Isis de Moraes Chernicharo
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
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Featured researches published by Isis de Moraes Chernicharo.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2013
Isis de Moraes Chernicharo; Fernanda Duarte da Silva de Freitas; Márcia de Assunção Ferreira
This research aimed to identify and analyze the elements that constitute the representations of nurses and users about the humanization of care, and to discuss strategies that can contribute to the implementation of the National Humanization Policy. Twelve professionals who were working effectively in nursing care and fifteen users hospitalized adults participated in the research, all of the medical clinic of a federal public hospital. Semi-structured individual interviews were used to generate data, to which the technique of thematic content analysis was applied. The conceptions about humanization refer to social issues, which show the relationship between professionals and users in nursing care; and, also, to management issues, which show the difficulties in health care facilities to obtain a humanized approach. The discussion with those involved in the process presents itself as a strategy for the scope of the precepts of the National Policy of Humanization.
Escola Anna Nery | 2011
Isis de Moraes Chernicharo; Fernanda Duarte da Silva; Márcia de Assunção Ferreira
Resumen This paper presents a research about the conceptions of professional nursing concerning humanization of care, identifying the elements which constitute it. It took part Twelve professionals who were working effectively in nursing care in any shift (morning, afternoon or evening) at the clinic of a public and federal hospital participated in this study. Semi-structured individual interviews and systematic observation were used to generate data. The concepts of the subjects refer to the humanization of empirical care (scientific knowledge), aesthetic (the art of nursing), personal (self) and moral (ethical care). It can be concluded that the humanization of care has a strict relationship to interpersonal relationships and health management, requiring a greater investment in preparing professionals so it has a more humane approach and less protocol, which interferes in the quality of care.Resumen This paper presents a research about the conceptions of professional nursing concerning humanization of care, identifying the elements which constitute it. It took part Twelve professionals who were working effectively in nursing care in any shift (morning, afternoon or evening) at the clinic of a public and federal hospital participated in this study. Semi-structured individual interviews and systematic observation were used to generate data. The concepts of the subjects refer to the humanization of empirical care (scientific knowledge), aesthetic (the art of nursing), personal (self) and moral (ethical care). It can be concluded that the humanization of care has a strict relationship to interpersonal relationships and health management, requiring a greater investment in preparing professionals so it has a more humane approach and less protocol, which interferes in the quality of care.
Escola Anna Nery | 2011
Fernanda Duarte da Silva; Isis de Moraes Chernicharo; Márcia de Assunção Ferreira
O objeto desta pesquisa e a humanizacao e sua expressao no cuidado de enfermagem, a luz dos discursos dos docentes. Os objetivos sao: identificar os elementos que constituem o discurso de docentes de enfermagem sobre a humanizacao no cuidado, caracteriza-la e analisa-la a luz dos preceitos da Politica Nacional de Humanizacao. Trata-se de uma Pesquisa qualitativa e descritiva realizada com 24 professores de Enfermagem. Evidenciaram-se nos discursos sobre a humanizacao no cuidado elementos como: a etica, a tecnologia, as instituicoes e as pessoas. A humanizacao, segundo os docentes, caracteriza-se por praticas de interacao, comunicacao e dialogicidade. Porem, nem toda pratica profissional de enfermagem se caracteriza segundo os preceitos da humanizacao. Conclui-se que seja necessario investir sobre o tema humanizacao no cuidado, principalmente no campo do ensino e da formacao profissional, visto a importância que o mesmo ocupa na esfera da politica publica, economia, cultura, etica e da formacao profissional.
