magnetic dipolarization events. This case demonstrates how the upper energy cutoff increases, in this case from ~130 keV to >500 keV, with each dipolarization/injection during sustained activity. We also present a simple model accounting for these energy limits that reveals that electron energization is dominated by betatron acceleration.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2016
I. J. Cohen; B. H. Mauk; Brian J. Anderson; J. H. Westlake; David G. Sibeck; B. L. Giles; C. J. Pollock; D. L. Turner; J. F. Fennell; J. B. Blake; J. H. Clemmons; A. N. Jaynes; D. N. Baker; J. V. Craft; Harlan E. Spence; J. T. Niehof; G. D. Reeves; R. B. Torbert; C. T. Russell; Robert J. Strangeway; W. Magnes; K. J. Trattner; S. A. Fuselier; J. L. Burch
Energetic (greater than tens of keV) magnetospheric particle escape into the magnetosheath occurs commonly, irrespective of conditions that engender reconnection and boundary-normal magnetic fields. A signature observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission, simultaneous monohemispheric streaming of multiple species (electrons, H+, Hen+), is reported here as unexpectedly common in the dayside, dusk quadrant of the magnetosheath even though that region is thought to be drift-shadowed from energetic electrons. This signature is sometimes part of a pitch angle distribution evolving from symmetric in the magnetosphere, to asymmetric approaching the magnetopause, to monohemispheric streaming in the magnetosheath. While monohemispheric streaming in the magnetosheath may be possible without a boundary-normal magnetic field, the additional pitch angle depletion, particularly of electrons, on the magnetospheric side requires one. Observations of this signature in the dayside dusk sector imply that the static picture of magnetospheric drift-shadowing is inappropriate for energetic particle dynamics in the outer magnetosphere.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2016
D. N. Baker; A. N. Jaynes; D. L. Turner; R. Nakamura; D. Schmid; B. H. Mauk; I. J. Cohen; J. F. Fennell; J. B. Blake; Robert J. Strangeway; C. T. Russell; R. B. Torbert; J. C. Dorelli; Dan Gershman; B. L. Giles; J. L. Burch
An active storm period in June 2015 showed that particle injection events seen sequentially by the four (Magnetospheric Multiscale) MMS spacecraft subsequently fed the enhancement of the outer radiation belt observed by Van Allen Probes mission sensors. Several episodes of significant southward interplanetary magnetic field along with a period of high solar wind speed (Vsw≳ 500 km/s) on 22 June occurred following strong interplanetary shock wave impacts on the magnetosphere. Key events on 22 June 2015 show that the magnetosphere progressed through a sequence of energy-loading and stress-developing states until the entire system suddenly reconfigured at 19:32 UT. Energetic electrons, plasma, and magnetic fields measured by the four MMS spacecraft revealed clear dipolarization front characteristics. It was seen that magnetospheric substorm activity provided a “seed” electron population as observed by MMS particle sensors as multiple injections and related enhancements in electron flux.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2016
R. Nakamura; V. A. Sergeev; W. Baumjohann; F. Plaschke; W. Magnes; D. Fischer; A. Varsani; D. Schmid; T. K. M. Nakamura; C. T. Russell; R. J. Strangeway; H. K. Leinweber; G. Le; K. R. Bromund; C. J. Pollock; B. L. Giles; J. C. Dorelli; D. J. Gershman; W. R. Paterson; L. A. Avanov; S. A. Fuselier; K. J. Genestreti; J. L. Burch; R. B. Torbert; M. Chutter; M. R. Argall; Brian J. Anderson; Per-Arne Lindqvist; Göran Marklund; Y. V. Khotyaintsev
Abstract We report on field‐aligned current observations by the four Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft near the plasma sheet boundary layer (PSBL) during two major substorms on 23 June 2015. Small‐scale field‐aligned currents were found embedded in fluctuating PSBL flux tubes near the separatrix region. We resolve, for the first time, short‐lived earthward (downward) intense field‐aligned current sheets with thicknesses of a few tens of kilometers, which are well below the ion scale, on flux tubes moving equatorward/earthward during outward plasma sheet expansion. They coincide with upward field‐aligned electron beams with energies of a few hundred eV. These electrons are most likely due to acceleration associated with a reconnection jet or high‐energy ion beam‐produced disturbances. The observations highlight coupling of multiscale processes in PSBL as a consequence of magnetotail reconnection.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2016