Escola Anna Nery | 2012
Fernanda Duarte da Silva; Isis de Moraes Chernicharo; Rafael Celestino da Silva; Márcia de Assunção Ferreira
Pesquisa qualitativa, cujo objetivo foi identificar elementos da pratica dos enfermeiros de terapia intensiva que dificultam a implementacao da humanizacao da assistencia, analisando-os a luz da Politica Nacional de Humanizacao. Realizaram-se entrevista semiestruturada com 22 enfermeiros de uma unidade de terapia intensiva e analise tematica de conteudo. O usuario, a familia e a equipe integram a pratica cotidiana de cuidados, mas os dispositivos da humanizacao contidos na Politica, como visita aberta, ambiencia, acolhimento, interacao com a equipe multiprofissional, oficinas e grupos de trabalho, nao sao efetivamente implementados para eles. Ha dificuldades que indicam necessidade de investimentos na formacao e na gestao institucional e do cuidado, de modo que a politica de humanizacao seja efetivamente implantada na unidade de terapia intensiva.Resumen Investigación cualitativa, cuyo objetivo fue identificar elementos de la práctica de los enfermeros de terapia intensiva que dificultan la implementación de la humanización del cuidado, analizándolos a la luz de la Política Nacional de Humanización. Se realizó entrevista semi-estructurada con 22 enfermeros de una unidad de terapia intensiva y análisis temático de contenido. El usuario, la familia y el equipo integran la práctica cotidiana de atención, pero los dispositivos de la humanización contenidos en la Política como visita abierta, ambiente, acogimiento, interacción con el equipo multiprofesional, oficinas y grupos de trabajo no son efectivamente implementados junto a estos. Hay dificultades que indican necesidad de inversiones en la formación y en la gestión institucional y de la atención, de manera que la política de humanización sea efectivamente implantada en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva. Palabras claves: Unidades de Terapia Intensiva. Enfermería. Atencion de Enfermería. Humanización de la Atención. 1Enfermeira. Aluna do Curso de Mestrado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem da Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery, da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (EEAN-UFRJ). Rio de Janeiro – RJ. Brasil. E-mail: [email protected]; 2Enfermeira. Aluna do Curso de Mestrado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem da Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery, da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (EEAN-UFRJ). Membro do Núcleo de Pesquisa de Fundamentos do Cuidado de Enfermagem (Nuclearte). Rio de Janeiro – RJ. Brasil. E-mail: [email protected]; 3Doutor em Enfermagem, Membro do Nuclear te. Rio de Janeiro – RJ. Brasil. Email: [email protected]; 4Doutora em Enfermagem. Professora Titular do Depar tamento de Enfermagem Fundamental da EEAN-UFRJ. Membro do Nuclear te. Pesquisadora 1D do CNPq. Rio de Janeiro – RJ. Brasil. Email:[email protected] PESQUISA RESEARCH INVESTIGACIÓN Qualitative research whose aim was to identify elements of the practice of intensive care nurses that difficult the implementation of the humanization of care, analyzing them according to the National Policy of Humanization. It was carried out semistructured interviews with twenty-two nurses from an intensive care unit and theme analysis of content. The user, family and the team integrate everyday practice of care, but the rules of the Humanization contained in Policy as visit open, ambience, welcome, interaction with the multidisciplinary team, workshops and group of work aren’t effectively implemented. There are difficulties that indicate the need to invest in training and institutional management, and in care, so that the humanization policy can be effectively implemented in the intensive care unit.
Escola Anna Nery | 2014
Isis de Moraes Chernicharo; Fernanda Duarte da Silva; Márcia de Assunção Ferreira
Objective: To discover the sociodemographic data that characterize the professionals who participated in the research, to identify the meanings assigned by nursing professionals to the terms humanization and non-humanization and to analyze them in the light of the precepts of the National Humanization Policy. Methods: Exploratory descriptive method. A questionnaire with closed and open questions was applied to 70 nursing professionals. To analyze the material, statistical-descriptive resources and the content analysis technique were used. Results: Humanization is characterized bypersonal, subjective, moral, ethical and relational features. The valuation of technical procedures, the biomedical model and emerging problems in the area of health care characterize the non-humanization. Conclusion: It is concluded that nursing care in accordance with the precepts of the National Humanization Policy is in accordance with the meanings of the participants in the care, who should therefore be considered as co-authors in the health-disease process.Objetivo: Conocer los datos sociales y demograficos que caracterizan los profesionales participantes de la investigacion, identificar los significados atribuidos por profesionales de enfermeria a los termos humanizacion y no humanizacion y analizarlos a la luz de los preceptos de la Politica Nacional de Humanizacion. Metodos: Exploratorio-descriptivo, con aplicacion de encuestas con preguntas cerradas y abiertas a 70 profesionales de enfermeria. Analisis estadistico-descriptivo y de contenido. Resultados: Aspectos personales, subjetivos, morales, eticos y relacionales caracterizan la humanizacion. La valoracion de la tecnica procedimental, del modelo biomedico y de los problemas emergentes en el area de la atencion a la salud caracterizan la no humanizacion. Conclusion: Se concluye que la atencion de enfermeria direccionada a los preceptos de la politica nacional de humanizacion es aquella que se va al encuentro de los significados de los propios participes de la atencion, debiendo, por lo tanto, ser considerados como coautores en el proceso salud-enfermedad.