Brian J. Anderson; C. T. Russell; Robert J. Strangeway; F. Plaschke; W. Magnes; D. Fischer; Haje Korth; V. G. Merkin; R. J. Barnes; C. L. Waters; I. J. Cohen; J. H. Westlake; B. H. Mauk; H. K. Leinweber; Daniel J. Gershman; B. L. Giles; G. Le; R. B. Torbert; J. L. Burch
Magnetopause observations by Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) and Birkeland currents observed by the Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment are used to relate magnetopause encounters to ionospheric electrodynamics. MMS magnetopause crossings on 15 August and 19 September 2015 occurred earthward of expectations due to solar wind ram pressure alone and coincided with equatorward expansion of the Birkeland currents. Magnetopause erosion, consistent with expansion of the polar cap, contributed to the magnetopause crossings. The ionospheric projections of MMS during the events and at times of the magnetopause crossings indicate that MMS observations are related to the main path of flux transport in one case but not in a second. The analysis provides a way to routinely relate in situ observations to the context of in situ convection and flux transport.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2016
A. N. Jaynes; D. L. Turner; F. D. Wilder; A. Osmane; D. N. Baker; J. B. Blake; J. F. Fennell; I. J. Cohen; B. H. Mauk; G. D. Reeves; R. E. Ergun; B. L. Giles; D. J. Gershman; R. B. Torbert; J. L. Burch
During the first months of observations, the Magnetospheric Multiscale Fly’s Eye Energetic Particle Spectrometer instrument has observed several instances of electron acceleration up to >100 keV while in the vicinity of the dayside reconnection region. While particle acceleration associated with magnetic reconnection has been seen to occur up to these energies in the tail region, it had not yet been reported at the magnetopause. This study reports on observations of electron acceleration up to hundreds of keV that were recorded on 19 September 2015 around 1000 UT, in the midst of an X-line crossing. In the region surrounding the X-line, whistler-mode and broadband electrostatic waves were observed simultaneously with the appearance of highly energetic electrons which exhibited significant energization in the perpendicular direction. The mechanisms by which particles may be accelerated via reconnection-related processes are intrinsic to understanding particle dynamics among a wide range of spatial scales and plasma environments.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2015
I. J. Cohen; M. R. Lessard; R. H. Varney; K. Oksavik; M. Zettergren; K. A. Lynch
Motivated by rocket observations showing a variety of different ionospheric responses to precipitation, this paper explores the influence of the background ionospheric density on upflow resulting from auroral precipitation. Simulations of upflow driven by auroral precipitation were conducted using a version of the Varney et al. (2014) model driven by precipitation characterized by observations made during the 2012 Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Alfven resonator rocket mission and using a variety of different initial electron density profiles. The simulation results show that increased initial density before the onset of precipitation leads to smaller electron temperature increases, longer ionospheric heating timescales, weaker ambipolar electric fields, lower upflow speeds, and longer upflow timescales but larger upflow fluxes. The upflow flux can increase even when the ambipolar electric field strength decreases due to the larger number of ions that are accelerated. Long-term observations from the European Incoherent Scatter (EISCAT) Svalbard radar taken during the International Polar Year support the effects seen in the simulations. This correlation between ionospheric density and ion upflows emphasizes the important role of photoionization from solar ultraviolet radiation, which the EISCAT observations show can increase ionospheric density by as much as an order of magnitude during the summer months.