Escola Anna Nery | 2011
Isis de Moraes Chernicharo; Fernanda Duarte da Silva; Márcia de Assunção Ferreira
Resumen This paper presents a research about the conceptions of professional nursing concerning humanization of care, identifying the elements which constitute it. It took part Twelve professionals who were working effectively in nursing care in any shift (morning, afternoon or evening) at the clinic of a public and federal hospital participated in this study. Semi-structured individual interviews and systematic observation were used to generate data. The concepts of the subjects refer to the humanization of empirical care (scientific knowledge), aesthetic (the art of nursing), personal (self) and moral (ethical care). It can be concluded that the humanization of care has a strict relationship to interpersonal relationships and health management, requiring a greater investment in preparing professionals so it has a more humane approach and less protocol, which interferes in the quality of care.Resumen This paper presents a research about the conceptions of professional nursing concerning humanization of care, identifying the elements which constitute it. It took part Twelve professionals who were working effectively in nursing care in any shift (morning, afternoon or evening) at the clinic of a public and federal hospital participated in this study. Semi-structured individual interviews and systematic observation were used to generate data. The concepts of the subjects refer to the humanization of empirical care (scientific knowledge), aesthetic (the art of nursing), personal (self) and moral (ethical care). It can be concluded that the humanization of care has a strict relationship to interpersonal relationships and health management, requiring a greater investment in preparing professionals so it has a more humane approach and less protocol, which interferes in the quality of care.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2013
Isis de Moraes Chernicharo; Fernanda Duarte da Silva de Freitas; Márcia de Assunção Ferreira
This research aimed to identify and analyze the elements that constitute the representations of nurses and users about the humanization of care, and to discuss strategies that can contribute to the implementation of the National Humanization Policy. Twelve professionals who were working effectively in nursing care and fifteen users hospitalized adults participated in the research, all of the medical clinic of a federal public hospital. Semi-structured individual interviews were used to generate data, to which the technique of thematic content analysis was applied. The conceptions about humanization refer to social issues, which show the relationship between professionals and users in nursing care; and, also, to management issues, which show the difficulties in health care facilities to obtain a humanized approach. The discussion with those involved in the process presents itself as a strategy for the scope of the precepts of the National Policy of Humanization.
Escola Anna Nery | 2015
Isis de Moraes Chernicharo; Márcia de Assunção Ferreira
Objective: This study aimed to identify and analyze the meaning of care for the hospitalized elderly from the perspective of caregivers. Methods: Qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research. The study included 30 caregivers of hospitalized elderly. Individual interviews and systematic observation were adopted. For the data analysis, the software Alceste was used. Results: Results show the prevalence of female family caregivers. The meanings the caregivers attribute to elderly care rest on the care activities, relationship between caregiver-user and caregiver-nurse, institutional support and care guidelines. Conclusion: The meanings of care are based on the needs and demands of caregivers to take better care of the elderly in need of their care and, therefore, health education by nurses is an important strategy to be implemented with elderly patients in hospital.Objetivo: Objetivou-se identificar e analisar os sentidos do cuidado ao idoso hospitalizado na perspectiva dos acompanhantes. Metodos: Pesquisa qualitativa, exploratoria e descritiva. Participaram 30 acompanhantes de idosos hospitalizados. Realizou-se entrevista individual e observacao sistematica. Os dados foram analisados pelo software Alceste 2010. Resultados: Os resultados mostram a prevalencia do acompanhante familiar, do sexo feminino. Os sentidos atribuidos pelos acompanhantes ao cuidado do idoso se amparam nas atividades de auxilio, relacionamento entre o acompanhante e o usuario e o enfermeiro, apoio institucional e orientacoes de cuidado. Conclusao: Conclui-se que os sentidos do cuidado se assentam nas necessidades e demandas do acompanhante, para melhor cuidar do idoso que necessita de seu auxilio e, para tanto, a educacao em saude por parte do enfermeiro emerge como importante estrategia a ser implantada junto a eles no hospital.
Escola Anna Nery | 2014
Isis de Moraes Chernicharo; Fernanda Duarte da Silva; Márcia de Assunção Ferreira
Objective: To discover the sociodemographic data that characterize the professionals who participated in the research, to identify the meanings assigned by nursing professionals to the terms humanization and non-humanization and to analyze them in the light of the precepts of the National Humanization Policy. Methods: Exploratory descriptive method. A questionnaire with closed and open questions was applied to 70 nursing professionals. To analyze the material, statistical-descriptive resources and the content analysis technique were used. Results: Humanization is characterized bypersonal, subjective, moral, ethical and relational features. The valuation of technical procedures, the biomedical model and emerging problems in the area of health care characterize the non-humanization. Conclusion: It is concluded that nursing care in accordance with the precepts of the National Humanization Policy is in accordance with the meanings of the participants in the care, who should therefore be considered as co-authors in the health-disease process.Objetivo: Conocer los datos sociales y demograficos que caracterizan los profesionales participantes de la investigacion, identificar los significados atribuidos por profesionales de enfermeria a los termos humanizacion y no humanizacion y analizarlos a la luz de los preceptos de la Politica Nacional de Humanizacion. Metodos: Exploratorio-descriptivo, con aplicacion de encuestas con preguntas cerradas y abiertas a 70 profesionales de enfermeria. Analisis estadistico-descriptivo y de contenido. Resultados: Aspectos personales, subjetivos, morales, eticos y relacionales caracterizan la humanizacion. La valoracion de la tecnica procedimental, del modelo biomedico y de los problemas emergentes en el area de la atencion a la salud caracterizan la no humanizacion. Conclusion: Se concluye que la atencion de enfermeria direccionada a los preceptos de la politica nacional de humanizacion es aquella que se va al encuentro de los significados de los propios participes de la atencion, debiendo, por lo tanto, ser considerados como coautores en el proceso salud-enfermedad.
Escola Anna Nery | 2015
Isis de Moraes Chernicharo; Márcia de Assunção Ferreira
Objective: This study aimed to identify and analyze the meaning of care for the hospitalized elderly from the perspective of caregivers. Methods: Qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research. The study included 30 caregivers of hospitalized elderly. Individual interviews and systematic observation were adopted. For the data analysis, the software Alceste was used. Results: Results show the prevalence of female family caregivers. The meanings the caregivers attribute to elderly care rest on the care activities, relationship between caregiver-user and caregiver-nurse, institutional support and care guidelines. Conclusion: The meanings of care are based on the needs and demands of caregivers to take better care of the elderly in need of their care and, therefore, health education by nurses is an important strategy to be implemented with elderly patients in hospital.Objetivo: Objetivou-se identificar e analisar os sentidos do cuidado ao idoso hospitalizado na perspectiva dos acompanhantes. Metodos: Pesquisa qualitativa, exploratoria e descritiva. Participaram 30 acompanhantes de idosos hospitalizados. Realizou-se entrevista individual e observacao sistematica. Os dados foram analisados pelo software Alceste 2010. Resultados: Os resultados mostram a prevalencia do acompanhante familiar, do sexo feminino. Os sentidos atribuidos pelos acompanhantes ao cuidado do idoso se amparam nas atividades de auxilio, relacionamento entre o acompanhante e o usuario e o enfermeiro, apoio institucional e orientacoes de cuidado. Conclusao: Conclui-se que os sentidos do cuidado se assentam nas necessidades e demandas do acompanhante, para melhor cuidar do idoso que necessita de seu auxilio e, para tanto, a educacao em saude por parte do enfermeiro emerge como importante estrategia a ser implantada junto a eles no hospital.
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Fernanda Duarte da Silva de Freitas
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
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